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Some Monsters

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#1 Raylen


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Posted 03 August 2008 - 05:40 PM

Here's some monsters I wrote ages ago.

Have a read if you have nothing better to do :ph34r:

Great White Shark: One of the largest aquatic predators known in the world, the Great White Shark has been known to attack far larger vessels than the one currently holding you into a most precarious position. With rows of jagged teeth and hungry eyes, you are nothing more than lunch to this fiendish fish.

A Great White Shark attacked you with its Gaping Jaws for 80 points of damage.
A Great White Shark attacked you with Body Smash for 40 points of damage.

1% drop Shark Tooth Bracelet (1ac), 60% Shark Tooth Necklace, 30% Mariner's Ring (3ac).

NOTES: Shark should not have too high hp (considering 10 alts max here)

Giant Crab: This outlandishly-sized crustacean far exceeds anything you have ever seen before, even in nightmares. Its pincers flail and snap wildly, looking to cut you in half! You must fight for your life!

A Giant Crab attacked you with its Snapping Pincers for 45 points of damage.

10% drop Crab Meat.

NOTES: Should not be too many of these around

Mamba: The Mamba is a small snake, but needs to be avoided at all costs. With one of the most venomous bites known, only the brave or the foolhardy will tangle with one of these.

A Mamba attacked you with its Venomous Bite for 200 points of damage.
- poison does 500 damage.

NOTES: Low hp (similar to Drow Rogue)

Army Ants: These ants are not much to look at individually. But working together, they can and generally do achieve their goals. Often, the size of a colony can reach over a million individual ants, and they are capable of overwhelming almost any creature by sheer weight of numbers.

An Army Ants attacked you with its Stinging Bite for 35 points of damage.

NOTES: VERY fast stam, two a second or so. Damaged only by Torch or by Magic (mage or druid).

Black Python: The Black Python is at the top of the food chain. And no wonder. Fully a hundred feet long, it is incredibly fast and powerful. Constriction is its preferred method of attack, although its dislocating jaws will just as easily swallow prey that is still alive.

A Black Python attacked you with Constriction for 120 points of damage.
A Black Python attacked you with its Fangs for 30 points of damage.

5% drop Fangs, 1% drop Snakeskin Gloves (6ac, +1 dex, +1 char)

NOTES: only one of these, hourly spawn

Anteater: The Anteater shambles around, looking for a nice anthill or termite nest to poke its long tongue into.

5% drop Anteater Meat.

Red Dragon: This mythical predator is a terrible and fantastic sight to behold. Some fifty feet in length, it almost lazily turns its gaze upon you. Powerful wings often take it far out of your reach, but that is truly a blessing, for its enormous jaws and flesh-tearing claws threaten to rip you limb from limb. Surely your only hope must be to avoid this living incarnation of your most vivid nightmares at all costs.

A Red Dragon attacked you with its Beating Wings for 40 points of damage.
A Red Dragon attacked you with its Flesh-tearing Claws for 70 points of damage.
A Red Dragon attacked you with its Huge Jaws for 100 points of damage.

Drops 50,000 gold. Also 20% drop Dragonscale Ring (4ac), 1% drop Dragon's Blood Amulet (6ac)

NOTES: HIGH hp, probably should not be killable by a party of less than 8 crits.

Rock Snake: The rock snake likes to bask in the warm sunlight. Except for the times where it is hungry, when it moves off to find its next meal. This one would like that next meal to be you.

A Rock Snake attacked you with its Jagged Fangs for 60 points of damage.

NOTES: Medium hp, it is kill to pass and potentially a dragon is on the square too so not too tough!

Hill Troll: Some twelve feet tall, the hill troll is smarter and stronger than its lesser, more common brethren. This one eyes you closely, before yelling a war-cry and lumbering quickly forward to attack.

A Hill Troll attacked you with its Large Club for 55 points of damage.
A Hill Troll smashed you with its Fists for 30 points of damage.

NOTES: magic does less damage than on normal troll

Southern Wolf: The Southern Wolf glares at you through its malevolent green eyes. Boredom will often induce these wolves to kill for the sake of it, and they delight in stalking their prey across the land, and sending up the howls that will instil fear in the hearts of even the bravest souls.

A Southern Wolf attacked you with its Fanged Jaws for 75 points of damage.

NOTES: bit harder than normal wolf

Red Buzzard: The Red Buzzard is one of largest birds in the world. Native to this island, it has sharp eyesight that easily picks you out in this open terrain. With talons that crush, and a sharp, tearing beak, facing one of these is a tough proposition.

