Statistic Discussion
Posted 27 November 2004 - 08:14 PM
You see, Elves have -1 Constitution/Strength and +1 Wisdom, but I figure a Human with +1 Constitution/Strength would have a little bit better overall HP, hit a bit harder, but lose in say, Stormwrath and Max Armor...but since for the most part they just get their spells for Armor in their first few clicks and morph...the Stormwrath might not make a big difference unless required for you to level. But then I looked at Halfling, for -1 Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom I get 21 Dexterity to make sure the hits, though a bit weaker, hit a nice amount more often. Once you figure out all the additions for Stoneform and Gaea's Blessing...you find that:
18 - 36 + 27 = 63 (+7 Natural Armor from being Halfling)
19 - 38 + 29 = 67
20 - 40 + 30 = 70
Which makes ling AC = to Elf with spells, but higher without spells...
So my main points of question are:
- Will +1 Strength make a large difference? (Damage incredible enough to choose Human?)
- Will +2 Dexterity make a large difference? (Halfling actually worthwhile?)
- How does the Halfling's equivalent Armor to Elves with spells, but more unspelled factor in? (Getting caught unspelled, etc)
- Will any affordable enhancers such as Spider Gauntlets make a few of these stats more trashable than others ie. Does +1 Dex on a Human make Halfling bonus worthless?
- How does Stormwrath suffer from the -1/-2 Wisdom
- I've noticed the HP/MP ranges for Elf/Druid/Halfling and thought Halfling does suffer the most of each of these, does Armor and hit/dodge rate play enough part to rule it out?
- Pertaining to above: How do their overall general Max HP/MP fit in according do you opinion (Humans excellent HP worth it?) (Halflings horrible worth it?)
I believe this is all I can think of at the moment. A really big help would be to know the Strength formula if it is indeed released and how it plays into base damage and overall effectiveness.
Thanks a lot to all those who participate, hope for it to be a learning experience for us all!
Posted 27 November 2004 - 08:23 PM
Edit: Also like to add the information of Gaea's Blessing adding Wisdom divided by 2 additional damage percentage. So, for this... Elf would have +10%, Human would have 19/2 which actually calculates to 9.5...so whether this rounds up (a steal for Human Wisdom) it could either be 9.5% or 10% increase as well, and Halflings having 18/2 get 9%. I'm really curious as to whether these values round up...in formula I could see it keeping it's decimal percentage, but damage wise it cannot...so some point along the line whether it be in the formula or damage, it is rounded.
Edited by Damaji, 28 November 2004 - 05:24 AM.
Posted 28 November 2004 - 10:16 AM
For moshes and fights with players-
I think elves are the best druids (for moshes/fights, and overall really). The plus on wisdom makes them equal to lings on armor and they hit harder and with fewer fizzles on stromwrath than any of the other druids. (this is for fighting only)
I would pick human second (if it's a fight with other characters). The additional wisdom point and a couple of other factors make me prefer them to lings. HP being a few points higher makes a bit of difference.
Lings are good as just about everything, but i think the place where they have one of the smallest advantage in high dex is on a druid. With enormous ac, high dex doesn't matter all that much, it is nice, but -shrug-. Morphed, druids simply do not miss often enough for dex to matter at all.
I have never personally fought with an arch ling druid though, and I'm sure the dex comes into play more than I account for it.
As for going to train and bosses-
Humans. They have the highest str and 19 dex is equal to elves dex. Wisdom doesn't matter because you do not stormwrath to boss or train, at higher levels at least--usually. They don't need the extra dex while they are morphed; morphed druids do not miss often. Humans get +5% exp; druid training gets pretty tedious and I like the 5% extra. Didn't get it while training my own though. :-\
2nd- Lings. The wisdom of elves simply doesn't matter, so the higher dex means the monsters hit them less (and monsters you notice much more of missing/not by dex). Their extra AC comes into play here because I do not use full ac spells at bosses, just gaea's for the extra bit of power in attacks.
Then of course elves. Also remember that elves go faster, by quite a bit, at lower level. They have +5 damage in forest and they stormwrath for the most.
Now a couple of things- Half-Elf druids, I simply do not see the point of using when it comes down to them being 5 stat+ and everything. I know they'd be great and everything, but the str they lack to humans is not made up for by char.
Every druid can look the same with diff. mixing of equip. You put a couple of items like boots of time, gloves of vigor, spider gauntlets, which mod ammy, if not hades, you want to use, and that sort of stuff---eventually you can end up re-creating what your druid does (high wis with 3 wis mod items, high dex with dex mods..so on).
My druids are Phantom and Everlast.
Everlast is a 6 stat human with 296hp.
Phantom is a 6 stat elf druid with 293hp.
I like Everlast because I've had him for a lot longer and did almost all of his training (paid for some of it :X). I use Phantom for moshes though. Simply didn't pay what I did for him to be ignored just because Everlast is old schooler.
Edited by Gaddy, 28 November 2004 - 10:20 AM.
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 01 December 2004 - 01:31 AM
Posted 01 February 2006 - 05:24 PM
As far as wisdom goes to affect stormwrath, i noticed a 3-4 point increase in damage with boots of faith/scholar's amulet equipped, so it's not a major difference. And the extra dex you get with a ling druid really doesn't have much of an affect when spelled/morphed which is what you should be doing with higher lvl druids anywas.
Posted 03 February 2006 - 06:16 AM
Mooney and Guarana are my two druids.
Mooney's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Human Expert Druid. Str: 19, Int: 18, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 19, Lev: 26, Exp: 86,275,268, HP: 255, MP: 269, Stm: 4.
I love this crit because I rolled it myself and trained it every point of experience so far. It'll be my first crit to train to arch. I bout nutted my pants when I saw the roller. Maybe I like this game too much >>
Guarana's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Adept Druid. Str: 18, Int: 10, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 19, Lev: 21, Exp: 14,083,944, HP: 201, MP: 220, Stm: 3.
My friend Kev gave me this druid a long time ago and for a while it sat and never got used. Started leveling it again and while it's hp isn't the greatest right now, it is /resetable and I hope it gets better hp after arch /reset.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:29 PM
deimos the noob said no
Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:23 PM
/end hypocrisy
How about you go train your mage instead

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 06 February 2006 - 03:32 PM

deimos the noob said no
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