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#61 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 02:24 PM

Nightmist is a totally grindfest. Maybe if the cap was back at 30 and people could actually reach max level and enjoy it would be different. Or even totally boost exp gaining and drops for level up so it's as quick as getting to 40 got. People need rewards and new content to stay simulated. Not being on the same level for months after mindless clicking of the same npc. If getting to 40 was as easy as getting to 30, everyone would already have every class at 40 and then whats the goal? To get better equipment for your character? But then everyone would just say there isn't good enough equipment or that it's too hard t get that equipment and that there's too many 40's for that equipment to go around. It's been well shown that new content does not stimulate the current game base as Nightmist as seen some of the heaviest developement it has ever seen.

For some reason this game has become more and more built around the vet player and what do you get for that? No new players and it's even hard for returning players to come back. When lower level stuff goes in, it's largely unused by new players and old alike. The only way something like this would work would be for the lower level areas to allow easy power training. Swamps gets some use on 1-alt but it's pretty rare, sdg sees potion farming but not much outside of that. The barrier forest, Spider caves, nightmist rooftops, and desecrated church all fall to the way of under/no use as well. Low level areas just plainly won't be used unless it's op. We also have Kayla's Quest which is geared towards lower player's. 

Hey staff the player base isn't happy and you just blame it on jlh not able to update code? Any problem the game has could be fixed by builders you just don't want to change things because it might upset the vets? Well whatever you guys are doing is not working numbers have been going down for about 10 years. Blame it on less code updates and more 3d games but it's a lie it all comes down to horrible game content design. You guys killed this game and it's really sad nm used to be a lot of fun. There used to be chaotic things that added a fun element. Everything now is just stale, safe and "balanced". Take a good look at what used to make nightmist fun and try to see what's left. Not much just a endless grind you hope will keep the players you have but its not working so why not try something different? what is there to loose by actually making some changes and taking some chances? You guys have the tools to make crazy weapons or armors to make all classes fun idk why you don't use them. Most problems can't be fixed by staff. Things have been changed rather then thinking just about vets and staff didn't care if it upset them or not, see "change to cobalt". You can't blame the downfall of the game for the last 10 years on a staff member who has only been around for about 4 years. 1a had one of the largest spikes in playerbase numbers I had seen in awhile last year and it lasted for awhile, but even though staff kept doing to same stuff that one could assume brought them back to the game/kept them playing the game, they en mass approximately a year later. This points at something that isn't staff related when the game goes from 24 to 8 people in a couple of months, especially since winter time is normally the peak season for players returning not leaving. Not everything is balanced in the exact sense, i.e. lionesses give huge xp and mutant craps give large gold. However if certain places were completely out of context with the rest of the game what would happen is everyone would train there, and then if a single clan controlled the area(s) it would create an impropriety. What's the point of having the entire world if only a couple places are used.


What use to make Nightmist fun? I believe what made Nightmist fun was bettering your characters, having friends in game, meeting new people, some pking, exploring new areas. With the dwindling playerbase, making new friends is pretty much a no-go now (not completely though) as people already have feelings towards other people. meeting new people is in general a no-go as well, what new people? Pk'ing, well thats a hard thing, before there were a large number of people and you didnt have to go after the same couple people over and over again. It certainly is not fun for people when they leave town and within 5 minutes their killed, however at the same time there isn't a whole lot of people you can pk either though which makes this aspect rough also. Why not try something different? You mean like the training weapons that were put in, or the new equipment that have crazy stat mods, or allowing zerks to get stat mods, or trying easily accessible bombs, etc etc. Yes we've tried some new things, none worked. You don't know why we don't use them as apparently you don't know we do?

You have a 1alt server that has pretty much 0 solo content. Teamwork is great but a little heads up there's only about 8 people ever on at once. New players wont know anyone so how do they get around playing? Ohh they check it out then quit because they can't do anything. You say well play multi? Yea a new player wants to roll 10 crits and then attempt to use/learn all the classes at once right? You guys must play other games you see how those are designed right?

