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Sewage Smithy's Home

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#1 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 08:32 PM

First, the story:


With a sigh she puts away dinner and mutters to herself, "He's late. Again!" Stomps over to the stove and tosses the pan to the floor. The cast iron pan shatters at the impact. Her husband was strong. She was stronger. This was the absolute last straw!. In a fit of rage she stormed through the house, upending the furniture, breaking dishes, and her eyes landed upon his prized possession. His Sledge Hammer. Slowly a smile of retribution slid across her countenance and she lifted the large hammer off of it's stand. Giving it a practiced swing it thudded into the mantle of the fireplace and cracked a nice large chunk off. "Perfect. When he gets home he'll get a nice surprise!" Her eyes gleamed madly and rolled in their sockets even as she began to imagine all the nice chunks his head would turn into as he got hit with his very own poker winning. "He's probably out playing with that Giant Crocodile he set loose, or that Giant Centipede he started feeding several years ago. Ahh well. He'll be back and when he gets here," the sledge hammer came down upon a nicely crafted sofa and the wood gave a solid creaking sound at the impact, "he'll get what's coming to him or my name ain't Rosalind!"


In the voice of a narrator: And so she waits. The unhappy housewife of the selfish Sewage Smithy. Has madness truely taken her over? Or is she simply the product of a selfish man that's been pushed too far?? Can those warriors brave enough, strong enough, calm her down or is she doomed to wander through time as an insane, twisted, creature?

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#2 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 08:39 PM

Second the details:

Name: Sewage Smithy's Retreat
Where it would potentially connect: In sewers 3 in the incomplete area with the pink message.
How large of an area: 75 squares total for both levels.
Open to all classes.
Level locked:
You must be between levels 15 and 20 to enter.
Alternate Level Lock Message:
1. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "My apologies warrior but I find your strength overpowering and must ask you to leave."
2. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "You seek entrance into my home I see. My apologies, brave one, but you are not yet strong enough to feed my pets. Please come back at another time."
3. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "My apologies but I can not permit you to enter. Thank you for visiting but please move along."

Number of Squares on this Level: 54
First square only:
General Description upon entry into the potentially new area: It appears you have stumbled across an unusually well kept area. While leaches and rats are chased away by what lurks here, and though the sewers here are clean, whatever chased away the other vermin must be fairly formidible indeed.
Look around Description: The occassional shrieks of odd monsters can be heard off and on from somewhere up ahead. Torches light up the area and give a soft glow to the surroundings and it appears that someone cleans here with some regularity, though who that is remains a mystery. On the wall a sign hangs precariously as if it had been half heartedly put up. Words can be made out upon the surface.
/read: Please take the time to feed my pets. They are dear to me and I am running late. Thank you. Helsina.

Second square and beyond:
General Description:  It appears you have stumbled across an unusually well kept area. While leaches and rats are chased away by what lurks here, and though the sewers here are clean, whatever chased away the other vermin must be fairly formidible indeed.
Detailed Description: The occassional shrieks of odd monsters can be heard off and on from somewhere up ahead. Torches light up the area and give a soft glow to the surroundings and it appears that someone cleans here with some regularity, though who that is remains a mystery.
Directional Description: The tunnel continues on towards the West or returns to the darker sewers to the East.
Down: The floors here are cleaner and the grime is at a minimal amount. There are marks on the ground that seem to indicate that a broom may have brushed across the surface fairly recently.
Direction Description on the Square with Stairs going Down: A sturdy ladder leads Down into another relatively brightly lit area. The path leads back down the sewage passage to the East.

Potential Monsters that would spawn here:
Living Dirt Mound:
HP = Equivalant to Brown Bears
Stamina = Brown Bear's
POD = Equivalant to Brown Bears
Description: This mound of dirt has taken on a life of it's own it would seem. The cleaning of this area must have, somehow, disturbed the blood and magic left behind by those passing through the sewers on their travels. Seeking to become even more than what it is now this living dirt seeks out those with strength in order to become stronger. Mixed into the mound are Giant Leech bits and pieces that it has picked up in its roamings.
(Example of an attack) The mound of dirt sprays you with Dust for xx amount of damage!
You defeat the Living Dirt Mound and the bits and pieces blow away in the small amount of wind down here, scattered forever!
Drop: Gold = Brown Bear

Damaged Cement Shards:
HP = More than a Brown Bear by 15 - 30 points.
POD = 35~
(Able to be Healed to Kill.)
Description: Caked on blood and goopy leech bits have dried and encrusted the Cement and stone and given it life. In death they wish for revenge from those that have slaughtered them mercilessly and the stone glows a deep red to convey this intent.
(Example of an attack) The Damaged Cement Shards attack you by throwing Decayed Bits at you for xx amount of damage. You have been poisoned by the Decaying Bits. The poison hurts you for 3 points of damage.
The Damaged Cement Shards have been defeated and crumble to pieces too small to be reanimated. The spirits of the deceased rats and leeches fade away, their rage forgotten.
Drop: Gold (Less than a Brown Bear) & Healing Potion (25% chance of a drop)

First Pet's Square:
General Description: A large amount of leaves and other soft materials fill the room and amongst it paces an enormously large white rat. Its beady eyes stare around as it seeks out food. This room is well lit and the leaf litter is well tended and cleaned by someone diligently.
Detailed Description: The leaves are fresh and carefully settled around in order to create a soft surface for this large creature to sleep upon. The walls are clean, the ceiling spotless. The torches that light the darkness also give warmth so that this beloved pet can be comfortably warm. The door is constantly open so that the rat may move about at it's leisure.

