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Another Spell Idea

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#1 lowmion

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Posted 03 June 2004 - 10:21 AM

Again apologies if this has been put forward b4,

How about a mage spell that act's in exactly the same way as the Beserk Skill
except when cast on self, (the only apllication for it), it replenish's your mana, instead of causing damage.

This spell utilises the exact same formula as the Beserk Skill except it's of course wis and char instead of strength and char,

It uses up all of your stams, and increases in effect as the mage levels higher.

However is introduced when mage has 3 stams, in interest of fairness to other low lvl class's.

What do you all think ?

Any more indepth descriptions, names, and ratio/formula's welcome.


#2 Squee



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Posted 03 June 2004 - 08:25 PM

...So mages would never have to buy mana again?
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#3 lowmion

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 05:37 AM

I dont know the formula that a berserker's berserk uses, but it seems to be a random amount of damage for a set amount of hp's, if at all the berserk is successfull.

A variation on this would be needed, the fixed amount of hps to the random amount of mana gained, if at all the spell was successfull.

Because it uses all of your available stams, it wouldnt be feasable to use all the time, it would merely be a solution to running outa mana when miles from town.

I realise that ppl will say "well just load up on adv pots and dont buy mana", but the variation of the beserk formula it uses would ensure more hps is used than mana regained, and seeing that mages have low hp's anyway.....

if you could post the current formula that berserk uses it would help, I dont know what stats that skill uses , but if it where say strgth and char, then for the mage version make it wis and char,

and no i dont have a mage with max char. :)

#4 ice_cold

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 01:44 PM

how do you propose a mage replenish this mana (all creatures magical force). this would only further along alt use in nightmist. use a cleric who has DR heal the mage for 110hp and lose 8 mana when the mage gains, what, 30-60? come on here man, think. you could train a mage for hours on end without ever having to use 1 mana crystal on the mage. to be honest, i dont think any of your ideas are ever thourally thought out, instead, you figure, i have a mage as a main, might as well make it stronger.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#5 lowmion

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 04:16 PM

Yeh your right

Mages suck,

And every idea that could be of use to improve them can be abused by those that use alts,

How ever if using a cleric instead of pots the spell still works the same.

Can some-one supply the Berserker Berserk formula/ratio's, so i can "think this through" and see if the same formula/ratio's can be indeed be adapted to mages or not, as that was the whole idea of posting this in the first place.



In regards to every post i put up not being thought through, thats kinda bogus, to put it nicely..... :)

Edited by lowmion, 04 June 2004 - 04:26 PM.

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