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Experts In Events

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#31 Prophet

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 12:02 PM

I think you need to carry on re-reading my posts twice or maybe more if that didn't help, I said higher level characters at what point have I defined my use of elitist as level 30 characters, not once, seriously I'm beginning to tire of debating against someone who doesn't even read before going back into another rant.

The level 25-29 TripleX was not a suggestion of a new event it was a suggestion of changing the level boundaries of the country Junior TripleX which imo, just causes the same problems about new players not having the events just at an even earlier stage of their playing, another event would add more strain to Gaz and it would be upto him whether he could accomodate such a new event, but currently Angelus' suggestion was to make it higher level.

You go onto to slate my opinion as not having reason behind it, I thought I had made my reasoning quite simple in the above posts just to simplify:

A change in event format would lead to less events for newer players, less events means less reasons for newer players to stick around.

Personally I feel getting more new people to play the game is more important than you complaining about how you had slightly decreased odds of getting through to the next round as a result.

Your post just proposes denying level 15-24 an event instead, this is not a solution.

(On a sidenote Rafa is an Spanish Football Manager working at in The English Premier League who famously went into a rant this year, its a joke only people who follow the EPL will get)

My "hostilties" arise because you keep trying to dissect my posts and wording and attack me as a person rather than focusing on what my point has been, which you clearly ignore each time going off on some rant about how you are being rational and I am not, even though I have made a very rational point throughout, their shouldn't be any confusions this time though as I have enbolded it to show you the only part you need to address.
Si Senior!

#32 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 12:45 PM

I stopped reading your post when I read that your interpretation of what was actually suggested was that the lvls of the jr triplex would change.. it was on the actually suggested to make 15-24 triplex and a 25-29 triplex two separate events.. IF gaz didnt want to do it it doesnt change the fact that it is a 15 level spread in the current event and you fail to mention that... That is the flaw that needs to change. Address what matters or your responses are useless.

edit: btw, the bold part didnt really fit for a response to my post.. you fail.. i actually suggest the exact opposite /eyes...

Edited by Apocalypto, 27 May 2009 - 12:46 PM.


#33 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 12:50 PM

ALL can participate in the junior triplex. The suggestion of a 25-29 triplex without cobalt items would be a great addition.


so splitting them into 15-24 and 24-29 without cobalt would be the best solution in my opinion.

edit:maybe you dont understand the words addition and split?

edit2:Also, if gaz didnt want to add another event he could alternate between lvls 15-24 and lvs 25-29 as the jr triplex..

Edited by Apocalypto, 27 May 2009 - 12:59 PM.


#34 Prophet

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 05:07 PM

Seriously just read for once in your life.

By suggestion I mean the person who suggested it originally which was Angelus, and he suggested that it be changed from 15-24 to 25-29, this I was stating isn't a solution, what you have counter stated is a semi-solution that I didn't address as it has a number of problems: Gaz would need to run another event on probably 2 servers as any changes are likely to be made on both; the events schedule is already quite full without another event being added; will there ever be enough people joining on level 25-29's to form a full event that they can enjoy? Generally I just feel leaving it the way it is now is a much better solution than causing all of the above to have to happen just because some people have a slightly lower chance of getting through when teamed with a level 25.

I have addressed in previous posts about the level 15 split and I don't want to have to repeat myself every time. Currently it is not a 15 level split(there are no level 40's).

You keep bringing up the 10 level rule, this was introduced mainly to stop people pking people excessively early on in the game(before the extra levels were introduced), not to stop level 25's from fighting level 36's.

The bold part fitted fine, as your solution isn't one it just merely partitions the events further and further.

So to sum up: It's not broken now, you exaggerate how badly level 25's do against level 35's(There is only one character over level 36 so currently it is a level 11 difference at maximum not always.(ignoring the one 38)), Your solution means more staff work or less events for certain people.

All of that just so that occasionally 2 people don't stand slightly less odds of progressing. Where does this stop? What happens if this goes through and 5months later you come back with the exact same arguement about a level 30? How it ruins the event for you and that you don't stand a possible chance of winning with a level 30 on your team, realistically with a level 30 your chances are still cut, but the event isn't designed to pit perfectly matched teams against each other and neither should it be.

