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Nightmist Survey!

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#1 Orgy

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:31 PM

Alright, ive been wandering this for a while and im probably gonna get a few dumb answers but here we go.

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame.

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill monsters ingame.

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame.

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill monsters ingame.

5. What do you think the best class ingame is?

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered?

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/monster, and which/why?

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why?

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low?

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months?

Please post your answers, numbered, and in order. Also post which server you play the most please. Thanks alot in advance, this is kind of like a survey but yeah :ph34r:.

Edited by Orgy, 04 March 2008 - 06:33 PM.

Tear ingame.

#2 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:34 PM

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame.

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill mobs ingame.
mine :ph34r:

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame.

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill mobs ingame.
i dont get it

5. What do you think the best class ingame is?
best class in what sense lol. i like mages; but rangers are cool too?

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered?
none, they've all been balanced.

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/mob, and which/why?
magimox's. and stick them in that area gareth made.

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why?
lew, cause he'd give me access to his staff crit. haha. errr, probably sergei

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low?

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months?
i dont know what happened in the past 2-3 months, but they probably did as they're cool.

oh yeah, tecton got added. i like him, gg staff.
Disaster ingame.

#3 deadman

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:39 PM

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame. 3 clerics and then a mix of rangers/zerks to cover the field would be easier if there was a couple cobalts involved as well.

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill monsters ingame. same as question 1

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame. 2 clerics then a mix of rangers/zerks

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill monsters ingame. same as 3

5. What do you think the best class ingame is? thief or druid

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered? mage(i play 1a)

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/monster, and which/why? I'd not remove anything currently ingame besides crazy pete and shady diggy as they are pointless and make less people leave town to kill.

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why? I like the staff team as it is currently, I'd really not add anyone else to it. My choice for 1alt would have been Elf and she is already staff. I think Tanglewood would be a good staffer too.

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low? way to outrageous and it made people who would never have anything on either server have a ton of stuff. Interserver trading should be not allowed to happen.

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months? yes especially on 1alt we actually get moshes and events now with good staff interaction.

I play 1 alt server only.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#4 Sausage


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:56 PM

1. 4 clerics, 16 rangers.
2. 4 clerics, 16 Zerks.
3. 2 clerics, mage, 3 zerks, 4 rangers.
4. 2 clerics, 4 zerks, 4 rangers.
5. Cleric
6. None
7. I thought for awhile trying to find something I would rid/change, and I couldn't...
8. Petra. Very knowledgeable, and definitely has the best interests of NM at heart.
9. I think it has messed both economies up. Although it makes sense seeing as you can have 20 crits to make the same gold as 1 crit....
10. Very much so. Not only have I enjoyed playing more recently, the user count as increased immensely. Kudos to all staff who have participated in the rebuilding of Main.

(I play Main.)

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#5 Peacemaker

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 08:53 PM

#1 4 cleric 7 zerks 7 rangers 1 druid and 1 thief

#2 same as 1

#3 2 clerics druid, then 5 zerks/rangers and 4 zerks/rangers

#4 same as 3

#5 Druid

#6 Zerk

#7 Id remove natura and make the drop somewhere else.

#8 They are already staff ;)

#9 outrageously high 10 to 1 wow but hey i get lots of stuff from it hehe :ph34r:

#10 Yes we have a new staff member on one alt keeping it interesting and it even looks like trev is making progress in adding stuff to main as in we can play ctf now and have some fun.

I tend to play both servers equally. Although the recent add of a thief to my account on one alt has slightly made me play more over on that side. When i get bored or not enough people are on i go to main and kill stuff on my own.
Peacemaker both servers.

#6 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 10:46 PM

1. dunno (i play 1 alt and just started playing main)

2. same as #1

3. 1 cleric and a mix of thieves and rangers and druids

4. same as #3

5. I like thieves, rangers, fighters, and sometimes druids. depends on my mood o.o

6. maybe mages, idk.

7. (for 1 alt only cuzz idk about main) I would open up the pyramid of the third moon to clerics above lvl 24. I'd leave all the monsters and stuff the same (because they are quite hard and would be a challenge in and of themselves), just set it to clerics instead of paci's since it's a wasted area due solely to the fact that there are no paci's on one alt. Also the paci only area south of NM i'd turn into a fighter/zerk area since i dont think they have an area just for them. It would of course mean an overhaul of the entire area, but I think it would be worth it. I'd raise the level cap on the area to 20 and drop bears, small snakes, large snakes, trolls, ogres, orcs, and a wolf or two into the area; all stuff that would be decent xp and yet challenging too. It would certainly give lower level fighters and zerks somewhere relatively exclusive and safe for training (aside from pking each other that is) and again make use of a wasted space that is currently unusable.

8. I think there are plenty of staffers currently. With the addition of Tecton I see no real need for anymore staff as the staff to player ratio is fine as it is.

