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Member Since 12 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2004 04:50 AM

Topics I've Started


28 September 2004 - 12:30 AM

1. Dungeons's stats are: Race/Class: Male Dwarf Thief. Str: 21, Int: 16, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 9, Chr: 14, Lev: 24, Exp: 40,296,620, HP: 252, MP: 0, Stm: 4.

Dungeons is a Male Dwarf Expert Thief. He looks extremely strong, smart, fast, and cute. In one hand he holds a Katana, the other a Steel Bracers. He is wearing an Ironweed Doublet, and a Studded Helm protects his head. Around his neck sits a Shark Tooth Necklace. He is wearing a Ring of Windia, and Centipede Gloves on his hands. His feet are protected by Crocodile Skin Boots. He is a Founder (---===DX===---) of Dragon_Inc and he is in a healthy condition.

2. Race/Class: Male Human Druid. Str: 19, Int: 13, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 19, Chr: 18, Lev: 12, Exp: 319,726, HP: 114, MP: 129, Stm: 2.
Spells: Heal, Cleanse, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stormwrath.

Accent is a Male Human Journeyman Druid. He looks strong, wise, fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds a Warhammer. Around his neck sits an Aet'Thol's Phyclatery. He is a member of Dragon_Inc and he is in a healthy condition.

3. Par_Salian's stats are: Race/Class: Male Elf Cleric. Str: 18, Int: 13, Dex: 17, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 17, Lev: 15, Exp: 1,508,083, HP: 144, MP: 175, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Enhance, Create Spring, Holy Might, Consecrated Embrace.

Par_Salian is a Male Elf Journeyman Cleric. He looks strong, wise, fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds a Quarterstaff, the other a Steel Bracers. He is wearing an Oak Vest. Around his neck sits a Copper Amulet. He is wearing a Ring of Windia, a Ring of Windia, a Ring of Windia, a Ring of Windia on his hand. He is a member of Dragon_Inc and he has been slightly wounded.

4. Daiki's stats are: Race/Class: Male Dwarf Fighter. Str: 21, Int: 15, Dex: 18, Con: 20, Wis: 18, Chr: 6, Lev: 14, Exp: 1,024,069, HP: 150, MP: 0, Stm: 3.

Daiki is a Male Dwarf Journeyman Fighter. He looks extremely strong, wise, fast, and average looking. In one hand he holds a Broad Sword, the other a Large Shield. He is wearing a Chain Vest, and a Reinforced Helmet protects his head. Around his neck sits a Bunny Foot Necklace. He is wearing Centipede Gloves on his hands. His feet are protected by Crocodile Skin Boots. He is a Leader (---===DX===---) of Dragon_Inc and he is in a healthy condition.

Ok crits come as is but I might get a name change for Daiki.
I am looking for either gold or archs.
Get intouch with Dungeons or Accent in game or post bids here :P

A Cleric Or Druid

13 September 2004 - 04:05 AM

Wanting a cleric or a druid lower than lvl 25 wit good stats.
Page Daiki/Dungeons or post here

Lvl1 Elf Cleric

29 August 2004 - 06:28 AM

Looking for a 4stat(or close to) level 1 elf cleric one with stats for charisma,dexterity,constitution,and wisdom and maybe high strength.
Contact dungeons in game or post here with full /showstats


05 August 2004 - 12:49 AM

I was just wondering if it would be possible to get the nightmist download (wizard) in a .zip so I can download it at school as my school as blocked .exe downloads. I hope this can happen so I can spend my lunch times kicking it up in my favourite online game.

Daiki in game


03 August 2004 - 02:42 AM

looking for free crits...not looking for anything inparticular doesn't matter about stats either.
Would like na arch if possible.

Contact Daiki in game or post here :P