Sub Boss that Drops a key  to the second pet (aka second sub boss): White Rat
Number of Party Members Required:
Low levels 15 - 17: 2 or 3
Upper levels 18 - 20: 1 or 2
HP Equivalant to Giant Centipede.
Damage given: ~12 - 30
Number of Stamina (aka hits per round): 3
POD ~ 30
Gold Dropped: ~275 - 700
Look Over Description: The White Rat is about fifty times the size of an average rat, well fed, and well kept. Something glitters on it's tail in the light and something else seems to be caught within it's fur. The poor thing is a tad bit grouchy and you can hear it's stomach growling.
The White Rat attacks you with its sharp claws for xx amount of damage.
The White Rat attacks you by chomping down for xx amount of damage.
Main Drop: Cat Key (65% Chance of a Drop) - Description: While this is an almost standard looking key the head of it is shaped, (oddly), like the outline of the head of a cat. A small chain is threaded through the top and is missing the clasp.
Additional potential Drops:
Gold Ring (10% chance)
Advanced Healing Potion x 2 (95% Chance)
The White Rat has been defeated and as you give it a hefty smack on the nose to bring it to heel it races past you to hid somewhere in the sewers until it's certain that food has been brought for it.
As it runs away it drops two Advanced Healing Potions. John Doe gets the Advanced Healing Potions!
As it runs off a gold ring comes loose from it's tail and is flung towards you. John Doe gets the Gold Ring!
As it runs off whimpering a dull object falls out from it's fur towards John Doe. John Doe gets the Cat Key!

Second Pet's Square:
Message if the player has the key: The door opens as the key slips into the lock, allowing you entrance into the mostly silent chamber.
Message if the player doesn't have the key: The door is locked and can not be opened without the correct key.
General Description: Silence reigns in here. Sleeping on a cushion is an oversized Tabby Cat. It is obviously fed well since it's three times the size of the Giant Crocodile and could probably eat the Giant Centipede for lunch!
Detailed Description: There's a distinctly familiar scent filling the air and though it's not immediately identifiable its still there. In the center of the room sits a massive, hand stitched, cushion that looks as though it would be quite comfortable. The Oversized Tabby Cat purring softly in the middle seems perfectly happy to be slumbering here. In this room is every luxury an enormous cat could ever desire. A scratching post takes up the majority of the space to the right whilst two person-sized bowls, one filled with fresh water, takes up the left side of the room.

Sub Boss that drops a Key to the Front Door: Oversized Tabby Cat
Number of Party Members Required:
Low levels 15 - 17: 2 or 3
Upper levels 18 - 20: 1 or 2
Key Required: Cat Key
HP: A few thousand higher (5000 - 15000) than the Giant Centipede. (Can't give precise details simply because I don't know the values to do so.)
Damage given: ~20 - 45
Number of Stamina (aka hits per round): 3
POD ~ 30/35 (either/or)
Gold Dropped: ~350 - 1000
Look Over Description: The Oversized Tabby Cat has been very well fed for a very long time. What kind of food would make a cute cat grow to such an enormous size is beyond imagination but now it towers above you. Its every meow is ear-splitting and its every movement shakes the ground just a little bit as it walks.
The Oversized Tabby slashes you with it's claws for xx amount of damage!
The Oversized Tabby hisses at you spraying you with its acidic saliva for xx amounts of damage.
The acidic saliva has poisoned you for xx amounts of damage. You have been poisoned.
First Drop: Grimy Key (25% Chance of a Drop) - Description: A key that has obviously been scrubbed to within an inch of it's life, not that the scrubbing has helped much, and yet is still covered with an amazing amount of grime. Threaded through the top of the key is a clean piece of string that must go around the owner's neck.
Additional Drops:
Rat Hide Boots - (10% chance)
Advanced Healing Potion (65% chance)

Rat Hide Boots:
Armor Base: 2, Can be worn by: Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Clerics, Mages, Thieves. Description: These boots have been carefully crafted by someone who's very good at stitching. Pale white, the hide has been perfectly tanned, and the fur has been treated to keep out the worst of the weather. Level needed to equip it: 10, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

(The reason for the Con mod is simply because it'd be interesting. I haven't seen anything with that particular mod in game.)


