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#1 Crimson_skies

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 03:50 PM

Library info for Crimson Sword Of The Blessed:
Base damage: 31, Can be used by: Berzerkers. Fighters. Paladins. Description: Through the slaying of many undead, this blade has been blessed by Clerics and Pacifists of the purest of heart. it has the ability to hew undead limb from limb at ease. Also those who bear this sword have been endowed with extra strength and life to keep the evil undead at bay. Level needed to equip it: 23, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: +1, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: +1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: Undead:1.25 Mana leech:

Dropped:Ganymede(30%)(i know ganymede already has a drop. but as of now i am way too lazy to think up another undead crit that pacifists can kill. will be altered in the near future most likely. or someone else can wing it.) can be purchased:this is a touchy area, i lack the proper concentration(spell check?) to do the area map. and the description, but i wanted to create a area up from nm church that is: you come up in the middle, there is two squares north, two south, two east, two west, you can purchase things at the end of each two squares. if someone would care to do this work. id say this blade sells for......275K.

Library info for Glittering Plate of the Damned;
Armor base: 55, Can be worn by: fighters, Description: Forged by the Dwarves, only 15 of these plates have ever been found. it is said that the dwarves made these plates. but unfortunatly,(sp?) the land from which they dug the Mithril and gold ore to make it, was cursed. for a great demon had walked there long ago, cursing the land because the dwarves would not fashion for him a plate of immense strength. these plates are incredibly durable and strong but at a cost Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: -1, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: -1, Charisma modifier: 0.

Godly Amulet of the Serpent: Library info for: Godly Amulet of the Serpent;
Armor base: 3, Can be worn bu
Fighters,Berserkers,Clerics,Druids,Mages,Rangers,Thiefs,Pacifists. Description: This amulet is the Item Given to you when you complete the quest of the serpent. It has a large red flower on one side, when you turn the amulet in the light, you can see it is blood. on the other side is a engravement of a snake, and in the light you can see it is venom. the amulet appears to be made out of bone and quartz Level needed to equip it: 25, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: +1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.
This item will be part of a quest i am creating right now. but id say on site it would sell for quite a bit. as the quest runs once a week if i can get JLH to approve.

Any comments would be appreciated. because i have no clue what im doing and i know i spelt alot of things wrong.

#2 Eden

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 04:16 PM

Its neat when newer players want to contribute to the game, it shows interest and motivation and such, which is cool.... but.

These ideas (except maybe the armor) are kinda out there.

First, the sword is insane... its better than -anything- ingame (id say its better than a cobalt but /shrug). lvl 23 is too low a level, would make easy to train zerks even easier to train. Its magical, and 6 BD damage higher than Christmas Blade. It has a str mod. It has the highest BD ingame. the 1.25 undead thing would have zerks doing like... i dunno, 1500 point rounds or something on undead stuff. too powerful to be introduced in my opinion, and waaaay too cheap. As is, Blade of Time is a fairly low drop % and in a fairly hard to get to area, and this would make it utterly pointless.

The ammy would be alright, though thieves moving covert are the only crits that actually use constitution as a stat much (i heard something about cons effecting length of poison damage, but im not sure) as mods, both con and wis, do not effect hp and/or mp gains. But still, zerks dont wear armor (nor should they).

Not sure about the armor, it seems reasonable (not sure how many people would use it given the -1 dex/wis mod, but hey, wouldnt be too bad for a ling eh?) and i do think fighters regular armor ought to be higher in comparison to rangers.

All in all, i dont see these being added :( but, congrats for trying, need more people thinking up stuff in the way of items/areas :D
They say sing while you slave and I just get bored..

#3 Crimson_skies

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 04:44 PM

Its neat when newer players want to contribute to the game, it shows interest and motivation and such, which is cool.... but.

first off, i aint a nubbie, i joined december 2000 and was screwed over by the reset as none of my crits restored right. all came up missing stats, i had a six stat human fighter who came out with a str and con of 12. and second off, the lvl 23 is a drunked typo it was supposed to say 29/30. but my brain is floating in lack of sleep and whiskey. it was supposed to be .25 undead. and i dunno how that price got there, i meant 275k more then the BoT, yet again drunkenness takes over.

Armor: look at the AC, best ive seen in game so far, and i looked over jurians nmhelper throughly. AND I QUOTE MYSELF"these plates are incredibly durable and strong but at a cost " The cost being the -1dex/wis.

Ammy:the whole point of the +1 const is i know alot of thieves who complain that covert walking takes alot of time. and they lead parties of 8 or 9 thieves in covert. this would slow the complaining by 33.3% roughly.

