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Member Since 15 May 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2011 05:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Why Nightmist Will Die. One Man's Opinion

15 November 2007 - 08:16 PM

PLAYERS DO NOT FIGHT OR BICKER?????!!!!! I must have entered a different dimension!

In Topic: A Delay In Macro's

15 November 2007 - 10:05 AM

the delay would be the same no matter what the connection speed is, so what's the difference

Not necessarily. There is a way to program this so that dial-up clients wouldn't be penalized by the delay. Don't look for it to happen in Nightmist, however.

The predictable way to code this:

Event: A player hits someone, using his last stam.
Process: Wait for stam to refresh
Press macro key
{wait here for macro delay}
Fire the macro event

The way to delay fast clients without hurting slow clients:

Event: A player hits someone, using his last stam
Process: wat for stam to refresh
Press macro key
If n (miliseconds) has passed then
Fire the macro event
end if

What that does is count from the last event, which uses a counter on the server side, independent of connection speed. While the delay is the same, this actually brings the broadband and dialup connections closer together.

I really hope they don't do this. I'm not afraid they will, though: too much work.

In Topic: Why Nightmist Will Die. One Man's Opinion

15 November 2007 - 09:53 AM

Sorry I even brought it up.

I thought it would be a nice gesture to try and do something to get people to work together in 1A.

Not interested in doing that any longer. It's not worth it.

In Topic: So They Want To Revive Main Server

15 November 2007 - 09:51 AM

I'm not sure why your quest is getting that much positive feedback, even though I'm not saying it is a bad idea....but isn't that exactly like last year's Christmas quest, where something (whatever it was) was attacking and had to be stopped or else there would be no Christmas gift, or something? Wasn't that it? And your suggestion could be run the same way.

In Topic: Why Nightmist Will Die. One Man's Opinion

10 November 2007 - 03:44 AM

Wow what a breath of sunshine!

Reading my own posts, though, I'm pretty sure I'm either boring myself to death or making myself nauseous. Not sure which.