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Demented Kitty

Member Since 13 May 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2007 11:07 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Adventure In A Strange Land

01 December 2007 - 12:58 AM

( OOC: Shapeshifter cannot make it back into the roleplay because he has lost access to his internet at the moment... I deleted my posts and withdrew from the rp because it seems everyone deems me to be the black sheep for doing something that i was asked and in doing so i posted out of turn to do as shapeshifter asked me to do and politely poof his character until he was able to make it back. In doing so, i was rideculed for doing as i was asked. So i withdraw my posts and will not post on any other rps. Was nice to get the two posts off i could... But i will retire from rp since everyone has such an issue with it... Farewell and have fun!)

In Topic: Favorite Area Designs

30 November 2007 - 03:53 PM

I personally like the Land of the dead area. Its a place where, if you want to be alone, not many go there. It used to be my safe haven on 1a, until i quit the 1a server. ;) Not only is it a safe haven for some people, but the exp and gold there is at an average goodness. 250 gold a kill, plus 68 POD is rather nice. It was a place I could go when others annoyed me. So my vote goes for the Land of the Dead.

(plus i am an Egypt freak, so i love the pyramids :ph34r: )

In Topic: Guardian's Hysteria

21 November 2007 - 05:29 AM

Her eyes lit up as she stared at his ring. Her mind raced with ideas on how to get it from him. What foolish actions would he pull to keep it or what would he want for it? She didnt know these answers, but she was sure that he would not get one thing until he helped her retreive the other 6 signets. Malice and hate filled her heart as she stood and stared at the ring. Almost too lost in thought to hear his words. Her eye began to twitch a little and she quickly moved her body to turn around. Standing with her back to him she began to talk to thin air. Whispering things that he could barely hear... It was almost like she was talking and answering herself.

"What are you doing? Shh... im trying to think... He has a signet... How can we get it from him? What will master think of this?"

She turned back around and stared at him once more. Her voice was now raspy and hissy.

"Unfortunately for you my dear friend..."

Snickering at her sarcasm, she continued on...

"I will have to take that ring.. See my master needs it along with the other six... and you nor anyone else shall stand in my way of it... Even if i have to kill you."

With this her eyes squeezed shut and she tilted her head to the side, letting the soft rosey locks of hair fall onto her arm and shoulder. Her eyes changed back to their normal bright blue. Her facial expression changed to a more calm person. Looking at him she rubbed her head softly and sighed.

"What happened?" was all she could mutter out before her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the forest floor. As she fell her forehead struck a sharp rock sticking up from the forest floor.Gashing a small place on her forehead, it healing over instantly with a dark purple glow. She lay there, her hair all fanned out under her back and her arms and legs thrown wildly about. The personality change had given her a splitting headache, which in turn made her pass out.

In Topic: 1a Theif And Cleric For Sale

26 October 2007 - 12:39 AM

Posting for Superbeast on 1a

Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): 400k

In Topic: Guardian's Hysteria

17 October 2007 - 01:31 AM

A soft smirk ran along her lips as she gave a hissing laughing. Her eyes slowly withdrew their black hue and retreated to their normal crimson red. Her hands slowly came together as she formed another ball of dark energy. Holding it out to him, she gave him a soft giggle and tossed it into his lap and shrugged softly. She knew the ball would do no harm as long as it did not touch the ground. Her eyes scanned his form slowly, but instead of sitting beside him, she sat across from him. Always ready and alert, she nodded softly to his question.

"Yes I did send your little friend into an eternal slumber. And until my quest is completed, he will stay in a deep sleep."

She looked his frame over once more and growled softly. After the growl had faded from her throat, a small hiss escaped her. reaching up and scratching with her left hand behind her left ear, she purred and then quickly gaining control of herself. The moonlight was slowly fading to a new day. as she sat there, she sniffed the air softly. Shaking her head, she looked at him once more.

"So... why did you come to seek me out? There has to be a reason.... The reason I am here is I have an artifact to find... One that instead of running from my master with... i will take it back to him. He needs the artifact for something special he is doing. What he is doing, I have no clue."

Staring at him with a deep gaze, she sighed softly. Thinking back to the day her master had given her the duty of finding the artifact that he was seeking. When she had left she had not went back. She hadn't wanted to go back until now. She missed him. Missed his strict hand guiding her to endless power.

"The Archilieo's Signet"

She murmured the name of the artifact out without thinking. She sighed softly and then her eyes grew wide. Looking back at him, she calmed down and cleared her throat. Shifting her weight to one leg she waited to hear the answers to her questions. These answers would tell if he was to be trusted or killed.