Sword: as for the drop i just winged something, im trying to find someone to do a map for me and help me do the area, i want to create a den of foulness and undead filth. and there are two bosses. one drops the sword. and another will drop a amulet or shield or helmet in the name of Cyric (ill miss your ingenious self forever and a weekend,) and this area will be incredibly hard to get too, BoT will look like cake compared to it. if the idea for hell goes through, then i plan on working something into that with its creator, if not. i was thinking mount fenowasty, you go in through a secret entrance, then go through orc tunnels, then through a corrupted swamp with three giant crocs with a .5 drop rate. and giant snakes and such, then you get to a desecrated graveyard, and go into the mausoleum or whatever the thing is called, and have to work down one level, make the kill, and get out. alot of work, but its gotta be for such a weapon.

#4 Squee



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Posted 11 January 2005 - 10:02 PM

Godly Amulet of the Serpent? I'm going to assume that's more 'drunkenness'. I'd definately change that name (find a thesaurus).

But more about that item, I hardly think an amulet that is 'godly' should only benefit thieves. If people are complaining that their thieves are moving too slowly while in covert, there's a really simple solution - make them overt again.

As for the damage table for the 'Crimson Sword of the Blessed', you really did mean 1.25 against Undead.

0.25 against undead would mean characters would do quarter damage to the undead (which doesn't make sense according to your description).

The Glittering Plate of the Damned (seriously, find that thesaurus) I find really interesting. I agree with Eden that Fighters should get more armour than other classes but I think the -1 dex, -1 wis will really turn people off. +60AC maybe...

Also, I don't think it's too important to write item histories in their descriptions. Try to describe how it looks and immediate effects a character would experience when in proximity of the item or when they touch it. History and tid-bits of that kind can be added into their respective areas for those hardier adventurers.
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#5 Cecil

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 10:44 PM

..... :unsure: wow im speechless about that whole 275k thing....
~Cecil ingame~

#6 ice_cold

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 03:41 AM

[quote name='Crimson_skies' date='Jan 11 2005, 04:44 PM'] [quote name='Eden' date='Jan 11 2005, 04:16 PM'] Its neat when newer players want to contribute to the game, it shows interest and motivation and such, which is cool.... but.
first off, i aint a nubbie, i joined december 2000 and was screwed over by the reset as none of my crits restored right. all came up missing stats, i had a six stat human fighter who came out with a str and con of 12. and second off, the lvl 23 is a drunked typo it was supposed to say 29/30. but my brain is floating in lack of sleep and whiskey. it was supposed to be .25 undead. and i dunno how that price got there, i meant 275k more then the BoT, yet again drunkenness takes over.

Armor: look at the AC, best ive seen in game so far, and i looked over jurians nmhelper throughly. AND I QUOTE MYSELF"these plates are incredibly durable and strong but at a cost " The cost being the -1dex/wis.

Ammy:the whole point of the +1 const is i know alot of thieves who complain that covert walking takes alot of time. and they lead parties of 8 or 9 thieves in covert. this would slow the complaining by 33.3% roughly.

Sword: as for the drop i just winged something, im trying to find someone to do a map for me and help me do the area, i want to create a den of foulness and undead filth. and there are two bosses. one drops the sword. and another will drop a amulet or shield or helmet in the name of Cyric (ill miss your ingenious self forever and a weekend,) and this area will be incredibly hard to get too, BoT will look like cake compared to it. if the idea for hell goes through, then i plan on working something into that with its creator, if not. i was thinking mount fenowasty, you go in through a secret entrance, then go through orc tunnels, then through a corrupted swamp with three giant crocs with a .5 drop rate. and giant snakes and such, then you get to a desecrated graveyard, and go into the mausoleum or whatever the thing is called, and have to work down one level, make the kill, and get out. alot of work, but its gotta be for such a weapon. [/quote]
[quote]I like writing int he bubbles, its sexy. anyways, u r nubbles.[/quote]

1) [quote]Nightmist wasn't around in 2000[/quote]
2) [quote]You can't restore characters older then a year[/quote]
3) [quote]Characters are stored in the database and would show all names and stats that are for what you input[/quote]
4) [quote]You never owned a 6 stat[/quote]
5) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
6) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
7) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
8) [quote]You need to come up with reasonable things as to why something is taken away; there's no reason to take away a wisdom point[/quote]
9) [quote]Just looking at Cyrics areas and you realise Cyric wouldn't want an uber powerful item dropped in his name, and you didn't know him, don't lie. You just picked his name up from a topic[/quote]

actually, i give up.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 04:44 AM

this is bs WAY to powerful not to mention zerks are already crazy make them even worse maybe the ammy can stay in but there is no point because you can buy it in shop +1 armor isnt that big of a deal and noone would pay money for that and the armor is just never going to be used if you ask me

#8 Crimson_skies

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 05:52 AM

[quote name='ice_cold' date='Jan 12 2005, 03:41 AM'] [quote name='Crimson_skies' date='Jan 11 2005, 04:44 PM'] [quote name='Eden' date='Jan 11 2005, 04:16 PM'] Its neat when newer players want to contribute to the game, it shows interest and motivation and such, which is cool.... but.
first off, i aint a nubbie, i joined december 2000 and was screwed over by the reset as none of my crits restored right. all came up missing stats, i had a six stat human fighter who came out with a str and con of 12. and second off, the lvl 23 is a drunked typo it was supposed to say 29/30. but my brain is floating in lack of sleep and whiskey. it was supposed to be .25 undead. and i dunno how that price got there, i meant 275k more then the BoT, yet again drunkenness takes over.

