Posted 12 May 2004 - 03:15 AM
Basically, all you do is describe your character in detail and give a history as long as you want.
As an example I will use my character from UH, which has been, regretfully, closed.
Mantis appears to be a human of average build, he is 5'10" tall, and weighs 157 pounds.
His right eye is green, and his left eye is silver.
His hair is a platinum color, and his skin is lightly tanned.
He wears a mithral breastplate with a golden cross emblazoned on it.
There is a small, pointed tail protruding from his tailbone.
Mantis comes from an ancient line of female paladins, no male had ever been born before. When his mother was still young, she was attacked by a demon and later produced an abomination, Mantis (True name: James). Mantis appeared to be a normal baby in all aspects, apart from his fascination with fire and hot objects, and he only gave hints of his heritage when angered, or injured (His skin darkened, his back bulged, and a slight whiff of brimstone hung in the air.). As he aged, it became clear that he was not human, as a demonic tail was protruding from his backside. He was also very obviously not evil, as he began his training as a Paladin. His mother granted him use of Oathen, a family heirloom passed down to the firstborn daughter paladin, origionally given to the first paladin by an Archangel. After two-hundred eighty-one years, Mantis' mother finally gave birth to a daughter (Angelique), but also gave birth to a second son (Christopher). Angelique inherited the celestial traits of her father, though, Christopher only inherited a gift for magic along with some swordskill. Sixteen years later, The monastary where the two siblings were stationed was destroyed by an unknown force, and a black monster ravaged the land for two years, destroying countless villages. The monster had a habbit of only leaving an innocent, golden-haired sixteen year-old girl to survive. (This was Mantis' alternate ego, Daemon, who looks somewhat like Nightcrawler from the second X-Men movie, except he is eight feet tall and has large bat-like wings.).
There, that is as good an example as any, I am sure someone with more time can make something better, but this is my character, and I would like to see what other people have for theirs.
Posted 12 May 2004 - 03:25 AM
Dirty John Flint:
Dirty John Flint stands at 5' 9", with a dirty matted beard and hair in much the same state. Brown dirty teeth line his wide, malicious, often drunk, smile. Upon his head he wears a fiercesome black feathered pirate hat, sporting the wear and tear of many ferocious battles. A long red filthy coat of military design, undoubtedly salvaged from the corpse of some poor sailor, sits over his dirty blood flecked clothes and boots, relieved of their original owner of obvious nobility. From a thick black leather belt hangs his prized posession, his jewelled sword, while fastened to his left 'hand', a rusty metal hook; a large battered shield is clumsily attatched.
A man of constantly changing scruples who's loyalties lie where he believes the most gold can be acquired, Dirty John Flint earned his name by the death of his mother when he was but 11 years of age. Disliking being physically forced to bathe, screaming he had grabbed a nearby empty bottle, smashed the bottom of it, and then proceeded to stab his mother through the throat. Fearing the arrival home of his father he collected together some bare essentials and fled, making for the docks a few miles away where he lived as his new home.
After years of thievery, brawling and crime, his left hand was amputated after being caught and punished by the city gaurd for stealing a young noble womans purse. That night, bleeding and weak, he was taken in by a black smith who had taken pity on him. After searing off and tending to the open wound, he had begun to forge a shining silver hook to take the place of his now fostered appendage.
Months later when John had fully recovered, he had ironically torn the intestines out of his foster father with the hook he had fashioned for him. Attempting to allocate him chores now that he was of fine health had not appealed to John, who made efficient merciless work of his gaurdian. Now aged 16 he returned to the docks of his orphan years, not in search of a new home, but to enlist in the ranks of piracy at the promise of wealth. He found his place with a rag tag crew aboard the ship 'Valkryie'. Months later John had earned himself a reputation as one of the most fiercesome pirates to sail the seas, and one of the foulest smelling men to board the Valkryie.
Posted 19 May 2004 - 11:17 PM
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Real Name: Unknown
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 12st 8oz
Age: Unknown, but he appears to be in his late teens or early twenties.
Class: Paladin
Crane is a mysterious wandering Paladin whose name and origins were lost in the mists of time and war. He stands at 5'10'' and is quite well-built. His face has a very clean appearance and his hair is cut very short. The way he walks gracefully with such a relaxed yet ready posture implies that he has studied some form of martial art. A Justice Blade swings from his belt in a leather scabbard; the handle is very shiny, as if it has hardly been touched... the fact that Crane holds a Branchwood Shield in his right hand implies that he is a left-handed swordsman.
