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#1 Xlithan


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Posted 24 February 2004 - 12:30 PM

I would like to try and start a roleplaying topic, im begging you please, do not turn this into a stupid flaming thread, and try not to post ANYTHING off-topic.
Just incase this doesn't go as planned, SquiggleUK will have it's own roleplaying section set up for anybody who likes this type of roleplaying.

The type of roleplay i want here is game-based roleplay. Use your character names if you want, and try to put in areas of the maps etc. Enjoy :)

Character introduction - Fingolfin Ancalímon

Welcome my friends to the realm of Nightmist, my name is Fingolfin Ancalímon, and i have been here for some time now. I am a wood elf, 5'4" high, long brown hair, and i always, without doubt carry with me my trusty bow and arrows. During the time i've spent here in Nightmist, my main hobby has been hunting bears in the forest, protecting my family, and meeting new people in the realms. I usually hunt alone, rather than in large groups, as a large group of people is easier to spot than 1 person alone. In my spare time i like to help people, show them around town, and let them know the dangers they will soon encounter out of the town.
If not fighting bears, i like to train with people in the arenas provided in the main towns of the realm.

Posted Image


HP: 107
MP: 32
Weapon: Extended Long Bow
Armor: ( S )Branchwood Shield, ( H )Branchwood Helmet, ( B )Ironweed Doublet
Clothes: ( B )Beige cloth shirt, ( L ) brown cotton pants ( BO )crocodile skin boots
Current Activity: Relaxing in 'Boars Tusk Inn'

Key: ( S ) = Shield, ( H ) = helmet, ( B ) = body, ( L ) = legs, ( BO ) = boots

Edited by Squiggle, 24 February 2004 - 12:35 PM.

#2 Darkreaper

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Posted 26 February 2004 - 04:36 PM

Well my character is Jozan from D&D
Weapon:Heavy Mace
Stats:dont know yet?gotta roll first
Items:Splint Armor,Heavy Mace,Symbol of Pelor
Male Human Cleric lvl 5 (would be a paladin in NightMist)Posted Image

#3 Xlithan


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Posted 27 February 2004 - 02:03 PM

((Please post about your RP character, it only has to be short like DRs))

#4 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 28 February 2004 - 01:03 PM

Name: Bremen
Hp: 101
Mana: 75
Weapon: Century Staff
Armor: Sand Wurm Hide, Druid's Cloak
Other: Once a mage of considrable power, he has long since converted to the ways of the Druids. He now travels the the wilderness, trying to rid the land of the undead that infested the forest. His weapon appears to be nothing more than a Quarterstaff, but is actually enchanted with strong druid magic. His cloak also seems simple, but is quite strong and is enchanted to increase the stealth of the wearer. Concealed under the cloak is armor Bremen fashioned from the skin of the Giant Sand Wurm.
Curent Location: Fighting Skeletons in the Forest of Souls.

#5 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:05 AM

Weapon:long sword
Armor:scale mail
Shield:heavy wooden shield
Items:holy symbol of heironeous

Mantis has green eyes, brown hair, light skin, and is mid-sized for a human. He is young, especially for a paladin

Edited by green_mantis, 29 February 2004 - 09:06 AM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#6 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:08 AM

d r:i dont think you need to have your level posted i think we all will start at lv 1
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#7 Mec

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:15 PM

I am Mecrenary and I like Lamb Roast. I'm just an extra dude who walks past every once in a while.

#8 Katianna

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 02:54 AM

Katianna is a young, human female thief. Her stature is average, being 5’8” tall and weighing 115 lbs. She has fiery red hair and dark, misty hazel eyes. Her complexion is fair, with lightly tan skin that almost glows.

She was raised by a band of thieves, because her parents died before her first birthday. Katianna is her birth name, but her thief family gave her last name, Nightshade, to her. Her adopted family spared no expense or inconvenience to care for her and provide for the best upbringing possible. She is confident, calculating, and quite determined in the pursuit of her goals. She has a keen ear, and listens carefully to all that is spoken around her, and when she speaks her words are well thought out and purposeful. She can foil the plan of the most cunning swindler with a short conversation, in which she can always trick them into revealing their intentions. This skill has also helped her to discover that she is not exactly who her thief family says she is, but she has not yet discovered any details of the truth about it.