Number of Total Squares for this Level:  21

Basic Description: This area is well lit. The sewer tunnels give way to a hallway crafted from stone beneath the sewers. Markings on the wall in odd designs whisper of, perhaps, an old civilization that had dwelled here much earlier.

Detailed Description: A more indepth glance around shows that this place is well cared for. The stone floor is clean, the walls carefully washed, and the candle holders are well maintained. The markings on the walls are faded, some are chipped, most are viewable though and depict a hard working people worshipping what might appear to be a large Dragon-type creature though the colors are faded and leave more questions than answers behind.

Directional Description:
At the UP: A sturdy ladder rises upwards towards a dimmer area while the hallway continues North and South.

Generic: The hallway continues on quite a ways to both the North and the South. (East and the West.)
Look Around: The hallway is quiet for the most part though from time to time the yowling of a cat and the scratching of something fairly large echoes throughout the area eerily.


Possible Spawns:
Walking Mural
HP equal to or just above an Orc's.
POD would be somewhere in between an Orc's and a Black Bears.
Gold dropped would have an equivalant range of between the Black Bears and the Orcs.
Look Over Description: There are places in the walls where the pictures are missing. If you were to line these up with those spaces they would match perfectly. Whether these are meant to guard this area or just have found a way to move on their own will always remain a mystery.

The walking mural attacks you with falling stones. You take xx amount of damage.

This would be an additional spawn on top of the other two from the upper level. So down here all three would spawn, giving the area a complete assortment of mobs to kill.

At the Entry to the Square before the boss: A heavy wooden door resides to the North.
Key Required: Grimy Key

Message if the Key has been obtained: The door creaks on its hinges when it opens as the key turns in the lock. Though the Heavy Wooden Door only swings part of the way there is plenty enough room for entry.

Message if there is no Key: The Heavy Wooden Door is locked. At the handle there is a small hole through which a key might fit.

Living Room:
Basic Description: A cozy fire crackles in a well used fireplace and before it sits what appears to be a rather comfortable couch. A couple of stands flank the couch and have pictures and a pair of knitting needles sitting atop their surfaces.

Detailed Description: Upon further inspection you find that this room is very well lived in and lovingly tended. Everything has a place and is in it's place. Except for the books that have been scattered around. Considering that a few papers are still fluttering to the floor its safe to assume that this particular mess was created quite recently.

Directional Description: You can hear a woman's voice shrieking and pans banging around to the North while silence reigns to the South.

The Cozy Kitchen
Basic Description: Pots boil on the hefty stove. So much so that some have even begun to boil over. There's another fireplace in here and hanging over it is a bubbling pot of what appears to be laundry.

Detailed Description: A closer look around reveals that a bit of chaos has entered this normally fastidious location. Pans are upended onto the floor, their contents now squished or smashed, and an irate looking redhead stares around, green eyes blazing with rage, as if looking for their next target.
Directional Description: The living room is South.

Sewage Smithy's Wife
Between 40000 - 60000 HP more than Giant Crocodile (don't know how much he has so I can't give exact amounts) .
POD: ~55
Gold Dropped upon Defeat: 750 - 2500
Stamina: 3 hits per round
DMG per Hit: 25 (basic attacks 60%) - 65 (super charged attack 40%)

Look over Description: This woman's flaming red hair flies about her face as she swings her mighty Sledge Hammer! She shrieks continuously, "So my dinner's not good enough for ya, huh? Well take THIS!" Her clothing is worn, faded, but clean. It is apparent that she has gone out of her mind in rage at her foolish husband. Her eyes gleam a vivid red color and her face has turned puffy and pink with the effort of hurling around the heavy weapon.

Message upon defeat (No Drop): With a sigh the rage in her quiets and she wanders off to resume her daily duties.

Message upon defeat (Drop): Scowling she drops the Sledge Hammer muttering, "Fine! Take it! But he better not miss dinner again is all I can say!!" Then she stomps off to resume her daily duties.

Main Drop:
Sledge Hammer
Who can Equip: Fighters/Paladins/Berserkers
Base Damage: 21
Description: Used by Blacksmiths for countless ages to create pristine swords, we aren't sure exactly when his wife got angry enough to pick it up and start swinging. She did, however, and since then he's been keeping her happy by making her this beloved weapon. In fact he has since tried it out on his own and has decided that it is worth adding to his shop's stock for those worthy, and strong enough, to wield it.
Level Needed to Equip it: 16, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 1, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: Ogre:1.25|Troll:1.25, Mana leech: .

(35% Chance of Drop)

Additional Drops: None for the moment but I may think of something

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#3 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 08:51 PM


Edited by ice_cold, 01 March 2014 - 12:17 PM.
Map Removal

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#4 Bun

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Posted 01 March 2014 - 12:03 AM

seems really well thought out tho those boots at level 10 with the const mod would be very good for thiefs at a low level everything else seems to add up good job young lady.


