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1a Races Examined

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#1 Yggdrasill

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:45 AM

"Half-Elves are the Paladins of races!"

1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#2 Abstract

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 09:28 AM


#3 Freek

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Posted 22 September 2010 - 04:36 PM

Not that it will ever be changed but I had brainstormed a way to rework the stats on half-orc/half-elves so that it wouldn't be overpowered just would bring some diversity.

Half Elf

Take a point from charisma/con and add to intel. This would make them on par with damage as Mages, but would not replace the high dex on gnomes or high wis on elfs.

18 21 19 18 19 19

Take a point from con/charisma and add a point to wisdom. This would make them viable Druids, and viable Clerics just not as good as elfs *Maybe even take another point away from intel*

18 20 19 18 20 19

Thats the only way I can find a way to arrange the stats without going under max elf/human stats.

Half Orc

Take a point from intel/charisma and add a point to dex.

22 14 17 22 14 14

Basically all they need is another dex.

Edit: P.S. - Gnomes need another class. Druid preferably.

Edited by Freek, 22 September 2010 - 04:40 PM.

Freek ingame.

#4 Crane


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Posted 24 September 2010 - 03:04 AM

The trouble with the two Half-Elf suggestions is that both are overall worse than Elves; none of the Half-Elf stats are higher than Elf stats... the first suggestion:

±0 ±0 ±0 ±0 -1 -1

While the second suggestion:

±0 -1 ±0 ±0 ±0 -2

And their current stats:

±0 -1 ±0 +1 -1 -1

Granted, some stats are more valuable than others, like a Constitution stat has far more weight than Charisma and, arguably, Wisdom. Half-Elves are an underused race, but it is hard to rebalance their stats without making them useless in comparison to another race, or making another race useless in comparison to them - for example, buffing Half-Elf strength to 19 would nullify Humans for everything except Paladins and Thieves a little bit.

Another point that is easy to overlook are the racial bonuses. True, their damage bonus in forests isn't much, but, for Druids especially, it helps to compensate for only have 18 Strength, and having 19 Constitution as well does help quite a bit over their Elven cousins.

I think in most cases though, Half-Elves are largely okay as they are. The Half-Orc suggestion is interesting, but one I would be a little wary of due to their very high Strength and Constitution, and the fact that they get +5 armour, hence Berserkers get an extra and unusual line of defense.

Gnomes are largely aligned towards technology and control rather than nature and instinct, so being a Druid goes against their affinity somewhat.

Edited by Crane, 24 September 2010 - 03:07 AM.

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