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How You Came To Know About Nm?

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#1 ketchup

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 08:39 AM

I was just browsin the net looking for online games, then I saw nightmist, download it and created my first crit. it was a fighter named "Gin". stats was uber sucky like 18 x 21 16 x got it to pert level though lol.

First time I saw nm, i was like "just a text based game.... : / ". I was not even considerin in moving out of boars... then there came "Godsmack, Splinter_Thief, Splinter_... etc etc (all splinters) and True_Killa, True_Heala (lol all true_ ) and some folks from Midnight Thorns showed me around. How to level, get gold, buy armours/weapons..... links to site, maps......

after sometime, i started training a druid... I remember when it morph, it regains full hp bar. I think Wisdom influenced me to train a druid. Other good druids i still remember are Illidan, Avenging_druid, Zero, Diagonyte, Vampyre, Kumiko.

Eversince, I only train druids in Multi server.... just recently decided to train a pally and in 1alt.

aight, keep it real.


1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#2 Penguin


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 08:32 PM

Well, an irl friend actually showed me the game alooong time ago, rolled some terrible statted crits and started playing. First clan I was ever in was crooked halos and my first set of crits sucked major ass but I remember serious love for scarlet daggers guild and whatever the place zanitos is in is called.

#3 Sausage


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Posted 29 February 2008 - 08:50 PM

I was just browsing around looking for a cool game, then d/l'd NM. Rolled a weak lil human pally with my IRL name as the crit name lol. Ran around in sewers for the longest time, then NoName decided to give me 2k and I bout nuts my pants. I later on ended up joining Zodiac clan and had a couple other crits; 187, Jebizo, Mongol. I played them for a couple months before I moved away, and stopped playing for a couple years. Then came back played for awhlie, quit again, and now I'm back.

I prolly shouldn't use the word quit, because I was not happy in my absenteeism from NM. I just didn't have the means or time to log on anymore.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#4 Peacemaker

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Posted 02 March 2008 - 05:10 AM

I was visiting my nephew when i seen him playing it. He asked me to roll for him some in which i rolled some good stated crits for him. I then started playing a couple years later.
Peacemaker both servers.

#5 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 02 March 2008 - 10:41 AM

Well. I was best friends at the time with a guy called Ed who lived in a place called Caibourne (sp), near Caistor where JLH went to school? I think anyway. He lived next door to Richard Gibbs, and on one of the many times we went to go see him he showed us a "new game" which someone from his school had created, called Nightmist. This was back in 2000 probably, I was like 9? lolol. Rich a lot of you older people will know.. He was Scream and was notoriously banned haha, maybe even one of the first to be permenantly banned.

But yeah. My first character was INTERCOM. then everything reset, and I didnt see the point in playing for while as I lost my most prized possession- a level 17 fighter :ph34r:

Buut. Soon after that I started playing again (addicted, obv) and rolled my first ever character, Xcelon, a dwarf fighter. I can't remember the original stats but i'd imagine they were pretty dissappointing haha.

And since that day i've been playing on and off, sharing with people like the legendary Kevin Collins, Billy the Aussie and jarlewan <3

But yeah, it's been fun. hello biography?

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 02 March 2008 - 10:41 AM.

Disaster ingame.

#6 Lightning

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Posted 02 March 2008 - 01:29 PM

And since that day i've been playing on and off, sharing with people like the legendary Kevin Collins, Billy the Aussie and jarlewan <3

phear! gosh!! much love from teh kierz0rs <3<3 makes me feel speshal to see my name in lights :ph34r: ;) lol
-Quark/Sonic ingame-

* Earn Money For 5 Minutes Each Day

#7 Xlithan


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Posted 02 March 2008 - 11:20 PM

Back in January 2001, was looking for some new style of game to play, came across a website called Online Action Games (Or something), and decided to download and try every single one.

Nightmist was one of the games which really got my attention. Of course, the game was much much different back then, and i'd often skip school just to play. It was insanely addictive and half of my teenage life was probably devoted to Nightmist.

Porky (Chilipepper) and Melfice joined up, after hearing so much about it from me in high school.

I don't really play anymore since it's just changed in ways which I don't like. Would be awesome if we could have a "Nightmist Classic" version.