Crane wears very lightweight armour, as heavier armour restricts his movement - he uses his martial arts training to avoid enemy attacks. Crane is not one to go out picking fights, but he will fight to the death against anything that he sees as unjust.
Crane, in his early days, was forced to live in a boarding school in the middle of nowhere that might have been better known as a Mental Institution. Seeing corruption amongst the evil capitalists that founded the place and his fellow inmates being abused, he became a self-appointed leader in an attempt to help his fellow inmates. After a major incident that resulted in the destruction of the school's archives (thus Crane's identity being unknown), he was expelled, despite being innocent and there being no proof to convict him - he later found out that he was expelled because he knew too much about the corruption and was one of the few inmates capable of doing something about it... basically, he was a threat to the management team. He was left desolated, defenseless and friendless in the outside world which was unfortunately unfamiliar and hostile to his eyes.
Thankfully, an elder Paladin and martial artist had known of the school's corruption and was watching over the place. When he found Crane practically starving to death in the wilderness, he took him under his wing and showed him the path of the Paladin. Crane had finally found his path through life. Upon his initiation into the Paladin Guild, he vowed to fight against injustice and those who would make a living out of the suffering of others. Wanting to keep his real name a secret in order to forget his dark past, he opted the style of Kung Fu that the elder was teaching him, White Crane.
Though many years have passed, the psychological scars that Crane carries from his experienes in the school still cause him a lot of emotional turmoil, so to the few that know him, he does not appear to be the warrior type because he is often found alone in some dark corner, crying, but that makes him no less of a warrior. In fact, those who do know him respect him greatly because he has empathy, one of the few good qualities gained from the school. Because he has empathy, and much of it, he helps people weaker than him quite a lot and tries his best to break up and solve arguments between people; he finds it much more satisfying than hunting down evil.
My first attempt at a Role-Play biography.
Edited by Crane, 19 May 2004 - 11:18 PM.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 20 May 2004 - 06:38 PM
((Very nice Crane. Much better than mine I must admit.))
Edited by green_mantis, 20 May 2004 - 06:39 PM.
Posted 11 August 2004 - 10:29 PM
I said long ago that I lost this story- well I just found it, so before I attempt to apologise to Hatrix and restart his Return to the Sun thread a little... I thought I might post it up.
The Basics
Love's the Funeral of Hearts and an Ode for Cruelty
When Angels cry blood, on flowers of Evil in bloom
The Funeral of Hearts and a plea for Mercy
When love is a gun, separating me from you
(--Him, Funeral of Hearts)
If I should die before I wake, I pray no one my soul to take
And if I wake before I die, rescue me with your smile
(--Him, Buried alive by love)
A female half elf (grey/human) of diminutive stature (4'11'')
She has pale hair and silver-blue eyes which are truly windows to her emotional soul.
Time was that her nature was kind and helpful, her weakness and quietness belied by her happy-go-lucky attitude to life
Things change though, her weakness and insecurity having overtaken her. Whatever happiness that was there has long drained away, causing her to be depressive... and to think herself doomed.
"Past and present... Life and Death... what are they? Really? They're all one in my head"
The kiss of Vanity blessed me with a Spiritual Murder, and fed the Gods of War Insatiable
(--Him, Buried alive by love)
A male of origins too mixed to note he barely even counts as a half-elf, he stands at 5'6'' and has a highly imposing frame.
Since his time began he has been angry and resentful of the fate given to him, with obsessive tendancies.
His faults have only grown over the years, his obsession amplified a hundred-fold and his anger mutated into something far more evil. He was dangerous in the past... now he has the power to do something about it, dangerous is an understatement. His obsession... is both his strength, and his weakness
"If you let me... I could love you to death"
Today without Tomorrow
(aka: pathetically long backstory)
Dion was a half-elf too long scorned... within his ancestry there lay both high elven and drow(dark elven) blood, causing the mere existance of his family line to be a shame to both, a constant reminder of events neither side wished to remember... and thats without the other dna that can be traced back through the generations just enough to cause he and his caste to be the equivalent of exiles, only permitted to live on the outskirts of the community, shunned completely by the elves and in large part avoided by the humans.
