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#1 Saken

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:11 PM

To those of you who know me...

Thanks for being friends, meant alot to find some decent people on this damn game, I'll still show my face every now and again although it wont be very often, I'll keep in touch through Aim, Msn or Yahoo or wherever any of you have me added. Main farewells to my closest friends; Doug, Brian, Tidal, Shon, Kev + Kev, Jase, Alex, Adriaan, Jared, Eric, Trey, Domi, Craig (if he ever shows up again), Shaun, Steve, Pat, Shay, Josh, Matty and Andy Snow and Zach..if I missed anyone lemme know...

Friend/Family will be using my crits from now on, they won't be for sale unless I say so, so don't ask them, they're nuts anyway, never made anything of myself in game, will be here for the rest of the night probably...feel free to post I couldn't care if you don't..

To those of you I don't know...Peace!

Edited by Saken, 04 September 2004 - 10:46 PM.

#2 Nocturnal

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:15 PM

Hmm, I wonder what the mighty "Full Time job" Boss drops. Give me a holler if you find out Joe!

#3 Sneaky

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:30 PM

Wtf, i dont even get a mention joey?

See ya in a week man, if u are one of the few that actually do quit will be a huge loss to Nightmist...Peace dude
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#4 Ecstasy

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:32 PM

Awww, I'm sure you will be missed!!

I'll still bug you over msn :P

Well have fun not playing nightmist!!

Take care!! /lick :P

#5 Saken

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:32 PM

Sorry Mike my bad, you wont see me in like a week lol, if I do come back on I'll be on For_Saken as usual...but yeah Mikey too!! :P

#6 Wierd

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:50 PM

Oh my gosh! Now who will I pwn into the ground?! Jason? pfft! he's such ezpk he pwns himself, then complains his alts pked him

remember the time......

Kev: dewd lolz joe u r such ezpk
Joe: lmao dewd I r noobie
Kev: oh my gosh, j00 r so ez to pwn u liek pwn yourself
Joe: dewd lol I r agree with j00
Kev: they need to like, invent a new form of ezpk to describe how much ezpk j00 r teh beingness
Joe: oh my gosh dewd lzoll pwn into ground
Kev: lmao dewd /cast pwn-into-ground/joe!
Joe: /me was pwned into the ground.
Kev: rofl
Joe: lmao
Joe: /cast pwn-into-ground/Kev!
Kev: /me was pwned into the ground!
Kev: lozlzol
Joe: roflmao dewd
Kev: dewd, consider yourself pwnt into the ground
Joe: oh my gosh!!1
Kev: Face first!
Joe: !!!
Kev: /cast pwn-into-ground-face-first/Joe!
Joe: lmao dewd
Kev: rofl dewd why doesn't anyone else find this funny
Joe: loloz kev r noobie
.. .

.. . or the time.. .

Joe: hey kev
Kev: hiya joe
Joe: sup?
Kev: sky

.. .
... . ... .. ... . .
or when . ...

Mike: dewd I r not teh goodbye sayingness of j00r post 4 teh goodbye of j00r leavingness?
Joe: dewd lol u r noobief00'
Mike: dewd edit and put me in the "my closest friends" list or imma cry lozl
Joe: oh my gosh kk I r teh do of it kthx

. ..
such a long time ago..

I'm gonna miss you joe, I'll never forget when we made up pwn-into-ground, or the time you kept hitting Adriaan with that English Dictionary, well, I will forget them both, but yeah. that was awesome.

add me to MSN or I'll cry, and you know what it's like when I cry, it's like kevx3 with +5 annoying and +27 hi2u, and since you won't be here that means Jason will suffer greatly from it
damn, I wasn't supposed to write this much, I would write more but I'm lazy..

in addition, FGGJP, byes foo' cya soon hopefully

#7 Suzey

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:51 PM

fine -.-

#8 Squee



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:52 PM

/me runs and glomps For_Saken so hard that it leaves a dent in the ground.

Once you're gone, who am I supposed to glomp? :P
Posted Image

#9 DragonHeart



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 10:56 PM

good luck to whatever it is yer gonna be doing from now on joe boy we'll miss you!! :P
Crusader/Raistlin/Spyhunter ingame

#10 Zelimos



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Posted 04 September 2004 - 11:02 PM

/me runs and glomps For_Saken so hard that it leaves a dent in the ground.

Once you're gone, who am I supposed to glomp? :P

what's glomp? i may allow you to do it to me so long as it's nothing sexual

#11 Eden

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 11:05 PM

and since you won't be here that means Jason will suffer greatly from it

I'm afraid If you go that i shall never recover Joe, but as I figure you already pretty much made up your mind I'm going to have to wish you the best of luck in work and life and uhh... the endless torment kev will cause etc.

Hope everything works out for you, and that I see you on from time to time. Byes :D

They say sing while you slave and I just get bored..

#12 Lich

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Posted 04 September 2004 - 11:19 PM

No your not allowed Joe, we kinda fell out but no your not allowed to go at all.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#13 Deathwish

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 03:00 PM

Later Joe.. catch you on msn! :P
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#14 Deathwish

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 03:02 PM

Oh my gosh! Now who will I pwn into the ground?! Jason? pfft! he's such ezpk he pwns himself, then complains his alts pked him

remember the time......