I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#5 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 01 March 2014 - 07:38 AM

Thanks! ^_^ I put the con mod in because so far as I'm aware there isn't anything in game that gives it so it'd be interesting to own something that does. We see a lot of strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma mods but not much along the lines of a constitution mod. Of course (to any staffers reading) the mods would be optional but a strength mod weapon for that level would give motivation to actually go after that boss and the con mod would be like a bonus and the area as a whole might encourage people to actively try and level new characters since it seems like a lot of people really don't bother to do anything other than grind away on their 30+ alts. There's nothing wrong with that per say, but its refreshing to level alts up from one to arch instead of buying/selling/trading 25 - 30+ alts back and forth. That was what I was thinking about when I came up with that area idea. 

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#6 ice_cold

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Posted 01 March 2014 - 12:40 PM

I removed your map, as normally if an area is to go in, it's best for players to not already know the layout. I personally am not a fan of the name of any of the monsters for your proposed areas. Also locking it to levels 15-20 is a fairly narrow requirement. Monsters Also cannot drop multiple items at once, which means your drop rates are incorrect. The first mini-boss dropping a 70,000 gold item wouldn't be advisable as the boss is far too easy and it's a mini-boss. On the 2nd mini-boss, Rat-Hide Boots in an interesting drop, though I doubt also it fits on a mini-boss. Keep in mind that not only does constitution help thieves walk around covert without losing stamina, but it also increases the chance poison will wear off faster. Whispering Moccasins does have a constitution modifier and 3 more armor, which is something to keep in mind. Next, with the Sledge Hammer you're making another highly restrictive weapon. Base damage is essentially 23 with the strength modifier, which means it might see use up to level 20 for fighter/zerk and 25 for paladins. Also the mod to Orcs and Trolls doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why Orcs and Trolls? It would make more sense to me for it to have modifiers to certain bugs like caterpillars and ants, as the sledgehammer could be used to 'squish' the said bugs. 


The area and premise might be useable, however I think there's a lot of things that would have to be reworked to make it viable.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#7 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:52 AM

I removed your map, as normally if an area is to go in, it's best for players to not already know the layout. I personally am not a fan of the name of any of the monsters for your proposed areas. Also locking it to levels 15-20 is a fairly narrow requirement. Monsters Also cannot drop multiple items at once, which means your drop rates are incorrect. The first mini-boss dropping a 70,000 gold item wouldn't be advisable as the boss is far too easy and it's a mini-boss. On the 2nd mini-boss, Rat-Hide Boots in an interesting drop, though I doubt also it fits on a mini-boss. Keep in mind that not only does constitution help thieves walk around covert without losing stamina, but it also increases the chance poison will wear off faster. Whispering Moccasins does have a constitution modifier and 3 more armor, which is something to keep in mind. Next, with the Sledge Hammer you're making another highly restrictive weapon. Base damage is essentially 23 with the strength modifier, which means it might see use up to level 20 for fighter/zerk and 25 for paladins. Also the mod to Orcs and Trolls doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why Orcs and Trolls? It would make more sense to me for it to have modifiers to certain bugs like caterpillars and ants, as the sledgehammer could be used to 'squish' the said bugs. 


The area and premise might be useable, however I think there's a lot of things that would have to be reworked to make it viable.

I understand about removing the map, the reasons for doing so I mean. I simply submitted it because I prefer to be thorough and since I put so much effort into it, I wanted to give an idea on what the area could possibly look like. More than likely the area would change a bit, as usually happens during the design/creation phase, and the initial map would be obsolete.


As I mentioned previously, the mods are adjustable and simply suggestions. I also mention that, not knowing the actual hp of the Giant Crocodile/Centipede meant that I was guesstimating what hp could be around. I imagine that the hp of the sub and main bosses would be quite a bit higher considering the level of the players and the intention of the area. The numbers are suggestions, not to be taken as concrete fact since a lot of the details aren't things I'm wholly knowledgeable about.

As for why such a narrow level cap it's because, simply, its not meant to be a place for people to return to over and over again to farm and farm and farm for the drops. Its meant to be an interesting area to gain xp, a nifty boss drop, and level. Gold and drops, which I did keep as low percentage drops (for the most part), are also subject to alteration, though, honestly, 75k for a gold ring has never made any sense to me at all and has always seemed to be very overpriced considering all you get is 1 armor for equipping it. Especially considering that any new player, starting out with 200 gold, is not going to HAVE 75k to just throw away on a 1 ac ring. I know I sure didn't when I started out. The reason it got put into the game at such a high price was, admittedly, to counteract the introduction of Pacifists on Multi-Alt server. AKA a money sink. Which really isn't needed over on 1-alt since Pacifists weren't introduced over there. However, as previously stated (numerous times), all drops would be subject to consideration/alteration/deletion depending on viability.


