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The Eternal Mage Debate

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#1 lowmion

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 02:30 PM

I know that all the pk'r types out there and ppl afraid of being pk'ld because they train in the wrong places, are against this , but :

Mages having a single click ability/or 90 damage/stam spell when they become arch is much needed,

And yeah i know every1 goes on about give mages an alternative type of spell in the format of

You cast Tie Pandilex's shoe laces on Pandilex

Lowmion cast's Tie Pandilex's shoe laces on Pandilex allowing Pandilex to move with greater dexterity

But mages are obcelete against clerics healing, druids morph and heal, etc etc, unless ya spend millions on cobalt staff, cr's etc, etc and even then still cant retaliate in any meaningfull way.

So bring in a spell that equals it up, and has the potential to make pk'rs think twice be attacking mages :)

#2 Squee



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Posted 15 May 2004 - 03:51 PM

So a mage has a harder time beating a cleric than a fighter, how is this a bad thing?

Some classes have an easier time beating other classes; the same goes for mages.

If you dislike losing to druids...then stay away from them.

As for new spells, I want spells that make mages fun. Just slapping in some new uber powerful spells is a terrible way to go about doing this.
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#3 lowmion

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:31 PM

So a mage has a harder time beating a cleric than a fighter, how is this a bad thing?

Some classes have an easier time beating other classes; the same goes for mages.

Mages cant beat clerics, clerics heal for 90 at low mana cost and mages hit for 60 at high mana cost,

and which class can mages beat if ya was going to with levels at arch?

as far as I can tell, mages are on a low lvl than any other class,

almost like a half-orc fighter, 'cept at least they absorb the damage. :)

To make mages fun, they need to be able to defend themselves, I'm still lvling up mine and only defend against ppl, i'm not pking, i know , my choice's not the same as most in the game,

Whilst i can get myself outa most situations, it sucks having to rely on running as if ya invis the pk'rs cleric will cast vision, if mages were a quick lvling crit then yeah i can understand their being crippled so badly, but they're not, so they need to be at least the equal of any of the other class's, probably a little more powerfull than any other, to keep up with the difficulty of lvling

Ie The harder to train, the better the end result,

Edited by lowmion, 15 May 2004 - 04:51 PM.

#4 Squee



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Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:48 PM

So a mage can't beat a cleric, how many clerics seriously go out to PK?

My mage can beat fighters, rangers, other mages and thieves and berserkers if I'm lucky.
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#5 lowmion

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Posted 15 May 2004 - 05:10 PM

Are you talking about a no alt world ?

Clerics are a part of the multi-alt player team, as such they heal the character's in their party for way more than you can hit for,

And as for your wins against other ppl's class's:

1, are they the same lvl as you?

2, did you spend millions on equipment?


you do realise that i'm not talking about dueling or no exp loss arena's dont you.

i notice that you didnt object to the half-orc comparison, why ?

#6 kar

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 12:04 AM

(i made a spell) Silencer
mna use:35
ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#7 Squee



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Posted 16 May 2004 - 02:03 AM

Obviously, if you're facing off against a well team of people with just a lone mage, the lone mage will lose. Now, give that mage a party and the fight becomes fair. The outcome now depends on the people's ability to work together, not their classes.

As for my duels, yes, we're both level 30. As for millions on spells...I have AoP and Spider Gauntlets (as of now). I could still hold my own weight in duels without those, though.

PK'ing out of town? With the element of surprise? No matter what, the player with the element of surprise on their side will have an advantage. It just happens that the advantage is greater when jumping a mage.

Now...your half-orc comparison...I don't even understand what it meant. Half-orcs aren't really useless. They don't make the greatest fighters (in my opinion) but they do seem to make decent berserkers...if that what you meant? o_O
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#8 Nyneve

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 05:35 AM

Squee, no offense, but I have heard people like this on forums before. You, for some reason, don't like mages that much, and you want them to be crippled. Or maybe you have a different favorite class. Either way, mages are way too limited in Nightmist. It is unfair, seeing as I'd like to be able to be a mage. But it costs way too much, and everyone says it isnt worth it all. I think something needs to be done.

#9 Squee



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Posted 16 May 2004 - 05:41 AM

Actually, I find myself only able to train mages. The other classes like bore me. I know how hard it is to train mages and I know how bad they are.