The server does have solo content, but yes, the server is greatly lacking on solo content at this time. However it's also been stated numerous times, if you want to play alone multi-alt server is for that not 1a. 1a encourages people to play friendly with other people. we've said this over and over again. Some new players recently did start up, and players did pick them up to help them start playing. I don't think it's a problem with new players not knowing what to do. I think one of the recently new players even said recently it had a large part  to with pking for some of them. Why cant they do anything? Because veteran players want to pk them off of the game for quick thrills. I wouldn't say a new player should play multi, they should play 1a due to how the game is designed, however due to 1a player mentalities thinking 1a should mean 1 character can kill everything in game, the stymie growth and progress.


Sounds to me like this post says, "It staffs fault we can't have level 40s in a week and have OP gear that kills everything in 1 hit". Have you ever played a game with cheat codes or where the game is over super quick? It gets boring extremely quickly. Some of the fixes directly need to come from players. This includes players staying active (bosses) to minimize the grind and not knocking people out of the game because they can. The player base is very important to a game like Nightmist in staying alive. Just for example, Nicole got bored with playing Nightmist because every time she left town she got pk'd. Because Nicole played less I played less. Because me and Nicole played less someone we got to start playing again left. Because that person left the 2 people they got to start playing again left. Because I stopped playing I stopped getting a specific person to log on and they haven't logged on since. Now because 1 person there's a ripple effect of 6 regular/semi-regular players not logging on. I'm not saying the dip in player base is speficially because we stopped playing, but when you have 4-5 people who quit who also create ripple effects like that you start seeing a sagging player base. Less people = less cool boss runs which = more grinding  which = more bored players which also = less players as there's definitely some people who in general just want to boss the majority of the time. The game for a decent amount of time had 20+ people logging on at a time and I would guess there were around 40 or so regular/semi-regular players. Once again, just pointing the finger at staff won't work with this issue.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#62 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 03:15 PM

I am gonna admit that I didn't read everything you posted but you are full of nuts Danny. You are so far up someone else's rectum that you can't even fathom anyone else's ideas. A lot of everything that you posted like leveling items are not for new players cause guess what? They are expensive not just 200k is what I thought was expensive but 1 mill gold expensive who wants to gold for hours on end when these items are obv ment for players with wealth?

And the Only reason Nicole doesn't get to play is because of you Danny and that's the only reason if you were not such arrogant cabbage on these forums to anyone who wants to post anything other than you and stigs idea of what should be and will be. You should not be an advisor IMO and you are a cancer worse than any pker in this game cause what you do is worse than losing exp items or gold....you make people lose hope.

Stig does listen to new players he has implemented a couple of my suggestions the NM area for 1-20 I have gotten great use of it and being able to run to airlin without having to log a 35 thief is awesome. But to be honest. This is directed at stig alone. Log on 1alt and ask someone else besides Danny. Work with everyone rather than one person.

#63 Kakarott

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:13 PM

I do have to mention this 1a is more of a team based server yes but when people have egos and wanna "rig" randoms on that server is bullnuts.... Now I  started playin Nightmist back in 2001 which at the time didn't have 1a nor any of the new things it has now ... I always support multi beacuz that's the origin of nightmist and its sad to say since the implemention of 1a the whole Nightmist playerbase has died due to certain peoples ego's and all that .. Nightmist was a very populated game before 1a came out and 1a had a reign for about 4 yrs then it started dying  .. I believe both servers are good but if u want originality then chose what we all grew fond of and that's is the main server ... of course theres the players that started playing after 2007 which grew fond of the 1a server and who has never touched the main server and then bash the main server cuz they have never even tried it .. I don't use 20 alts and most players over her don't use 20 alts either ... I also tend to find Multi exp harder to get .. gold not so much but exp yes ... when 1a was implemented the whole Nightmist community died off slowly..   when I came back I started 1a and quickly left cause of peoples ego's and also the lack of interaction.. theres far more drama on the 1a server then there is the main server .. now .. as of lately ive beenbringing old players and new players back to the game and they been playing the main server rather then 1a cuz they prefer originality over the new aged ego based server they call 1a...  I do like both servers but I prefer main over 1a anyday...  only the true Nightmistians play main... as as of the past 3 months ive been monitoring playerbase on both servers and main has peaked as much as 15 (users) not players  as 1a maybe peaks at 6-7 now adays

  average main is 7-10

1a average 3-6 


yall can argue all u want about 1a but if u like originality then chose main ...   lot for drama free and lot more player interaction



Both Server's





#64 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:15 PM

I am gonna admit that I didn't read everything you posted but you are full of nuts Danny. You are so far up someone else's rectum that you can't even fathom anyone else's ideas. A lot of everything that you posted like leveling items are not for new players cause guess what? They are expensive not just 200k is what I thought was expensive but 1 mill gold expensive who wants to gold for hours on end when these items are obv ment for players with wealth?

