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Mac Tutorial

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#1 Tyler

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Posted 13 August 2011 - 11:07 AM

Alright, so I understand that there are people that have the Mac OS X and wish to enjoy NightMist Online. I myself haven't been able to play in quite some time because I didn't know it was possible. I was playing around with Wine and got it to work. For the newer people to Wine, or people that haven't even heard of it, I figured I might as well help.

Normally, Wine is a little more complex and makes you cd your way through your system and then ls to make sure everything is there. Not this way. Also, with this method, there is no need for Boot Camp, Parallels, MacPorts, partitioning, emulators, etc. There seems to be quite a few steps, but they are fairly simple and took me under 30 minutes to figure out for my first time. If you're running Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, or Lion, you should have XCode. If not, just open up the App Store and grab it. Ignore this step until you run into problems. :lol:

Here We Go - Tyler's Tutorial

1. Download http://winebottler.k...nberg.org/wine/ -- This is a Wine Build from Mike Kronenberg, and has worked flawlessly for me.
2. Unpack the build and move the Wine app to the Applications folder.
3. Go to the Applications folder and run Wine.
4. Three windows should pop up. I forget what they are specifically, as I did this already. However, on the one that says something about a silent install, don't bother clicking the checkbox. Just hit the prompt. When that is successful, feel free to close that window. Next, you will create a prefix via the "Add..." button (whichever window that is). Just create a prefix with whatever name you want; it really doesn't matter. The third, I completely forget what it is, but I'm pretty sure there was one. Use your better judgement if you even need it. Sorry, maybe someone can let me know what that is just for the sake of fixing this.
5. Download NightMist Online (full version) to the desktop. (You can do it anywhere, I'll just do this for ease)
6. Double-click the nightmist.exe and allow it to open using your Wine prefix that you created.
7. This should take you to the Installation screen that looks identical to the Windows installation for NightMist screen. When it asks for a directory, feel free to just leave it, as you'll be moving it soon enough.
8. Create a folder (on your desktop) named "NightMist" or whatever you desire.
9. Now, you will hit command+space to open up Spotlight and type in "NightMist." You want the folder, which should be called "NightMist" as a sub-folder to "Program Files." Once you find this "NightMist" folder, drag it onto the desktop.
10. Double-click the nightmist.exe inside of the new folder and open in Wine as you did before. The account login/creation screen should pop up. If it does, you're all set. At the point where you are opening in Wine, feel free to hit the "Don't show this dialog again" checkbox. This will allow the program to open it in Wine each time (which you'll obviously have to do).
OPTIONAL 11. If you want to use macros, bring up Spotlight and go to System Preferences. Click on Keyboard. Make sure the selection is on Keyboard and not Keyboard Shortcuts now. Click the box that says "Use all F1, F2, etc...." You should now be able to start using your macros. :lol:

Finished Product - NightMist on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Posted Image

Note: Each time, NightMist will open, but the icon below (on the Dock) should be X11. If so, congratulations; you've finally solved the issue of playing NightMist Online on a Mac! I have gotten macros working, not prompting each time to use Wine, and even commands like /load and /manager work just fine. The only thing left is auto-login. And yes, when you minimize, you get to see the NightMist screen shrink to the dock! It's really fun if you hold Shift! :lol:

As it is past 5:30AM, I may be forgetting a step or two. Hopefully, for everyone's sake, I am not. Again, this may seem like a pain, but it isn't bad at all. The instructions are fairly self-explanatory and simple.

Please do NOT turn this into a PC v. Mac thread!

P.S. For those that say there isn't a "right-click," I can simply click with two fingers instead of one on the MacBook Pro and it works the same. It's quite handy. I'm sure there are other workarounds as well.

Edit: Found out how to copy/paste. You are to use control (control+c and control+v) instead of cmd (cmd+c and cmd+v). I also found out how to set a faster key delay speed than you are allowed to in System Preferences. Open Terminal, login (if needed) and type "defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0" without the quotes. You are setting the value to 0, where the speed is faster as it goes lower. The fastest you can go from System Preferences is 2.

Edited by Tyler, 13 August 2011 - 10:47 PM.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#2 Kier

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 11:49 PM

Awesome guide man, seriously top notch. Only problem is the download link on that guys site doesn't work, is there anywhere else where I could get the version of wine I need? I thought NightMist on mac was impossible you have given me hope :lol:

#3 DefectiveBomb

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 11:56 PM

good stuff tyler glad someone finally ramped up with macs and showed how it was done i just havent had the time to post threads about it...sweet thread should be seriuosly helpful in the future to anyone runnin a Mac

#4 Prototype

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 01:55 AM

Virtual machine?
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

#5 Kier

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 02:03 PM

Found a wine download and its working perfectly :lol: The third window is just a Wine general preferences window asking about updates. Only problem I've encountered is when I tried to start the window maximised - the bottom half of the screen started flashing and wouldn't open the window. Quality guide though Tyler, thanks a lot man :lol:

#6 Tyler

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Posted 26 October 2011 - 04:20 AM

Kier: Sorry for the delay, Kier. Been a bit busy. I'm glad you found a download and got it working. I've never tried to play maximized so I wouldn't know about that, but it sucks you're having that problem.

John: Thanks, bro. I'm glad people are finding it useful; that's all I really wanted with this.

Prototype: WINE is basically an emulator. Its initial acryonym was Windows Emulator. Now it's Wine Is Not an Emulator. Though, you could use a Virtual Machine (Boot Camp or Parallels probably). The drawback is that you have to purchase the OS (Windows) in addition to the Mac you have. While you could rip it, that process is always risky. I think I'm understanding VM's right, anyway. :lol: WINE is totally free and requires no purchases.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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