I joined Death By Dawn owned by Lit, then later Forever Rain. After getting a few archs I joined Brotherhood of Darkness, Notorious Beanie Masters (Long live pipin), then Devils Kingdom in later days, then finally The Resistance. I've created and joined loads of other clans for short times such as Midnight Thorns, Broken, Aviators or whatever they were called.

good times, but in my opinion, those days are long over. R.I.P Nightmist :ph34r:

Edited by Zelimos, 02 March 2008 - 11:23 PM.

#8 Wind


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 11:16 PM

Ask Dev and Jamie how I started to play....

As people know Dev lives next door to me and Jamie down the road, I went round to talk to Dev and he was playing nightmist.... I remember me and him clicking on the stamina bar thinking the stam would come back faster lol..

I played round at Dev's for the first couple of weeks and then started over my place, my first characters was Hell_Razor, Bulldozer, Hell_Sky, Cosmatic. Di (Jinx) showed me around the game abit aswell, when I first started playing was boring but after time I got really in to it. Dev and Jamie wouldnt let me share with them for aleast 1-2 years of me playing. I am the only one left outta us three now. :ph34r:

But yep
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#9 ChiliPepper

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 12:47 PM

Porky (Chilipepper) joined up, after hearing so much about it from me in high school.

Aviators or whatever they were called.

Gah, insult me twice in one post : / Its Porkie from The Aviators :ph34r:

I was introduced by an old friend Jake. He was in Devout and gave me a level 1. I called it Binge and it was a druid. I ended up joining a few clans, got more involved in some than others. I stopped playing then purposely deleted my old account info off my computer. Sleepless nights got too much ;)

Then a few years later i stumbled upon the Aviator thread on the old forum. I decided i had newly found spare time and the idea of 1a was exactly what i wanted previously. So i rolled a 4 stat dwarf thief, took me 10 minutes and i was away.

Ahh 5 hours sleep is the way forward.
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#10 Raylen


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 01:48 PM

You gave that thief to me I think? Or sold it to me. Anyway, I sold it on :ph34r:

I came back from uni to find my lil brother had d/led this game. I slagged him off quite badly for playing it for about a couple of weeks then decided i should start playing ;)

I joined a clan whose name began with D; it was ok but then it got sold and i was like ...wtf. So I joined the clan that jimmy was in, being the aviators (no caps, lol). Good times, Wes got us 340k back that the original chairman stole (dont ask), we battled really quite hard to break into top 10 clans, eventually got #1 which is quite good heh.

But yeah, apart from Jimmy, I've never known anyone irl who plays this.
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#11 ChiliPepper

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:12 PM

You gave that thief to me I think? Or sold it to me. Anyway, I sold it on :ph34r:

But yeah, apart from Jimmy, I've never known anyone irl who plays this.

I was referring to my 1a character. but yes Charcoal is now in my command again ;)

I had a go at running 14 of your crits and killed a few things with Disaster. It was quite fun, but i think i am a bit too late :)
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#12 Xlithan


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 03:29 PM

Oh yeah I forgot Jake played, Robert Lea used to play too, I think I got Robert into it before Karl and Jake did. Ian Ward even logged on at one point I think, and tried to "sue" me for using his copyrighted band name as a clan name....


Good times. If it wasn't for me telling Rob and Karl, who told Jake, who told you, you wouldn't be here :ph34r: I feel so complete now that I've spread the germ.

Edited by Zelimos, 04 March 2008 - 03:32 PM.

#13 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:16 PM

lol @ dev btw. hahahaha nubstyle :ph34r:
Disaster ingame.

#14 Gnarkill



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Posted 05 June 2008 - 08:10 PM

First I was born... and then i grew up and played some nm.

Actually lol my irl gf at the time Trish(Sweet_Dream) introduced me to this game one day when I was bored. I rolled a p x p x x x dwarf fighter and leveled it to 20 named "Hostyle" and joined "Wolves of Tyr" with her... I didnt really like how repetitive it was killing rats for a 150k hally back then haha.. but I got Pk'd by a char named "Fanghorn" and from that day on I trained and finally found and pk'd that char back and then decided to just pk whatever I could from then on as a act of supreme revenge haha. ...after that its all fond sgh, pking, and boss killing memories.

and i still have the original crit "Hostyle"(thats the only thing I've kept ..its in char restore and named "Pitbull") cal just has the name until I buy it back ;)

Edited by Gnarkill, 05 June 2008 - 08:14 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#15 Defeat

