For Both 1alt / Multi where appropriate - Probably only aimed for the eye's of Stig as he's the main active guy here.
New Trades:
Demon Plate - 1 Silver 3 Bronze suggested - in line with Halberd (And rarer drop)
Baron's Bracelet - 2 Gold - due to low level requirement
Emerald Bracelet - 1 Gold 3 Silver (Essentially devaluing its resale by 50k due to level requirement)
I also suggest reviewing Spider Staff - I can't think of anyone in the game on either server who would essentially sell one for 10k
Dragon's Skin I know is the easiest drop from Blue Dragon. But 1 Silver seems a bit harsh. Especially compared to the GoV. I'd suggest maybe upping it to 2 or 3 Silver.
In line with the above Dragon's eye Pendant to scale accordingly. Probably to 4 Silver. Especially when you factor in the value of other items.
Most of the other items seem fair for both servers - I'm aware putting in different values for the servers won't happen. As I think a couple of the items on 1alt need a massive boost. (Scroll of DR for instance sells back to the shop for 50k, so it would need massively upping)