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The It Fight

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#1 Horny

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:49 PM

from the LEFT corner, the ONE, the ONLY, KARLAAAAAA. and from the right, bill.

MysticStorm just slapped Fatality!
Fatality: zip it
MysticStorm: shove it
Primex left the game.
Fatality left the game.
Primex: noty
MysticStorm: lol
Dizzy: rofl
Dizzy: this is fun
You tap your foot impatiently at MysticStorm.
Dizzy: its ur turnnn
Dizzy: be rude
Your eye twitches!
MysticStorm: i already was?
MysticStorm: I told him to shove it
Dizzy: aw
Dizzy: yeah but he had the last thing
Dizzy: to say
Dizzy: :)
Dizzy: so u lost
You start to pet MysticStorm.
Dizzy: maybe next time
MysticStorm: nuh uh... he changed it!
MysticStorm: he said zip it, i said shove it... can't say noty
Project just logged on.
Dizzy: everything goes
Dizzy: :
Dizzy: ;/
Dizzy: he wont
MysticStorm: i was saving choke on it
Dizzy: won
Primex: NOTY
Metallica left the game.
Primex: i said it
Dizzy: rofl
Dizzy: this is so funny
Northern Gatehouse: Nightmist appears to be extremely well defended. The gatehouse is manned by several guards, and there is a huge thick wall around the perimeter of the city. However, muffled sounds of violence come from the east. You may enter the city South, or travel North onto a small path.
Soul, Primex, Project, Piggy, MysticStorm, Crystal Templar are here with you.
Spawn just logged on.
MysticStorm: i was keeping the rude "It" cracks going!
You hide behind MysticStorm.
Primex (to MysticStorm): swallow it
Dizzy: and taking controoolll
MysticStorm: sit and spin it
Primex: cry bout it
MysticStorm: chin it
Primex: smack it
MysticStorm: suck it
Primex: wiggle it
MysticStorm: poke it
Primex: spit on it
MysticStorm: smoke it
Dizzy: Im laughing so hard
Dizzy: hahaha
Dizzy (to Project): scotty doesnt know?
Project: lol
Primex: kick it
MysticStorm: teabag it
Dizzy: ROGFL
Dizzy: DTijrts
Dizzy: ertrt
Dizzy: hg
Dizzy: hf
Primex: beat it
MysticStorm: snowblow it
Dizzy tries to breath.
Dizzy: HAHAHah
Primex: swing it
MysticStorm: hang from it
Primex: pet it
MysticStorm: crimp it
Dizzy: k obviously we have a winner for making me laugh harder than I did since ages ago
Dizzy: Karla
Dizzy: u win a cookie
Dizzy: :o
MysticStorm: lol
Primex: make love to it
MysticStorm: talk dirty to it
Primex: hit u in the forehead wit it
MysticStorm: castrate it
Dizzy: IEDka'wrer
Dizzy: wer
Dizzy: we
Dizzy: rw
Dizzy: er
Dizzy: GAGGAGAha
Primex: hide it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Paged User MysticStorm: step on it ROFL
MysticStorm: masterbate it
Paged User MysticStorm: love it ;-)
Gwaspawn just logged on.
Primex: sodomize it
Dizzy: RIFK'
Dizzy: ares
Dizzy: rwe
Dizzy: rwg
Northern Gatehouse: Nightmist appears to be extremely well defended. The gatehouse is manned by several guards, and there is a huge thick wall around the perimeter of the city. However, muffled sounds of violence come from the east. You may enter the city South, or travel North onto a small path.
Primex, Project, Piggy, MysticStorm, Crystal Templar are here with you.
Dizzy: dh
MysticStorm: titty screw it
Primex: chew it
[Friend] Gwaspawn: dont ask
Project: lol
You feel hungry.
MysticStorm: lol
You went South.
Viper Street: You are standing on the worn cobbles of Viper Street. There is an apple tree here, beside a well. The Street continues North and South. There is a guardhouse to the East, and a bank to the West.
You had a drink from the well.
You ate a luscious apple from the tree.
You went North.
Northern Gatehouse: You are standing at the North Gatehouse to Nightmist City. You may enter the city South, or travel North onto a small path.
Primex, Project, Piggy, MysticStorm, Crystal Templar are here with you.
Dizzy: did I miss anything?
MysticStorm: gargle it
Primex: gurgle it
MysticStorm: shave it
Primex: park it
Dizzy: just cut it
MysticStorm: hit it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Primex: sign it
MysticStorm: bend it
Project: lol
Primex: sniff it
MysticStorm: doggy it
Primex: look at it
MysticStorm: 69 it
Project: lol
Primex: just *BEEEEEEEP* it
MysticStorm: impregnate it
Dizzy: flap it?
Dizzy: RIfkse'rwer
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Dizzy: Text saved to your nightmist directory x 234234234
MysticStorm: lol
Primex: wash it
MysticStorm: steralize it
Dizzy: squish it?
Dizzy: :P
Primex: torture it
MysticStorm: burn it
Primex: rinse it
Dizzy: eat it?
MysticStorm: crack it
Project: lol
Primex: bomb it
Piggy: rofl
Dizzy: ahahaha
MysticStorm: yeast it
Primex: thank it
Project: lol
MysticStorm: ky jelly it
Primex: lol its used out
MysticStorm: nuts it
Ryuku just logged on.
Primex: pimp it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
MysticStorm: bling bling it
Gwaspawn: wank it
MysticStorm: pay for it
MysticStorm just slapped Gwaspawn!
Primex: time it
MysticStorm: shut up
MysticStorm: prime it
Primex: name it
MysticStorm: sing to it
Primex: sleep on it
MysticStorm: sand blast it
MysticStorm: ouchies
Primex: skin it
Xemnas just arrived from the South.
Xemnas just went North.
MysticStorm: peel it
Primex: stab it
Xemnas just arrived from the North.
MysticStorm: oil it
Xemnas just went South.
Primex: lap it
MysticStorm: grope it
Primex: wear it
MysticStorm: tongue it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Primex: dance on it
Dizzy: this is so going on forum
MysticStorm: ring it
Dizzy: hope u all realize it
Project: lol
MysticStorm: lol
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Project (to Dizzy): the IT fight
Primex: improve it
MysticStorm: rubber it
Dizzy (to Project): Yeah hahaha
Primex: work it
Primo just logged on.
Text saved to your nightmist directory
MysticStorm: fire it
You slap the fool out of Primo!
Primex: water it
Primo waves to everyone.
MysticStorm: quit it
MysticStorm: kik
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Dizzy: rofl
Primex: got it
MysticStorm: shut it
Primex: grill it
MysticStorm: drag it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Primex: weigh it
MysticStorm: sun it
Dizzy: omg Im /saving every 2 sec
Primex: kill it
MysticStorm: tinkle it
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Primex: switch it
MysticStorm: wrinkle it
Primex: mix it
MysticStorm: circumsize it
Primex: wreck it
MysticStorm: crash it
Primex: live it
MysticStorm: puke it
Primex: want it
Project: lol
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Dizzy: rofl
MysticStorm: drink it
Primex: need it
Paged User MysticStorm: kill it
MysticStorm: love it
Primex: didnt i say love it
Dizzy: no
MysticStorm: hell if i can remember
MysticStorm: lol
Dizzy: Imma post on forum