Girya was only a half-elf herself, though her diminutive stature can lead people to belvie she is of pure blood. Still... most elves can tell. Shunned by her playmates under orders from their parents and guardians she found herself drawn to those who had been similarly outcast, though she shared none of their resentment. Her nature, unlike Dion's, had never become embittered, and though quiet she was helpful and happy go lucky in all things
Girya was one of the first people to show Dion any sort of kindness, though at first he had despised and taunted her, believing her to be a full elf, and believing her to be taunting him. He didn't want pity- not from her, not from anyone
Girya was unperturbed by his derrision- she had heard worse in her time and was used to it... and slowly Dion came to realise that she, like himself, was not truly welcome among the villagers.
He grew enchanted by her caring nature, by the fact that nothing ever changed her... and his feelings changed and grew stronger. He became more and more infatuated by her, while simultaneously he became more and more enraged at the society which had cast them both out.
She was too slow to realise her mistake in befriending him, too slow, too innocent to realise the ardour with which his advances progressed... and too soft and caring, perhaps too afraid, to turn him down when she became ware.
Anger and bitterness rose within him until her calming influence finally lost its hold, and in bitter fury he set out from the village alone in search of something to make his dreams come true... in search of power, and in search of a myth he had heard. He sought out a man (known as Decinifimus) known to be a powerful master of dark magics and necromancy. He had wanted to find someone, anyone who shared his ared of the world... and in Decinifimus he found such a man. He became entraced by his vision, enraptured by the mans own plans... and slowly became scheming his own schemes along side him. He vowed to fight for Decinifimus, to fight amongst his legions of undead followers, though Selen himself remained living.
And then one day he returned.
When he came back, finally returning to his 'home' his inner darkness had grown to such an extent that on entering the town he led with him a small legion of undead warriors. He himself slaughtered the priests who could have stopped their advance, and he attacked.
Girya's helpfulness, her love, had almost gained her acceptance in the years he had been away, and when he came back... well, it was known that she was the only one he might listen to. Terrifed she had gone to him on behalf of the villagers and begged him to stop, begged him to leave and take his creatures with him.
His eyes lit up upon seeing her- she was why he had come back... but there was no way he was going to halt before getting his revenge on those who had scorned him.
"Come with me" he'd clasped her hands in his own "We aren't welcome here, and no matter how you lie to yourself we never will be. But you can come with me, join Decinifimus. We can have a home there. We can be together Girya. Together... we can leave them all behind"
"You think... that I would want that?" she had recoiled in muted horror "That I would want... you're killing them Dion. You're killing them. I don't want... not at the expense of life" she'd protested "I... Dion, Why? Why kill... so many people?"
"They don't want us, I don't want them" he hissed fiercely, pulling her close, holding her violently by the shoulders "They don't want me, don't want you, don't want us... I want us. Join me Girya. Please... just come"
"I can't, I won't" she cried out "Not while they're dead and dieing, not while-"
"If you just come now it will hurt less" he cut her off, softly, dangerously
"You don't want to hurt me" she'd clung to that belief, clung to that hope as she'd looked at him. As long as that one statement was true... "Then don't. Stop hurting people"
"I don't want to" he had said softly, eyes dark "I don't want to, by I will, my sweet, I will"
She'd paniced as the razor wire gleamed, stretched between the two grips in his hands, paniced as it seemed to wink sinisterly in the light, paniced...
"I will Girya, I will" he'd wavered for the slightest moment "Don't make me" but she'd tried to run. Maybe that was her biggest mistake, truly making him afraid that he would lose her... but she was scared and she was afraid and she had tried to run... but he was faster by far.