On to why Ogre's and Trolls. Simple. They need their hard heads smashed in for looking at all of us players wrong. But again that would be subject to change. Plus it encourages people to go train outside of BT, where there are tons of Ogres and a couple of Trolls. I always believed, and still do, that giving people incentive to go kill things that they normally ignore/avoid is a good thing. It encourages exploration and going to areas that most don't bother with. Granted with the introduction to certain leveling drops Ogres are hunted a bit more often but still, giving incentive is always good. (Ogres and Trolls have hard heads. Why wouldn't a Sledge Hammer be appropriate for smashing those skulls, huh?)


As for the Constitution mod, whispering moccasins are a level 30 equip. The races could easily be modified to not be open to the Thief class, since I sort of thought constitution was a fairly useless skill and only really affected hunger and thirst. It could also be another drop of the main boss in the area at a low percentage as opposed to one of the sub bosses. Truthfully I debated between adding it as another main boss drop verses a sub boss drop so it could go either way and work out fine.


On another note: I don't like the idea of sub bosses ONLY dropping keys. I like for players to be truly rewarded when a boss dies, especially since the keys aren't exactly a 100% drop like they are with Mayor. Short swords aren't an option simply because a lot of things drop them now.


As for the monsters that would spawn in the area, I would expect that their hp and the damage they give be scaled appropriately to the level of the players. They would alternate between levels 15 and 20, though the level 20 mobs would most likely spawn on the lower level.


As for your opinion about the names I gave my monsters. That's your opinion and I have absolutely no control over what you think. However it has no place in a reply intended to give constructive criticism. If your intent in giving it was simply to be rude or mean it backfired terribly. I happen to like the names and descriptions of the monsters. It makes them interesting and unique and that is something I highly appreciate.

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 02 March 2014 - 06:12 AM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#8 Cadabra


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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:06 AM

He has an ego thats bigger than china. Just ignore the twàt.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#9 ice_cold

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 12:13 PM

The best way to figure out hp, is go hit something with a character of that level, decide how long you want it to take. i.e. you want it to take 15 minutes with 6 stamina gains per minute, fighters have 4 stam by target levels you want the area to be with 3 stam regen , 2-3 characters with a cleric you're looking at Calculator: Calculator: 3*6*15*40*2 = 21600.


My worry about such a narrow level cap is that the area would take time to develop, which would be taking time away from developing something else. I'm not saying this area would be useless in the least, or would be bad for the game. Although, if you look at other areas in game that have level caps, most of them see very little play. Spider Tunnels, Natura (the current level locked portion), Sewage Drainoff, and Barrier Forest see exceedingly low use being visited maybe a few times a year. In contrast, Scarlet Dagger Guild does have something to farm and has constantly remained one of the most used areas in game even though it's level 20 and under. You yourself said that it's something to see and move on. Now that might not be a bad thing, but I personally would want to see something added that will see use at least a a couple times use a month.


Also Gold Rings were in game prior to Pacifists, I owned a full set shortly after starting as crystal rings were too hard to get at the time. I also think they're overpriced, but I think that's more of a shop issue more then anything. If it was dropped, I would just recommend they would be added to the final boss, rather then a mini-boss. 


On why it would hurt trolls and ogres more, I could see those mods being on something, it would just have to make sense to me personally, that doesn't mean a staff member wouldn't be fine with it. It's just when I see it hurts ogres and trolls more and the reasoning, I would just wonder why it doesn't hurt all humanoid creatures the same way. I like the idea of hitting different things, that's why I suggested bugs. People rarely kill ants (south of RH), spiders (spider caves and gloomy cavern to name 2), caterpillars (south of bt) and it just makes more sense to me personally.


Next, the constitution mod, I'm not saying it would be a bad drop, I actually like the the idea of non thieves having a con mod. Like I said, constitution regulates your chances to lose poison faster. However it is a stat mod, so I would also recommend it be on the final boss also. You said you didn't know of any other con mods in game, so I was just pointing one out.


Mini-bosses: I'm not saying a mini boss shouldn't have a drop, I like mini-bosses having drops, hence why we kill them together. That being said, the drop has to fit the monster it's being dropped by. That can be accomplished in a few different ways; either having a low drop rate, being a subpar drop in comparison to the regular boss, or say making the mini-boss more of a real boss and making the end boss a bonus boss. That's just a few ways to make items be able to be dropped by mini-bosses, there's other ways too.


