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Ë£ Mëxíçåñø

Member Since 16 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active May 15 2005 01:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Ç®ÿþ±íç §ó£ðì뮧,

22 February 2005 - 05:46 PM

The Ç®ÿþ±íç §ó£Ðì뮧, ranked 11, with score 1598, consists of 213 members and 25 rooms:

Subliminal (Chairman), Darklightning (Founder), Death_Blooms (Founder), Exposed (Founder), Flesh (Founder), Isolation (Founder), Kay (Founder), Morbidfury (Founder), Rapid_Death (Founder), Dioxide (Leader), Kailee (Leader),

a non drama clan

join up

3 days ranked 11


Post Your Thiefs Hp.

17 February 2005 - 04:30 AM

reject-287 (ling)
intrigue-295 (ling)
tissue-288 (ling)
kindbud-327 (Dwarf)
mythical-297 (human)


05 February 2005 - 12:53 AM

i no lol i said ive quit 2 other times but this time im actually doing it >:unsure:

later people oO


to those people who started 'b/s' with me get lifes lol

The /load Thing Aint Working For Me..

30 January 2005 - 02:57 AM

whenever i try /load isolation for example doesnt work so i have to use manager .. lol j/w wtfs wrong

Arch Cleric-

29 January 2005 - 10:54 PM

dwarf ling elf idc.. get me ingame - rapid_death or death_blooms or isolation