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#1 Dc

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 05:23 AM

ok, somone i know, decided that it would be a fun time to smear pumkin innards on my car windows and such. this would have been fine, except when i comfront her about it, she keeps making excuses, (i.e. "well, you see, we are seniors, and pranks are a must") this pissed me off and i am going to get her back. if pranks are a must, then i must follow suit right? i am turing to the wonderful nightmist community for help. i need pranks that i can do to her car, her backback and/or books, and herself. nothing permanent or too illeagal (like kidnapping). and if its cheap its better, cause i dont have much money right now. :P any suggestions?

P.S. i am allready planning on shaving creaming her car as one, but i need many more.
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#2 Dc

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 05:37 AM

ok update, these are suggestions i have so far.

fish guts in backpack/poured on her

banannapanda: yeah cranberry Juice in her backpack

banannapanda: ok like get red stuff on her pants
banannapanda: and like well you know what that says.

ギル - 冬 says:
pie her in the face

greenzgurl15: take a poo. and give it to the car. lol

Edited by Dc, 29 October 2004 - 05:44 AM.

I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#3 Darklin

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:01 AM

Egg the car. They ruin the paintjob.

Have her arrested for vandilism.

Slash the little sluts tires.

Leave a family sized carton of cottage cheese out in the heat for about 4 days, get ahold of her backpack and just dump it... everywhere. Aka: make sure every corner of that bag is soaked in that cottage cheese, take out her make-up bag and dump some in, smear it on the insides of her text books.


You can aslo pour sand into her gastank, this worked great with one of my mother's ex boyfriends and he called her the day after because he was broke down on the intetsate.

Edited by Darklin, 29 October 2004 - 06:16 AM.

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#4 Gaddy

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:06 AM

Well....on the less destroying her books/bag side of things---

Use that clear wrap stuff (ceram wrap, but i can't spell it) and make it so that she cannot open her doors...much easier with 2-3 people, but ya.

Put mustard or peanut butter on her windshield.

Find some of the paint that washes off (which doesn't actually wash of overly easily mind you) and cover her car with it....as in make it an entirely different color.

Or, don't do anything at all. Glare at her when she looks at your or whatever, and ignore her for the most part...that's much worse than a prank..if you know the person well.
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#5 Amy

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:07 AM

Be the bigger person.. and tell her was pretty messed up to do that to your car. If you wanna really give it a bit of shock effect: tape a note to the drivers side window each day for a week stating:

This could have been eggs
This could have been pumpkins
This could have been cottage cheese
(or whatever.. )
But, I am not wasting time on foolish pranks
Good day.

Anyway, perhaps is not the way of vengeance, and yet, seems to me much a more satisfying way to get the upper hand.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#6 Dc

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:11 AM

lol thats a good idea actually


Amy you always come through for me ^_^

Edited by Dc, 29 October 2004 - 06:15 AM.

I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#7 Darklin

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:11 AM

Pfffffffft, theres no fun or shock value in that!

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#8 Amy

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:17 AM

Pfffffffft, theres no fun or shock value in that!

To each their own I guess. To me, the fact that he would be able to tape a note on her car, and if done day after day, it may make her think that he would indeed have been able to do much worse.. and perhaps make her think the next time she wants to play a destructive little trick.

Anyway, he asked for suggestions :P

Good day,
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#9 Darklin

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:20 AM

I dont see the harm in having her arrested, all that would happen is she goes down and sits in JAC for about 5 hours, they make her pee in a cup and quiz her on her sexual/drug life. She gets released to her parents and probobly about 2 hours community service. Now -that- makes her think twice next time. She will thank you for it :P

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#10 jurian


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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:43 AM

didn't read all replies but just put a balloon around her exhaust. just make sure it stays around there when it fills with gasses (if she can actually get the car to start)
Even in death my hate will go on

#11 MCM

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:44 AM

make sure your always near her, and whenever she is about to do some normal activity get all giddy and lip 'shes going for it', no actual work needed and the person may freak out at some of the stupidest things(and yes, senior pranks are an almost must)
The Smily Pill

#12 Wafer

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 08:58 AM

Get a truck or flat-bed and visit your local zoo. Tell 'em you've taken up landscape gardening and need fertilizer (if they are anything like UK zoo's, they have mountains of the stuff (especially if they have elephants!), and can't wait to get rid of it). Get as much as you can get into the truck and cover her car in the good stuff! :P

You win! and you will become a school legend!

#13 Tienno

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 09:38 AM

Ok......... this may sound twisted but lets face it i dont care, the reason im telling you it is that i studied Psychology and i feel im half arsed-like classed to give you an insight into the human mind and how to psychologically twwist her up into never picking on you again.


Ok the mind likes to study what if's, and the idea earlier in the forum is a good idea where you do absolutely nothing but make out like you are.

Another idea is to enquire with people to find out stuff about her life from people, one small insignificant piece of information each from 20 friends will give you enough information as a stalker. Like her favourite colour her pass times her job/place of work her past boyfriends and why the ended, shoe size anything weird like that.

What you do (And please dont call me weird as its something i did a case study on when at college into someone who did this, you may have heard of him.......Ted Bundy??) is sellotape these pieces of information to her windscreen so that from the inside you can see them but you cant read what it says from the outside (This is done on the outside of the windshield)

Phrases like "Did you enjoy your salad at dinner today?"
"Whens your next shift at Burger Barn?"