The wire looped over her head almost effortlessly, cutting into her neck as she let out a scream, a plea for help that never came. She'd clawed at the wire with fingers and nails, choked and pleaded in distress... but his grip only tightened
"Pl..ease" she'd forced the words as despairing tears came
"Shhh" he murmered, unmoving, unrelenting as she fought, pleaded... as her final choked scream rose from her throat, shrill but growing quieter by the second "It'll only last a moment"
She'd looked up at him moments before the final jerk of the wire sent her head lolling back, as she collapsed, lifeless and no longer struggling into Dion's arms, final tears dripping down her cheeks though she no longer controlled them
"It's okay" he'd cradled her in his arms, kissing her softly as she grew colder "We'll be together" he releasing the bloody garotte and checked for a pulse he knew couldn't be there before rising to his feet, carrying her in his arms. He had what he had come for, she would be his... Decinifimus... was a master of the undead. He'd hoped to be able to take her back alive... but Decinifimus would bring her back for him
"Just a little while my sweet, and we'll be together. Just a little while"
As he turned to walk away from the village he stalled and looked back. She'd died for the people of that godforsaken place, died for the sake of people who'd never wanted her in the first place... and yet still she'd pleaded for their lives... His eyes darkening, he'd spoken three words to his forces before he carried her effortlessly away-
"Kill them all"
Posted 12 August 2004 - 05:51 AM
Posted 15 August 2004 - 02:29 PM
Species: Android
Gender: Male
Real Name: Unkown (When he was young he used to cause lots of mayhem an has used to be called Chaos)
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 12st 4oz
Age: 18
Class: Thief/Mage
Vardoth was engineered, man made, built. He was made by mixing the cells of a Mage with a Thief to make the ultimate stealth assassin. He completed several assignments with ease and learn to reprogram himself. He deleted his main objective ''Never harm anyone without an order''. After this he entered his so called Chaos era, destroying eveything in his path. At the age of 16 he became more in control of his body and retreated to the shadows, and consentrated on building his magic skills.He has heard that in a distant land there is some magic that grants wishes to its user. He seeks this magic to make himself human
Image: He has long blue hair and deep red demonic eyes. His fingers glitter with his many magical rings. His Emerald Dagger shines in his tunic.
Wepons/Armors: He has an Emerald Dagger in his Fireleaf Tunic. He has a long cloak over his tunic to hide his wepons. He has magical rings and amulets
so he does not need a staff to cast any enchantations.
Posted 24 August 2004 - 10:56 PM
Europa and Amadora
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 9st 12lb
Age: 162
Class: Pacifist
Europa is relatively young for an elf but has outlived many citizens that were born at the same time as him. When he was still an elven child, he witnessed a rather terrible battle against an undead horror that took the lives of his parents. After being orphaned and taken under the wing of his older sister, Starwolf, to whom he has much admiration for, he and his sister chose to be initiated as Pacifists in the hope that one day, the path they chose will cleanse the land of the undead and bring at least a few traces of peace into the wartorn realm of Nightmist.
As the years rolled on, Europa continued to stick by Starwolf as she was older and much wiser than he was. He was shunned a lot because of his willingness to protect the vulnerable and his apparent habit of talking to an imaginary friend (which was actually his deity, Amadora), but despite this, he has not walked foul of the Pacifist path that he treads, and he can always count on Starwolf and Amadora if things go wrong for him.
Species: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 4'2'' (according to Europa)
Weight: 0st 0lb
Age: Immortal
Class: Deity
Amadora chose to be Europa's guardian deity when the elf was initiated. Although Amadora has command over Europa, they treat each other almost as equal friends as they talk to each other about personal subjects, down to the point that Europa now knows some things about the spirit world that most mortals would not have even imagined. Though she does some things for Europa that might be looked down upon by other deities, she knows where Europa's loyalty lies and trusts him without a single concern that he might stray from his ways.
Edited by Crane, 25 August 2004 - 10:47 AM.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 28 August 2004 - 03:33 AM
Height: About 2 and a half feet tall
Weight: 30lbs
Class: Berserker
Allignment: Neutral
Age: Not Known
In the younger years of his life he was a novice fighter. He was fifteen when he met the mage. Standing about 5 foot tall he couldn't quite see through the shadows of the mage's hood. He stepped closer stating his self. "I am Shadow, could I ask who you are?" His first gut instinct was to run for he felt a strong evil presence from the being. The mage vanished in a puff of smoke and before Shadow could draw a blade he felt the point of a staff at his throat, looking up at the forest tree's. The mage finally spoke and when he did it sent chills down his spine. "My name...." It hissed "is none of your concern." With that he removed the staff from the boy's neck and started to walk away. Shadow, confused noticed his gold pouch was gone and called after the mage. "Hey! Come back he-...." A beam of light sent a massive auroa of power into his chest spinning him across the ground. He didn't know how long he was knocked out for, but as he started to stir from his sleep he noticed something different.......
( I like to give vague descriptions so other players can guess what happens and later on as you go you learn more that way.)
