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Member Since 30 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2010 06:30 PM

Topics I've Started

Complete And Utter Newb Question

21 January 2010 - 05:53 PM

What stats are needed for ranger and what are the best races and which stats do what. I may just be being a blonde but I can't find where the info is. Could someone plz help. Thanks bunches.

Back Again

21 January 2010 - 05:02 PM

Most of you don't know me, but to those who do. I'M BAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!! LMAO I'm like the Terminator, I just never go away. lol Well as soon as I can remember all my info for my account I'll see you guys on there. I won't be on a lot due to school but eh.
