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Member Since 15 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2024 03:07 PM

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In Topic: Single Greatest Crit Ever?

03 February 2023 - 04:41 AM

I just used him as an example that his crit was "better" than all the random geared drama queens but he didn't have the gears or clan behind him so nobody cared


were you the guy so desperate for validation you jumped a 31 1 stam pally wearing pvm gear on a 36 mage but failed? or am I thinking of somebody else?

In Topic: Single Greatest Crit Ever?

03 February 2023 - 03:22 AM

best crit is kind of a shallow and subjective title to be honest


on one hand I tip my hat for someone accomplishing a certain level of power earlier in history

but at the same time? it means very little when you know the secret behind it



there have been so many "meh" rich people on main and 1A throughout nm history


I have personally made the climb on each server

so I have had the privilege of seeing just how bad most "rich" nightmist players actually are once I get to a level of wealth similar to them


once they can't auto win by having a 10 level advantage and stupidly out gearing I realize that mechanically I am just facing off against a senile old man with very expensive things and that they aren't actually good at the game

their movements are slow and their alt escs are weak



generally the pinnacle for these people was reached long before before better players played and before better crits existed

so they were allowed to hoard wealth and status much earlier than other players (which they then abuse by picking on the less fortunate)


the most iconic crits from each era of nightmist have always amounted to whoever happened to get something before other people

or whoever was on the best terms with the most people (questie inheritance/farming/bossing freedom)


old fart? a literal 3 or 4 stat mage that just happened to be in the right place/right time to be the only mage with devastate

bahashabeem? technically the most impressive 30 ranger ever


he had 312 hp (which is still the most ever) when the average hp for a 30 cap halfling is 278-289


were people afraid of him? nope

he was some random mello dude

he was average at the game and had like 2 or 3 arch crits

he also came from a nobody clan and had welfare tier gears


as a hypothetical experiment lets try this...


lets just pretend to paste a generic douchebag personality and make him a founder of TR or a similar clan?

then he could randomly 20v4 smaller players trying to get established then suddenly he would be "cool" and "feared" because he would automatically be in more boss/questie loot rolls and be allowed absolute freedom to train/farm

he also would be in the "cool kid" party that murders all the peasants in every mosh/event simply because of his status


lets go with an even more extreme example and randomly put that same dude in someone's "moose nm I quit" inheritance and he was running around with bracelets of speed and boots of haste

people would probably be spamming his name all over this thread


disjunction? first dude that happened to discover that a cleric or paladin and a cobalt automatically destroys anything else 1v1 because 90% of the server mained generic rangers with enchanted bow for some reason and no one had vamp lol



right now I could freely vomit 90% of the best questies in nightmist history on any character in my account and as long as they are level 40 they would objectively be the best of their class simply because I hold the culmination of 20 years of nightmist history


just rambling and food for thought I guess