9. It's fine.

10. From what I've seen, I think staff is doing a fine job of improving multi. With the addition of Tecton on one alt I think eventually once he/she settles in we'll see new stuff on there as well.

I play 1 alt mostly, though i have started playing multi more recently as well.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#7 Wind


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 08:40 AM

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame.
Errrmmmm. Aeryn's <<My free cobalt we agreed?

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill mobs ingame.
4 Cleric's, Druid, 6 Zerkers, 9 Rangers.

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame.
2 Cleric's, 8 Rangers

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill mobs ingame.
2 Cleric's 8 Zerkers

5. What do you think the best class ingame is?
Mage, Druid, Ranger <<I couldnt pick lol..

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered?

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/mob, and which/why?
Dunno it's early.

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why?
Sergei, and I would like Mono/Joe to active his staff crit once again.

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low?

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months?
Just returned like couple of week ago so I wouldnt know. *wink*
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#8 Raylen


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Posted 05 March 2008 - 12:16 PM

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame.
Druid/Mage, 4 clerics, 15 cobalt zerks (failing that, mix of rangers/zerks)

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill monsters ingame.
2 clerics, 18 rangers/zerks

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame.
2 clerics, 4 rangers, 4 zerks

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill monsters ingame.
1 cleric, 1 druid, 8 hitters of any kind

5. What do you think the best class ingame is?

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered?

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/monster, and which/why?
Hmm no

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why?
Dognapot, for interest's sake

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low?
Don't care but logically it was always going to happen

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months?
Yes, new staff to run events is always good

I, uh, don't play...


Why people say you need FOUR clerics to kill monsters is beyond me. You always need a druid/mage to kill bosses, usually mage for VG, but druids can hit too so yeah. Best class is obviously cleric because you pretty much are screwed without them.
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#9 katja

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Posted 07 March 2008 - 04:00 AM

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame. yes

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill monsters ingame. yes

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame. cheese pizza

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill monsters ingame. no

5. What do you think the best class ingame is? 7

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered? no

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/monster, and which/why? green

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why? yes

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low? drugs are bad

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months? 23.571%

Edited by katja, 07 March 2008 - 04:02 AM.

i am Kelsta (Katja in game)!

#10 joanna

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 11:15 AM

1/2: best 20 party - 3 clerics 2 pallies 4 rangers 2 zerks 2 fighters 3 thieves 2 mages 2 druids

3/4: best 10 party - 2 clerics 1 pally 2 rangers 1 zerk 1 fighter 1 thief 1 mage 1 druid

5: best class ingame - cleric

6: most OP class (main) - zerks, they should NEVER have been allowed vampiric weapons, it totally defeats the point of the class.
most OP class (1a) - mages

7: remove an area (main) - no, areas need adding not removing from main
remove an area (1a) hedge maze (totally overpowered for mages) and jahannas peak (totally overpowered for druids)

8: new staff - id create an imaginary person, rename a couple of archmaster alts and 'give' him them to make them not look like a nub, then vote for them as staff

9: just about right, you can log 20 times the crits so stuff is worth 20 times as much

10: farming boss drops on mortals :ph34r: in fact there has been *3* new areas recently made!

#11 Orgy

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 07:10 PM

Id like to bump this... it was going well for a bit but yeah, would like to see more replies from staff and such. Thanks.
Tear ingame.

#12 Hansol

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 08:26 PM

because these guys are dumbasses and dont know what they are talking about

1. What would be the best party of 20 to kill bosses ingame. - 2-3 clerics and the rest = level 40 19 dex cobalt zerkers

2. What would be the best party of 20 to kill monsters ingame. - ^

3. What would be the best party of 10 to kill bosses ingame. - 2 clerics and some cobalt zerks can drop any boss except a self healing one even then it would be close

4. What would be the best party of 10 to kill monsters ingame. - cleric /9 rs/rb/csotw 19 dex level 40 zerks

5. What do you think the best class ingame is? - overall? cobalt bow ranger for a good mix of pvp/pvm for pvp its zerk by far

6. Which class do you think is the most overpowered? rune staff/rune blade/cobalt 19 dex zerk

7. If you were staff, would you remove an area or a boss/monster, and which/why? - only thing that needs to be removed is the cap on stamina that makes a level 40 as good as a level 30

8. If you could pick someone other than yourself to be staff, who would it be and why? - no one comes to mind there are 8 active users

9. Do you think that the ratio of gold from 1a to main is outrageous/too low? - 1a is retarded and takes no skill

10. Do you think that staff has made any real improvements in the past 2-3 months? - a little

/t posters how are cobalt zerks not overpowered? they have literally 3 times the firepower spelled as a cobalt bow ranger on average and you dont even need to heal them

Edited by Hansol, 15 April 2008 - 08:32 PM.

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