Guardian's Hysteria
Posted 08 August 2007 - 05:06 AM
A Soft snicker escaped her lips as she dropped the core of the fruit upon the ground and then slowly made her way back to the entrance of the town. Stepping ever so slightly as not to make a sound. Stepping through the gates of the town, by passing the guards, and slowly making her way off into the thicket of trees. When she had reached her campsite the cloak was disposed of on a nearby log and she layed down upon the thin sheet of velvet she had snatched from a passing caravan. Looking up into the stars, those crimson eyes began to wander. She placed a gloved hand upon her flat and fit stomach. The soft red silk of her dress cooling down as the wind blew across her. Her legs lay crossed in the cooling winds as she layed there in the darkness. No fire was needed as she did not want a crowd there where she was at. The garter upon her leg, was of a bright red lace and white silk combination. There it held a Demon's Eye Dagger. One weapon she had received when she had killed the last of the Apochian Demons. Her right hand lay under her pink curls and layers of silken hair. Her soft pink lips were full and lucious. Her skin upon her body was a creamy silky feeling and a soft honey color. The sunlight always did seem to keep the shade of tan upon her body just right.
With a soft sigh, she turned over onto her stomach with the push of her left hand upon the ground. She snuggled in for the night so that she may awake early the next morning. The sounds of the animals in the forest seem to relax her even more. Soft breathing slowly melted her away into dream land. One hand under her left cheek as she lay there. The other positioned her dagger incase someone decided to be stupid. This is where she lay for the night or until she decided the town was useless once more. Here she would lay for the rest of the night, alone and alert.
Posted 08 August 2007 - 09:12 AM
He looked around sleepily and relaxed his grip, feeling his weapon give back and ease back onto his arm as he looked around his room. Catching a mirror on the opposite wall as he stood and finished dressing in tunic and briar garments he had just aquired from the nearby town's armorsmith. His Elven features were quite apparent, his short brown hair fell down around his face as he shook his head to clear his vision, rubbing his eyes to get the last of the sleep from them. Then he walked for he door, grabbing his satchel from the hook by his bed and whistling for Fang, a tawny brown and grey wolf that had become something of a pet after their many journeys together. He took off down the stairs and tossed the innkeeper his room keys, then walked out into the streets to gain information on what was going on. Tossing his cloak about him to conceal most of his features except his peircing steel grey eyes, and most of all to conceal his twin Torashuko that were bound about his wrists.
He stopped at a couple market stands to gain some information, all the while paying some attention to Fang as he kept his ears perked up and was sniffing about. His search came to nothing.... except repeated mention of a person in a worn black silk cloak.
Hrm.... Well that accomplished nothing...He thought to himself as he walked away from the stands ...may as well see if I cant come across any other information in the local tavern
He turns and calls to Fang then walks off towards the local tavern, through the throng of people rushing every which way hollering. He enters the tavern and the noise subsides some only to be replaced by soft music and the dull roar of people clustered around tables with food and drink. He stops at the bar and calls for a meal and pint of mead, and some scraps for Fang, then passes the bartender coins from under his cloak. He consumes his meal and sits at the bar, barely touching the pint to his lips as he leans over, his elven ears perked up to hear all the conversations, searching the mass of noise for any form of lead, but still more mention of this person in the black cloak. He turns his attention to the guards that walk in, having just been releaved from their posts at the gate and hear that they are talking about the same person walking out the gate and heading towards the forest before walking out of sight.
Interesting... I think I may spend tonight out in the woods and see if i cant catch wind of this popular cadaver... He thinks to himself as he gets up from the bar, leaves a few coins for a tip, and walks out towards the town gates towards the woods, Fang pulling up behind him and patrolling the area before Shapeshifter sets up his things, hanging his satchel and cloak from a treebranch and laying down on the earth to rest for the night, hoping to get an early start and find out a little bit about this person in the black silk cloak.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 19 August 2007 - 07:01 PM
I shall move my camp tonight. Strangers approach. Getting closer.. Eh... Can't Be Seen.....
