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Member Since 23 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2005 04:21 PM

Topics I've Started

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28 March 2005 - 04:49 AM


although the address is a little crude, the article is harmless, yet hilarious.

Top Three People You Respect In Forum

04 December 2004 - 11:28 AM

i see there's a lot of poll'd for nicest person in nm and nuts, but i'm curious who you think are the three coolest/funny/influencial people on the forums there is.

my top three are filled with ties because i find the people very similar. here they are:

1) newb/deval (two parts hilarity mixed with three parts originality)
2) epic/alone....old ice cold (voices of reason/common sense)
3) stotic (quisk puns chalk full of sensibility)

do your own. fill it with similarities but keep it to three. have fun with it kiddos.

Hating People

22 November 2004 - 10:23 AM

i get the idea that the majority of players of this game hate people in genral. i'm just curious what type of people ya'll hate.

me personally, i hate people who are fake. if you talk about music or surfing, or if you dress in a certain way that leads me to think you know anything about either of those two subjects when you really have no idea on either of the subjects...i hate you. or you say something that's completely false, but it impresses friends...i hate you.

so what type of people do ya'll hate? and i know you hate somebody, cuz somebody hates you. mwahahahah.

Scroll Of Dr

05 August 2004 - 01:31 AM

memo savestheday if you can do business


09 July 2004 - 02:10 AM

yeah, iīm in barcelona after spending time in italy and france, and will be in london for less than a day before i head back to the states. the question i have for you kids is to what i should do with my time in merry ole england?

iīve seen the touristy spots like westminster abbey, queen mumīs pad and the house of commons, as well as wander the streets of london for shops, pubs, and tea. i buddy highly suggested stonehinge, saying that itīs indecribably powerful as well as insightful. iīd like some suggestions from both tourists and locals alike, letting me know what i should do...keep in mind i donīt have all day, transportation will be kept to the public form, and that donīt have hella money to spend. i appreciate your advice, and go ahead and share your traveling inconveniences.

bomb scare in marseille trainstation.
cancelled or lost reservations by the host at hotels/hostals
flying into airports that were close to the city, but you had to take a bus or two to get to the actual city (thank you ryanair...tossers)

....oh yeah, and stay tuned for my generalizations of the poeple from different countries, because spending less than a month in each country allows me to do so.

and how come no one puts mooseing ice in their drinks? ŋwhat kind of heathens are you people? and whatīs up with your funky keyboards? and i know you can speak english, dude, youīre just pretending not to because you donīt want to tell me where i am right now...ass.

more of that later. cheers.