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Item Levelling System

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#1 ThunderStruck

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:26 PM

Who else thinks the "Item levelling system" has ruined this game? For less experienced players, It's almost impossible to get drops from higher standard bosses.


Personally from the moment the "Item levelling system" was introduced. it ruined the game!


How many of you would want this feature REMOVED!



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#2 Stig

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:28 PM

It can't really be removed now because it's been established for so long and many players have paid the price to get to level 31.  Nevertheless, Druids, Thieves and Berserkers have it way too hard, although it was helped a bit with Druids with the introduction of the Chameleon Horn.  I'll see what I can do to alleviate the issue with the other two classes.

#3 Melchior

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Posted 26 December 2014 - 09:42 PM

I always liked progression through the use of gold myself simply cause anyone can make gold with time not everyone has time or a internet connection to boss regularly. I am not complaining this is the system that is in place and that's that. :-p

#4 xxx

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 03:50 AM

Finish level 37+ for clerics on 1 alt jesus. No player base= no colli bosses. Oh wait yea my bad I forgot games dead. No quests yadayada fk it. yall have fun. I quit.

#5 Adultery

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 03:55 AM



the lvling system NEEDS to be completed. there are still 2-3 classes not finished.


lvling to 40 also needs a cost drop. paying 5.5 million gold for this is moronic, when your now training on high pod mobs for low gold drops. 

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#6 Gaddy

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 06:27 AM

I assume this is talking about 1-Alt?



The Main server has a struggle for certain items, but it's part of what players work for toward level 31+. It's a challenge, especially when players level large groups at once, but games are suppose to have challenges...

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#7 ice_cold

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 04:19 PM

Who else thinks the "Item levelling system" has ruined this game? For less experienced players, It's almost impossible to get drops from higher standard bosses.


Personally from the moment the "Item levelling system" was introduced. it ruined the game!


How many of you would want this feature REMOVED!




I would guess what really ruined the game was the fact people started running 20 alts. When people started using 20 alts single people then went on boss trips rather then 4-8 people running 1-4 alts and went by themselves. When people went by themselves the people who couldnt or didnt want to run 20alts couldnt get boss drops. Whats the fun in playing if you cant better your character? A massive amount of people quit.


Then what happened, 1-alt came out which split the playerbase which split people up which over time also lowered the player base, but not nearly as much as 20alts did, instead it just hastened multi's downfall.


There shouldn't be less experienced players trying to get the items, and if there are, maybe the couple people who play multi should sell those items to them?


The original post was for multi. It seems the posts that followed were for 1-alt.


In relation to 1-alt leveling system, these things take time. I believe Maarten worked on the leveling system for about a year before it was released. He had different paths he could go for the alternate leveling sytem and I would guess he pretty much went the best route in that any person could get the leveling items by themselves. Once he chose the path he had a large quantity of monsters he could use for leveling. With 35-39 it was decided to switch it up to make it a little bit harder as the levels were increased but used the same premise for getting the items in using monsters and generally allowing classes to still get all the items mainly by themselves. However the problem now was the lack of monsters especially for clerics. The problem with developement over the years was that cleric training spots were created seperately from other classes training spot in that every other class could pretty much go anywhere and train on anything including the cleric training spots, where clerics could only go to cleric spots to train. So on top of having to design the leveling system, the new leveling guilds, the new items, staff also now needed to add in new monsters for clerics which required new areas.


I understand players on 1-alt are clamoring for the 1-alt system to be finished but look at what you've also gotten in the mean time. You got Blackweald (new training area, new monsters, new boss, leveling system), Sentant Cavern (new area, new monsters, leveling system), Crystal Caves [or whatever its called] (new area, new boss, new craftable item), Elmshire (new training area, new monsters, new boss, new equipment, leveling system), Blackthorn Mausoleum (new training area, new monsters, new boss, new equipment, leveling system). Most of the areas were put in to help with the leveling system but rather then just throw in useless empty areas there was actual developement to make them useful and it has slowed the progress of the leveling system down. You also got a bunch of new alternate boss drops, a large quantity of craftables, new training items, a JLH update and all this is because different (and the same) players ask for different things.


