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Blood And War

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#1 Reava

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 07:04 PM


The year is 2025, in England, that is ruled by a Totalitarian Government. Before their election they promised to make the country a better place, but as with all politicians they were lying. Their regime bought prosperity to only the upper class of society leaving the poor even poorer than before. This is bad news under any circumstances but add the fact that vampires exist and are openly known to the general populace and things take a turn for the worse. The governments motives are a lot darker than they seem however. Under the guise of 'protecting the innocent' they have begun to mobilise specialist Vampire Tracking Squads. As far as the general public is concerned these squads are killing the vampires who step out of line to keep them safe. They are in actual fact capturing these vampires and experimenting on them in order to create the perfect soldiers.So far all of their attempts have failed and their 'subjects' have all perished which could be considered a blessing in disguise. A vampire is a fearsome creature anyway but who knows what the outcome would be if these scientists succeeded in messing with a genetic code that they know little of. This all falls in line with the governments plans to make England a major player amongst the world's superpowers.

With the lower class rioting against their unfair treatment and the vampires slowly losing patience with the human government it is only a matter of time before this already volatile situation becomes explosive.

As it stands at the moment the vampires are very few in number having been hunted to near extinction. Of those left two are of an ancient bloodline and the only surviving members of the Elder Council which was at one time the ruling body of vampires worldwide. These two are currently in hiding gathering their brethren and contemplating a bloody revoloution to overthrow the corrupt and twisted government.

Of the lower class quite a few have taken up arms against the government though they are outnumbered and outgunned having but a fraction o the firepower that the military possess. This has forced them to consider a course of action that most had never dreamed of taking. They have come to the conclusion that they need to ally themselves with the vampires as both groups have the same goals more or less.

Current Setting- The story starts just after the vampires have gone into hiding and the humans have only just formed their rebellion. The Government are tightening their grip on the country and their Specialist Vampire Tracking squads have just cleared their training and are ready to be deployed.
Have you ever loved someone, who was so beautiful and pure, you couldn't bare to show them your own Darkness? -Jackie Estacado.

#2 Reava

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 07:07 PM

1-This roleplay was created by myself (Reava )
2- Be AT LEAST semi-lit All thoughts in Italics All speech in "Speech here", and also proper spelling and grammar is a must though we all have the odd spelling mistake. As long as your post is readable.
3-Try to post at least a paragraph of four decent sentences, although more is better we all like to have something to read and respond to. Though i understand we all have writers block every now and then.
4- No godmoding, auto-hitting etc. Anyone found doing this will be warned once and then put on the blacklist. Your character may be a vampire but this doesn't mean that you are indestructible. Be reasonable people.
5- Follow ALL ToS, violence is obviously going to happen but be reasonable about it. Swearing is allowed but that does not mean you have to swear every other word. Romance is encouraged but once the clothes start coming off, time skip.
6- PM all profiles to me. For vampires title your profile " Warning i bite" and for human rebels title your PM "Down with the government" and for government officials/employees "I am this country"
7-If you have any questions about these rules, or the roleplay in general feel free to PM me.
8-Have fun!

Information on the groups/races

Humans (Rebels)

Though many in number the rebels lack the funds and technological sophistication of the government, they fight using basic weaponry and scavenged equipment. Most are rookies when it comes to combat fighting purely out of necessity and as such they are often outmatched when fighting government agents though their numbers make up for this lack of skill.

Humans (Government)

Highly trained and well equipped each government agent is a trained killer, they have the lastest breakthroughs in weapon and armour technology. Their training makes them fearless even when faced with death.

Humans (Government-Vampire Hunter Squads)

The elite of the elite vampire hunter squads are specially equipped to capture and/or kill vampires. They have also been slightly genectically modified making them a little faster and stronger than your average human though they are nowhere near a match for a vampire in one on one combat. That is the reason why they work in squads of 3-5 members.


Vampires are incredibly agile and strong. They also have certain abilities each unique to the individual. Despite popular myth, vampires can walk in sunlight however prolonged exposure will severely weaken, and in the case of younger vampires, hurt them. Vampires cannot use any of their abilities during the day and their strength and speed is reduced to just a little more than that of a human. A vampire grows stronger with age with some of the Elders even being able to ressurect themselves should they be killed. All vampires have an accelerated healing factor being able to recover from all but the most serious of wounds almost instantly.
Have you ever loved someone, who was so beautiful and pure, you couldn't bare to show them your own Darkness? -Jackie Estacado.

#3 Reava

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 07:08 PM

Profile Skeletons

Humans (Rebels)

Occupation (Carpenter, Mechcanic etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Two max, and nothing overpowered, remember you are a scavanger) :

Humans (Government)

Rank/ Role (MP, Military Officer etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture, OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Three max, remember you have more advanced tech, but still nothing overpowered) :

Humans (Vampire Hunter Squads)

Rank (Squad leader, Second in command. Recruit etc) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Picture, OR a detailed description) :
Weapons (Four max, all hunters carry a UV ray projection gun, with which to capture vampires) :


Actual Age: (This will be no older than 1,000 )
Age Appeared:
Standing (Fledgling, Experienced, Elder) :
Personality (At least three sentences) :
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) :
Appearance: (Pictures, OR a detailed description) :
Abilities: (Depends on your age, one for Fledglings, three for Experienced and five for Elders) :

If you have any questions about how to fill out your profile, or want to ask anything about what weapons and abilities you can and cannot have, feel free to PM and ask

Have you ever loved someone, who was so beautiful and pure, you couldn't bare to show them your own Darkness? -Jackie Estacado.

#4 Prototype

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 03:44 AM


Edit: My bad.

Human (Vampire Hunter Squads)

Username: Prototype
Name: Jacroda
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Rank (Squad leader, Second in command. Recruit etc) : Fresh recruit
Personality (At least three sentences) : At a young age he had to survive amongst the foulest of creatures, to survive he created a dark self-centered personality who cared about nothing else but his own survival.
Biography (Must be filled in, at least a paragraph) : Always a sufferer of personal depressions, he had no one to count on but his birth giver. When she was taken away the only goal left for him was giving his life and full devotion to make sure no one else would suffer the loss he has.
Appearance: (Picture, OR a detailed description) : A pale face, big glasses that are resting on his nose. No distinguished marks except for the scar left by the assailant responsible for the destruction of his mother.
Weapons (Four max, all hunters carry a UV ray projection gun, with which to capture vampires) : He carries a UV ray projection gun, a wand, an invisibility cloak and a philosopher stone.

Jacroda woke up and looked around the room, he noticed a pale figure standing in the corner. Still half sleeping he rubbed his eyes and and waited till they adjusted to the darkness. Ones he got a clearer view he recognized that fagot from twilight, after blinking twice he said "Boobies!" and went back to sleep.
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

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