You have increased to level 32, gained 16 hp and gained 25 mana points.
Disaster's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Archmaster Class II Sorcerer. Str: 14, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 20, Lev: 32, Exp: 460,022,770, HP: 286, MP: 466, Stm: 6.
Spells: Shock, Sphere, Vortex Gate, Flame, Blast, Beam, Devastate, Protect, Enhanced Sphere, Mana Shroud, Aura of Protection, Haste, Invisibility, Dispell.
This character can still be /reset.
This character has been a level 30 Mage, with 254 HP, and 417 MP.
It is now 3am, and i've done 10% alone today to get it to level 32, 6 stam and 4 regen heh.
I'd like to thank Jay for getting me to do that last couple mil, Jared/Alan for letting me train this beautiful piece of art (orig Chiquita), Mark for telling me if its not done by this morning I get castrated, Lew for his left hand and Nightmist generally.