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Too Much Tecton?

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#1 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:52 PM

Ok so I'm loving having an active staff member in 1a now that Emma is gone, but I do think that Tecton may be overdoing it a bit... Moshes, which used to be rare, are now an everyday occurance, usually back to back to back and with worthless prizes. I mean its fun to join in one every now and then just to do it when we are bored, but its being used excessively. Perhaps a Weekly Mosh (champs mosh) or something that is actually worth it would be better.

As for the Mosh to see who's the "best char in class in the game", these should be posted so that people actually know when they are coming up. The only one i have seen was the cleric mosh, which had only 3 or 4 people in it.... and only 1 arch.... that doesn't define best cleric (no offense tony i <3 you)
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the staff comment and all, but it should be announced ahead of time.

I hope no one gets the wrong idea, I'm not putting Tecton down or anything I'm just givin an opinion. Agree or Disagree.
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#2 Crane


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 09:58 PM

If I've learnt anything, almost everyone becomes overly enthusiastic when they first take on a new role of higher responsibility, and not just for staff; I mean, I'm sure some you remember me getting a bit overzealous with locking topics when I was first made a moderator. Give Tecton some time to settle into his new role and find a balance.
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#3 Consumed


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:03 PM

totally agree with your post jono... the moshes over and over are just making them played out... matter of fact druid mosh was only one arch too.. and champs belt would be cool..also drunken masters maybe... and stuff like that.. anyways agree about the char comments to... didnt yours get delete cuz staff didnt want players with comments? lol... anyways

edit:agree with crane to heh

Edited by Consumed, 26 February 2008 - 10:04 PM.

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#4 Kobra

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:10 PM

/nod Crane. Yeah he is good staff and seems like a good guy... Least he is around and always acting cool so far... Moshes are getting a little much but heh it happens. Constructive Criticism Tecton... We love you but the moshes are too much! I actually like the idea of the staff comments though..

#5 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:12 PM

Good point Crane, hadn't really thought of that...

Consumed Posted Today, 10:03 PM 
  totally agree with your post jono... the moshes over and over are just making them played out... matter of fact druid mosh was only one arch too.. and champs belt would be cool..also drunken masters maybe... and stuff like that.. anyways agree about the char comments to... didnt yours get delete cuz staff didnt want players with comments? lol... anyways

edit:agree with crane to heh

And yeah Billy all player comments (exception of rob who payed?) were erased. I was told that staff wanted them for negetive comments only.

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 26 February 2008 - 10:27 PM.

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#6 Consumed


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:33 PM

i c... well i dont think the idea of the comments are bad...just the way they were sprung on... more planning/announcing would have been nice...good overall idea tho
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#7 Tecton

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:34 PM

Why all the events? Because people have appreciated them, and ask for them.
Am I overdoing it? Yes. On purpose. For fun.
Oddly, you don't have to join them if you don't want to, and there is this handy little /toggle mosh feature so you don't have to watch them.

Cheap and dumb prizes? Ridiculously-low entry fees? Yes. I'm having fun, mocking the quest for bigger and better.

I'm sorry you don't like it. But I'm fine with that.

Will all the events continue? I have an elaborate plan worked out for the month of March, called March Madness.

if you don't want to participate, that's really fine with me too. Why would I care?

I am constrained by morality, integrity, and the gentle hand of Elf (and uber-fear of Trevayne), as well as a desire to please Wes, not to wield the power that I am itching to unleash. Don't worry. I'm having more fun learning how to build new features for 1A. But then, it sounds like you don't want anything but the same thing you've been doing.

#8 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:40 PM

Nothing wrong with moshes, just no point in 10 in a row....
Nothing wrong with rediculously low entry fees/usless prizes.... Doesnt mean you cant throw one in actually worth joinin every once ina while...

Y should a staffer be mockin what players are working for... (bigger and better)

I never said anything about not participating in your march madness event (unless the prizes are "cheap and dumb")

And finally I do not believe I said that I don't want anything but the same things I have been doing... I just like when the events have some kind of planning behind them.
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#9 Consumed


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:51 PM

/nod darkalliance...

/t tecton ok i see what your saying to an extent but i dont totally agree with it...and u failed to comment on the main issue for me... the best of the best mosh is a good idea, like i said in my above post, but the way it was presented could have been better... an announcement on forum or even the town crier at boars... the point is out of 14 lvl 30+ druids only one was logged on during mosh.. clerics were same way... i think out of 12... pally was better with 4 of 8 on... with some kind of a heads up it would only make your event better... not worse... so theres no reason to get mad about some critisism... i mean its not like our opinion counts for much neways...unless u allow it too... which wouldnt hurt nething now would it...

Edited by Consumed, 26 February 2008 - 10:54 PM.

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#10 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 10:58 PM

Thankyou Tecton for your recent post about times. (except the last sentence)
And I'm sorry you took constructive criticism as whining....