A Red Buzzard attacked you with its Crushing Talons for 80 points of damage.
A Red Buzzard attacked you with its Beak for 40 points of damage.

NOTES: nothing to speak of

Troll Miner: This miner is a heavily-built Hill Troll, and he does not appear best pleased to see you. In fact, he seems strangely enraged...but you have precious little time to ponder this, as he grabs two large tools and violently assaults you.

A Troll Miner attacked you with its Huge Pickaxe for 90 points of damage.
A Troll Miner attacked you with its Iron Shovel for 65 points of damage.

NOTES: not a lot

Cave Scorpion: The Cave Scorpion is a small, yet highly dangerous foe. Its great speed enables it to quickly hide among the rubble in the caves, and its venomous sting can quickly kill large prey such as yourself.

A Cave Scorpion attacked you with its Venomous Sting for 130 points of damage.
A Cave Scorpion scuttled across the cave and disappeared from sight.
- poison does 150 damage

NOTES: camo lol

Troll Guard: The presence of guards down here indicates that there is something worth guarding. Armed with simple swords, and protected by well-forged heavy armour, these guards are powerful and deadly foes.

A Troll Guard attacked you with its Broad Sword for 85 points of damage.
A Troll Guard smashed you with its Iron Shield for 65 points of damage.

20% drop Broad Sword, 20% drop Iron Shield

NOTES: none to speak of

Elite Guardian: This troll towers above you. Looming almost three times the size of you, and holding a huge sword in both of his gnarled hands, he is the undisputed champion of this underground troll kingdom. He waits for you to move into range, then strikes with breathtaking ferocity and skill.

An Elite Guardian attacked you with its Greatsword for 120 points of damage.
An Elite Guardian attacked you with its Powerful Kick for 60 points of damage.
An Elite Guardian attacked you with its Huge Fists for 50 points of damage.
An Elite Guardian attacked you with its Headbutt for 40 points of damage.

7% drop Greatsword (26 bd, str +1, zerk only)

Drz'zak's Bodyguard: The ruler of this small underground kingdom is a small, intelligent troll named Drz'zak. He has trained his bodyguard in the ancient troll art of killing. With a judicious look, and a wry smile, Drz'zak's bodyguard launches his attack.

Drz'zak's Bodyguard attacked you with his Throwing Knife for 70 points of damage.
Drz'zak's Bodyguard attacked you with his Stabbing Dagger for 80 points of damage.
Drz'zak's Bodyguard attacked you with his Whirling Staff for 100 points of damage.
Drz'zak's Bodyguard attacked you with his Assassin's Touch for 190 points of damage.
Drz'zak's Bodyguard covertly hid away.

NOTES: nope

King Drz'zak: Though not much to look at, this small troll is deceptively strong, and is not afraid of a fight. Scars on either cheek are a testament to his prowess with the serrated blade he now attacks you with.

King Drz'zak attacked you with his Serrated Scimitar for 60 points of damage.
King Drz'zak threw a Poisoned Dagger at you for 50 points of damage.
- poison does 50 damage
King Drz'zak yells loudly, and a Troll Guard rushes to his aid.

5% drop Serrated Scimitar (27 bd, zerk, pally, fighter)

NOTES: nothing much really

Elusive Spectre: The spectre shimmers in and out of view. Its misty talons cut right through you, chilling your blood and threatening to stop your heart as it beats. It flickers around these tunnels, never stilling for a second.

An Elusive Spectre attacked you with its Chilling Touch for 30 points of damage.
An Elusive Spectre attacked you with its Wrathful Claws for 20 points of damage.
An Elusive Spectre disappeared into the darkness.

1% drop Dark Spectral Ring (0ac, +1 dex), 90% drop Nightshade Elixir

NOTES: 4 stam attacks, so it should covert fairly often. also, moves around large area, and moves quickly

Tyrannosaurus Rex: The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the biggest, most powerful predator in the valley. Supported by two tree-trunk hind legs, and with a long tail for balance, this beast moves with a surprising turn of speed for its size. Its huge head is filled with razor-sharp teeth, each the larger than your hand. Yellow eyes fix themselves upon you as it calculates its strike. This devil incarnate will surely devour you where you stand. You fight for your very existence.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked you with its Jaws for 150 points of damage.
A Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked you with its Stamping Feet for 100 points of damage.

