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Some 1a Suggestions

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#1 Thaddeus

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 05:34 PM

So, only just recently have I started playing Nightmist again. I've played for years, off and on. I left most recently at the start of the 1a Server, and returned to find that it is severely imbalanced. Thieves are king on the 1a server, mainly for their ability to solo train rather easily after level 25, with help from the Dagger of the Winds. One of my suggestions for balancing the classes would be to make a vampiric weapon for each class available at a similar level, 25-27 seems reasonable enough. I'm aware that the Cobalt Staff of the Winds exists, but for most people, making 10mil between levels 1-25 is impossible. Allowing all classes the ability to purchase a weapon at 25 which is vampiric would benefit pvm situations for everyone, and not everyone would be dependant on their thieves to make their money. I'm sure some people would have issues with EVERY class having something similar to the DoTW, but people have issues about anything that makes their favourite class,(thieves), less than superior. The last thing I want to do is upset the balance of the game anymore than it already is, but I think something like this will give people with berserkers/paladins/fighters/rangers, something more to look forward to than just a CSTOW, or a Cobalt Bow. Prices could be set similar to the Dotw, making the weapon difficult, but attainable for players. Even the ability to craft an item similar would give people a short term goal, as opposed to the long term of a Cstow. Thanks for reading. Support if it works for you.
"Together we could burn this place down."
Thaddeus on 1a

#2 Gnarkill



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Posted 26 May 2010 - 05:38 PM

this issue has been beaten to death.

but like always I still Support the idea.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#3 Yggdrasill

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 07:42 PM

Dead horses everywhere...
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#4 Apocalypto

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 08:27 PM

vampiric weapons that are equipable from 25-30 would be nice.. meaning after level 30 they wouldnt be able to use the weapon anymore..

#5 Cadabra


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Posted 27 May 2010 - 12:21 PM

This has been brought up many of times in the past and has been shot down...

Staff please read this post and give feedback.

Supported as always.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#6 Prototype

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 06:17 PM

vampiric weapons that are equipable from 25-30 would be nice.. meaning after level 30 they wouldnt be able to use the weapon anymore..

Been on the to-do list for 7 months now. The max limit, instead of just the minimal limit.
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