Armor: look at the AC, best ive seen in game so far, and i looked over jurians nmhelper throughly. AND I QUOTE MYSELF"these plates are incredibly durable and strong but at a cost " The cost being the -1dex/wis.

Ammy:the whole point of the +1 const is i know alot of thieves who complain that covert walking takes alot of time. and they lead parties of 8 or 9 thieves in covert. this would slow the complaining by 33.3% roughly.

Sword: as for the drop i just winged something, im trying to find someone to do a map for me and help me do the area, i want to create a den of foulness and undead filth. and there are two bosses. one drops the sword. and another will drop a amulet or shield or helmet in the name of Cyric (ill miss your ingenious self forever and a weekend,) and this area will be incredibly hard to get too, BoT will look like cake compared to it. if the idea for hell goes through, then i plan on working something into that with its creator, if not. i was thinking mount fenowasty, you go in through a secret entrance, then go through orc tunnels, then through a corrupted swamp with three giant crocs with a .5 drop rate. and giant snakes and such, then you get to a desecrated graveyard, and go into the mausoleum or whatever the thing is called, and have to work down one level, make the kill, and get out. alot of work, but its gotta be for such a weapon. [/quote]
[quote]I like writing int he bubbles, its sexy. anyways, u r nubbles.[/quote]

1) [quote]Nightmist wasn't around in 2000[/quote]
2) [quote]You can't restore characters older then a year[/quote]
3) [quote]Characters are stored in the database and would show all names and stats that are for what you input[/quote]
4) [quote]You never owned a 6 stat[/quote]
5) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
6) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
7) [quote]Your using Jurians nightmist helper[/quote]
8) [quote]You need to come up with reasonable things as to why something is taken away; there's no reason to take away a wisdom point[/quote]
9) [quote]Just looking at Cyrics areas and you realise Cyric wouldn't want an uber powerful item dropped in his name, and you didn't know him, don't lie. You just picked his name up from a topic[/quote]

actually, i give up. [/quote]
first off, the game started september 2000 you gigantic moron, load the game, go help/update, and i believe its about. LOOOOOSER. i tried restoring them 4 months after reset, they didnt load right, i had 3 six stats. its damned, thats why they lose wis, the ac is the bomb, but at a cost. i knew cyric, i had him have me killed at one point so i could brag about being killed by his henchmen. i used to flirt with him. go ahead give up, give up on life, go get a garbage bag, turn the tub on, put the toaster on the ledge, get in the bag, and get into the tub. close your eyes, and stfu.

thank you have a bad day

#9 Crimson_skies

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 05:55 AM

ok. simply put, this isnt completely worked out, its a draft, i need people to use their heads and modify these so they are better but still pwn. someone with the iq of a apple could help me here, so you all should suffice, as your smart enough to type alot of disencouraging things.

#10 Lifeless Void

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 05:52 PM

Take it from an old pro like me, Your armor, sucks, your weapon, to godly, your amulet, pointless. If you want advice on making an item, play threw this game again, find all the old junk because a lot of it has changed from back in the day. All your base are belong to us! :unsure:
How the hell would I know?

#11 PureMourning

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 11:16 PM

Just because you played before reset doesn't mean you know much about the current state of the game.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#12 Crimson_skies

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Posted 13 January 2005 - 01:42 AM

Just because you played before reset doesn't mean you know much about the current state of the game.

i restarted about 7 mnths ago so...i know whats going on, half of the game is nubbies, the other half is l33t pro's who seem to think they are everything the world needs and dont even try to improve the game with the exception of a strict few: like Lady_Maha, Crane,Samus and Cyric, and pplz like them. this game has gone to the crapper

#13 Raylen


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 09:51 AM

Don't judge people you don't know thanks. Anyway, i just noticed the +1 Str mod on that sword B) You have noticed the number of posts on this forum complaining about zerkers being overpowered right?

Armor is ok, would be nice if fighters could get some uber armor and stuff, would rather it only had -1 wis, without the dex penalty :unsure: but i guess if it's big and bulky...but then isn't that the point of a fighter? To be able to fight with heavy armor on?

