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Member Since 26 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2005 03:01 AM

Topics I've Started

Stats: Let's Get A Definitive Article Here.

13 November 2005 - 04:39 AM

Everyone knows the basics of stuff like str and con and whatnot, but there's a lot of stuff I'm a little lost on. Can someone please tell me exactly what everything affects. Not just "wisdom gets you more mp, str makes you do more damage" but like, what affects fizzle ratio, what affects how much you heal for, what affects how much you can be healed for, etc etc. I've heard conflicting things about all this and I need to know once and for all so I can roll crits more confidently.

Oh, and yeah, it has been a long time and I'm finally back. Too bad I gave all my stuff away when I quit to my friend who immediately wasted it all. Ugh... Yup, startin' from scratch save for my lvl 29 paci and 23 zerker I wisely held on to. But yeah, stats, info, etc. Gogogo.

If You Wouldn't Mind...

25 January 2005 - 07:24 AM

Well I said the BIG BAD B-WORD and got banned. I'm not complaining, and I'm not saying it's unjust. Apparently female dogs are unacceptable in Europe or something. Who am I to judge your stupid culture?

So anyways I try to sign on, it says the accounts been banned. But the thinkers that banned me or whatever forgot to tell me for how long.

I know you guys don't owe me anything, but for the love of god if you're going to run a game, run it right. :unsure:

What's Up With The Server?

11 January 2005 - 03:21 AM

You have a ping of 36241ms to the server.

What the bloody hell?