This is my final post on this topic, unless you can actually come up with some more valid reasons to change it than you stand less of a chance of winning when teamed with a level 25, because tbh with you the same reasoning can be applied to archs and underpowered classes.

Edit: To add I understand the difference between addition and split, originally what Angelus suggested was an abolition and addition, adding new events or splitting them isn't really feasible with staff time, a small playerbase and a full event timetable already to consider, however, its my fault for not stating that clearly enough in previous posts

Edited by Prophet, 27 May 2009 - 05:10 PM.

Si Senior!

#35 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 08:11 PM

Seriously just read for once in your life.

I read, and address (unlike you), everything you say.

By suggestion I mean the person who suggested it originally which was Angelus, and he suggested that it be changed from 15-24 to 25-29, this I was stating isn't a solution, what you have counter stated is a semi-solution that I didn't address as it has a number of problems: Gaz would need to run another event on probably 2 servers as any changes are likely to be made on both; the events schedule is already quite full without another event being added; will there ever be enough people joining on level 25-29's to form a full event that they can enjoy? Generally I just feel leaving it the way it is now is a much better solution than causing all of the above to have to happen just because some people have a slightly lower chance of getting through when teamed with a level 25.

I dont care what you meant about angelus' post. I read every post that is on the topic and take it into account before i post. It seems to make my viewpoint less biased and also makes the forum work better. If you would try this, you could save me and yourself alot of time. I already mentioned that it would cause gaz a heavier workload. I also suggested a solution for this that you ignore because you are scared of change. Brings me back to the word conservative. /chuckle. And yes, there will be plenty of lvl 25-29's joining. People that do the junior triplex usually are people on their lower alts. Giving the players that actually only have lower levels a chance to compete with a chance of winning will increase their interest in the game. When you say basically that "if it was changed all of the above would happen", what exactly do you mean? I could have slightly higher chances of advancing if i fight the lvl 25, so that point is moot aswell. The point is that it would be less fun for me to fight a lvl 25 in an almost identical way to being teamed with them. The only difference with being paired with the expert is that you get to advance to the next round where you might actually draw a fight worth participating in. Besides, i dont think you were talking about angelus' post... """"Your post just proposes denying level 15-24 an event instead, this is not a solution.""" IF that sentence wasnt directed at me, considering the rest of your post was, you should really learn to work the quotes to stop confusion.

I have addressed in previous posts about the level 15 split and I don't want to have to repeat myself every time. Currently it is not a 15 level split(there are no level 40's).

Put that in bold because it is a boldfaced lie. Pleassssee, show me where you addressed this. It's a 13 level split. There are 22 characters lvl 35+.

You keep bringing up the 10 level rule, this was introduced mainly to stop people pking people excessively early on in the game (before the extra levels were introduced), not to stop level 25's from fighting level 36's.

If a level 25 can excessively be pk'd by a 36, why would a level 25 want to fight against a 36. Im pretty sure they would rather fight levels closer to them. Such as say, 25-29? But your not looking for what would be better for the game, you just are sticking with your original argument that we were only looking out for ourselves. You know us elitists. /wink

The bold part fitted fine, as your solution isn't one it just merely partitions the events further and further.

It did not fitted fine. The events need to be split into levels of play. Such as in sports. There are several levels of minor leagues, because the professionals would slaughter them. Would you rather play in a league where you can win, or in a league where you get your ass kicked every game?

So to sum up: It's not broken now, you exaggerate how badly level 25's do against level 35's(There is only one character over level 36 so currently it is a level 11 difference at maximum not always.(ignoring the one 38)), Your solution means more staff work or less events for certain people.

Didnt exaggerate anything. My solution doesnt have to add more work for anyone, or cause less events for anyone either really. I posted above that gaz could alternate the two events(the current jr triplex and the hypothetical one) and it wouldnt cause any work for staff and would cause a VERY minimal few to not be able to participate in an event. Lets be real, everyone knows most of the people in the jr triplex's are just on alts. The few that dont have both a 15-24 and a 25-29 would be effected as minimal as possible, if the events alternated. That only being considered if gaz cant find an alternative solution.