Posted 28 August 2004 - 11:17 AM
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Real Name: Sean
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 12st 4lb
Age: Unkown
Class: Ranger
Wip is an Elf who has spent many years training in archery. He choses quests not for the prize but the honor of defeating the evil that lays at the end.Training in the forset along side a group of Druids is when he realised that he had to leave the lands of the Elves and set out on a journey. In one hand he holds his enchanted bow, in the other a shield of faith he has reacently aquired the sand wurm hide and has set out to find the spider gauntlets.
Posted 17 October 2004 - 05:11 AM
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 120lbs. 2oz.
Age: Early twenties.
Class: Berserker
Kyoyamushi, a young, dwindling nomad from northwest of Arilin. He has one eye left, other was lost in a training accident where he was stabbed in the left eye with a Golden Dagger. Normal build, yet strong. Is recently clean-shaven, due to his face. Right eye is green with black swirls. Strong legs from traveling so much. Comes from a family that originated near Harabec and is part of the Harabec royal family, but isn't acnowledged nor appreciated much. He is bothered by the mention of his parents. His father was a lazy drunkard and his mother bairly even bothered to provide for the family. He is right handed. He holds a halberd in his right hand. Wears sparkling jewelry on certain occasions, but those times are rare. Has a cut on his left forearm from the training accident also. Very impatient young man. His one goal in life is to destroy all the evil that has befallen on his loved ones.
Posted 17 October 2004 - 09:51 PM

Species: Human
Height: 6ft.
Weight: 154lb. 8oz.
Age: 207
Class: Druid
Bowlin, he appeared as a dark figure cloaked in a tunic sewn of fireleaves. Both of his hands are concealed within the tunic but if you were to see what he was holding, then you could see that in one hand, he wields a Morning Star as his standard weapon until his body grants him the ablity to wield a Hawk Talon. And in the other he wields a Shield of Faith. He is always pleased with his ability to conceal himself so well, that others couldn't notice him gather information from a daily conversation. He was gifted with his ability of nature ever since birth. He first showed a display of this power by always following his parents everwhere they went and traversed.
His families' history is a long chain indeed, with him being in a chain of great druid ancestry. His father was a worthy member of a great druid council within a dark forest, one that only druids from long ago knew about. His mother was a druid of from a far-away Woodland that prospered finely in nature.
The way his parents met was quite a coincidence, though. During a time of great conflict, his father and all the great members of the council have decided that a war has broken out beyond all control and, for the greater good, the council decided that they should bring aid to all the villages under attack by evil forces. Each of the druids were given different locations throughout the world, even extending to elf forests as peaceful as the Woodland Bowlin's mother lived. Bowlin's father was given that location. They all set out to aid the world in the time of terror and Bowlin's father finally made it to the far-away Woodland. Once there, he looked around for any signs of unrest and saw nothing out of order. He still made his search look and vast until he came across the tiny village Bowlin's mother lived in and he entered it. He came across a few faces until his eye caught a monster attacking a druid in the short distance. He quickly aided her with all his might and brought the monster to it's death. She thanked him of his aiding and asked of his name. He stood with a sheepish look on his face as he was awed by her beauty. He felt as if cupid had immediately pierced his heart with an arrow of love. He gathered himself up and help her to her feet and asked, 'Would you be my wife and take my hand in marriage?'. She nodded yes to him and within that woodland and village, they married and had a child and named him Bowlin. The taught him the skills of the druid until he became adept with it. But it wasn't long until the evil forces came to the village and killed all in it but Bowlin and his parents were able to escape, concealing themsleves long enough for the forces to move on.
**Life continued and the war eventually died out.**
Bowlin soon became an expert in his skills and he still continues training today. Though his parents, during the war, became involved in it and were lost to it forever. The same war continues today only in smaller portions. Bowlin goal is to fight on the good side of the war until it ends and peace once again restored.
Edited by Bowlin, 18 October 2004 - 01:05 AM.
Ingame: Bowlin_Iii
Posted 04 November 2004 - 05:25 PM
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 145lbs
Age: 20
Class: Fighter
Allignment: Neutral
Wandering sword for at times for hire. Silent with his tongue, quick with his blade..
Velg'larn-Cooled Liquid Adamantite with a razored edge of Runite metal. In the core of the sword is Dark Phoenix Fire, giving it fire elemental properties. It also is at the hilt studded with a Runestone of Power, giving it certain magickal properties.
Runestone of Power :
Rare runestone that gives the wearer or item the ablility to cast a fast projectile weapon that when strikes a target, hits with extreme force that can cause lacerations and fractures.