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Posted 05 June 2008 - 11:24 PM

I was introduced by an IRL friend, who didn't play long at all. I made my first character named Drone. It was a cleric. I logged on and was in Boar's with Keg and a couple other players. Once I hit level 10, I joined a clan with newb. I can't quite remember the name of it though. Later on, once I bought my first lv 30(Sober), I joined Antagonist with Disjunction, was a pwnage clan. Many battles in that clan. I later joined The Resistance when I got my first arch ranger. I renamed it Reality and shortly after left TR. Stayed clanless for a while, then joined -Nemesis-. <3 that clan. I was also in Devout and joined NBM when I first played, after leaving newb's clan, but it fell shortly after. I miss the old days.

Jµ§t å fîgméñt øf yøµ® îmågîñåtîøñ
1a - Rise/Mythical

#16 Cadabra


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 07:25 PM

Well i think it was Gary who introduced me to nm...its been good lost a few accounts but im building up my stuff. At first i thought it was boring and bugged him not to play and go out with our mates instead but then he said just try it and so i did. he also gave me a lvl 25 fighter to start with cant remember the name though, was a long time ago. but yeh <3 nm thnx Gary :ph34r:
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#17 Exor

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 08:26 PM

I think it was near the end of 2000 or in 2001 I can't remember exactly when I first came to NM. It was during pre-reset. I found out about the game from a RL friend. No idea how he ever found it. I rolled a gimp Knight and named it Mark02(/facepalm) then realized using my own name was retarded so rerolled to a Thief named Ryudo. He was pretty gimp too, but he was the first character I played for awhile. Then finally came Android_20 whom I played for a looong time until reset. Annnd then I made Exor as my first character post-reset when the RL friend who showed me NM ended up quitting. After Exor came Illidan/Rappy_Ninja_Is_Lame with a whole lot of alts in between then WoW came out and I quit!

Entire Nightmist history from finding out about it to quitting wrapped up in one short paragraph! :ph34r:
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#18 Crane


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 11:07 PM

Back in early 2004, a few people in my Physics A-Level class, namely Charon, Adunakhor, Foundtain and Ecstasy, kept talking about it and kept suggesting that I should start playing too. Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded the game, and then my addiction started! I still remember the first night I played, I tried to "/enemy Thief" after one of those monsters killed me in the arena, thinking it was a player!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#19 Harky

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Posted 07 June 2008 - 01:59 AM

I was playing a browser based game called Monarchy and someone (Laca I believe) posted about a game which had just been released called Nightmist. I downloaded it, and while downloading it on my LIGHTNING FAST DIALUP I contacted one of the games creators from the site (pan) on ICQ and said 'helo lol i em downloaddding ur gam lool is it gud' because I was retarded back then, and then a rl friend started playing and somehow won every quest ever made and I was cool by proximity and everyone loved me then a reset happened and I built some stuff but then I stopped playing.


My wow addiction started shortly after that which was a pregnant dog to kick.

#20 Wind


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Posted 07 June 2008 - 06:28 PM

So many people remember alot of stuff from the past. I cant remember what happened yesterday most of the time.
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#21 Isolated

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 04:31 AM

Back in early 2004, a few people in my Physics A-Level class, namely Charon, Adunakhor, Foundtain and Ecstasy, kept talking about it and kept suggesting that I should start playing too. Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded the game, and then my addiction started! I still remember the first night I played, I tried to "/enemy Thief" after one of those monsters killed me in the arena, thinking it was a player!

I remember those two..

my short story.. back in 8th grade john(rapid_death) came over to my house, downloaded on my computer couple days later i saw it on there created master_druid and etc
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#22 Deval

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 08:53 AM

I was playing a browser based game called Monarchy and someone (Laca I believe) posted about a game which had just been released called Nightmist. I downloaded it, and while downloading it on my LIGHTNING FAST DIALUP I contacted one of the games creators from the site (pan) on ICQ and said 'helo lol i em downloaddding ur gam lool is it gud' because I was retarded back then, and then a rl friend started playing and somehow won every quest ever made and I was cool by proximity and everyone loved me then a reset happened and I built some stuff but then I stopped playing.


My wow addiction started shortly after that which was a pregnant dog to kick.

Harky, your stinky face still snooping around NM forums? I miss us PK'ing each other. Do you miss me? Lets hold each other in silence, romantic silence.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

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