Do this for about a week then end the last message with something like im going to ask you out tomorrow or im finally going to talk to you tomorrow.

She will freak out, let everyone in on it that you know and then on the final day find her or get someone completely random who she doesnt know to go up to her with a box of chocolates or bunch of flowers with a card saying "It isnt just seniors that can do pranks" and sign it

Then when shes freaked out she will realise by the present that you didnt mean any malace and that you were just evening up the score, she will think twice about doing it again to you, but may even use it herself in the future on others

The mind hates it when a normal situation where they are comfortable is suddenly turned out of their control......... this sort of thing makes people scared and relieved when they find out itsd a prank so much that they dont punch your lights out for doing it.

When i was at college we used to do this sort of thing all the time to people, psychologists can be such b@stards!

Hope this helps.......
I will always give my 2 cents no matter what. You can bet your last dollar on that one!

#14 Tienno

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 09:42 AM

DISCLAIMER: any information provided in my previous message is to be used at the persons discression and Tienno withdraws all responsibility for any actions that result of this prank. Any judicial, legal or further actions taken against you are because you chose to use the advice and by no way is Tienno responsible for any custodial admonishment you may recieve.


I will always give my 2 cents no matter what. You can bet your last dollar on that one!

#15 Thunderja


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Posted 29 October 2004 - 09:46 AM

Poke holes in her boyfriends condoms and in 9 months own up while she is delivering. She will see the funny side of course and for the rest of her life she will say stuff like, "That DC, he is a kidder."
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#16 Eternyte

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 01:56 PM

Along the lines of Tienno's ideas, send her mail with letters cut out of magazines.

Or you could find a few photo's of her, and photoshop her head onto some porn and post it up everywhere around the school.

On her car you could buy a pig or some animal from a butchers, and some blood and poor it over her car.

An inexpensive trick is to block up here exhaust pipe, or throw bird seed all over the car went birds come to eat it they will inevitably crap all over the place.

You could also telephone the police, and advise them that she is dealing drugs in school or something.

Or maybe just do them all!!

Try looking on a practical joke website, they might give you some awesome ideas.
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#17 Dc

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 03:07 PM

well, i found out this morning that she doesnt drive to school any more, so most stuff with her car wont work, what else is there?
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#18 Dc

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 03:33 PM

well, everything is ok now, she appologized, stopped making excuses and is taking me out to eat pho. so everything is ok, maybe some people might consider me a cheap slu t for giving in, but pho is good. she actually even offered for me to get her back haha. so everything is all happie now.
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#19 Raylen


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Posted 29 October 2004 - 04:13 PM

Poke holes in her boyfriends condoms and in 9 months own up while she is delivering. She will see the funny side of course and for the rest of her life she will say stuff like, "That DC, he is a kidder."

You probably should still do this though.

:P :P :P ^_^ :angry: :D
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#20 Exor

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 04:24 PM

haha yeah do that
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#21 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 04:35 PM


When I was in Vietnam, I ate that nearly every morning. XD

One of the few dishes that is actually native to Vietnam. :P

I don't blame you for giving in.
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#22 Redheart

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:40 PM

Yes ! Do the shaving cream on her car with a simple note attached
also you can put something gross under her car door handle so when she goes to open her door she has a nasty surprise.......)dog crap would work or ketchup or vaseline even)
But wait a while........let her think she got away with something and then wham surprise her! :P
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#23 Suzey

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:43 PM

spork her, spork meaning put those plastic fork/spoons all over her car,yard etc or TP her car, house etc

Edited by Suzey, 29 October 2004 - 07:43 PM.

#24 Darklin

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 07:53 PM

O o o!

Place thick dots of syrup on the hood of her car, and place plastic sporks in the syrup to make them stick. THEN take my dead pet idea and string it up on the windsheild.

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#25 two

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 08:40 PM

pho is good only with the chinese hot saucce. i think we had a topic on this earlier (various hot sauces), but the hot sauce witht he chicken and the green top. mmm, delicious.

as for pranks, if she has hubcaps, put a fish inside one of them, and leave it there. smelly fish car is a hard rep to live down.

if she has some sort of locker then you could put a whole bunch of unwrapped condoms in there....so they spill out wne she opens it (it's easier to put wrapped ones through slots, but whatever)

i agree the the saran wraping of the car, it's a classic.

or eat her pho.

#26 Xlithan


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Posted 29 October 2004 - 08:54 PM

I always though that timed C4 strapped to the bottom of the car would be a great way to pay somebody back, but im saving that for Crappy Minger

#27 Xiox

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Posted 30 October 2004 - 11:49 PM

If you ever got into her car, put all the child-safety locks on the doors ON. Then she will get in th car, and when she's ready to get out she wont be able to! :P
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#28 Xlithan


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Posted 31 October 2004 - 12:23 AM

If you ever got into her car, put all the child-safety locks on the doors ON. Then she will get in th car, and when she's ready to get out she wont be able to! :P

doesnt work on driver side, only for back passanger seats

#29 Ichi2

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 01:54 AM

Just go to a wal-mart or sporting goods store and buy a bottle of skunk urine and poor it in the raidiator and its all good till the heat gets turned on... kinda crule but one hell of a way to get someone back!!!

#30 Squee



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 02:12 AM

What kind of freaky-ass Wal-Mart do you go to? o_o
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