The rune when placed in an item, also emits a field of power that decreases the weight of the object, making it easier to wield and increases the strength of the object, making it virtually unbreakable.
I will work more on his character background. He's an older Rp character of mine from MSN.
Edited by MessiahX, 04 November 2004 - 05:26 PM.
Posted 20 November 2004 - 11:29 PM
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Real Name: Unknown
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 13st
Age: 15
Class: Cleric
Ridley was raised in the town of Kantele but left at the age of 14 to train to be a Cleric. He studied his religon at the Clerics Guild in the Nightmist Church. Not long after his training begun he mastered the basic spell Heal and every passing day it was getting stronger. He was nearly excommunicated after questioning his religon but his faith was returned when his God granted him the advanced spell Aid. With his renewed faith he begun learning enhancing spells and learning how to weild a wepon. His wepon skill is only average so he relies on his healing and enhancing powers to help him defeat his enemies. One night he had a dream and saw the Lyn Enchanter inside a haunted museum who had the scroll of the most powerful healing spell in his possesion. The Scroll of Divine Restoration. Since that day he has been travelling the realm looking for the haunted museum he saw in his dream. The spells he currently has learned are: Heal, Enhance, Create Spring, Cleanse, Vision, Call upon Deity, Aid, Holy Might, Divine Light, Blessed Force, Consecrated Embrace.
Helmet: Circlet
Armor: Ironweed Doublet
Shield: Shield of Faith
Wepon: Staff of Elements
Amulet: Silver Amulet
Gloves: None
Braclets: 2x Baron's Bracelets
Rings: 4x Gold Rings
Boots: Ravenbone Boots
Quests Completed: Defeated the Hedge Lord gaining the Baron's Bracelets
Defeated Zanitos gaining the Shield of Faith
Posted 30 November 2006 - 02:51 AM
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Real Name: Tommy
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190lbs
Age: 20
Class: Druid
Shapeshifter is a young male with dark brown hair, green eyes, and has well structured facial features, despite the large scar that goes across his face from above the left eye down across his face ending just below his right cheek bone. Though all of these features are hidden by the shadow of his hood that covers his head. He is strong and muscular though not massive and bulky, most among the elves would say that he is well built for his size.
He is dressed in an Oak Vest that shows many chinks, dents, and slash marks all from his previous fights against those that stand in his way. He is very wise considering his age, though if there is something he doesnt know or would like information on, he seeks out the elders and will go and explore for himself. Across his back is his Warhammer that equally shows the scratches and dings of his many battles.
Shapeshifter was always interested in nature and all the flora and fauna of life, maybe that was what lead him down his path to becoming a druid. At the age of 10 he learned how to morph from the other druids that lived in the villages. He chose to morph into the mighty Grizzly Bear, a noble and honorable creature that will only attack if threatened or provoked, alot like Shapeshifter's own attitude towards fighting. Since then he has learned to control parts of nature and has mastered the ability to control thick vines that sprout from the ground itself upon his call.
He now lives in the forests outside of Nightmist town with a friend that he tended to during one of his adventures through the forests. This friend is his loyal wolf, Fang.
well what do ya think... im thinking of adding him to one of the active RP's that are going on..
comments and criticizms appreciated and welcome... (memo shapeshifter in game)
Edited by Doom_Ranger, 30 November 2006 - 02:53 AM.
Disciple of the teachings of the great Scripto..
Posted 30 November 2006 - 08:52 PM
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Real Name: Sean
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 12st 4lb
Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Real Name: Unknown
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 13st
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Real Name: Tommy
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190lbs
Age: 20
Yo my people what is with all the fatass elves running around lately?
Although incidentally, that last post is a nice profile...GL trying to find an active RP...or active thread for that matter...BLAH
it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 03 February 2007 - 12:22 AM
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Pwenf is a veteran Fighter from the mountains of Resthaven, he has messy Black hair and a long, surprisingly well kept black beard. He is very muscular and carries himself with pride. His face is scarred from many battles, and there is a long scar reaching from his right earlobe to his sternum from a battle in the forest wherein Pwenf ambushed a pack of bandits along with his fellow party members in which many died and pwenf was knocked unconcious and awoke in a small glade.
He wears armor made from elven blacksmiths from the forests of Triken, ordered by some elven friends he befriended after many encounters with them. He carries a Halberd with a leather grip custom-made for him, which he wields with ease.
