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Member Since 24 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2009 03:57 AM

Topics I've Started

Cya Everybodi

15 May 2004 - 09:04 AM

Hiya everyone, i'm afraid due to my parents saying i've been on nightmist too much i have to quit. This probably sounds rly wierd but I am kind of glad that they banned me... I think it was because I was sorta an addict and i'd been on far too much, and as i'm only eleven i've got schoolwork to think about. :) My MSN addy is kieran_subberwal@hotmail.com , feel free to add me if you want too. I would like to say thx to Stranger_girl, Charon, Valmont/shadow_staff, Ecstasy, Raylen and Tatsu, Quark and Lionheart, Angelic, and loads of other ppl for making my Nightmist life hell! :) Only joking... thx to all of these people because they made me laugh or took me on training missions etc etc. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

btw, I was Coke, Lostsoul, Laznium, Vajin, Twerp, and Xcelon (duh) ingame.


08 May 2004 - 06:14 PM

This is the Druid:

Race/Class: Male Elf Druid., Str: 18, Int: 21, Dex: 18, Con: 17, Wis: 20, Chr: 19, Lev: 20, Exp: 9,963,604, HP: 189, MP: 210, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Nature's Fury, Stormwrath.
This character can still be /reset.

BID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please)


04 May 2004 - 05:02 PM

I am looking for an arch under exp or a three or four statter. Memo Vajin/Lostsoul ingame.

New Area

14 April 2004 - 04:59 PM

Hello, I have composed a new area which I think you might be interested in. It is situated in the southern part of Resthaven, near the rocky mountain path, and is called Magnavex. Magnavex is a world where only very few weapons, not metal weapons, can do damage. It is mainly for Rangers and Thieves, but these aren't the only classes that can go there. I would say that you would have to be about lvl 27-30 to go there. Magnavex has many death traps, and monsters that hit hard. On this floor there is a boss called the Copper Duke. You have to kill him to get to the next level, the Deep Magnavex. If you get this far, and go through the Deep Magnavex you will get to Castelle Mortem. Castelle Mortem is sort of like the museum, but the monsters hit harder and there are many more. The castle has five floors, each having an individual duke to kill to grant access to the next level. It could maybe go like Bronze duke>Steel duke>Granite Duke>Silver Duke>Golden Duke. Each duke will be each floor, granting access to the next floor. :blink:. On the fifth floor you have to destroy the Golden Duke first, and then behind it is the final boss, Magnezium. He hits for 100-180 damage and has about the same hp as the GSW. Of course, you can change any bits that you want to. I have also made maps for every area, including where magnavex will start. At magnezium if you go north there is a portal that will take you to your local. Magnezium will drop either a new bow.. not made yet.. still working on it :blink: OR a dagger for a thief.
So what you people think? :)

Åçç맧 Ðëñìëð

30 March 2004 - 09:40 PM

Ranking: 71 with a score of 174. (has been open for 1 day)
If anybody wants to join page/memo Dimensia
Also looking for founders... must have atleast 2 lvl 25 crits to become one.

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