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Member Since 03 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2009 06:47 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Players

18 December 2008 - 01:55 AM

Only reason I keep posting is because I am "hoping" someone will maybe be nice and be like "hi here let me show you how this works' or actually be nice and explain some things to me instead of biting off my head for giving my opinion!

In Topic: New Players

17 December 2008 - 03:31 AM

lol i just rolled a 4 almost 5 stat zerker and buddy drama and smartasses everywhere just have a go it is a fun game and no lag atm lol try that on WoW or ffxi or everquest or whatever lol

buddy? that's something you would call your guy friends. I am far from a guy :ph34r:

In Topic: New Players

17 December 2008 - 03:08 AM

why are u telling me to get over it? im clearly just telling u why we dont have NEW players... moron

It's a forum, the posts go in chronological order, that doesn't mean he was talking to you. Why would you even think that that was directed to you.

I tried to roll, just not gonna roll forever to play a game. Expecially if it has as many problems as you guys make it look to have.

Do you have to roll to play WoW? nope and it has 11 million people playing it.
Do you have to roll to play Diablo? nope and look how many people play it.

Eureka! So the 11 million players playing WoW are playing it because of lack of a roller. What a marketing scheme.

Exactly why I am not going to try the game, expecially if it has smartasses like you. Why would anyone wanna play? I mean seriously. *looks at a website of a game" this game could be intresting! "Looks at forums to learn more about the game" Wow all I see is a bunch of smartasses and drama! Why would anyone want to play? looks like the game is having enough problems of its own. I dont wanna get intertwined with all the drama and dumbasses. I come to play a game to get away from irl stuff "Smartass,work,Drama, life in general* not to listen to douches.

In Topic: New Players

15 December 2008 - 07:52 AM

I tried to roll, just not gonna roll forever to play a game. Expecially if it has as many problems as you guys make it look to have.

Do you have to roll to play WoW? nope and it has 11 million people playing it.
Do you have to roll to play Diablo? nope and look how many people play it.

In Topic: New Players

12 December 2008 - 08:34 PM

We need to start inviting new people to play the game...or trying to get people who used to play to play again. Lately i have seen the server at its pretty much lowest population. I been giving out semi low lvl crits to new players and even older players that have come back just to try and influence them to stay longer.

Like I posted before, I tried playing but it isn't worth comming to a game and having to roll 6-12 hours just to get 1 character. Yes people told me your first character doesnt have to be perfect but why do I want to put time into something crappy that wont be worth nothing resale value nor will it even be worth my time. Maybe If the roller wasn't as difficult I would play. Although I look thru the forums as I have said before all I see is just drama. If the forums are that way that basically tells me how the game is.