Pwenf is a proud dwarf and does not get along too well with new people, particularly elves. He has shown himself to be reckless, and seemingly cold. But he has proved his worth time and time again and is a valuable ally.
Nothing gets Pwenf riled up more than a good fight, whether it be street brawling, arena fighting, or heated combat with monsters in the wilderness, he is known to come close to a berserker status when fighting. enemies beware
Edited by Pwenf, 03 February 2007 - 01:25 AM.
Posted 08 August 2007 - 05:19 AM
Species: Neko
Sex: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Deep Crimson Red
Hair: A soft Pinkish Redish color
Abilities: Slave to Necro Niassey, Shadow walker, illusionist, Healer, and if you wish to know more of what she can do... you must continue into my active rp here on the forum. Here is the link Gaurdians Hysteria .
Abandoned at birth and raised by those who abused her and used her for experimentation. She grew into serving a man known as Necro Niassey. He saved her from the experimentation and raised her into a beautiful young girl. The scars are still upon her back from the hooks they had used to experiment on her with. She ran away because she had began to fall in love with Necro. He still hunts for her, but she always stays a few feet ahead of him.
(Enjoy any time spent with her if she likes you... remember she is quite a pistol until she gets to know you )

Posted 26 September 2007 - 01:11 AM
Age: Looks to be around 22
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Class: Thief/Assassin
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Blood Red with Silver Streaks
Eye Color: Emerald
Lavelia has walked the realm for many years. She slips stealthily through the shadows to steal your most valuable possessions… and if there’s a bounty, she may even take your life. She is loyal to herself and the very few people for which she nurses a spot in her heart. If harm ever befalls someone she cares for, her fury knows no bounds. She fears little, and what she does fear is kept deep inside of her so that no one can exploit them.
She’s of thin build with a graceful, delicate form, but her movements are swift and precise. She has large emerald colored eyes and always wears a serene smile, with a plain, expressionless look to her face. Beneath her cloak she wears a dark crimson red doublet over a black tunic, sleek, long, leather high healed boots, and bracers around her wrists, more maneuverable than a clumsy shield. She wields a crystal knife, forged of pure desert crystal, which hangs at her hip. At the other hip hangs a small pouch in which she keeps her gold and stolen goods. Though you see none of this as she wanders around, as she is adorned from head to foot in a flowing, forest green, silken cloak that completely covers her figure, with a hood that shadows her pallid features, save for her piercing eyes that seem to glow within the shadows of the hood.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 28 September 2007 - 07:40 PM
Name: Necro Niassey-Necro for short
Age: 319 Nithrialean years (862 human years) Appearance of someone in their 30's
Gender: Male
Race: Nithrialean (Immortal)
Class: Necromancer,Shadow Caster, Shadow walker, & Illusionist
Height: 8'8"
Weight: 210lbs
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color:Crimson red to Emerald green. (Depending on mood.)
Alignment: Unknown
Armor/Weapon read out:
Dual Wraithbone War Scythes-These are attatched to his back by rusted chains and locked in place by an enchanted antique blacksmith made pad lock.
Adamant Razor whip-This is curled up at his left hip hidden by his cloak.
Emerald encrusted golden dagger (Aka Vyr Jhel)-An elven made dagger that has been enchanted with the unknown abilities.
Black travelers cloak
Dragon hide gloves
Dragon hide boots with Mithril tips
Crimson red enchanted chain mail armor
Crimson red enchanted chain mail leggings
Back Ground Information
Once a lone farmer, he and his family where persecuted for there beliefs. Living in a clearing of a large forest they survived on a meager existence by growing a small staple of grave berries. At noon on a over cast day, he heard his family screaming while he was hunting in the forest, running as fast as he could he came upon a startling sight once he had arrived at his homestead. Warriors from the near by village had come to remove him and his family from the living realm. He watched as his wife and daughter where brutally raped and murdered infront of his eyes as he was held captive at a distance. His son was crossed and quartered, and the screams of his family echoed mercifulness in his head driving him mad. He broke free of his captives and fought back until an arrow shot from a cedar bow pierced him through the throat killing him where he stood. The warriors fled believing that there lands would be free from the vile beliefs him and his family once stood for......
