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Updates 07/09/14

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#1 Oracle



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Posted 07 September 2014 - 12:46 PM

Server Update 07/09/14



Can no longer be dropped or thrown at people in arenas.

Can no longer be thrown at people in nopk but monster-killable areas.


Bombs can no longer be used to damage pacifists.


Entering a square with a maximum number of players allowed on it
Now each player that gets left behind gets the message saying there are too many people on the square, instead of the party leader getting the message multiple times.


Character Stats requirement to enter square

Previously this allowed entry using base stats (ie wisdom when rolled). It has now been changed to look at display stats. So for example if you require 26 strength to enter a square, you can now get through using spells and stat modifying items.


Achievement list
Brown Trouser Time achievement has been hidden from the list as it is not achievable. Trouser slot was never added to Nightmist despite Pandilex’s intensions at the time achievements were created.


The /staff list has been updated to show current staff characters on both servers today.


/achievement bosses

List updated and customised to each server.


Hunger in Mountainous Terrain

You now get hungry twice as fast in mountainous terrain.


Custom Locals

Staff now have the ability to set a square to overwride your local tavern if you log off/die/recall there. This could be used as staging for carefully designed areas, so if you lose connection or die, you are sent back to an earlier ‘stage’ of the area, rather than your local. This does not necessarily trap you there, as the square you local to, could then allow you to log to your character’s local. This may allow more complex area development using recall too.


Legendary items

A new concept of ‘Legendary’ items has been added to the game. When the ‘Max equip’ stat (previously called ‘Single equip’) on /library is set to Legendary, only 1 item may be equipped that is ‘Legendary’, regardless of what part of the body you try to equip another item set to ‘Legendary’.


The single equip stat has been renamed max equip because it has always been possible to set it to 2 or 3, meaning you could equip 2 rings or 3 rings of that type.


Password Recovery Bug



Skins Bug



Pictures In Game

25 new pictures added to the game. 


Inactive Characters

Cleared out.


Alternate DNS Bug

The alternate DNS will continue to not work and is not currently fixable. Please note that you will not be able to connect to the server using the alternate DNS in the foreseeable future. Updating the client log in window will present further issues for users of WinVista, Win7, Win8 so removing the option from the client has not been attempted at this time.


EXP loss
Nothing has been changed regarding exp loss, however I thought we’d give you an update as it has been a hot topic lately.


JLH does not want to reduce exp loss globally (or implement a cap) as this makes the game easier. With the cycle of ever increasing weapon damage/armor, this would only add to the inflation of exp in the game. Eventually it goes full circle and people will say that more HP is needed (which absolutely cannot happen without a server reset). If you are high enough level that you would lose a lot of exp when you die, you should be of a level of skill to avoid dying. There is already a square setting available for staff to reduce exp loss on individual squares. This may have a use for traps/quest areas/bosses that staff feel are likely to kill people regardless of their skill levels.



In Game Updates to follow from Stig

#2 Stig

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Posted 07 September 2014 - 02:09 PM

Changelog: Both servers

Area Changes

- Castle Darksparrow's final exit point now takes you to Arilin Cathedral instead of Nightmist Church.

Item Changes

- Sword of Light now has a "dark:1.5" modifier.

Changelog: Multi-alt server

Monster Changes

- Thomas Lambert now accepts more items.


Changelog: 1-alt server

Area Changes

- There is a new arena in Nightmist.
- There is a new shop in Blackthorn.

Monster Changes

- Town Crier has new news.
- Veteran Armourer has a new, lower-level craft.

- Lots of bosses have new drops.

Item Changes

- Grandmaster's Insignia is now Legendary.
- Living Tome is now Legendary.
- Ring of Nausea is now Legendary.


NOTE: Legendary items only exist on the 1-alt server.

#3 Stig

  • Game Staff
  • 1810 posts

Posted 14 September 2014 - 12:16 AM

Changelog: Both servers


Area Changes

- There is a new examine in Herric's laboratory.

Changelog: Multi-alt server

Monster Changes

- Thomas Lambert now accepts more items.


Changelog: 1-alt server

Monster Changes

- Locksmith is no longer log-to-local.

Item Changes

- There are two new training weapons available for purchase.

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