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The War Has Begun!

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#1 Stotic

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 12:45 AM

A situation is at hand my good people. Two nights ago, one of Harabec’s farms was burned down which added up to tons of lost revenue. King Housmeld is outraged that not only has his city lost revenue, but it has clearly been attacked. Harabec’s leading officer, General Kashtil, came to the conclusion with his staff that the organization that is responsible for the attack is based in Arilin. Arilin has declined this, stating that relations between the two have not been hazardous for quite some time. Tensions increased as 5 guardsmen were found slain last night in the large forest near the graveyard. The royal symbol of Harabec was found engraved on the abdomens of the corpses.
The two sides are now in a large political feud which seems to only have one result, death. Harabec, outraged on the belief that it had been framed, has challenged Arilin to war. Arilin, being the smaller of the two, has issued out calls for aid throughout the world of Nightmist hoping to gain mercenaries to volunteer their services. Harabec, even with its vast army, has called on the world of Nightmist to side with the righteous empire. The two sides have scheduled their battle to be at 7pm gmt. (4/24/04)

OOC (Rules): Players who show interest in joining with Arilin’s forces must meet at Arilin Hunters' Tavern in Arilin. Players who show interest in joining with Harabec’s forces must meet at the Throne Room in Harabec Castle. No alts may be used! Wait til Saturday for further instructions. Let the war begin!
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#2 Stotic

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:00 PM

As the dust clears there is left a victor. That victor is none other than the Empire of Harabec. Through a torturous battle where swords swung and limbs flew Harabec was the one left standing. Harabec’s general, Mortis Kashtil was found with bleeding wounds in Illuminated Tunnels, but is now recovering. Unfortunate for Arilin, there were no survivors. They were all slain along with their leader, Baroness Cyssia. Harabec’s mercenaries didn’t receive the best of luck as they lost more than 3/4 their original force. After the fierce battle , Harabec thanked their mercenaries and continued to push forward to occupy Arilin. What will come of this event? Only time will tell.
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

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