BILL WON.. :) hahahahahah.. this is what happens when ppl get bored at ngh.

congrats to karla, u still get the cookie, funniest stuff ever.

*some things were deleted because it would make it kinda hard to read.*
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#2 Exodia



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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:56 PM

lol was fun killed some time, came close to runnin outta stuff to say, maybe next time we'll use a diff word besides it

You pose to Karla and flex your muscles!
Primex ingame

#3 Horny

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 08:01 PM

its still going on, after the battle the ngh gang kept saying it stuff :-). IT wasnt over yet ;-)
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#4 MysticStorm

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 08:49 PM

I know!!! We'll get started, then someone will log on, say stuff that's already been said a million times already and i'll come up with new ones. It's nuts!

It was a lot of fun though. I give props to Primex as well. He gave a few good ones.

Edited by MysticStorm, 17 October 2006 - 08:51 PM.

#5 Bunny

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Posted 18 October 2006 - 09:40 AM

Wow. Thats so dammn sad.

But funny, too.

#6 Vodka

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Posted 18 October 2006 - 11:24 AM

I still don't get it
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#7 Lappa

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 12:02 AM

i think it was gay
-Lappa or Woodstock-

Property of Jessica

#8 Isolated

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 05:47 AM

josh rocks
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#9 Hansol

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 12:08 AM



#10 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 24 January 2007 - 08:23 AM

Strangly it reminds me of a song written by Daft Punk called Technologic on the album Human After All...


#11 deadman

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Posted 24 January 2007 - 10:35 AM

Strangely IT makes me wonder why you brought back up a 3 month old post again. IT really does.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#12 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 24 January 2007 - 09:28 PM

-.- sorry didnt know there was some sort of time limit on posting a thought on a topic =-\

#13 Raylen


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Posted 25 January 2007 - 02:40 PM

damn cops
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#14 Ryuku


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Posted 25 January 2007 - 07:18 PM


#15 Throwback

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Posted 25 January 2007 - 09:35 PM

f' it do what ya want

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

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