Whatever the truth is about her past, she trusts here ‘family of thieves’ and believes that they would tell her if they knew. Despite their profession, and maybe some of their activities, they have shown her nothing but kindness, respect, and all the love they could muster.

For now, she works with them, helping them with the intellectual aspects of their trade; doing research, developing plans and strategies, and gathering information. Though she always listens for clues that will provide her more information about her past…

Edited by Katianna, 01 March 2004 - 02:55 AM.

#9 Gaddy

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 05:15 AM

I am confused, are these suppose to be D&D things or could I type up make up stuff for Gaddy? Or are they semi-nightmist stats....I'm so lost...why am i always the dumb nub?

Anyway, i guess i'll make up stuff since im bored, pretend it's lvl 1 and what not.

Gaddy is a dark beastly dwarven cleric. He is short in stature with messy black hair held just above his dark blue eyes by an acient circlet passed down to him by his grandfather. He holds a simple oak staff in his hand. Protected by a lovely fur coat, he looks rather vunerable. A large black belt fitted around Gaddy's waist is filled with crystals to restore his magical powers, and a few simple healing potions.
Setting out to joureny the world and protect his allys, Gaddy begins the menacing task of mastering his first basic spell, "heal", by using it against the weakest of undead beasts, skeletons just south of Nightmist. How a young dwarf would get the idea to become a cleric to rival all is unknown to a world where elves, humans, and gnomes dominate the clericing path; however, considered the pinnicle of the dwarven race, perfect in all aspects of his kind, he shall step up to his quest with honor and grace.

Name- Gaddy
Race- Dwarf
Age- 16
Level 1
HP- 125
MP- 106
Stats- 21 18 18 21 18 17 (they're his stats in game, if they need to be adjusted for this let me know, and help me understand this stuff in game if you dont mind)

Armor- Fur Coat, Circlet
Weapon- Oak Staff
Items- 10 basic mana potions, 4 basic healing potions and a belt that holds them.

This is just my attempt, I've never played around with stuff like this, or D&D. So ya, I'm just a nuby nub that's got no idea and is very very bored at the momment, this was actually a bit entertaining O.o

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#10 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 05:20 AM

((OOC: I haven't really followed this post, mostly it seems to be ripping chars from D&D, putting in char pics without giving proper credit to its owner etc etc etc. You do not usually post your stats in RP seeing as it is RP therefore no rules and no rules except those of curtesy and also realism (you cannot do things that are immpossible within the world though it is possible to say anyone can walk through walls according to this world's laws of physics). Also you say what your char looks like not what their equipment is usually.))
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#11 Squee



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Posted 15 March 2004 - 02:22 PM

((You can't really say this isn't RP'ing because it is. However, most RP's take place without stats and what-not. Stats usually mean rules and rules usually been restrictions. One of the things about RP'ing that makes it so great is that there are no restrictions.

Of course, I'm not exactly an authority on RP'ing so my opinion can, in retrospect, been nulled.))
Posted Image

#12 Amy

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 11:07 PM

Gaddy is a dark beastly dwarven cleric.  He is short in stature with messy black hair held just above his dark blue eyes by an acient circlet passed down to him by his grandfather.  He holds a simple oak staff in his hand.  Protected by a lovely fur coat, he looks rather vunerable.  A large black belt fitted around Gaddy's waist is filled with crystals to restore his magical powers, and a few simple healing potions.
Setting out to joureny the world and protect his allys, Gaddy begins the menacing task of mastering his first basic spell, "heal", by using it against the weakest of undead beasts, skeletons just south of Nightmist.  How a young dwarf would get the idea to become a cleric to rival all is unknown to a world where elves, humans, and gnomes dominate the clericing path; however, considered the pinnicle of the dwarven race, perfect in all aspects of his kind, he shall step up to his quest with honor and grace.

I really like the first part Gaddy, you did well for your first time!
As far as the second part:

Name- Gaddy
Race- Dwarf
Age- 16
Level 1
HP- 125
MP- 106
Stats- 21 18 18 21 18 17  (they're his stats in game, if they need to be adjusted for this let me know, and help me understand this stuff in game if you dont mind)

Armor- Fur Coat, Circlet
Weapon- Oak Staff
Items- 10 basic mana potions, 4 basic healing potions and a belt that holds them.