100% drop Bone Staff (22bd, all classes)

NOTES: uh, badass boss lol

Deinonychus: Similar to the Velociraptor, the Deinonychus' weapons are its bite, and a large slashing claw. This claw hooks deep into its prey, while its jaws rip and tear its unfortunate victim to shreds. Notoriously intelligent, this small dinosaur eyes you carefully, as though determining your suitability for its next meal. Evidently, it decides you are a nice tasty snack, for it attacks without warning.

A Deinonychus attacked you with its Snapping Bite for 60 points of damage.
A Deinonychus attacked you with its Slashing Claws for 40 points of damage.

NOTES: one or two of these on a square

Velociraptor: This small predator is almost wolfish in its mentality. Though only roughly the same size as you, these fearless hunters can bring down prey several times their own size. They prefer to hunt in small packs, and surround their prey before delivering the fatal blow to the neck.

A Velociraptor attacked you with its Tearing Jaws for 50 points of damage.
A Velociraptor attacked you with its Jagged Claws for 35 points of damage.

NOTES: at least three of these at once, never less, lowish hp though

Pterodactyl: With a thin body, and leathery batlike wings, the Pterodactyl soars through the sunlit sky. Its snapping bill is some three feet long, and is filled with the customary array of viciously sharp teeth that so many of the creatures here posess.

A Pterodactyl attacked you with its Large Jaws for 65 points of damage.
A Pterodactyl picked you up and dropped from the sky, causing you 80 points of damage.

20% drop Leather Bands (1ac all classes)

NOTES: high dex to represent flying into the sky

Diplodocus: In terms of size, you have simply never seen a living being this large. Its long neck is easily capable of reaching the highest leaves of the tallest trees, whilst its huge body is held up by four enormous legs, each one the width of a mighty oak. Though it is a peaceful being, at 35 tons in weight it can crush with the greatest of ease, while its long, powerful tail gives it a fair defence against attackers.

A Diplodocus attacked you with its Flailing Tail for 35 points of damage.

100% drop Diplodocus Meat

NOTES: few of these around in a small herd maybe

Ankylosaurus: This heavy-set creature stands low to the ground. Its back is entirely covered with heavy bone armour. Bony spines run down either side of its body, preventing predators from reaching underneath its armour. Its only apparent offensive weaponry is the heavy bone club at the end of its tail, which it uses to smash its attackers. This four-ton mass of bone and muscle looks enraged that you have intruded upon her nest, and her normally avoidant nature is turned into frenetic rage.

An Ankylosaurus attacked you with its Clubbed Tail for 95 points of damage.

NOTES: no drop, maybe an examine inside the nest - KTP to get in, but can run away if you want

Stegosaurus: This strange-looking beast is something of a clusmy creature. It has large, bony plates that extend vertically from its back, and a tail with two sharp spikes protruding from either side. It waddles curiously, perhaps as a consequence of its long back legs, and short front ones. Yet despite this oddly-designed body, it still looks capable of dealing a horrific wound with its spiked tail. Any attacks on this beast must be well thought out, and executed with caution.

A Stegosaurus swung its Spiked Tail at you for 70 points of damage.
A Stegosaurus bit you for 20 points of damage.

100% drop Bone Plate (nothing, just item atm...)

NOTES: plate you'll give to someone somewhere for uber armour

Baryonyx: The most obvious features of this troll-sized reptile are the foot-long claws on each of its feet. A notorious scavenger, the Baryonyx will eat any meat it can get, from fish, to other dinosaurs...to you. True to form, this one looks up from the bony carcass it is currently stripping, and moves purposefully towards you.

A Baryonyx attacked you with its Huge Claws for 60 points of damage.
A Baryonyx attacked you with its Snapping Bite for 40 points of damage.

30% drop Baryonyx Claw (same as Hawk Talon, can also sell somewhere for 60k or so)

NOTES: not a whole load of these around

Phytosaur: Similiar to the common crocodile, the fifteen-foot long Phytosaur dwells in the rivers of this forgotten valley. Thick bony armour covers its body - unlike its common relative, even the neck of this monster is protected from attack. Its huge jaws open wide, showing the teeth that aim to make mincemeat of you. Its assault is as ferocious as it is relentless.

A Phytosaur attacked you with its Massive Jaws for 100 points of damage.

NOTES: high dex so its like being underwater, but not quite that bad yet.