Her mind raced with thoughts of people getting closer to her camp site. She pulled the worn silk off the ground and folded it up. Stuffing the silk into her pouch on her side, she quickly jumped up into a tree and sat waiting and watching. Her nose picked up the scent of the stranger and she would make sure he did not see her. Shadows closed in around her as she chuckled softly to herself. She would find this stranger and gladly deal with him herself. As the shadows closed in around her, her mind began to wander around the forest. Her illusion would follow the sound of his heart beat to where he lay. She grinned with a wide evil grin as she seen him. The wolf would be easy to deal with as well. Her hands rung together as her illusion stepped closer to the side of this stranger. Cackling the illusion faded from sight and she moved beyond the realm. She walked through the darkness. Things she had learned from her master had come in handy. Stepping from the shadows, she would walk lightly, taking care as not to step on anything that would make noise.
So this is the stranger who threatens my camp.... So be it.... Lets see him find me now...
With a soft wave of her hand a small ball of light would float from her hand and absorb into his lips, spreading through his body and making his blood veins glow. As the glow faded she gave a soft hissing laugh and the shadows once more closed in upon her. She would wait and watch to see how well of a tracker he really was. With another soft flick of the wrist and small ball of light once more flew from her hand striking the wolf in the forehead. The wolf would sleep for eternity now or until she removed the hexing herself.
Posted 27 August 2007 - 01:58 AM
"Who's there?!" he says as he stares around in the night, his elven eyes peircing the darkness for any faint signs of movement. He presses his hand to his lips, remembering the odd chilling yet burning sensation they had just felt. Wondering what had just happened he stands up and walks to Fang, seeing him still sleep through all the comotion he just caused was astounding.. After a second of looking over his expressions and his total lethargy, he concluded that Fang was under some kind of enchantments and unable to wake.
Who or what could have done this... and why was I not striken the same fate as Fang? ... he wondered to himself as he kept his ears perked up for any sound, and gathered his things and collected Fang and made back off towards the town gate to find a safe place to keep his friend, while he searched for the caster of this enchantment, for it could only be the enchanter, that removed his hex.
Yangus owes me.... I'll keep him there.....
He dashed through the gates and down the cobblestone streets to Yangus's home, and knocked on the door. The portly Yangus answered, and after quick conversation, took Fang into his arms and carried him inside after many thanks from Shapeshifter.
Shapeshifter fixed his cloak more securly over his shoulders and shook his sleeves back down to cover his Torashuko, then stopped at the gate to secure them more tightly about his wrists as he set off back into the woods, looking for the one that had done this to Fang. Only hoping that if his presence had offended, that he could make amends and have the enchanter remove the hex.
I hope he'll be ok....
With that last thought he dashed back into the woods and back to his campsite to gain tracks or traces of the enchanter and gain notion as to their whereabouts. Only to find nothing... still wondering though as he sat down on a rock and pressed his fingers once again to his lips...
What hex was placed upon me....?
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 17 September 2007 - 12:40 PM

Balancing herself in the branches of the trees of his campsite. Her eyes had switched to night mode a few hours back. The darkness around them couldnt stop who she was. The half cat inside of her was useful at times. Purring gently it carried on the breeze. Looking down at her collar, the soft crushed black velvet that surrounded her silky smooth neck, the letters etched in the steel tag that hung down made her purr with delight. She had rethought everything and decided she missed the Master she was running from. Leaping down from the branch she scowled and then heard him coming back, gasping she ran to a tree, grabbed the branch and pulled herself up. Not knowing her long black tail was still hanging off the branch, she waited and watched. Unfortunately it was hard to keep her balance. The tip of her tail twitched ever so slightly, as if she was bored. Still purring, she watched as the guy started looking around.
I wonder what he is searching for... I'm sure he wants his beloved pet free...
Sitting back against the tree trunk, she yawned softly. She was starting to get tired again. Leaning her head back against the tree, she took a deep breath once more and then closed her eyes. The fatigue that was spreading over her, would render her helpless if she did not take a fast nap. Letting her tail dangle as she was sleeping was dangerous, but she was sure he was nice... Extra precautions had to be taken, to find out though. Yes she had hexed his little pet and him. Though the hexes were different, they still affected him. The one she had placed on him, decreased his fighting chance so if he did find her, he wouldnt be able to hurt her. She woke with a start and threw herself off the branch to the ground. Landing on her feet, she growled began wiping the bugs off or her arms and legs. She pulled her shirt up and pulled free a bug that was big and black. Rubbing her side from where she had pulled it, she scowled and threw the bug to the ground. Running her finger over the wound, she watched it clear up in no time. Of course the area would be sore, but at least the wound was gone. With this, she turned not expecting him to be there. As she turned she turned to realize she was face to face with him.
