i have dropped tk all month that would be the boss i was talking about
and was killing him the month before and several times before then
I have personally seen one bot drop in 3 years
but a boss not droping that many times of consecutive kills is stupid to say the least and very discouraging
you go to a boss to have fun explore and get loot not get left with next to nothing for your attempt
going to a boss to get nothing = not very entertaining when its time and time again
also im not refering to drops for just me leveling items are seeming to come along for me off and on i might get a little behind on them
but also stating the fact if a player really plays not just logs on and hits bosses and logs off that you run into the bind with leveling items and all very easily and quickly
it doesnt take long to level from 1 to 31 we have people that are on the game constantly im waiting for them to hit this wall of nuts and geuss what theyll be gone
just like the people before them tried and left
thats why at most normally there are just 2 active players
not saying its the only problem either though
there is a lack of staff there is a lack of moderation g is by himself and i do have to give him credit for hanging in there but there
but at the same time i know he will probably never get help in resolving any issues within the game