This is my last post on this topic... nothing will get accomplished if our opinions and criticism are considered "whining"

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 26 February 2008 - 11:03 PM.

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#11 Autek

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 11:36 PM

I don't mind it one bit. Sure the prizes are pointless and just take up inventory space, but you can just litter the server by dropping them or /delete. Would be cool to see some meaningful moshes come back though. Triplex would be a great scheduled event to have.

Rather than 20 moshes a day, trivia, vengeance, etc. I'd rather see all that time and effort put into a quest once a month or something. A quest that's more than a staffer running around on a staff haxed lvl 40 that is . . .

Also nice to see he hasn't tried to make mortals fear him by threatening bans left and right.
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#12 deadman

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 12:26 AM

Honestly I have no problem with how he is running things at all. At least we have some player/staff interaction and things actually happening besides the constant hit this macro wait no let's hit this one instead... and so on.. So what if there is a lot of moshes as long as there is people that want to join them and participate then what's wrong with them being run there is always the /toggle option for moshes too. Most of the server is having fun joining them and are asking for moshes/events it's definitely a change for the better. Before this we had like one mosh a week if that and no events.

Good Job Tecton keep up the good work.
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#13 Gaddy

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 12:34 AM

The problem is that players complain about everything we do, always.
It makes it difficult to motivate yourself to create or improve anything sometimes.

Then players insult us and say we don't do anything---even though there is no way for any players to actually know a damn thing about what we do.

As for running moshes and such- it's been pointed out a few times now, but I'll repeat it again.
Tecton is a new staff member, learning how to run things and how to work with the playerbase.
Constructive help isn't a bad thing, but making a post that is basically starting off with an attack, "Too much Tecton", is not constructive, it's actually kind of abusive as a way to put it.

So, try being constructive and helpful. We don't need critics.
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#14 Autek

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 12:49 AM

Sorry this is somewhat off on a tangent. . .

Then players insult us and say we don't do anything---even though there is no way for any players to actually know a damn thing about what we do.

I'd feel a lot better about our staff if there was a weekly announcement saying what staff were working on, and maybe even how much progress has been made. For all we as mortals know, staff do nothing but sit around and threaten to ban people. Like you say, we have nothing to prove or disprove whether you are doing anything or not. It wouldn't have to be anything in depth what so ever. Just read something like:

Stadius - Developing new main area, roughly 25% finished.
Trevayne - Fixing CTF, roughly 80% done.
Tecton - Working on a 1a quest, roughly 33% done.

If staff are actually doing something, they should take credit for it imo instead of just taking all the flack. Again, you wouldn't need to say "Worked out stats on such and such monster for such and such area", just somethig vague that wouldn't give away any surprises.
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#15 Crane


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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:14 AM

Often, areas under development are not announced because the last thing an area developer needs is a hundred players poking and prodding him/her demanding to know when the area will be open. For areas it is hard to tell because of unforeseen problems in development, amongst other things. Tirantek was 9 months in the making, for example, but I kept its construction almost a complete secret until it was nearly ready to be opened.

Edited by Crane, 27 February 2008 - 01:50 AM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#16 Autek

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:40 AM

Eww, I should have thought about that. . . I don't know, I'd just like some way of knowing. I'm a skeptical person and I think a lot of people are. Maybe if staff members announced when they finished something, so that they get credit. Again, wouldn't have to be specific. Some way of knowing they're doing something so that we don't all have to hope they are doing something.
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#17 Consumed


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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:53 AM

the title to much tecton might seem like an attack, but from my point of view it was no more than a catchy forum post title.(dont actually know jono's thoughts behind it)... And to clarify my thoughts on the situation i think tecton is a good addition to the sysop team... he is very active and his idea for staff comment was great i think... all i was trying to say is i would take a different approach to it.. he also took the advice very well, and i think good came from the post... also something that i didnt take in to account was the date... i dont know when march madness will be held but im sure it will be in march and thats just around the corner.. so the "best" moshes need to be ran... lastly march madness sounds like a fun addition,(with thought) which we all pretty much seemed to agree would be a good thing... anyways..thats my two cents...
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#18 Scripto


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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:54 AM

I don't like Tecton, she broke in to my secret layer above the South NightMist Vault and assassinated me...not before stealing the gold I was saving up to buy more parts of my Bob The Builder collection! And I almost had enough to get the bull dozer!!!!

But on a real note, <3 Tecton and all her sexy-ness.

You guys remember when the rest of us all became staff? Come on I ran TONS of moshes and was always being asked for more and more... and 90% of mine didn't even have prizes just plain old moshes... its new and fun...if you guys where in her shoes you would be doing the same... so good game..

So to end this.... MORE MOSHES!!! WOOOOT!!!

