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Game Update

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#1 JLH



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  • 1771 posts

Posted 05 June 2004 - 03:15 AM


1) 'X Gold Money Order' now works correctly with buy/sell/deposit/withdraw so that '/buy 1000 gold money order' can be done instead of having to do '/buy 1 1000 gold money order' to stop it trying to buy 1000 of a non-existing item called 'gold money order'.

2) The bounty system now only works from the same squares as web trading (taverns, banks and other preset locations).

3) Pacifist spell Recall now works when NPCs are present.

4) Being killed by a player now forces you to wait level seconds before moving again from your local. (This also saves so you can't re-log to get out of it)

5) Added '/clan lock leaders' and '/clan lock founders' for the chairperson to set their access to certain areas of the clan house.

6) Clan positions have been removed from '/clan members'

7) Sewers have been set as underground, so dwarves get their race bonus on attacking (+5%), and druid's stormwrath no longer works.

8) Using Smite (Berserker) or Assassinate (Thief) when hidden and Justice Zone (Pacifist) is present will now make you visible.

9) '/spy' no longer shows yourself as being here with you.

10) '/clan position list [position]' is now in alphabetical order and also gives the number of people with the position.

11) Armor given by 'Call Upon Deity' (Cleric) is now preserved when other spells are used.

12) '/clan wall [direction]' now displays the current wall message with color codes.

13) '/clan wall [direction] clear' is now used to remove the wall.

14) Monsters that are capable of casting the vision spell are now able to do it if everyone on the square is hidden.

15) Dying from hunger/thirst is now said to other players on the square so that they know how you died.

16) Restoring characters now works properly on the dbasedel.txt (self deleted) file if there are more characters with the same name.

17) Character restorer can now search by account name if you have the password for the account.

18) When someone attacks you, instead of just taking '/nokill' off on the attacked character, it is now taken off alts and party members too.

19) Clan names can no longer be created if they already have a clan house.

20) Online time is no longer incremented if you are afk by being inactive for 5 minutes.

21) Being killed by a trap while invisible now makes you visible when you resurrect in your local tavern.

22) It is no longer possible to use the party system to take someone into a clan room which has permissions set to stop them walking in normally.

23) Friend, Enemy and Nopk lists are now in alphabetical order.

24) When you are hungry or thirsy, it now says on your alts' screen too.

25) Half-Elves now get 2.5% more xp. Humans now get 5% more xp.

26) BUG FIX: Half-Orcs now get the 5ac racial bonus they were supposed to have over a year ago (why did no-one bug report this when it was released).

CLIENT (optional update from the help menu, these won't work without it!)

27) More accurate ping timer.

28) Several efficiencies made to various sections of code.

29) Added the maths symbol 'e' and 'raise to the power of' ^ to the '/calc' system (i happened to need it once so thought i'd add it).

30) If more than one forward slash is used to prefix a command, the client will remove extra ones, ie '//cast' will be converted to '/cast'

31) '/load [character] [character] [character] [character]...' added. Note, loading up lots of crits at the same time on a slow pc is not recommended (windows 9x/me can only handle about 4 reliably).

32) '/version' shows the current game version exe which could be useful for problem checking.

33) Having the exact amount of xp required to level up now makes the bar go red, rather than having to have at least 1 more xp.

34) '/macro [number/special] [text](^[0/1])', the extra bit on the end allows you to set autosend on or off. ie, putting ^1 at the end sets autosend on while ^0 turns it off.

35) Doing '/refresh' no longer reloads the last selected spell from when nightmist was last closed.


36) '/monsterview [monster]' where [monster] does not exist, will now give a message saying so rather than doing nothing.

37) '/account view account [account]' can now be used to view an account that you know the account name of rather than a player's name in the account.

38) Monster stat 6 (spell messages) can now be used for a custom message for VISN.

39) Added '/monitor account [account name]' for adding all characters in the account to the monitor list.

40) Staff no longer get disconnected after 1 hour of inactivity.

41) The player alert list (tells you when certain players logon and logoff) is now in alphabetical order.

42) Changing friend/enemy chat on/off while cloaked no longer tells everyone on your list.

43) You can use <colors> in grid stats.
Anything i post on here is subject to change at any time without notification to the board.

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