So as shown the 1-alt system has slowly been progressing but with only a 2 staff members (I have to be honest and say I don't know if other staff have helped with anything I haven't heard from them, talked to them etc in the years I've been an advisor so it could be more then just Oracle and Stig) everything will go relatively slow as they have real life stuff to do, 2 servers to manage updates for, quests to run, unruly players to deal with, well pretty much they have 2 servers to do everything for. But everything should eventually get done as long as the players don't run off the remaining staff.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#8 Melchior

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 06:28 PM

This is by far the best post I have seen from you Danny. Good job! I know there is only two active staffers working on things but maybe we all need to get together with jlh and have a pow wow ab the future and development of nightmist.

I know he said he would keep the game up as long as people are around to play it but sometimes that ain't enough.

There have been 100's of great suggestions by a lot of players on how to improve nightmist and to make it better and current staff can only do so much with what they have.

Nightmist had the chance to grab up a lot of players from realms of kaos and revelation.

This chance was pissed away by almost the whole population of 1alt due to the fact they wanted to assert some kind of old school authority over these new players since they were pked into submission they should keep the tradition alive.

20+ players that were interested in nightmist most gave it a shot and only 1-2 that stuck with it.

A lot of these players had been used to ingame maps from there own games along with other features aswell.

Seems like everyone wants the current two staffers to fix everything In the game including code related things.

But one thing we can do as a community is to band together and e-mail the creator and tell him what you want to see change in the game. It takes a total of a few mins to write and send a email. Not much effort at all and it really takes less time than all of you who just complain and continue to complain ab what's wrong.

We as players have a lot to offer when it comes to things like this we can network with other players and spread the word ab the game attract
New and old players and also maybe peak jlh into working on this again or maybe hire a programmer to work on it for him.

Instead of making a $50 donation to get a custom pic $50 from each of us could go toward a mans salary to put in new features and have a overall better game and community.

The problem is that people have given up and when that happens that's when a game truely dies....but there is always a dog who has a lil fight left in him somewhere you just gotta dig
Deep to find it.

Edited by Melchior, 27 December 2014 - 06:34 PM.

#9 ice_cold

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 08:04 PM

JLH is a busy person and actually doesn't want the game to be developed any further. Actually about 5 years ago he stated that the game was to have Zero new areas and that staff should just handle disputes and such. JLH has also stated he won't hire any new staff because players just don't like staff meaning if you run off the remaining ones, you're left with none. As well, due to how Nightmist is coded and with the new advances to operating systems people run (like windows 8) that certain updates cannot and will not happen as changing the code will then disallow players running the new systems from being able to run Nightmist (something having to do with how the updater works). So only small things can be changed however big things that require actual client changes cannot be done.


Players did piss away their chance at new players. The current player base has declined even further due to the same players running off older players as well. That's a problem with certain people in game and it won't change unless something drastic happens.


A large amount of player suggestions, although great on paper, are either A) not good for the game B ) cannot be done due the above mentioned problem C) are less important then other things D) require more time then it is worth for staff to spend time on.


If as a community we band together and mass email JLH about changes he'll pretty much just say the same thing as I've already stated above, that most changes can't be made. Staff now deal with ingame updates and have for a very long time and he oversees almost none of it as he knows very little about the dynamics now. There's also been talks about people buying Nightmist from him and he has turned down large sums (10,000 range) for the game as him and Pandilex made it and JLH has made a lot of friends on the game. The coding for the game would also be pretty much impossible for any group of people, let alone a single person to figure out as it isn't 'properly' coded and is pretty much written in an archaic coding language.


I've brought up the idea of players donating before to try and get JLH to code things, and it might work, however there would need to be things that don't include changes to the client (like an automap) and as he's a busy person it might not work anyways. Although a good place to start with that is to first ask players if they're willing to donate (I am), then talk to a staff member (Oracle is probably best for that as he's friends with JLH) and try to convince them that it's a good idea and to flesh out what players would want, and then get them to talk to JLH and see if he would be willing to do it.