Everything stated here and the previous post are my opinions. As such I feel that my objection to the names of the mobs also fit. The descriptions are good and fit the monsters you made them for. I personally would recommend Animated Dirt Mound, Cement Shards, Albino Rat, and an actual name for the wife, then in her description referencing to the sewage smithy and how shes his wife. I'm not saying, "hey you're stupid and your ideas are stupid," I'm giving my opinion.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#10 ketchup

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 05:53 AM


1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#11 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:42 PM

Working on edits at the moment and will be posting them in due time :)

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#12 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 05 March 2014 - 02:15 AM

Potential Nightmist new area:
Name: Sewage Smithy's Retreat
Where it would potentially connect: In sewers 3 in the incomplete area with the pink message.
How large of an area: 75 squares total for both levels.
Open to all classes.
Level locked:
You must be between levels 16 and 28 to enter.
Alternate Level Lock Message:
1. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "My apologies warrior but I find your strength overpowering and must ask you to leave."
2. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "You seek entrance into my home I see. My apologies, brave one, but you are not yet strong enough to feed my pets. Please come back at another time."
3. A soft, gentle, voice echoes, "My apologies but I can not permit you to enter. Thank you for visiting but please move along."

Number of Squares on this Level: 54
First square only:
General Description upon entry into the potentially new area: It appears you have stumbled across an unusually well kept area. While leaches and rats are chased away by what lurks here, and though the sewers here are clean, whatever chased away the other vermin must be fairly formidable indeed.
Look around Description: The occasional shrieks of odd monsters can be heard off and on from somewhere up ahead. Torches light up the area and give a soft glow to the surroundings and it appears that someone cleans here with some regularity, though who that is remains a mystery. On the wall a sign hangs precariously as if it had been halfheartedly put up. Words can be made out upon the surface.
/read: Please take the time to feed my pets. They are dear to me and I am running late. Thank you. Helsina.
Color hex code used for the sign:
Color hex code used for the /read:
Second square and beyond:
General Description:  It appears you have stumbled across an unusually well kept area. While leaches and rats are chased away by what lurks here, and though the sewers here are clean, whatever chased away the other vermin must be fairly formidable indeed.
Detailed Description: The occasional shrieks of odd monsters can be heard off and on from somewhere up ahead. Torches light up the area and give a soft glow to the surroundings and it appears that someone cleans here with some regularity, though who that is remains a mystery.
Directional Description: The tunnel continues on towards the West or returns to the darker sewers to the East.
Down: The floors here are cleaner and the grime is at a minimal amount. There are marks on the ground that seem to indicate that a broom may have brushed across the surface fairly recently.
Direction Description on the Square with Stairs going Down: A sturdy ladder leads Down into another relatively brightly lit area. The path leads back down the sewage passage to the East.

Potential Monsters that would spawn here:
First Level Spawns:
Living Dirt Mound:
Level: 16
HP: ~450 - 500
2 Stamina
(Strong against magic.)
Attack message:
The Living Dirt Mound throws a pile of goopy dirt at you for xx amount of damage.
The Living Dirt Mound throws scraps of rotten rat food at you for xx amount of damage.
POD: 50
Description: This mound of dirt has taken on a life of it's own it would seem. The cleaning of this area must have, somehow, disturbed the blood and magic left behind by those passing through the sewers on their travels. Seeking to become even more than what it is now this living dirt seeks out those with strength in order to become stronger. Mixed into the mound are Giant Leech bits and pieces that it has picked up in its roaming around.
Message upon Death: You defeat the Living Dirt Mound and the bits and pieces blow away in the small amount of wind down here, scattered forever!
Drop: 80 - 110 gold

Animated Rat Droppings
(Most common spawn on first level.)
Level: 18
HP: 400 - 450
POD: 45
(Weak against magic. Immune to healing spells. Strong against physical attacks.)

Description: These droppings have developed some form of life or sentience which begs the question as to what that rat is being fed. They glow a putrid green color and undulate in a grotesque manner as they slip and slide around in a rather hypnotic pattern.

Attack message: The animated rat droppings glow brightly for a moment and a piece of the ceiling falls down onto your head for xx amount of damage.
Message upon death: The droppings burst apart into little more than glowing green specs of ash that slowly lose their glow and float down to coat the floor.
Drop: 150 - 170 gold

Damaged Cement Shards:
Level: 20
HP: 500 - 550
POD = 55
(Weak to heal spells. Strong against physical attacks.)
Description: Caked on blood and goopy leech bits have dried and encrusted the Cement and stone and given it life. In death they wish for revenge from those that have slaughtered them mercilessly and the stone glows a deep red to convey this intent.
(Example of an attack)
The Damaged Cement Shards attack you by throwing Decayed Bits at you for xx amount of damage. You have been poisoned by the Decaying Bits. The poison hurts you for 3 points of damage.
The Damaged Cement Shards have been defeated and crumble to pieces too small to be reanimated. The spirits of the deceased rats and leeches fade away, their rage forgotten.
Drop 1: 95 gold
Drop 2: Advanced Mana Crystal (10% chance)

First Pet's Square:
General Description: A large amount of leaves and other soft materials fill the room and amongst it paces an enormously large white rat. Its beady eyes stare around as it seeks out food. This room is well lit and the leaf litter is well tended and cleaned by someone diligently.
Detailed Description: The leaves are fresh and carefully settled around in order to create a soft surface for this large creature to sleep upon. The walls are clean, the ceiling spotless. The torches that light the darkness also give warmth so that this beloved pet can be comfortably warm. The door is constantly open so that the rat may move about at it's leisure.