Posted 02 October 2007 - 12:29 PM
His thoughts drifted back to Fang, as if in another trance, he searched the site, but all the while thought nothing of what he was seeing, and only of his friend, that was sleeping a hexed sleep.
I do hope I can find whomever's done this and see about getting it reversed.
He heard something rustle and fall to the ground, causing him to wake from his trance, he whirled around on the spot, clenching the grip of his torashuko in his hand, hidded safetly under his cloak, expecting to fight some jungle cat that had just bound from the tree to make him its next meal. But what he saw when he turned astounded him. He let the grip fall lose in his hand and gazed at the figure before him.
Roughly a bit shorter than himself, a catlike female with small, pointed, black furred ears poking from atop her head, playing through her hair that gleamed softly in the moonlight with a bright red, almost pinkish color, drastically contrasting the black fur that coated her ears and her tail that was flicking back and forth on the ground behind her. She was of thin frame and body and she looked as though she was quite agile, a gift from her catlike appearance no doubt. Wrapped in a red silk dress, but it was her deep crimson eyes that stopped him in his tracks, he'd seen nothing like them, mystified he stood there without a sound, watching as she brushed insects from her body, probably after leaping down from the tree on which she was perched.
So that's what I heard earlier.... Well, she doesnt look threatening, and she doesnt look as though she'd try to bring harm. But I'll be cautious, probably try to talk to her, she may know about the enchanter who hexed Fang and I. If she isn't indeed the enchantress herself.
He continued to watch, stunned that she hadn't noticed his presence, as she tugged up the bottom of her shirt and pulled free a larger beatle, then healed the immaciated wound with the touch of her finger.
So she is the enchantress... Interesting...
But it was at the same time as this thought, as he looked back up her form and her eyes locked with his. They stood there for a moment, silent, before he regained his voice and spoke softly. "Hello.... who, may i ask, are you? Besides a stunning sight, and a feast for the eyes.." he added as an afterthought, the slight flattery an attempt to open conversation and learn a bit about this new creature.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 15 October 2007 - 07:37 PM
" And who might you be? And why are you here?"
Thoughts ran through her head as she studied the man. She stood ready to call upon the shadows. Pulling her hands free she twisted them in front of her with her eyes closed and her palms spread to form a ball of black energy. Her eyes filled with a black color and her hair started to flutter out as if a strong gust of wind was swirling about her. She smiled softly and turned her gaze from the ball to him. She began tossing the ball up and down in her left hand as she walked around him slowly.
"Dont tell me ... You are here to capture me and turn me into my master arent you? Or is it to turn me in for stealing from all these towns?"
A cackle escaped her lips as she stared at him with the deep black hues. Growling softly she continued to walk around him and toss the ball of black energy. Snickering softly she looked at the ball of energy and then back at him.
"Make one move i dont like and i drop this... killing you..."
She tossed the ball up one more time and then stood there holding it. With one side of her hip thrown out to the side she snickered at him and then closed her hands around the ball making it shatter and melt away into thin air. Cackling once more with an evil glee, she stood in front of him and stared deeply into his eyes.
"Not such a treat for the eyes now am i?"
She waited to hear what he had to say. Was she to kill him or was she to befriend him. She did not know. The collar on her neck glistened in the moon light as she looked up and seen the tainted orange sky above the trees.
Posted 16 October 2007 - 07:27 PM
He watches as she creates the orb of energy, then stares into her eyes, wearing an expressionless face.
"You wouldn't happen to be it, would you?"
His thoughts casually course through his mind, unperturbed by the orb she carries.
She must be the enchantress.. She'd not have appeared here without reason..
He snaps from his thoughts at her forcefull questions, followed by her cackling.
"Master? I know nothing of any masters.... and I'm no mercenary."
He glanced at the orb of energy but once, then kept his gaze focused into her eyes, keeping expression from his face and only allowing a slight of laughter in his voice, he continued to watch her circle him.
"I don't doubt your powers.."
He looked her over, one hip thrown out to the side, he chuckled softly and raised an eyebrow before he spoke.
"Yes, still quite the treat, but there seems to be much more than meets the eyes. Come have a seat, tell me about yourself... Maybe there is a way I can assist you."
With that he stood waiting to see if she would accept his proposal, then slowly seated himself upon the ground and watched her intently, smiling softly, wondering what was going though her mind at his lack of fear.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:31 AM
"Yes I did send your little friend into an eternal slumber. And until my quest is completed, he will stay in a deep sleep."
