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#61 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:51 PM

I agree mages still need something. PvP they are good now, but agree with woodstocks stance on pvm issue.

#62 Shera

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 08:54 PM

The last two areas added to 1a mages do REALLY well in. The ziggarut for lowbies, the mages pwn the heck out of and since it's close to a town mages can pretty much train there without using mana and few pots by running back to town to pub. The hornets are 70pod, mages hit the crap outta them, and again near a pub. Beam was already reduced on 1a to 10 mana, same as storm wrath but sw doesnt do near the damage of beam. I am not in favor of lowering the mana cost for beam. Mana ponds were already made l2l, and I doubt it was for the rangers benefit, or the druids.

I also dont agree that a mage should have self-sustainability, what class other then a paladin ig has it? None, and a paladin is only self reliant up to a point, eventually they will need mana/food/water. However if you gave a mage a spell where they got their mana back, they wouldnt need pots as they can invis so then they would only need food/water. A class that can do 100's per stam and never need to come back to town to speak of....I think that would be a tad op and wouldnt make ppl like them more in parties.

Bringing back their ability to protect their party from traps, when they are leading, might make them more useful going to certain areas and doing certain bosses.

Btw what monsters are mages really sucky against?

Edited by Shera, 27 February 2012 - 08:58 PM.

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#63 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:03 PM

its not that they are terrible vs monsters, but when people group together for trips such as banshee or blue dragon ect ect, people dont want mages to come because the mana runs out faster.. and if several people only used mages you couldnt really all use your main to go on regular boss runs...

#64 Woodstock

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:28 PM

every other class can equip 10m or more vamp and self sustain...

also, areas were named in this thread. And as in new areas, i referred to the stuff i knew as new, not the most recent addition, sorry.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

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#65 Cruxis

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 02:39 AM

Mana is an issue, but hitting most bosses for 60s while others classes are being spelled and hitting 60-160, almost never missing, is another. Mages indeed do consistent damage on mobs, but for the issue of party trips where spells are ever present, other classes minimum matching around a mages consistent damage, makes it rather obvious the crit to choose.

It's not like it's impossible to take mages on trips, but they won't be beaming the whole time. I just find it funny that a class that has to use mana to attack can be outdamaged so easily.

Spells change alot during party trips, doubling their effectiveness, maybe more. Mages get the shaft in this completely, and for any bosses that require "so and so hard hitters", mages are simply not considered, add in a long trip to said boss with many ktp, and a mage really is just detrimental to the party.

Although I suggest a renamed Beam with less mana, really I'd rather a PvM spell, with more mana, but more damage be done.
Spells cost mana to make melee's stronger, mages method of attacking does as well. At the cost of being decently squishy, bar extreme equipment, and taking mana to attack, mages should pretty much be a spelled crit damage wise PvM. Mages tend to do 50-100 on mobs, I think it should be more like 80-130. Most classes seem to top around 140ish damage with spells, some a bit higher. A mage hitting lowest wis monsters should be doing about that, with the highest wis monsters being around 80s.

Thing is though, mages were pretty hard to train, especially in mid expert levels, stam change made them way ez. If they were to get the power described above, which I believe they deserve, their stam should be toned back down. Just my opinion on how mages should be though, not alot of stamina, but strong and costly attacks. All stam is around the same.

Compared to spelling an attacker (25 mana per 30 seconds per crit), a mage uses much more mana (120 mana per 30 seconds with 6stam), to do alot less damage. I know we don't want grey blobs, but proportionally, mages Beam should cost about 4 mana. A tad extreme, if a mana reduction took place, 7 (-3) would do fine.

And then, staff make clerics spells cost more, because balancing in the direction of making things harder to accomplish is the smartest thing to do in a dwindling playerbase xD No more nerfs, give BUFFS!

In short, my suggestions in order of preference,
*1. New Spell, PvM only(because they will bish), 12 mana cost, + 30 damage over Beam
2. Concentration spell (Suggested by Eternyte)
3. New spell, 7 mana cost, renamed Beam.
4. Faster base regeneration, instead of 4 mana every 30 seconds, be 20 mana every 30 seconds, translated to 4 Beams per minute.