However, I also know that some great, PK'ing spell isn't going to "fix" them.
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#10 lowmion

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 06:06 AM

You're veiwing this from a rather negative point of veiw,

it's not intended to be a 'uber pk'r spell',
it's intended to be an equaliser.

If my mage is in a party of friend's and we get attacked, they will live I will die unless i run, thus leaving my friends behind to their fate, (invis not an option as vision wll be cast, and you will have to run if you can b4 being clicked).

Having mage in a party is of no benefit unless ya need to get to the GC or want to use it as a "taxi"; it's purpose to invis the party whilst traveling.

If such a spell was introduced it would allow mages to be an active member of a party, to do a similar amount of damage to boss's/monsters and of course pk'rs as the other crits in the party, and would therefor be more fun to own,use and train.

You 'got' what i meant by the Half-orc fighter comparison, no 1 uses them much, they 're not used as anything but zerker's by most and are obcelete in their dex restrictions, just like mages in their current crippled form.


#11 Prophet

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 11:36 AM

Are you talking about a no alt world ?

Clerics are a part of the multi-alt player team, as such they heal the character's in their party for way more than you can hit for,

And as for your  wins against other ppl's class's:

1, are they the same lvl as you?

2, did you spend millions on equipment?


you do realise that i'm not talking about dueling or no exp loss arena's dont you.

i notice that you didnt object to the half-orc comparison, why ?

The no alt world part with clerics being essential:

Many people don't bother with clerics and just use a mage to invis and attack. The game isn't all about attack strength...If it were a 1 alt limit then attack would matter, but its not its part of a multi-alt system were you use characters together.

And I don't think squee wants them crippled she is just saying that there are other things to give to them than attacking spells.

IF you wanted every class to be able to attack for the same damage we would have identical classes just under different names and spell names. Therefore mages don't need another attacking spell, but instead should have a variety or array of different types of spells.

it's not intended to be a 'uber pk'r spell',
it's intended to be an equaliser.

We don't want equal classes with equal attack under different names we want variety with each class having different strengths.

Edited by Prophet, 16 May 2004 - 11:40 AM.

Si Senior!

#12 lowmion

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Posted 16 May 2004 - 01:40 PM

well instead of giving mages 'another attack spell' adjust their top spell 'beam' , so it gives more damage

The only non- essential , non attacking spell that i could see them needing is a healing spell,

any other's would be just another

Tie Pandilex's shoe laces type as i previously mentioned

I am fully aware that there are many that dislike with an intensity mages being made more functional, but at the same time there are many that would like for mages to be more capableas as a class, (current owners of arch and near arch mages).

And i still say

The harder to train, the better the end result, should apply and in this class it doesnt and that's a fact :)

#13 Squee



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Posted 16 May 2004 - 03:17 PM

Serveral things besides "Tie Pandilex's shoe-laces" have been suggested. Deval's suggestion for a spell (I think was called) "Duplicity" shows great promise.

If (in your mind's eye) you see mages just throwing random fire-balls around, incinerating everybody, I feel sorry for you.
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#14 lowmion

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 04:12 AM

If this was a rpg or even a single-alt world i would agree with you a little, but it's not,

The description's of the needed spell can be anything you like, the bottom line is how hard is it to intigrate into the game?

Beam already exists, to change the pod it does surely cant be all that hard,

Then with the next main update you get another "Tie Pandilex's shoe-laces" type spell.

I find it incredible that a owner of a mage would want it to remain in it's current form, and be happy with it being used as a "Taxi" after all that effort of training,

What do you do with your mage in "your mind's eye" ?

Tea and scones with the Queen ?

Lowmion pass's Squee a Jam & Cream Laiden Scone for 40 points of damage, lol

This is a Mud, (nightmist), ?
and it's currently in a multi-alt format ?
and you dont want your mage to be able to fight back?

Fine, dont 'buy' the spell then, socialise with your friends, act as a taxi, "Tie Pandilex's shoe-laces",

but let other mages have the ability to fight back.


An arch mage doesnt "randomly" do anything, lol, especially with"flame", :)

(you do have an arch or near arch mage? don't you?)

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