Quetzalcoatlus: The largest of the pterodactyls, Quetzalcoatlus boasts a forty-foot wingspan, as well as strong, taloned feet. Its narrow head tapers into long, reptilian jaws, which snap powerfully enough to rip through skin and muscle, and even shatter bones. It soars gracefully through the sky, its sharp eyesight picking out the slightest of movement on the ground below. Your progress through this land has not gone unnoticed by this winged ruler of the skies.

A Quetzalcoatlus picked you up and dropped from the sky, causing you 100 points of damage.
A Quetzalcoatlus attacked you with its Slashing Talons for 80 points of damage.
A Quetzalcoatlus attacked you with its Reptilian Jaws for 70 points of damage.

75% drop Dinosaur Eye (will be a crafting thingy, like much else here), 3% drop Ancient Ring (1ac, +1 wis)

NOTES: high dex to represent flying into the sky, only one of these though

Ichthyosaurus: This fishlike predator reminds you of the sharks near Silversail. With a stabilising dorsal fin, and double-pointed tail, this predator is as secure in the deep water of the river as you are out of place. It spots your unease, and decides the time is ripe to move in for the kill.

An Ichthyosaurus attacked you with its Tearing Teeth for 40 points of damage.

NOTES: underwater monster

Allosaurus: Similar in design to the Tyrannosaurus, the Allosaurus has the same powerful back legs and small, weak front legs as its larger relative. Its massive head houses powerful, bone-crunching jaws, which loom above you, at nearly three times your own height. This carnivorous beast is out for your blood!

An Allosaurus attacked you with its Heavy Jaws for 60 points of damage.
An Allosaurus attacked you with its Clawed Kick for 50 points of damage.

NOTES: just make it less tough than t-rex

Iguanodon: This normally mild-natured herbivore is startled into action by your sudden appearance. With a weight of ten thousand pounds, it is not to be trifled with. Its jaws, while normally employed in the uprooting of ferns and various plants, are equally capable of delivering a crippling bite to the attacker who ventures too close.

An Iguanodon slashed at you with its Claws for 30 points of damage.
An Iguanodon attacked you with its Sharp Teeth for 25 points of damage.

50% drop Iguanodon Meat

NOTES: not a lot really

Triceratops: Well-built and well-balanced, this fourteen-ton beast is probably the most dangerous herbivore you are ever likely to come across. It is well used to fending off attacks of such natural born killers as the Tyrannosaurus - your presence here is unwelcome, but your death is surely close to a formality. The Triceratops points its three-horned head directly at you, and begins its charge.

A Triceratops attacked you with its Goring Horns for 110 points of damage.

4% drop Bone Horn (just an item)

NOTES: three of these, only on one square though

Archaeopteryx: This animal appears to be a cross between a bird and a lizard. Though only a foot in length, it moves with great speed between the trees, and shows no sign of fear when it comes to attacking much larger foes. Its wings whisper through the branches, and you are never sure where the next attack will come from with this unnatural-looking creation.

An Archaeopteryx attacked you with its Piercing Bite for 20 points of damage.
An Archaeopteryx raked you with its Small Talons for 15 points of damage.

15% drop Rainbow Feather (item)

NOTES: High dex, low hp like 200 or so

Deadly Nightshade: This seemingly innocuous flower harbours a lethal toxin. However, it is possible to create the valuable Nightshade Elixir from juices found in its stem - hence the high number of fatalities from deadly nightshade poisoning.

A Deadly Nightshade attacked you with its Poison for 65 points of damage.
- poison does 65 damage

25% drop Nightshade Elixir

NOTES: should be able to harvest nightshades from this, for the loss of some health

Night Demon: All that is visible of this horror are its glowing red claws and teeth, as well as two pure white eyes. Its only motive for being is to kill, rend, tear and destroy. Life of any kind draws the deadly intentions of this devil, whose cursed talons have put paid to any souls that may once have chosen to dwell here in these forsaken tunnels.

A Night Demon attacked you with its Devil Claws for 80 points of damage.
A Night Demon attacked you with its Vehement Fangs for 45 points of damage.

NOTES: only one plz, should be hard. can heal

Star Sprite: Formed from the remnants of a black star, the Star Sprite skips through the night sky like an angelic vision. However, this parallel stops with the malevolent humour with which it torments the unwary. This ethereal, manic being is a tricky foe for even the most resourceful warrior.

A Star Sprite attacked you with its Unholy Touch for 45 points of damage.