Only problem i have with the ammy is the name :)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#14 Malavon

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Posted 13 January 2005 - 10:25 AM

Crimson_skies who were you before reset and what level were you?

#15 Snoopy


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 10:53 AM

You say that you meant 275k more then bot?
Well a bot sells for 2mil orso
But the sov sword only has +1 base and is magical on the bot and its been selling for 5mil+
With the +2 base magical and mods your talking 10mil or more for such a weapon... over priced and over powered
Tho the power would work if it were for fighters pally's only - and the lvl was 30.
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#16 Penguin


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 02:58 AM

To many weapons being stronger and stronger. Eventually everyone is going to die from 1 hit.

#17 deadman

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Posted 14 January 2005 - 03:35 AM

i agree 31 bd being way to much anyways we dont need anything else really into game along the lines of equipment is really needed...we have enuff fighters arent to bad way they are now
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#18 Snoopy


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 01:03 PM

Fighters would benifit from a high power weapon so they can hit for something without being spelled up - they are pritty much robbed at the moment
like 30/31 base with no mods would be a good suggestion - fighter only orso
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#19 combusta

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 11:03 PM

These items are too overpowered considering that every amulet that gives a stat only has 2 armor and wat would be the point of Sov Sword.

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#20 combusta

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 11:06 PM

+55 armor thats way too much

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#21 Dark


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Posted 14 July 2005 - 11:19 PM

LMAO speechless, hows about naw

#22 joanna

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 12:22 AM

got bored thought id reply to an old topic...

*Library info for Crimson Sword Of The Blessed:
*Base damage: 31, Can be used by: Berzerkers. Fighters. Paladins. Description: *Through the slaying of many undead, this blade has been blessed by Clerics and *Pacifists of the purest of heart. it has the ability to hew undead limb from limb at *ease. Also those who bear this sword have been endowed with extra strength *and life to keep the evil undead at bay. Level needed to equip it: 23, Magical: *Yes, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: +1, Intelligence modifier: 0, *Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: +1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma *modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: *Undead:1.25 Mana leech:

1)maybe paladins could do with a 31 base weapon, but not zerkers and fighters
2)Con mods are only useful for Thieves, unless you specify that its anti-poison
3)Undead isnt a monster. If you wanted a weapon that dealt 1.25 to all undead, first you would have to put in the name of every undead monster. Also 1.25 dosnt mean it will deal 125% damage. more like 300%.. not sure exactly how it works out but a torch is damage 4 vs hydras and has a base of 1.... and crits with torches can do 1000+ in one hit with a base 1 weapon...

Also its sooooo diablo-1.... *pre-enchantement* - *name of item* - *post-enchantment*

Library info for Glittering Plate of the Damned;
Armor base: 55, Can be worn by: fighters, Description: Forged by the Dwarves, only 15 of these plates have ever been found. it is said that the dwarves made these plates. but unfortunatly,(sp?) the land from which they dug the Mithril and gold ore to make it, was cursed. for a great demon had walked there long ago, cursing the land because the dwarves would not fashion for him a plate of immense strength. these plates are incredibly durable and strong but at a cost Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: -1, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: -1, Charisma modifier: 0.

for one... never fall into the old jehovas's witness trick of specifying that there are only a certain number.

also.. if anything need a 55 ac plate its pallies, not fighters

Godly Amulet of the Serpent: Library info for: Godly Amulet of the Serpent;
Armor base: 3, Can be worn bu
Fighters,Berserkers,Clerics,Druids,Mages,Rangers,Thiefs,Pacifists. Description: This amulet is the Item Given to you when you complete the quest of the serpent. It has a large red flower on one side, when you turn the amulet in the light, you can see it is blood. on the other side is a engravement of a snake, and in the light you can see it is venom. the amulet appears to be made out of bone and quartz Level needed to equip it: 25, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: +1, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

*pre-enchantement* - *name of item* - *post-enchantment*

6 letters, begins with D ends with O. Yup, its the item format for diable one (maybe diablo 2 as well, never played it)

If ya havnt guessed already, con mods are only useful for thieves.
Zerkers cant wear ammys....

#23 Gaddy

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 03:36 AM

You guys are just being haters on him.
I think he is brilliant!

Crimson_skies for next staff spot! Lets see this stuff get done.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#24 Dark


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Posted 15 July 2005 - 12:01 PM

LMAO, hush gaddy

#25 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 15 July 2005 - 04:36 PM

Its neat when newer players want to contribute to the game, it shows interest and motivation and such, which is cool.... but.

first off, i aint a nubbie, i joined december 2000 and was screwed over by the reset as none of my crits restored right. all came up missing stats, i had a six stat human fighter who came out with a str and con of 12. and second off, the lvl 23 is a drunked typo it was supposed to say 29/30.

hahaha smells like bulllllnuts
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