*Would require toning down their stamina.

I probably could've picked a better order for my statements :lol:

Edited by Cruxis, 28 February 2012 - 02:42 AM.

#66 Tietsu

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:55 PM

I like what Alex had to say and that never happens.

#67 Eternyte

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 12:04 PM

I am not going to let this topic die therefore......another summary according to moi!

"Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 35 spell, Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 40 spell"

NO!!!....plain and simple.

The overarching point to this entire post is mages sustainability i.e. moving away from town. This is provided to other classes mainly in the way of a Cobalt Staff of the Winds, a level 25 item (10 mil from shop).

Devastate: 10mil Scroll from level 28/29 Mage Guild Vortex Square or Tiggy Vortex Square
You create a Devastating Blast surrounding XXXXXX for 60 points of damage. (0.2 Vamp, 0.1 Mana = 12hp and 6mp Returned) - This should use the same damage formula as Beam since there is no way for mages to substantially increase their damage like Enhance/RF does with attacking classes. It should scale equally with intel and level.

and in other news, these spells should happen...

Dispell: Removes all enhancing buffs from all players on a square not within party/nopk. Unable to be re-cast for 1 min.
You mumble a mythic chant causing all magic to be removed from the surrounding area.
(Especially good in duels and team events like Triplex, it would bring more tactics into fighting. Also mages never actually enter any of these events anyway.)

Haste/Armor/Invis: Make these spell duration longer or reduce their mana cost; as a master of magic it upsets me to know that my spells don't last as long as a clumsy druid or cleric.

Vortex Gate: What a waste of a potentially epic spell. Make more places able to use Vortex Gate, also moving through areas. Make parties require to take a mage.

Apparate: Teleports the mage instantly to a pre-set location.
It would only be castable upon the mage, and only from a city tavern. It should be a level 34 spell and scale with level. For instance at level 34 you would have 3 spots too which you can apparate, at level 35 (4 spots), level 36 (5 spots), level 37 (6 spots), level 38 (7 spots), level 39 (8 spots) and level 40 (9 spots). It can only be made from a tavern that the mage has actually visited, and must be set whilst in the tavern.

For example: This could be a typical setup
/apparateset 1 (Nightmist)
/apparateset 2 (Blackthorn)
/apparateset 3 (Sarka)
/apparateset 4 (Silver Sail)
/apparateset 5 (Kantele)
/apparateset 6 (Harabec)
/apparateset 7 (Dendeya)
/apparateset 8 (Tirantek)
/apparateset 9 (Clan House)

Then to 'Apparate' from one city to the other. /cast apparate/1-9

Additionally: Rangers should have a vamparic bow available from the shop also. 10mil with a 0.2 vamp and 22bd, or a 0.3 vamp and 15 bd. This would still make the Cobalt Bow the awesome item for a ranger (even though no one will ever get one).
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#68 Woodstock

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 04:20 PM

I am not going to let this topic die therefore......another summary according to moi!

"Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 35 spell, Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 40 spell"

NO!!!....plain and simple.

The overarching point to this entire post is mages sustainability i.e. moving away from town. This is provided to other classes mainly in the way of a Cobalt Staff of the Winds, a level 25 item (10 mil from shop).

Devastate: 10mil Scroll from level 28/29 Mage Guild Vortex Square or Tiggy Vortex Square
You create a Devastating Blast surrounding XXXXXX for 60 points of damage. (0.2 Vamp, 0.1 Mana = 12hp and 6mp Returned) - This should use the same damage formula as Beam since there is no way for mages to substantially increase their damage like Enhance/RF does with attacking classes. It should scale equally with intel and level.

and in other news, these spells should happen...

Dispell: Removes all enhancing buffs from all players on a square not within party/nopk. Unable to be re-cast for 1 min.
You mumble a mythic chant causing all magic to be removed from the surrounding area.
(Especially good in duels and team events like Triplex, it would bring more tactics into fighting. Also mages never actually enter any of these events anyway.)

