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Double Exp

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#1 tool

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 01:38 PM

Just wanna say thakns to Simon for celebrating with us his degree and dishing out the double exp. Seems everyone enjoyed it in one way or another. Either they where training massive amounts of alts, or they logged massive amounts of alts and went hunting for pks. All in all, an enjoyable time for the comunity

#2 the business

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 01:43 PM

Twas a glorious occasion, MORE OF IT PLEASE!! independance day soon, Celebrate that !!! ^_^

#3 Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 04:55 PM

thanks much big guy ^_^
To all the people ive offended, Yeah f*** you to. To all the friends I used to have, Yo! I miss my past, But the rest of you assholes can kiss my a**

#4 Kalypso

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 06:49 PM

isn't the game easy enough? lol
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#5 Dan

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 07:44 PM

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#6 Vodka

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 08:04 PM

I actually appreciate the double exp. It actually motivated me to train, when I haven't actually trained in forever.

Just too bad that people get inconsiderate and have to ruin it for others.. especially when we only get double exp every blue moon.
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#7 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 08:10 PM

I think there should be alot more double exp days because we really need the next generation of badasses since 90% of the current ones have quit/got accts stolen and such ^_^
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#8 Scripto


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Posted 15 June 2005 - 08:13 PM

it was very cool, not something for a everyday but good every once in a while.... accually made wants to make get back to training lol
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#9 deadman

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 08:51 PM

thanks simon was a good time even tho i missed most of it so less pking ^_^ (damn isp)
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#10 Ryuku


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Posted 16 June 2005 - 01:24 AM

I couldn't use the x2 exp sadly, oh well.

#11 PrimeX

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 03:15 AM

yeh me neither
ur mom sux

#12 tool

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 12:58 PM

isn't the game easy enough? lol

I wouldn't know, i don't train

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