Kev: dewd lolz joe u r such ezpk
Joe: lmao dewd I r noobie
Kev: oh my gosh, j00 r so ez to pwn u liek pwn yourself
Joe: dewd lol I r agree with j00
Kev: they need to like, invent a new form of ezpk to describe how much ezpk j00 r teh beingness
Joe: oh my gosh dewd lzoll pwn into ground
Kev: lmao dewd /cast pwn-into-ground/joe!
Joe: /me was pwned into the ground.
Kev: rofl
Joe: lmao
Joe: /cast pwn-into-ground/Kev!
Kev: /me was pwned into the ground!
Kev: lozlzol
Joe: roflmao dewd
Kev: dewd, consider yourself pwnt into the ground
Joe: oh my gosh!!1
Kev: Face first!
Joe: !!!
Kev: /cast pwn-into-ground-face-first/Joe!
Joe: lmao dewd
Kev: rofl dewd why doesn't anyone else find this funny
Joe: loloz kev r noobie
.. .

.. . or the time.. .

Joe: hey kev
Kev: hiya joe
Joe: sup?
Kev: sky

.. .
... . ... .. ... . .
or when . ...

Mike: dewd I r not teh goodbye sayingness of j00r post 4 teh goodbye of j00r leavingness?
Joe: dewd lol u r noobief00'
Mike: dewd edit and put me in the "my closest friends" list or imma cry lozl
Joe: oh my gosh kk I r teh do of it kthx

. ..
such a long time ago..

I'm gonna miss you joe, I'll never forget when we made up pwn-into-ground, or the time you kept hitting Adriaan with that English Dictionary, well, I will forget them both, but yeah. that was awesome.

add me to MSN or I'll cry, and you know what it's like when I cry, it's like kevx3 with +5 annoying and +27 hi2u, and since you won't be here that means Jason will suffer greatly from it
damn, I wasn't supposed to write this much, I would write more but I'm lazy..

in addition, FGGJP, byes foo' cya soon hopefully

Always love your forum replies..

Sorry for the double post >.<
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#15 jurian


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Posted 05 September 2004 - 03:22 PM

Even in death my hate will go on

#16 Night_Angel

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Posted 06 September 2004 - 11:13 PM

i forbid you leaving. and you have to listen to me cause im me. please. *pout* i guess if you must i should tell you that you will be missed. hugs and kisses and i jst got msn so lilsism522@hotmail.com
Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#17 deadman

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 12:06 AM

awww dont leave :P

good luck in life man

Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#18 Vanilla

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 03:38 PM

Oh my god! No Joeeeeeee! Get back here you scottish arse! You would leave when I'm away being blown around by stupid Hurricane Frances... If you leave I'm just going to... freak out.

Someone gimme his msn name, I'm downloading it now so I can drag him back here. :P
There may be some doubt about a hell beyond the grave but there is no doubt about there being one on this side of it.
*Tidal in-game*

#19 Zelimos



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Posted 07 September 2004 - 04:04 PM

.... who's joe?

#20 Deathwish

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 07:39 PM

Someone who is far cooler than you'll ever be..
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#21 Thunderja


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Posted 08 September 2004 - 08:37 AM

And another great drunk leaves the game.....

Cya round ya big fanny, was a hell of a laugh back when we all were t.a founders, not all that productive but funny as hell.

Tty on MSN anyway.... FREE THE MANGA MAHI!!!!
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#22 Ryuku


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Posted 08 September 2004 - 08:50 AM

Joe, I didn't know you that much, but I'm sure that Alex up there is Yourmaster and not Daffy :P, I'll miss ya.

#23 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 08:17 PM

What?! NOOOOOOOOO Joe..... you cant leave. Dont make me come over there and drag you back on here..... cuz i will.. u know i will!!!!!!!! I'll drag ya back AFTER i beat ur arse around the place a few times. Get back here .... NOW!!!

Ok im done ranting and raving... *takes a deep breath* see ya in a few days joe :P

*hugs you tight*


Edited by Silver_Dragoness, 08 September 2004 - 08:18 PM.

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


Naamah - Main

Tyrelline - 1A

#24 Satterlee

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 08:22 PM

hey dickhead, you put shaun and pat and josh on there but wheres Mikey???



hate to see you go, you and me had the same sense of humor

well, good luck to yer days ahead,

MSN: flame_chiller@hotmail.com
AIM: TeC44047

Edited by Satterlee, 08 September 2004 - 08:22 PM.

I've seen more meds in my left nostril than you've seen in your life.

Poker in-game.

#25 InTerNalChaoS

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 12:02 AM

This is gregg, 2 things. First off i Thanks for mentioning me *kicks you in the groin* i should be atleast in the top 5, and second off i decided to come up with a poem:

Ive known you for eternity, a friendship that never ends, even if you are my friend, who's sexuality tends to bend. O.o I shed some tears as i want to keep you close to me, realizing that your boots will be gone, and so will be my place to pee. Strap off your luxturies and give me all your $hi7, and ill be a greedy mofo, this is my poem, and the end of it. :P

P.S. *pee's on your shoe*, i love ya like a bro, keep it real!

Edited by InTerNalChaoS, 19 September 2004 - 12:06 AM.

How can you Trust something that bleeds for 5 days straight every month and doesnt die?!

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