NOTES: quite a few of these. can heal

Celestial Wizard: Dressed in long, flowing blue robes, the Celestial Wizard has the power of the sky and the stars at his disposal. His eyes, each an unholy electric blue, gaze upon you as he raises his hands high, and mutters his first incantation. Lightning crackles from his curved, cracked fingers as the magic takes its toll on him...but its toll on you is surely to be far greater.

A Celestial Wizard attacked you with its Blue Lightning for 75 points of damage.
A Celestial Wizard flings Azure Blades at you for 65 points of damage.
A Celestial Wizard chants an incantation, and a Star Sprite comes into being at his side.

10% drop Azure Robes, 30% drop Astral Star Chart (map to get back aye)

NOTES: maybe have 5 or so of these spread out over the mountains

Nighthawk: It is hard to describe what you see of the assassin Nighthawk. Most mortals merely feel his silent blade sliding gracefully between their ribs as they breathe their last, and he is departed at once with perhaps a fleeting glimpse of a grey-green cloak. But this unseen enemy sees you certainly, for his attacks are swift and deadly.

Nighthawk attacked you with his Star-Forged Katana for 110 points of damage.
Nighthawk vanished into the surrounding darkness.
Nighthawk disappears from view with a swish of his grey-green cloak.

10% drop Star-Forged Katana (31bd, magical, thief only)

NOTES: two separate coverts, so he does it often...should have 2 or 3 stam attacks at once

Firestarr: Named for her fiery temper as much as the blazing cloak which protects her, the celestial ranger Firestarr boasts beauty unequalled across the planes, as well as a sure shot and graceful athleticism. Small jewels rest easily in her fire-golden hair, and eyes that burn with a visible passion consume your gaze. Your reverie is cruelly ended by her lightning-quick assault.

Firestarr fired a dual shot at you with her Celestial Bow for 60 points of damage.
Firestarr rapidly fired at you with her Celestial Bow for 75 points of damage.
Firestarr fired a flaming arrow at you with her Celestial Bow for 90 points of damage.
Firestarr hypnotised you.

10% drop Celestial Bow (23bd, +1 char, magical, ranger only)

NOTES: not a lot, guess is kinda like the Mountain Ranger...high gold drop btw

Darkwind: Darkwind stands poised elegantly atop a small, flat rock. Entirely naked, save for the purest white loincloth around his waist, this wondrous being boasts a rippling, muscled chest, as well as thunderous legs, the size to turn every eye. In each of his huge arms he holds a dazzling white blade, which nigh on burns your eyes to behold. He bows his head silently, before leaping into a spinning, whirling, raging dance of death.

Darkwind launched a frenzied assault on you, causing you 90 points of damage.
Darkwind attacked you with his Starlight Blade for 80 points of damage.
Darkwind leaps at you and pummels you for 40 points of damage.

10% drop Starlight Blade (29bd, +1 char, magical, zerk only)

NOTES: could have high stam and lower damage possibly

Lonewolf: Lonewolf is the true master of shape-changing. Able to take any animal form at will, he slides in and out of view, depending upon his whim. Yet all the while, his eyes never leave you, his guard never for a second drops, as though he may anticipate your every move before you know it yourself.

Lonewolf morphed into a Lion and smashed you with his Clawed Paws for 100 points of damage.
Lonewolf transformed himself into a Python and constricted you for 85 points of damage.
Lonewolf transformed into a Tiger and attacked you with his Jaws for 75 points of damage.
Lonewolf morphed into a Great Eagle and flew out of sight.

10% drop Starskin Boots (5ac, all classes)

NOTES: 2 stam

Astrona: Sitting atop a jet-black stallion, the celestial knight Astrona commands every respect of every soul. Covered from head to toe in shining silver and black armour, she rests easily in the saddle, while the horse appears to tread not on the rocky ground, but on burning black air. Her lance is engraved with powerful sigils and sharpened to a point finer than even any dwarven-made spear or elven javelin. Visor lowered, she gently spurs her war-horse in your direction, who responds to her every touch as though their minds were connected. If not careful, your part in this battle will be a short-lived one.

Astrona attacked you with her Astral Lance for 120 points of damage.
Astrona's war-horse smashes you with its hooves for 90 points of damage.
Astrona attacked you with her Shield of the Skies for 75 points of damage.
Astrona kicks you with her armoured boots for 50 points of damage.

10% drop Astral Lance (29bd, 0.1 vamp, magical, fighter/pally only)

NOTES: Astrona is tougher than the other 4, should be the last one you come to

Air Elemental: This air elemental is the reason for the storm you now find yourself in. With its expressionless face and mighty fists, it sails through the malestrom with breathtaking speed, twisting this way and that, inducing the storm to even greater fury.