<3 ~teh Scripto
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#19 Redheart

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 04:01 AM

I FOUND your posts humorous because they referred to Tecton by both genders-he, she, him, her !
Hang in there Tecton :ph34r:
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#20 Redheart

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 04:07 AM

I forgot to add to my previous comment, but this denotes a seperate post.
I am impressed that Tecton can actually form complete sentences and doesn't type like your average nightmist chimp.
One can only hope that this rubs off on some of those people that are lacking in grammar skills. :ph34r:
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#21 Sausage


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Posted 27 February 2008 - 06:05 AM

I don't play 1a so I don't have much to say on the Tecton thingy.

Although, I would like to comment on this.

I'd feel a lot better about our staff if there was a weekly announcement saying what staff were working on, and maybe even how much progress has been made. For all we as mortals know, staff do nothing but sit around and threaten to ban people. Like you say, we have nothing to prove or disprove whether you are doing anything or not. It wouldn't have to be anything in depth what so ever.

I agree for the most part. For me, I am quite skeptical of some staff just being social overseer's of NM and not really doing anything productive. The only member of staff I don't feel this way about is Trev. Due to the fact he is always letting us know he's working on this or that and always seems to be making constant progress on new areas or other aspects of the game. I could be completely wrong and Trev could just happen to be the one announcing the new areas and such to the public, while Scripto, Stadius, and Elf are sitting there busting their little behinds. The only thing I do know is that Trev seems to put a constant and legitimate effort into bettering NM. However, I can't say the same for the rest of the staff.

Although I'm not so sure about progress reports. /shrug

Not meant in a negative way, I only know what I can see.

Plus this is for Main, dunno bout all you 1alters.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#22 Oracle



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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:58 PM

Tecton is bringing life and activity to the game which is brilliant.
I'm sure he is learning you can never please everyone, only some with each decision.

The weekly events died out due to lack of interest in the end, but it may be good to plan one again to see what kind of interest we get :ph34r:

#23 Shapeshifter

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 04:45 PM

Is it just me, or does it seem a shade ironic that we get a new staff member, *Nods to Tecton* whos willing to run events and such alot more than what we'd been getting, and all the playerbase does is complain or "criticize". When, thinking back, if they'd turned out to be like what everyone else thinks of the staff team, the player base would still complain about how there is nothing goin on. I just find it ironic that when something happens to help what people call a problem, the same people pipe up and say that there's too much.

The staff team is busy alot of the time, they are volunteers, not slaves. They dont have to do this, Tecton was added to the staff team, and Wes became admin, congrats to both again. How about we treat them the way we'd all like to be treated. and stop complaining/criticizing when any of the staff does something for the game.

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#24 Angelus

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 07:37 PM

Spoiled bishes.

Wanted to add more, but Shapeshifter hit it right on the buzzer.

Edited by Angelus, 27 February 2008 - 07:39 PM.

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#25 Hansol

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 07:59 PM

I got bored of reading the same posts over and over.. but it's nice to see gaddy posting what the staff are up to..

Quick mention.. Would it be possible to start up the calendar events again..

So like.. monday 10 o clock. MOSH MADNESS til late.

Tuesday.. Triplex maybe?

Thursday.. Erm.. CTF when you fix it.

friday... Hide and seek i think it was..

saterday/sunday... cant think of anything... but yeah. you know what i mean.. Like it was on Multi.. But for 1a.

Good idea? Bad idea? Feel free to discuss.

#26 Ganja

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Posted 27 February 2008 - 09:07 PM

I personally thing Tecton is doing a fabulous job. Moshes are nice and such events as Vengeance, Russian Roulette and Hide and Seek are fun keep up the good work and thanks for making the game funner Tecton.

#27 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 28 February 2008 - 04:59 PM

lol i started this topic with full respect for tecton...
But seeing that he can not take any criticism, mocks players, and is now starting crap about me and my account partner, I have lost this respect.

Announcement from Tecton: there will be a mosh held on March 17, 2012. at Noon System time.
4 years in advance... wow, with that kind of notice the winner MIGHT win an oak staff as a prize!!

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 28 February 2008 - 05:01 PM.

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#28 Autek

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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:59 PM

I posted something similar but it got deleted :ph34r: . . . Freedom of speech is not necessarily allowed, even when it's not disrespectful.

EDIT: Should prolly read these last couple posts quick . . .

Edited by Autek, 28 February 2008 - 07:02 PM.

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#29 Evergrey

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Posted 28 February 2008 - 08:07 PM

I've been retired from these forums for about the past two years, I'm warning you right here and now that I will not hesitate at making a brief comeback only to give you lot a few more rants. You have brought it upon yourselves, now you pay.
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#30 Hansol

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Posted 28 February 2008 - 08:33 PM

The game has many toggles if you dont wanna hear about what staff are doing or what game might be in play.. STOP MOANING... atleast one staffer is taking the time to talk to you bunch of KANTS!

Is there anything happenning with weekly events on 1a?

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