She looked his frame over once more and growled softly. After the growl had faded from her throat, a small hiss escaped her. reaching up and scratching with her left hand behind her left ear, she purred and then quickly gaining control of herself. The moonlight was slowly fading to a new day. as she sat there, she sniffed the air softly. Shaking her head, she looked at him once more.
"So... why did you come to seek me out? There has to be a reason.... The reason I am here is I have an artifact to find... One that instead of running from my master with... i will take it back to him. He needs the artifact for something special he is doing. What he is doing, I have no clue."
Staring at him with a deep gaze, she sighed softly. Thinking back to the day her master had given her the duty of finding the artifact that he was seeking. When she had left she had not went back. She hadn't wanted to go back until now. She missed him. Missed his strict hand guiding her to endless power.
"The Archilieo's Signet"
She murmured the name of the artifact out without thinking. She sighed softly and then her eyes grew wide. Looking back at him, she calmed down and cleared her throat. Shifting her weight to one leg she waited to hear the answers to her questions. These answers would tell if he was to be trusted or killed.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:57 AM
"I thought you may be, I sought you out to find out the reason you hexed us both and sent him into slumber, and to question the hex you placed upon me as well..."
He sat and unconsciously pressed his fingers to his lips once more. Then let his hand fall as he watched her scratch her ears then continue on. Looking over her leethe figure as she sat, her eyes returning to the crimson of which they were before. He looked back into her eyes, returning her gaze. Then carefully spoke to her.
"This Archilieo Signet, I seem to have heard of it somewhere in rumor or in legend, though I can't remember which.."
He bowed his head into his hands as he thought, scanning the confinds of his mind, looking for the information he sought.
Archilieo Signet... Archilieo Sig.... Ahhh....
"Yes, legend tells of the Archilieo Signet. Its tales are fabled to be great, but I know naught more than that."
He looked back up into her eyes, scanning them for the faintest trace of thoughts or emotions, carefully planning his words and his actions so not to beseach her fury.
"If I'm not mistaken though, the Archilieo Signet is one of seven signets... One of which I happen to be wearing."
He removed the bladed cuff of the torashuko from his right hand, then took a ring off his finger and held it in his palm, then turned it over and opened it before her to reveal the Serpentine Crest. A ring with jade stone, that, when energies were run though it, shone with a silver serpent.
"Here, take a look for yourself.."
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 21 November 2007 - 05:29 AM
"What are you doing? Shh... im trying to think... He has a signet... How can we get it from him? What will master think of this?"
She turned back around and stared at him once more. Her voice was now raspy and hissy.
"Unfortunately for you my dear friend..."
Snickering at her sarcasm, she continued on...
"I will have to take that ring.. See my master needs it along with the other six... and you nor anyone else shall stand in my way of it... Even if i have to kill you."
With this her eyes squeezed shut and she tilted her head to the side, letting the soft rosey locks of hair fall onto her arm and shoulder. Her eyes changed back to their normal bright blue. Her facial expression changed to a more calm person. Looking at him she rubbed her head softly and sighed.
"What happened?" was all she could mutter out before her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the forest floor. As she fell her forehead struck a sharp rock sticking up from the forest floor.Gashing a small place on her forehead, it healing over instantly with a dark purple glow. She lay there, her hair all fanned out under her back and her arms and legs thrown wildly about. The personality change had given her a splitting headache, which in turn made her pass out.
Posted 15 January 2008 - 01:49 PM
"If it means so much to you, Id not keep you from having it.... Here.."
He removes the ring once more and takes the orb of dark energy from his lap and collapses it between his palms with his own energies, then clutches the ring in his palm as she falls forward and strikes her head. He slides up beside her, noticing the gash heal instantly with the dark purple hue.
"Are you..... Are you alright?"
He looked her over once and noted her chest rising and falling in slumber, noting that she had probably passed out.
That was most certainly interesting to say the least..... Though that was clearly a threat, Ill abide and give her my ring, it seems very important that she gather the seven signets for her master... Though with as much strength and power as she possesses, who would she call master?
He sat at her side a few feet away and crossed his arms infront of his chest and lowered his head, his ears perked and twitching at the slightest sound as he went into a tranced state, allowing him some rest and the ability to wake up in a split second notice.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
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