An Air Elemental attacked you with its Furious Fists for 60 points of damage.
An Air Elemental attacked you with its Thunderous Roar for 50 points of damage.
An Air Elemental flung you to the ground for 30 points of damage.

5% drop Storm Pendant (3ac, +1 wis)

NOTES: magic weapons only plz

Forest Panther: The forest panther lives solely in this small woodland. Equally at home in the branches as it is on the ground, this one is angered by your presence in its otherwise tranquil home. Its claws and teeth look horribly sharp, and its eyes bear a look of loathing which greatly startles you.

A Forest Panther attacked you with its Black Claws for 60 points of damage.
A Forest Panther attacked you with its Sharp Teeth for 30 points of damage.

NOTES: nothing, just here to make it a bit different
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#2 shomer

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 06:53 PM

i hate to criticize you but i've seen staff say numerous times that equipment with additional armor and stat mods won't be added. i do like the monsters though, high poison always makes it interesting. i'd love to see areas with those monsters
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#3 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 08:14 PM

some of these monsters are alright, but jesus god alan chill out with the uber itamz

26 base damage str mod zerk only sword?

stick a couple dex mods on there too, that'll make it more uber :ph34r:

some really good ideas here, espiecially the shark (which granted, isn't the best example as its the first one and you'll think i haven't read it lol) one because it makes sense something should drop shark tooth necklaces

two things on that though

1) wayy to easy to get a 1ac bracelet there, no ty
2) waayyy to easy to get a 3ac ring. 30% chance? so, three/four sharks thats you got a CR? you said not too much hp, crystal giant is getting done over a tiny bit lol
Disaster ingame.

#4 Raylen


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Posted 03 August 2008 - 11:22 PM


i havent specified exactly how tough these things are...
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#5 Gaddy

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 01:09 AM

It doesn't really matter how hard common monsters are when you're talking about possibly ruining a boss drop that has been in-game for several years.

I've said time and time again, you have got to get a better idea of level-headed drops and items. Always pushing the limit makes it impossible to take things seriously. It makes them impossible to actually add in a balanced way, and it makes everything look bias.
Perhaps you should ask Kier or someone that you get along with well to review and work with you on items that you suggest, or perhaps you should avoid items altogether. They tend to really hurt the overall opinion of your suggestions.

This isn't just my opinion, other staff have responded with very similar statements about your suggestions and ideas. They just lack any real balance with the game.
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#6 Desendent

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 03:12 AM

i agree with gaddy, suggesting a bunch of ridiculous items dropped by common easy monsters is a terrible way to get people to listen to any of your suggestions ever.
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#7 Raylen


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Posted 04 August 2008 - 06:51 PM

just to comment quickly:

great white shark is a BOSS, therefore yeah...

uh, as for other items, well i did say i wrote it ages ago...

It's things like - the 1ac ring is a low % drop from a really tough lil beastie that moves around and coverts in an area with lots of hard ktp things that poison for 200...GL trying to camp that...

the wis ring, probably should be 0.3% rather than 3% drop

31bd thief weapon i thought of when thieves still sucked

change greatsword to 100% drop and lower bd to 24

don't see issue with the rest...

also: how can you possibly comment about "you can't put uber drops on normal monsters" - what you should ask is "I say Alan, how many of these Shark things are there going to be?" THEN I can explain, lols.

Push it to the limit!
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#8 Elf

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Posted 04 August 2008 - 11:45 PM

just to comment quickly:

great white shark is a BOSS, therefore yeah...

uh, as for other items, well i did say i wrote it ages ago...

I did not see the word "Boss" anywhere in that posting....

and if you wrote it ages ago.. you maybe could have refined it to fit the game now before throwing it out only to have it tossed back at you.

Elf :ph34r:

p/s any stat modding items will be very rare to enter the game. might want to stick to other possibilities.

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#9 joanna

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 02:48 PM

Those 5 named characters at the end of the list, put them all on the same square. That would be an intresting fight!

Also i see no reason against putting in fighter and pally stuff that has higher damage, vamp mods, and stat mods - they are underpowered at the mo so as long as zerks, rangers and clerics dont get any boosts anywhere some of them items look ok

#10 Raylen


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 05:02 PM

meh, point of the post is really to say:

look, here's some monsters, use them in an area if you wish...
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

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