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Pk Improvement

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#1 Lowlife

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 04:23 PM

I thought of something...

I noticed how big of a pain it is to scroll through the player list to find enemy characters, particularly when you're fighting a single archmaster with a bunch of level 21's in Pete's. I thought perhaps a system could be implemented so that your current alts and anyone on your nopk list would be bumped to the bottom of the player list so that you didn't have to scroll to the bottom of the list every time you were stalking someone or getting jumped. Now, I don't know if this would be a good idea or not, but I'm sure everyone has an opinion! Share them!

Edit: I just don't think that PK should come down to macros VS clicks. It should come down to the ability of each player to manage his or her characters well enough to bring their opponent down.

Edited by Lowlife, 12 January 2009 - 05:20 PM.

Things would be so much easier if people would only see them my way...

#2 Achilles

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 05:35 PM

macro's are a very crutial part of this game.. without them fighters/mages/druids suck compared to thieves/zerkers/rangers.... clicking with mouse there is no way to kill someone before they drink with 1 stam attackers... anyways.. not a bad suggestion dont get me wrong..there are times when you cant use macro's, but still have to be able to use keyboard to switch alts ect.. mouse is a total inconvienence... anyways, i honestly dont see it being implemented.. mainly because im sure it was suggested a few times before plus it isnt really needed..

edit:alt tab/alt escape +macros with it the way it is will own anyone trying to use a mouse even if they had it the way you are suggesting

Edited by Achilles, 12 January 2009 - 05:36 PM.

#3 Lowlife

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 05:45 PM

macro's are a very crutial part of this game.. without them fighters/mages/druids suck compared to thieves/zerkers/rangers.... clicking with mouse there is no way to kill someone before they drink with 1 stam attackers... anyways.. not a bad suggestion dont get me wrong..there are times when you cant use macro's, but still have to be able to use keyboard to switch alts ect.. mouse is a total inconvienence... anyways, i honestly dont see it being implemented.. mainly because im sure it was suggested a few times before plus it isnt really needed..

edit:alt tab/alt escape +macros with it the way it is will own anyone trying to use a mouse even if they had it the way you are suggesting

I realize that macros > clicking, but with this method macros wouldn't be as effective as they are now. Don't get me wrong, macros will always rule the world, just not as much if this is implemented. Actually, it will probably make macros easier if for some reason someone misses the 'suchandsuch just arrived from the [insert direction]' message, and will also help newer players see when they pass a pker crew.

Edited by Lowlife, 12 January 2009 - 05:48 PM.

Things would be so much easier if people would only see them my way...

#4 Achilles

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 06:18 AM

well.. this would be easier for thieves/rangers/zerkers.. thus making them more overpowered than they currently are.. this wont be added due to the fact that one stam attack is very reliant on macro's and this idea would hurt 1stam attackers... on 1a and main.. on main for instance.. Alt+escape with your mouse where the top picture is positioned and you will hit whoever is on top with every crit..that is why this idea wont work

#5 Gaddy

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 08:42 AM

Drunk, sorry.

I read the first post, and I support the concept.
It is ridiculous that logging on before other players basically garauntees that they have a HUGE HUGE HUGE upperhand in any fight you have with them. The fact that an entire party pops out below another party really takes away from any aspect of skill or fairness on Nightmsit Multi.

For example, yesterday I killed a party of 19 thieves and a druid with my party of 19 thieves and a druid. My party was higher level and had the jump on the other party, which was entirely uncovert but full on stamina. However, my party came out on bottom except for a single character. That character was killed, but the others were not even hit. That is unfair. The only reason for something like that, aside from lag or being AFK is the huge disadvantage of having his/her characters all on the top of the list, thus being unable to hit my thieves.

^The story above is much too long. Oops.
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#6 Achilles

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 08:54 AM

gaddy proved my point.. using thieves to pk this would give you a huge uperhand... if i have a party of other classes(granted no1 on main has anything but thieves/rangers/zerkers) you would be screwed by this.. because you would be on top and get pwnd fast instead of them having to use skill and pick you off with either macro, typing very fast, or scrolling to find you.. its been this way for years.. why change it now.. besides, one 1alt(/t gaddy this post doesnt specify what server i can talk about 1a if i want) 1stam attackers will get the shaft to 7stam thieves if all thieves just have to click the top of the character list and they will all hit an enemy on top everytime...

Edited by Achilles, 13 January 2009 - 12:29 PM.

#7 Lowlife

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 04:08 PM

gaddy proved my point.. using thieves to pk this would give you a huge uperhand... if i have a party of other classes(granted no1 on main has anything but thieves/rangers/zerkers) you would be screwed by this.. because you would be on top and get pwnd fast instead of them having to use skill and pick you off with either macro, typing very fast, or scrolling to find you.. its been this way for years.. why change it now.. besides, one 1alt(/t gaddy this post doesnt specify what server i can talk about 1a if i want) 1stam attackers will get the shaft to 7stam thieves if all thieves just have to click the top of the character list and they will all hit an enemy on top everytime...

But that is the point actually. Whoever logs in first already has that advantage, adding this system would give everyone the same advantage. Seems to me that it would add a new level of fairness to the PK system.
Things would be so much easier if people would only see them my way...

#8 Gaddy

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 08:52 PM

1-Clickers are far more powerful for PKing. There is not a change that could be made to alter that fact.

However, druids, paladins, mages, and fighters are far more study when properly used. I think I am one of the few who uses a party that contains every class. Over half of the party has non-1-clicking stam use. It would not put a big disadvantage to keep alts out of the picture.
The only class gaining/losing a big advantage is thieves, unless players use big parties of invisible characters. They lose the advantage of being able to negate the stacking system while they are not visable. And I do not believe this is an intentionally designed factor of the game.
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#9 Achilles

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 10:59 PM

idk.. yall are persuading me a little.. especially since you use a variety in party, including if i remember right three druids and a mage, but i still don't think its necessary.. i think a better solution to prevent whoever stays on for a long period of time from having the advantage would be to randomize it.. Edit:thus giving nobody an "advantage"(altough both players would get this, i still think it would be better if neither did... would make things more interesting)..

anyways, im going to back off this post, doesnt really effect me, nor is my opinion as strong as it was in the beginning lol...

Edited by Achilles, 13 January 2009 - 11:01 PM.

#10 Lowlife

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 11:08 PM

idk.. yall are persuading me a little.. especially since you use a variety in party, including if i remember right three druids and a mage, but i still don't think its necessary.. i think a better solution to prevent whoever stays on for a long period of time from having the advantage would be to randomize it.. Edit:thus giving nobody an "advantage"(altough both players would get this, i still think it would be better if neither did... would make things more interesting)..

anyways, im going to back off this post, doesnt really effect me, nor is my opinion as strong as it was in the beginning lol...

Well, even with randomization there would be those lucky times that a good majority of the target's alts were first on the list. I think that this system would do away with all of the unfairness completely. Like Gaddy said, I really don't feel that it was intentional for there to be an advantage like that and really I'm not sure if JLH anticipated that there would be people running 10-20 crits at a time when he designed the game (although I could be completely wrong there).
Things would be so much easier if people would only see them my way...

#11 Achilles

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 12:26 AM

your right i dont think he did.. so it does need to be changed, but i think randomizing would make it funner than just having to click the top..

#12 Isolated

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 01:30 AM

There are skins that make it easier for pking =)
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#13 Gaddy

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Posted 14 January 2009 - 04:58 AM

Such as?
I haven't looked through all of the skins.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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