Sub Boss that Drops a key  to the second pet (aka second sub boss):
 White Rat
Number of Party Members Required:
Low levels 16 - 20: 2 - 4
Upper levels 20 - 28: 1 - 2
Level: 17
HP: 15,000
Damage given: 25 - 45
Number of Stamina: 2
POD : 40
Gold Dropped: 275 - 700
(Strong against magic attacks. Immune to healing spells.
Look Over Description: The White Rat is about fifty times the size of an average rat, well fed, and well kept. Something glitters on it's tail in the light and something else seems to be caught within it's fur. The poor thing is a tad bit grouchy and you can hear it's stomach growling.
The White Rat attacks you with its sharp claws for xx amount of damage.
The White Rat attacks you by chomping down for xx amount of damage.
Main Drop: Cat Key (65% Chance of a Drop) - Description: While this is an almost standard looking key the head of it is shaped, (oddly), like the outline of the head of a cat. A small chain is threaded through the top and is missing the clasp.
Additional potential Drops:
Advanced Healing Potion x 2 (16% Chance)
The White Rat has been defeated and as you give it a hefty smack on the nose to bring it to heel it races past you to hide somewhere in the sewers until it's certain that food has been brought for it.
As it runs away it drops two Advanced Healing Potions. John Doe gets the Advanced Healing Potions!
As it runs off whimpering a dull object in the shape of a cat with an odd looking tail falls from it's fur smacking into John Doe's cheek. John Doe gets the Cat Key!

Second Pet's Square:
Message if the player has the key: The door opens as the key slips into the lock, allowing you entrance into the mostly silent chamber.
Message if the player doesn't have the key: The door is locked and can not be opened without the correct key.
General Description: Silence reigns in here. Sleeping on a cushion is an oversized Tabby Cat. It is obviously fed well since it's three times the size of the Giant Crocodile and could probably eat the Giant Centipede for lunch!
Detailed Description: There's a distinctly familiar scent filling the air and though it's not immediately identifiable its still there. In the center of the room sits a massive, hand stitched, cushion that looks as though it would be quite comfortable. The Oversized Tabby Cat purring softly in the middle seems perfectly happy to be slumbering here. In this room is every luxury an enormous cat could ever desire. A scratching post takes up the majority of the space to the right whilst two person-sized bowls, one filled with fresh water, takes up the left side of the room.

Sub Boss that drops a Key to the Front Door:
Over-sized Tabby Cat
Number of Party Members Required:
Low levels 16 - 20: 2 - 3
Upper levels 21 - 28: 1 - 2
Key Required: Cat Key
Level: 22
HP: 30,000
Damage given: 30 - 50
Number of Stamina: 2
POD: 45
Gold Dropped: ~350 - 1000
(Weak to magic attacks. Immune to Heal spells. Strong against physical attacks.)
Look Over Description: The Over-sized Tabby Cat has been very well fed for a very long time. The kind of food that would make a cute cat grow to such an enormous size is beyond imagination but now it towers above you. Its every meow is ear-splitting and its every movement shakes the ground just a little bit as it walks. Occasionally a bit of drool dribbles onto the floor and hisses as it eats into the cement.
The Over-sized Tabby slashes you with it's claws for xx amount of damage!
The Over-sized Tabby hisses at you spraying you with its acidic saliva for xx amounts of damage.
The acidic saliva has poisoned you for xx amounts of damage. You have been poisoned.
First Drop: Grimy Key (25% Chance of a Drop) - Description: A key that has obviously been scrubbed to within an inch of it's life, not that the scrubbing has helped much, and yet is still covered with an amazing amount of grime. Threaded through the top of the key is a clean piece of string that must go around the owner's neck.
Additional Drops:
Advanced Mana Crystal (20% chance)



Number of Total Squares for this Level:  21

Basic Description: This area is well lit. The sewer tunnels give way to a hallway crafted from stone beneath the sewers. Markings on the wall in odd designs whisper of, perhaps, an old civilization that had dwelled here much earlier.

Detailed Description: A more in-depth glance around shows that this place is well cared for. The stone floor is clean, the walls carefully washed, and the candle holders are well maintained. The markings on the walls are faded, some are chipped, most are viewable though and depict a hard working people worshiping what might appear to be a large Dragon-type creature though the colors are faded and leave more questions than answers behind.

Directional Description:
At the UP: A sturdy ladder rises upwards towards a dimmer area while the hallway continues North and South.

Generic: The hallway continues on quite a ways to both the North and the South. (East and the West.)