You're right, people have given up, and there's different reasons for that. Players felt helpless in getting boss/quest items to better their characters, people have been pk'd off the game, players have badgered staff to the point they have quit (probably at least 50% of them over the years), peoples friends have quit so they have quit, etc. There is no 1 thing that makes players quit and there is no 1 thing that can make players come back. It would take fixes among most of those to get players to stay and come back. Players need to play nice with other players, players need to go on boss trips, staff need to keep the game from becoming stagnate, players need to not be rude to staff to keep them from taking long breaks and making them want to keep up the games progress, so on so forth.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#10 Melchior

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 09:15 PM

Change begins with a single step. :-)

#11 xxx

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 09:32 PM

all new areas on 1 alt. i dont care elmshire is nice cause of the gold output. thank you for that. personally i dont care about new bosses or anyhting at this point. only being i took a training job and i cant level it cause things arent completed. ok thieves= suck unless u got max str gear= sure lvl all way to 40 fighters oknice 10 stam items to 40 berserkers items almost finished mages completed druids op as fk completed rangers can pause the game completed. clerics got du 150000 mummified slaves or mods or wights later. oh wait no im still stuck at 37 for last 2 months not to mention another cleric whose been 37 for almost a damn year waiting as well. now i know why i switched to 2d games. WHATEVER

#12 Crescendoll

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 09:43 PM

You get what you pay for. Go play a different game if you don't like what you can't change. Quit being a whiney brat xxx and quit the game then.

1-Alt: Outcast, Ajax, Raptor, Ronin, Discovery

#13 ice_cold

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Posted 27 December 2014 - 10:49 PM

I stopped leveling my cleric because the system wasn't done for them and leveling to 37 and waiting for 38 seems like a waste. On that note the damage output on clerics is extremely consistent and very high meaning they can level with far less kills then any other class, I would guess they could 40 in between 65k and 90k kills.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#14 Gnarkill



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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:54 AM

I agree with Danny on the 20 alt stuff and all of the other reasons you pointed out.. I also would like to mention that multi going nopk was another big problem as a lot of the pvpers quit or went to 1a when that happened.


To be fair though I don't think a lot of people's pcs or net connections would allow them to run 20 way back then or there probably would have been more of it. I remember playing on a crappy pc with dial up when I first started so 10 alts was pushing it.  :lol:


Edit: I'll probably get flamed to high hell over this but sometimes I wonder if 1a would have went better as the nopk realm.. probably not seeing as how it went on multi.. but since 1a is supposed to encourage teamwork it would make sense not to have the whole realm at each others throats since 1a is such a grind to start with.

Edited by Gnarkill, 28 December 2014 - 08:05 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#15 Cadabra


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Posted 28 December 2014 - 11:41 AM

The 1-alt playerbase has been crying out for Cleric areas/monsters for years so you cant pin the leveling not finished on that.

Game is nuts nowadays and nobody cares so just quit.

Go play with girls its more fun.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#16 Melchior

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 05:31 PM

Wonder if jlh would be down for someone rewriting nightmist in newer code so client changes and updates could be made. Seems like a solid idea a lot of work keep the aesthetics so it still has the same feel but having it coded for better times seems like a legit answer. It will still be his game and everything just hire someone to rewrite it so it can keep progressing. Just a idea tho.

#17 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:30 PM

Well i guess i can get in on this being as i have played both servers. Multi alt i think is just fine. All the leveling items you need to get to lvl 31 can be gotten fairly easy with a party of that level. Only takes time. Shamans mask is kind of hard to get but paci's make tons of gold and can easily buy one. Ceramic Javelin takes a bit to get but there is also a chameleon horn that can be used. Emerald daggers and mithril swords are hard to come by but you have to be persistant. We also have more then a couple of people that play main. We all even ban together and do big harder areas regardless of who's in what clan. Reducing party sizes isnt the answer. I have been able to run a 20 alt party forever with a crap computer etc. Its all on knowing how to do it. 


1alt seems that you can get most of the items on your own as long as you arent pked in the process. some classes arent finished as we know. The real problem for the server is that you got people that want to "run" the server like its theirs. I say make it nopk and i think people will have no choice but to eventually cooperate. I mean eventually after you play solo for so long lvling up your own stuff you will want some nice items in which you will need help on that server. Also some people just dont know how to run a full party and wanna solo play and be on their own on that server and cant do so cause of the people wanting to control it. I'd fully support it being nopk.


Also there is no way to stop sharing. That would require some serious coding which we have all been told no more coding added to the game.

Peacemaker both servers.

#18 Melchior

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Posted 28 December 2014 - 07:52 PM

I share with someone even tho he seldom plays and has only logged on a couple times since may I would like for him to always have acess to my account cause we have known each other all our lives and all that jazz.

#19 Gnarkill



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Posted 28 December 2014 - 11:32 PM

I'd also agree with Jake on the leveling system being fine on multi.. if you can't kill or find the boss you need for the item in then its easy enough to make some gold and buy it off of someone or ask someone for help.