Gaddy, one thing you could do is this:

Example how these stats could be put more into an rp perspective:

*Gaddy walks along the paths of nightmist and appears to be rather strong and sturdy. No longer a child and yet still too young to be called a man one would assume that he is in his mid to late teens.. He has not yet learned the skills that he may need to travel far on his own but it is apparant that he has high endurance and a very strong magical aura for one of his age and size. He wears a coat about his shoulders which seems to be lined with fur and carries a worn oak staff ast his side. Strapped across his waist in a pouch secured by a leather belt are a handful of potions and crystals that he carries for his own safety as well as to assist those he comes across. *

Hope that helps. This is my perspective btw, I may rp differently than some :)

Good day,

Edited by Amy, 16 March 2004 - 12:18 AM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#13 Megalomaniac

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:49 PM


Name: Draconus Crimona
HP: 300
MP: 0
Spells: None
Abilitys: Double Slash, Knight's Fury, Death (5% chance of hitting) etc...
Stats: Strength: 21 Intelligence 17 Dexterity 19 Constitution: 20 Wisdom 18 Charisma: 21 (Might be very good overpowered Knight)
Armor/Weapon: Winged Helm, Dragon Scale Greaves, Titan Boots, Imperial Armor and a Platinum Devastator Blade.

Draconus is a Knight and was Born with a sparkle in his eye. He started out playing "Wooden Stick Battles" with his friend's around his fathers Grand Palace. His Father was very strict and didn't want him playing with his friends. So Draconus's father sent him to train with a Knight called Haste, He was called Haste becauseby he moved so fast during battle. Haste Taught Dracona everything he new about the Art of Battle. Soon Enough Draconus become a Guardian to a young Cleric called Belena Truth. He Proected her for over 10 years by the time he was 30 he wanted to become a Knight and joined the Imperial's. He battled in every battle they had from the time he joined and the time they were defeated. He now is a Drifter, Lurking and Killing any Evil he comes across.
Lîfë ï§ Å Gâmê | Ðråçøñî§ îñgâmê

#14 Megalomaniac

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:49 PM

Look here to see Pic.

Name: Draconus Crimona
HP: 300
MP: 0
Spells: None
Abilitys: Double Slash, Knight's Fury, Death (5% chance of hitting) etc...
Stats: Strength: 21 Intelligence 17 Dexterity 19 Constitution: 20 Wisdom 18 Charisma: 21 (Might be very good overpowered Knight)
Armor/Weapon: Winged Helm, Dragon Scale Greaves, Titan Boots, Imperial Armor and a Platinum Devastator Blade.

Draconus is a Knight and was Born with a sparkle in his eye. He started out playing "Wooden Stick Battles" with his friend's around his fathers Grand Palace. His Father was very strict and didn't want him playing with his friends. So Draconus's father sent him to train with a Knight called Haste, He was called Haste becauseby he moved so fast during battle. Haste Taught Dracona everything he new about the Art of Battle. Soon Enough Draconus become a Guardian to a young Cleric called Belena Truth. He Proected her for over 10 years by the time he was 30 he wanted to become a Knight and joined the Imperial's. He battled in every battle they had from the time he joined and the time they were defeated. He now is a Drifter, Lurking and Killing any Evil he comes across.

Edited by Megalomaniac, 16 March 2004 - 06:51 PM.

Lîfë ï§ Å Gâmê | Ðråçøñî§ îñgâmê

#15 rebo

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 01:25 AM

Wow what a great story

#16 rebo

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 03:50 PM

Someone needs to delete this or something. There isn't any story going on, and I haven't seen a new post in like 2 weeks.

#17 Xlithan


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 10:49 PM

i said no OOC posts. it does not need to be deleted, it's here if anybody wants to introduce their characters, so congratulations for practically spoiling it, AND double posting.

you get a gold star Posted Image

#18 kar

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Posted 02 May 2004 - 09:43 PM

name: Galbatorix
weapon of choice: mace
hobby(s): killing enemies
class: fighter

"I am Galbatorix!The world before me shall burn! But first harabec...my power will destroy the forces of NightMist, you could be killed next!"

lol, i actually made him in2 a character on nm

Edited by kar, 02 May 2004 - 09:47 PM.

ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#19 Xlithan


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Posted 05 May 2004 - 01:40 PM

((Try to write background stories on your characters, stats arnt really important))

#20 Amy

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 05:24 PM

Perhaps we could use this post for questions about roleplaying since there is already a bunch of ooc in it, within your post you can state which rp story your question is about. ie, unconventional healing, etc.

Good day all,
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

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