Haste/Armor/Invis: Make these spell duration longer or reduce their mana cost; as a master of magic it upsets me to know that my spells don't last as long as a clumsy druid or cleric.

Vortex Gate: What a waste of a potentially epic spell. Make more places able to use Vortex Gate, also moving through areas. Make parties require to take a mage.

Apparate: Teleports the mage instantly to a pre-set location.
It would only be castable upon the mage, and only from a city tavern. It should be a level 34 spell and scale with level. For instance at level 34 you would have 3 spots too which you can apparate, at level 35 (4 spots), level 36 (5 spots), level 37 (6 spots), level 38 (7 spots), level 39 (8 spots) and level 40 (9 spots). It can only be made from a tavern that the mage has actually visited, and must be set whilst in the tavern.

For example: This could be a typical setup
/apparateset 1 (Nightmist)
/apparateset 2 (Blackthorn)
/apparateset 3 (Sarka)
/apparateset 4 (Silver Sail)
/apparateset 5 (Kantele)
/apparateset 6 (Harabec)
/apparateset 7 (Dendeya)
/apparateset 8 (Tirantek)
/apparateset 9 (Clan House)

Then to 'Apparate' from one city to the other. /cast apparate/1-9

Additionally: Rangers should have a vamparic bow available from the shop also. 10mil with a 0.2 vamp and 22bd, or a 0.3 vamp and 15 bd. This would still make the Cobalt Bow the awesome item for a ranger (even though no one will ever get one).

When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
Dubs/Cold on 1a

#69 Cruxis

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 07:30 PM

"Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 35 spell, Blah, Blah, Blah....mages, level 40 spell"

Not even if said spell gives them sustainability?

I agree level 35 is a bit much considering cobalt is 25, that's probably your whole point :lol:

#70 Eternyte

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 04:40 PM

If a cleric's spell are a gift from 'God' why to they have to buy them from shops :lol:
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#71 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:01 PM

"Devastate: 10mil Scroll from level 28/29 Mage Guild Vortex Square or Tiggy Vortex Square
You create a Devastating Blast surrounding XXXXXX for 60 points of damage. (0.2 Vamp, 0.1 Mana = 12hp and 6mp Returned) - This should use the same damage formula as Beam since there is no way for mages to substantially increase their damage like Enhance/RF does with attacking classes. It should scale equally with intel and level."

this, or any form of devastate or spell worth 10m that mages can purchase.

#72 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:14 PM

Lol. was well aware of the difference of damage. And i still think any mage would deserve to gain that much damage for 10m. Have supported it since damn near close to the begining of 1a... kind of pricey i agree. but if you play in the sense of having 1 main alt, then it wouldnt hurt to spend that much.

Edited by Apocalypto, 14 March 2012 - 07:15 PM.


#73 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:28 PM

I don't really like the idea of adding devastate to the game, I think it would make mages overpowered when it comes to pking. I would much rather see a spell that was only for pvm
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#74 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:35 PM

Can agree with that, not that it would be overpowered necessarily, as i think cobalt is overpowered and easily attainable. Not to mention(that saying never makes sense) the fact you can switch from character to character. But i can agree with a spell that is MOSTLY for pvm. Such as a spell similar to the one andy proposed with a possible hp and mp leech and similar out damage to beam.

#75 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:51 PM

Im not gonna disagree with that, because i dont only have a mage. But if i did, i think i might buy it. Granted, you might be right about complaints. But that would only be the players that chose to buy its fault. Plenty of info about devastate has been provided from main.. and evidently from some testing that most of the playerbase is unaware of... but either way... i think some sort of mage spell should be added....

#76 Eternyte

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 05:43 PM

So....when are these new spells being introduced?
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#77 Woodstock

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Posted 20 April 2012 - 06:23 PM

honestly, never. and to be honest, only fix should be a PvM -only spell that duplicates beam but only costs 5mp? when you try to cast it on players it should say something similar to when you try to attack players in town or on your nopk list.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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