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#1 Gaddy

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:22 AM

Alright, this might not be to everyone's liking. I accept that and will not be pissy about anyone flaming this or whatever.

Edit- Before you try to read this whole post! If you'd rather just read the simple idea I am suggesting, scroll down to my reply just below this post.
If you'd like to read my ramble, go ahead.

I suggest that all bosses start dropping alternative items. There are a lot of great suggestions in the boss drop section. None seem to be followed through on.

I just think it'd be very refreshing for the game to have new items for people to chase. They wouldn't have to be BRILLIANT items.

Crystal Giant alternate
Giant's Helm
Fighter and Paladin equiable.
20% drop on Crystal Giant.

That'd give a lot of people a drop to chase...and give reason to going to the CG again. Currently, I know a lot of people don't even bother with the bosses like CG and DG.

Demonic General alternate
General's Shield
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
15% drop from DG.

Reason for and defending of the idea-
Things as simple as this would give an actual reason for old players to want to play and look for bosses....do something at all.

Sure, they could buy them..but they'd know they were over-paying because eventually there will be enough in game for the price to drop. It seems more likely that they'd go try to kill the boss instead.
These bosses are already dominated by older/better players anyway..so what does it hurt to attact more attention?

The extra 3ac possible on these items isn't really something I think is a big deal. How many people really care if fighters can have an extra 3ac? Probably even fewer care if paladins get that bonus.
Rangers I hesitate to improve further...people don't like seeing rangers' ac even as high as it is right now.

Simply said, how about we just give a refreshing new gleam to bosses?
This wouldn't hurt the game. I promise anyone who doubts me- Simple new rare armors that would steam into the game over a long time wouldn't have a negative effect on playing Nightmist. They never have before.
This may be a short term solution, but it does provide some new fun challenges to maxing out equipment or the sort. I wouldn't suggest that it happen continually because obviously it'd simply cause the game to have everything overpowered.
But doing it once, maybe even twice after a couple of years, couldn't hurt much of anything.

^That is rambling.

Explanation of what I think is going on and could go on with items-
RoAs, Midnight Tunics, more BoTs than there use to be, Sovereign Sword, etc, etc have caused the old bosses to lose their luster. I think there should be new items added, not to make the new items stronger than their replacements, but to make the new items stronger than items that are really old, such as Spiked Shield.

Other thing I'd like to see that would make characters more unique from one another-
There are a number of ways stat mods could be used to make characters more unique, but I didn't want to go into that since people won't even be reading this whole post as it is...

Edited by Gaddy, 26 June 2005 - 07:32 AM.

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#2 Gaddy

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:28 AM

After reading how long this post is....I'm making a short reply that sums it up-

I think players should start going into the Nightmist Developement section of forums and posting good---VERY REASONABLE---alternate drops to current bosses.

I think NM staff should consider adding some of the suggestions in, maybe several of the suggestions. New items always create something new to shoot for...
The items don't have to be completely better than current items, but different would be nice.
I am not talking about alternates existing items. I'm talking about modifications that make the item different--- better and worse at the same time.

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#3 deadman

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:37 AM

I completely agree with you Gaddy. I am one the older players now and all i do is sit anymore and barely do anything. I think that alternate drops on some of the bosses would be a good way to get old players out and about again to get new items. It'll be just like the olden days good fights for boss kills and items except with the pacifist addition(grumbles).
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#4 Fyara

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:42 AM

i totally agree because i have also noticed a decrease in nm either with not as many people playin or old people leavin. this would be a great oppurtinity to "reconnect" old and new players.
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#5 Egbert

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:41 PM

I'm sort of confused here.
Would it be possible to get both the halberd drop AND the generals shield?

If not:
Unsupported because it would probably make items like the halberd more expensive and rarer, plus the shield would sell for a lot as well. This would only serve to make the older players that already get the stuff richer and decrease the chance of a younger player (me) to get a drop.

If so:
Supported: It'd add excitement to the game and get the older players killing bosses instead of picking on me.

#6 Animosity

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:52 PM

i agree with this, but another idea is what stotic did with kantele, a more of a variety of different equipment, seeing the same thing over and over in people's look overs, it does get old and boring. If someone has the time to create item names, descriptions, and that it wont unbalance the game to far, it would bring older and newer players to "reconnect". Variety in games is always a unique.

Supported, and hopefully my suggestion might be supported also
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#7 Trevayne

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 08:14 PM

Not supported.

Adding a new, well-balanced item into the game is not easy. If you really want to see this happen, all you need to do is change the name and description of the existing drops. Old players (collectors) like you and me will hunt for these items even without additional stats or armor. The items will have some minor additional value over existing drops, but not enough to significantly change the economy. If you really must add a new drop, make it equal to an existing for-sale item... that will keep the economy of that item stable, but still make it desirable. (You'd all still go after a "crystal warhammer" drop from the CG that had the same stats as an the adamant warhammer.)

