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Returning.. Again


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#1 Guest_xinnox1134_*

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 11:11 PM

Decided to return to NM again on 1 alt.. I was Xario, Xinnox, and my army of thieves many others on Main years ago. Been back a few days now. If ya remember me and want to chat. Im usually on Fierce or Borgir. Talk to ya soon!



#2 newb2

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 01:09 AM

It was cool running into you ingame the other day. Since I started up I sometimes wonder about the people I used to play with. I probably won't see you on 1a but I'll kill multi bunnies in your honor.


#3 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 02:20 AM

I might play multi... have not really decided yet.. haha


Also got my old forum account back... yay me!

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 24 May 2013 - 02:20 AM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



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