Piddy also makes a good point bringing sharing up! a lot of people left NM over the years due to thefts, bans and issues that were directly caused by sharing.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#20 ice_cold

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 07:35 AM

That would be impossible to enforce but would have been a great idea years ago. A very large group of players have quit due to having their stuff stolen by sharers or having their stuff banned because of sharers. I think at this point we could go on and on about what could have, should have, could be, and should be changed about nightmist, however realistically none of it's going to happen. There was a time when players on 1-alt made a list of what they wanted added/changed to the game and included were:


*Nerf thieves (damage, covert) - Completed and complaints still ensue about the nerf

*Encourage players getting along to complete major areas more often like ttk - Stonewhisper and such areas were added to encourage people working together. Players asked for this and we know how well that went right?

*New Area focused on class diversity - Elmshire Added; people do it alone or only kill bandits.

*Unique Equipment - Legendary equipment added to game; no one seems to care jh or staff got it done

*New lower level equipment - Arcane Wrappings, Valkyrian Boots, Spellbook, Black Cat, on and on; no one seems to care


So on so forth (this list has been like 80% completed). Players get a lot of what they want, but unless players show they really and truly care their getting the changes they've asked for, staff will get burnt out on adding stuff. Players don't always know what they want either. A good example is when Andy blew up and split the 1-alt server. At the time there were multiple boss trips every day, 15-20 people logging on at a time (during summer the weakest time of the year for players), people were bettering their characters. He leaves his clan to make another clan everyone follows him who were already in his clan pretty much, however now there's 4-6 people logging on at high peaks, bosses are sparingly being done, and the game is quickly dying. People didn't realise at the the time they wanted to do fun stuff rather then follow an egomaniac somewhere else leaving behind only a few people who were the actual lifeblood of the server (no this doesn't include me as I wasn't in clan with you guys to begin with and I wouldn't call myself a lifeblood of anything).


At this point to get something changed, I feel like you -REALLY- have to show a need for it to be changed as there's been so many different requests to do this and that, along with staff wanting to add in stuff that they think would be fun for the game, as well them adding stuff they know needs to be added to the game to keep it going. So if you really want the system changed on multi-alt you should probably show a dire need for it to be changed. If you want the 1-alt system on 1-alt to be comleted, well you just gotta wait until staff are done with that and it's in progress.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#21 ice_cold

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 11:08 AM

The list was created by people talking to staff, people talking in game about it, and there was a forum topic about it. I was actually against the list.


Classes are good at different things and are for different purposes. No not every class can get the same amount of xp, or gold, or pk the same way. 


Well, since the 1-alt leveling system has come out, 1-alt has gotten 7 new areas (off the top of my head), 6 new bosses, more then 10 new crafts (crafts for every class also),  more then 10 new store bought equipment, more then 10 new boss drops, every class got level 40 items, and that's not everything. That's a whole ton of stuff for 1 years worth of work for 2 staff members. It might appear to people the system was put on hold for a couple new ranger equipments (which more then just ranger equipment was added during that update) but with the leveling system needing multiple people present to work on stuff means that you got bonus additions when then system couldn't be worked on. In relation to the multi update, we have staff members who have added a ton of stuff to 1-alt, it makes sense that if they want to enrich the playing experience for multi players that should be acceptable. 

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#22 Gnarkill



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Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:09 PM

With all due respect.. leave multi as is unless you're going to drop the alt limit to 5-10.. other than that its fine. Its not perfect but a good handful of people enjoy it and we can not afford to lose more people from the game. A lot of the changes people pined for and got implemented on 1a caused as many problems as they fixed and I'd rather have multi still be enjoyable and playable rather than have 2 servers that have been destroyed by people that think they know whats best for the whole player base.


dotw thieves aren't as big of an issue as people are making them out to be on multi.. it seems like more of a case of "you took this away from me on 1a so lets do the same to the people who enjoy them on multi". The dotw isn't the highest base damage weapon available so a person is sacrificing damage for the ability to gain hp back and stay in areas longer. No one complained about them until the 1a dotws got nerfed. I still don't see many multi players griping about them to this day.


Limiting the alt cap to 5-10 like mentioned would be great and take care of many of the issues in-game but at the same time a lot of people can do most things with a party of 10 that they can do with a party of 20 aside from the hard high level stuff but since JLH isn't around as often anymore to help oversee and make changes I think we're just best off playing the game and enjoying it as is.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

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