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Member Since 18 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2008 08:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

18 July 2008 - 08:03 PM

Enya enters and stops. The stench of blood is strong and fresh, there had been blood spilled. A vampire lay mutilated beyond recognition. She could do nothing but stand in the doorway, curling her copper curls around pale thin fingers. "Perhaps it was foolish to come." She thought, for no reason what so ever her eyes pricked with foolish tears. She turned to leave before she got herself in trouble........

In Topic: Biography

18 July 2008 - 07:41 PM

Okay I'm not very good with Bio's but I'll try my best! =p



Real Name: Eithne (Eth-na)
Species: Half Vampire/Half Mortal
Height: 5'0
Weight: 116 llbs
Age: 44 (To all mortal eyes she looks only in her twenties)
Hair Color: Copper
Eye Color: Sapphire
Enya was born in 1964 in New Orleans, in 1981 her only living relative, her Father was shot while trying to stop a robber from breaking into their house. Soon after she fell in love with a man who called himself Marcus. Enya beleived she really loved him. On New Years Eve 1983 she went back to his apartment and they had drinks, managing to get quite drunk. Enya passed out but when she came to, Marcus was gone and she was half undead, which meant she could eat normal food but had to have at least a pint of blood a week, she could also go into the sunlight, but to survive must wear sunglasses, long pants and shirts. She lives in London with her pet Finch, Renfield, another blood sucking creature native to the Golapagos Islands. She's immortal with the exception of being shot, stabbed etc. (A Price of being half human) and staked (But wouldn't anyone who get's staked die?!)