Possible Spawns:

Glowing Wisps
Level 22
Hp: 500 - 550
Stamina: 2
POD: 60
(Weak against magic, strong against physical attacks.)
Description: This small ball of what appears to be a ball of white flame dances on an invisible breeze.
The Glowing Wisp attacks you with a ball of fire for xx amount of damage.
The Glowing Wisp attacks you with a spirit scream for xx amount of damage.
Message upon death: Vanquished, the Glowing Wisp vanishes!
Gold dropped: 75

Creeping Grime
Level: 25
HP: 550 - 600
Stamina: 2
POD: 55
(Weak to healing magic. Weak to Magical attacks. Strong against physical attacks.)
Description: Rosalind has been battling this grime for years now and her efforts and determination have seeped into it and given life to it. Now it creeps and crawls across the floors, just as determined to dirty the place up as Rosalind is to eradicate this insidious filth.
The Creeping Grime attacks you with a grime ball for xx amount of damage.
The Creeping Grime collapses into itself and then flings it's own body at you for xx amount of damage.
Message upon Death: You have destroyed the Creeping Grime that Rosalind has been battling for years. Congratulations!
Gold dropped: 165

Walking Mural
Level: 27
HP: 700
POD: 75
Stamina: 1
(Weak against: Nothing. Strong against: Magic. Immune to: Healing to kill.)
Look Over Description: There are places in the walls where the pictures are missing. If you were to line these up with those spaces they would match perfectly. Whether these are meant to guard this area or just have found a way to move on their own will always remain a mystery.

The walking mural attacks you with falling stones. You take xx amount of damage.

Gold dropped: 45
(My reasoning for minimal gold drop is to offset the high POD.)

At the Entry to the Square before the boss: A heavy wooden door resides to the North.
Key Required: Grimy Key

Message if the Key has been obtained: The door creaks on its hinges when it opens as the key turns in the lock. Though the Heavy Wooden Door only swings part of the way there is plenty enough room for entry.

Message if there is no Key: The Heavy Wooden Door is locked. At the handle there is a small hole through which a key might fit.

Living Room:
Basic Description: A cozy fire crackles in a well used fireplace and before it sits what appears to be a rather comfortable couch. A couple of stands flank the couch and have pictures and a pair of knitting needles sitting atop their surfaces.

Detailed Description: Upon further inspection you find that this room is very well lived in and lovingly tended. Everything has a place and is in it's place. Except for the books that have been scattered around. Considering that a few papers are still fluttering to the floor its safe to assume that this particular mess was created quite recently.

Directional Description: You can hear a woman's voice shrieking and pans banging around to the North while silence reigns to the South.

The Cozy Kitchen
Basic Description: Pots boil on the hefty stove. So much so that some have even begun to boil over. There's another fireplace in here and hanging over it is a bubbling pot of what appears to be laundry.

Detailed Description: A closer look around reveals that a bit of chaos has entered this normally fastidious location. Pans are upended onto the floor, their contents now squished or smashed, and an irate looking red head stares around, green eyes blazing with rage, as if looking for their next target.

Directional Description: The living room is South.


Rosalind Smithy
Level: 28
HP: 100,000 - 110,000
POD: 55
Gold Dropped upon Defeat: 750 - 2500
Stamina: 3
DMG per Hit: 35 - 60

Attack Message:
 Rosalind swings her Sledge Hammer and strikes you with a mighty blow to the side of your head for xx amount of damage.

Look over Description: This woman's flaming red hair flies about her face as she swings her mighty Sledge Hammer! She shrieks continuously, "So my dinner's not good enough for ya, huh? Well take THIS!" Her clothing is worn, faded, but clean. It is apparent that she has gone out of her mind in rage at her foolish husband. Her eyes gleam a vivid red color and her face has turned puffy and pink with the effort of hurling around the heavy weapon.

Message upon defeat (No Drop): With a sigh the rage in her quiets and she wanders off to resume her daily duties.

Message upon defeat (Drop): Scowling she drops the Sledge Hammer/Rat Hide Boots/Gold Ring muttering, "Fine! Take it! But he better not miss dinner again is all I can say!!" Then she stomps off to resume her daily duties.

Main Drop:
Sledge Hammer
Who can Equip: Fighters/Paladins/Berserkers
Base Damage: 21
Description: Used by Blacksmiths for countless ages to create pristine swords, we aren't sure exactly when his wife got angry enough to pick it up and start swinging. She did, however, and since then he's been keeping her happy by making her this beloved weapon. In fact he has since tried it out on his own and has decided that it is worth adding to his shop's stock for those worthy, and strong enough, to wield it.
Level Needed to Equip it: 16, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 1, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: Colossal Ant:1.25|Asp:1.25, Mana leech: .

(35% Chance of Drop)

Additional Drops:

Rat Hide Boots:
Armor Base: 2, Can be worn by: Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Clerics, Mages, Thieves. Description: These boots have been carefully crafted by someone who's very good at stitching. Pale white, the hide has been perfectly tanned, and the fur has been treated to keep out the worst of the weather. Level needed to equip it: 10, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

Gold Ring (3% chance)

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

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