And the Only reason Nicole doesn't get to play is because of you Danny and that's the only reason if you were not such arrogant cabbage on these forums to anyone who wants to post anything other than you and stigs idea of what should be and will be. You should not be an advisor IMO and you are a cancer worse than any pker in this game cause what you do is worse than losing exp items or gold....you make people lose hope.

Stig does listen to new players he has implemented a couple of my suggestions the NM area for 1-20 I have gotten great use of it and being able to run to airlin without having to log a 35 thief is awesome. But to be honest. This is directed at stig alone. Log on 1alt and ask someone else besides Danny. Work with everyone rather than one person.


Since you didn't read I'll sum it up for you.


He wants characters to level to 40 in a month [as fast as someone can train to 30]. He thinks for players to stick around they need to be rewarded [which is contradictory to the previous sentence]. He blames everyone quitting or being unhappy on staff not doing more [i point out a chain of people quitting not because of staff], he was more op equipment [contradictory to statement 2 if you are op and kill everything easily], he wants areas that are unbalanced [contradictory to statement 2], he blames all the problems of the game on staff [contradictory to note 3], he states there's nothing for new players or players coming back [i point out how there area areas for new players and thy dont use them].


He essentially points the finger the entire time and either suggests radicle changes which just makes the game become the same thing (clicking mobs and killing them) very quickly and very easily, or makes no suggestions at all. Yes, staff listen to player suggestions and we make conversations. Most players like to point the finger and say you're bad and make no real suggestions or unrealistic suggestions not thinking of the outcome of said suggestions. In comparison staff tend to explain reasoning and discuss things. I can understand why staff tend not to reply because no matter what you say, unless it's a yes players will just complain and argue on the most part. My posts generally are, this is why we can't do this, however reading the same topics and posts over and over and over again become rather pointed as players become more pointed as well.


I would invite you to sit down and read this topic from front to back. This is a topic about which server someone should play. Without staff saying anything on this topic, a few posts in staff are 'attacked' for perceived notions certain players have. As the posts go on there's more and more attacking from different sources directed in different directions. I would recommend you set any bias and feelings you have aside and just read the topic from top to bottom.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#65 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:41 PM

40 should be easy no. But it should not take 3-4 years of gameplay to reach max lvl 18-24 months seems like a goal worthy of the time put in. Better equipment is always a players goal in reaching endgame status.

He is right builders hold a lot of the power and items could be made to cover all levels 1-40 that would make the grind of nightmist less fustrating.

After level 40 the main goal of a player should be crafting lvl 40 only items that take a long time to craft to better the char and the use of these chars would remain cause there is always room for improvement.

Fix the token system AND crate leveling system on 1a or even add a straight gold leveling system to drain gold from the game for people who have 40 million gold and dont wanna waste time doing tokens or crates.

Lastly ask the vet players what would make the game more fun or advice on the game in general and for gods sake ask 4-5 or even the whole playerbase to test and balance before ANYTHING is placed ingame. This isn't rocket science it's more so common sense.

#66 BerserkedFrenzy

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:57 PM

Really, guys?


Is this a contest of "How Far Off-Topic Can You Go?" ?


Toke Jopic?

Våg®åñt §ºùl

#67 Stig

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 05:40 PM

This has gone on far enough.

Both servers have their merits... you can be more self-sufficient on multi-alt but it takes a long time to get yourself established, while 1-alt has a better internal economy and more to do, but there isn't that much you can do by yourself.

I'll listen to suggestions on a case-by-case basis, but for now, this topic is locked.  Post individual issues in relevant topics.

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