All of that just so that occasionally 2 people don't stand slightly less odds of progressing. Where does this stop? What happens if this goes through and 5months later you come back with the exact same argument about a level 30? How it ruins the event for you and that you don't stand a possible chance of winning with a level 30 on your team, realistically with a level 30 your chances are still cut, but the event isn't designed to pit perfectly matched teams against each other and neither should it be.

Its not just a “slight” chance of not progressing, and ive told you several times that isnt the only reason for this. It is partially the reason, and perhaps even the reason for the original post, but there are several other posts that show that there are more benefits than setbacks from this. Ill post two of my points that prove you wrong. The point where i think it isnt sensible to have 15 levels in an event like this, and the fact that after level 30 you get double HP gains. Adding a level worth of hp per level(35's would have 15 levels more hp than 25s) is bad enough. 36-40's fighting them is crazier. Anyways, this is where it stops. 10 levels seems more than sensible enough to me.

This is my final post on this topic, unless you can actually come up with some more valid reasons to change it than you stand less of a chance of winning when teamed with a level 25, because tbh with you the same reasoning can be applied to archs and underpowered classes.

I have already stated a reason that is the exact opposite of this. Guess you missed that too. And you being the one that tells me to read, just makes me laugh. If i were against the 25 my first round of the event is a BYE. Wheres the fun in that?(that was said in different terms already!!!) Im with you on not posting on this topin anymore though. I dont want to have to go through this with you anymore, as you arent really listening to my posts and are only trying to beat me at something. What it is, i dont know, but unless you actually read other peoples posts and consider them without having the mindset only you can be right i dont think you can win. Anyways, i have posted several reason's, added reason's, and countered your remarks with idea's that would help the game. You can try to deny it all you want, but it wont help you "win".

Edit: To add I understand the difference between addition and split, originally what Angelus suggested was an abolition and addition, adding new events or splitting them isn't really feasible with staff time, a small playerbase and a full event timetable already to consider, however, its my fault for not stating that clearly enough in previous posts

Again, i dont care what the intentions of his post were, as i took his idea and added my opinions on it, which you chose to overlook. Either way, i have suggested a solution in alternating the levels of the Jr. triplex weekly. In my opinion though, 25 isn't really that hard of a level to reach, and in my opinion it wouldnt hurt if it were changed to 25-29.

Anyways, i think i have pretty much busted the frame out of this topic.

The solution I myself see fit would be to change the junior triplex to be an alternating event. One week it would be 15-24 fighting, and the next week it would be 25-29. This seems to be the best solution because it helps EVERYONE. From the people that want to be completive on there level 25-29 characters, to the “elitists” that don’t want them to hinder the competitiveness of what should be the 30+ triplex. And of course gaz, as he wouldn’t have to run an extra event but could provide more fun.


#36 Sausage


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Posted 27 May 2009 - 08:27 PM

Perts in events are a necessary evil.

It's not that bad if it's 1 pert per team or the pert doesn't stand there and attack noone or drink 0 pots.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#37 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 08:39 PM

Lol, any pert besides a zerker would be crazy to waste 2.8k on buying pots as any 7stam, and 6stamina thief in the game would click them. 7stams would probably even click zerkers half the time. 31+ zerkers will click any expert you put in the event. 31+ rangers will round a more than fair % of experts as well.

Also dont see how you think they are a "necessary evil". What about it is necessary?.... Is it necessary to cause the two people on your team to lose or too cause the other 3 people your team is facing to have a boring fight?

#38 Desendent

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 05:09 AM

i cant believe this topic is still under discussion.

what ever happened to people saying...

etc etc etc

if it were a person from pandemonium that suggested it i bet walt/clay etc would support it but since its somebody from the enemy clan "oh no, its a bad idea"

open your eyes for once and realize this is a good idea and makes logical sense....

oh wait, do you guys have that?

again i support this topic, change it plz gaz :P
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#39 Sarah

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 05:13 AM

I think we've been over this enough, if staff want to change it they will.


Corinne in-game.

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