At best, this is an extremely temporary fix that will last us all maybe a week or two. Large parties of archmaster crits (like the ones both Gaddy and I run around with) will continue to wipe these bosses out within moments of their spawn. This is just one step further along the road to "who can log in their boss-checkers the fastest".
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#8 Gaddy

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 08:37 PM

1. The items were percentage drops. In my example, Hallys would still drop from DG most of the time. It would be dumb for the items to drop from one DG, but they would drop in percentages, something like 80%+ hallys and 20% shield. (I didn't actually intend for the shield to be added, it's an example of something I think is reasonable)

2. I don't think new names would do it for most players. I don't care enough about playing to chase after an item that has a different name from one of mine; knowing that the item will be common-place not long after.

3. The idea isn't to put super items into the game, just items that people could pick and choose between. Such as how we've got 3 types of gloves people commonly pick between. There could be 4-6 new gloves, but it'd be more entertaining to add items that there's only one for each class.
We have 1 helmet for each class. No one picks and chooses between helmets on any class. (unless they've got rare or unique boots obviously)
Most classes don't pick between boots. Though the ones that do have a 3 boot selection to pick from....maybe a more reasaonable version of Feathered Boots would be nice.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#9 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 09:39 PM

yeah so agreed
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#10 Dark


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Posted 26 June 2005 - 11:04 PM

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, supported

#11 Stotic

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 11:29 PM

I'll take a look into this thread later when I have the time.
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#12 Stotic

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Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:00 AM

What you're suggesting is that there be new alternate items that have certain advantages and disadvantages to allow the player to pick and choose what they want. Nightmist's weapon system is too simple for this. You can only be so original when trying to create new items like this. Players over time (short amount of time) will figure out which item is the best. Just having alternate items though is relatively easy.
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#13 Gaddy

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Posted 27 June 2005 - 08:44 AM

Well, it really all depends on what you do with your crits.

You, Stotic, ran moshes tonight.
I won the two that weren't alt moshes :-D
Not trying to brag much, so if it looks like it, please understand, this is me showing how different stat/ac/leech attributes can cause amazing versatility, and players have to use their own thoughts, preferences, and availiblity.
Anyway- on subject- I used a druid. However, I didn't use his normal equipement.
I usually deck him out with str mods to make his 18 bounce to 21, and leave wis mods and -dex off.
But for PvP he uses stormwrath instead of morphing, so I put boots of time, wis ammy, and gloves of vigor on him. He becomes a completely different style.

Now, not all people would opt to use that equipement. Many would rather use boots of faith for dex and let that 4ac drop since druids hit really high ac with armor up. I prefer boots of time cause it goes 23 wis, 23 char, and extra armor--druids can heal, so char helps along with wis, most don't see that as valuable at all though.
I also used Hawk Talon instead of using a Cobalt. Many people think it's dumb since Cobalt is the best weapon in game...but for me, in a mosh, hawk talon is wins my preference easily.

Counter-Idea to keep that from dominating a mosh-
It is easily countered by a spelled thief/zerk or two though. High ac suddenly doesn't matter, and the low dex (18/19) comes into play....People didn't go for him first though, and I made sure party got rid of thieves/zerks/mages.

So, more equpment because-
You see how much thought can be put into equiping just one class of one race, even with the limited equipment we've got? Think about having a few different mods and minus-mods tossed in with differing ac. Not just for druids, but for all classes.
I mean, sure, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, but there are many alternatives and preferences that come down to just who the player is...

If we have several suggestions made that subtract from certain stats and add to others or ac, vamp, etc---there will be a hell of a lot of testing and choosing, but in the end, it won't end up the same for most players.
If it did end up the same, people would change their equipment or crit preference to whatever has the upper hand over the prefered equipment.

It really causes a whole lot of thought to come in for PvP. Player vrs. Monster, there is nearly always a 'best setup' though different monsters do have different weaknesses, PvP changes for every counteri-idea.

Edit- This is the most simple way I can think of to make the game more in-depth. There could be functions added in to lessing gold in game in huge ammounts by doing so, too. Such as making it a boss that you have to pay to get to...rather than using a key? Or doing a set up like the one for RoAs. Players carrying gold out of town in large ammounts isn't something you see much.
Anyway, this wasn't about new areas yet...I am drifting.

Thank you a hell of a lot if you actually read even half of my post,

Edited by Gaddy, 27 June 2005 - 08:58 AM.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#14 Mighty_Mouse

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Posted 27 June 2005 - 09:07 AM

*claps* bravo you got my support on current subject new items would defenately be a plus. and i'm not talkin like 1 added every 6months lol already lots of bosses in game and many of them only drop 1 item as he said shouldn't be too difficult to mastermind a few new moded items such as adding more vamped items, + and - ac's dex's etc. etc... even adding an actual poison enducing weapon that doesn't drain hp's for so lil amount

#15 Àðìðàs

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:58 AM

totally supported...nice one...was just about to suggest a few new concept poison weapons to add more variety to game also lol....so now gave me an idea for one or so items...lol

Edited by Àðìðàs, 07 July 2005 - 04:00 AM.

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