Several hours later...he slowly opened his eyes to the scent of burning wood. He stood, lost and confused memories rushing back through his mind. Reaching up with blood caked hands, he removed the arrow, and stood in the shadows, screaming with rage for aid, not understanding why he alone had been brought back to the land of the living and his family had not. The gods spoke to him, and told him of his new quest, to take back what was stolen from him...they warned him he would no longer be of the living, but something else....he looked at his hands, and noticed a change. His skin had paled, his eyes no longer warm and caring, but crimson red hate filled orbs of terror. He found his touch could infect a living thing, and cause it to rot and decay at remarkable speeds. Upon these gifts bestowed to him was also the gift of the immortals, and the Wraithbone War Scythes of the Shadow Demi Gods.
He adorned himself in his ancestors armor, red chain mail and dragon hide, preparing himself for the coming dawn. As daylight approached, he slipped his cloak over his body, his crimson eyes burning in the shadows of the hood. He strapped on the demi gods gifts, and made his way through the shadows to the enemies village. There he laid waste to the ones who took his family from him. The village burned red on the sunset as he crested the hill to look down upon his handy work. He screamed to the gods that the deed was done, and to release him to the after life, yet they refused. They had witnessed the power of the weapon they had created from the hatred and pain of a mortal man, and they did not wish this release into their realm. So he was banished once more from the land of the dead...to walk alone in the world of man...finding his place...not knowing any friends.....none wanting to have anything to do with him since the stench of death surrounded him...so he wonders on...not careing....unflinching in his quest...the lone wolf of his race....
Current location
Unknown- on the move currently searching for run away property.
(This is a current rp character i have played for many many years. He is well developed and thought out. Thought i would share with you guys since you guys have shared with everyone else.)

Edited by Ghost_Wolf, 28 September 2007 - 07:46 PM.
Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.
Posted 02 October 2007 - 11:38 AM
Age: Looks to be around 18, though her true age is unknown
Height: 5’9
Weight: 120lbs
Race: Realian
Class: Sorceress/Herbalist
Magical Element: Light (positive magic. Example: healing spells and spells of
protection, spells of teleportation {sometimes})
Hair Color: Silver-blue
Eye Color: Violet
Ayame is a Sorceress of Light. Born to it, she has studied diligently for many unnumbered years to master her art. Unfortunately, as skilled as she is, her magical spells do not always go quite the way she would like. Her spells are powerful…and unpredictable at times. More often than not her spells are successfully executed, with optimum success.
Her teleportation spells are the worst ones she performs, resulting in unpredictable destinations. The few friends she has, have repeatedly warned her not to attempt such dangerous and unstable spells, but she is determined to succeed and proceeds to attempt them anyways regardless of the dangers involved.
Her mastery of the healing arts has proceeded at an astounding rate, earning her some notoriety. She only uses a circle of power when casting teleport spells, so as to contain the magic and concentrate it to bend it to her will, otherwise she can cast easily and swiftly on the move.
Her lack of confidence in herself is the main cause of her inability to successfully perform spells. Innately shy from the seclusion forced upon her from a young age, her ability to socialize is minimal, leaving her feeling awkward and clumsy. When surrounded by nature and growing things she shines. Any other time she prefers to avoid crowded areas and people.
Herbs are a special hobby of hers, and she spends many hours pursuing them and the helpful things she can make with it, with at times single minded determination. [This is also the second (and more minor) cause of her absentmindedness when casting spells] She is gaining great knowledge in this field and is slowly beginning to consider herself a serious herbalist.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 18 July 2008 - 07:41 PM
Real Name: Eithne (Eth-na)
Species: Half Vampire/Half Mortal
Height: 5'0
Weight: 116 llbs
Age: 44 (To all mortal eyes she looks only in her twenties)
Hair Color: Copper
Eye Color: Sapphire
Enya was born in 1964 in New Orleans, in 1981 her only living relative, her Father was shot while trying to stop a robber from breaking into their house. Soon after she fell in love with a man who called himself Marcus. Enya beleived she really loved him. On New Years Eve 1983 she went back to his apartment and they had drinks, managing to get quite drunk. Enya passed out but when she came to, Marcus was gone and she was half undead, which meant she could eat normal food but had to have at least a pint of blood a week, she could also go into the sunlight, but to survive must wear sunglasses, long pants and shirts. She lives in London with her pet Finch, Renfield, another blood sucking creature native to the Golapagos Islands. She's immortal with the exception of being shot, stabbed etc. (A Price of being half human) and staked (But wouldn't anyone who get's staked die?!)
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