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Halo {roleplayed By Professionals}

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#1 Dante

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Posted 05 June 2004 - 05:54 AM


Opening the Cryotube Master Chief wipes his visor of the ice that builds
up after long freezing times. He picks up a shotgun and heads towards the pelican docking bay. He carefully selects the best one {the new modified Joyride model}.
While heading to Earth he encounters a fleet of Covenant dropships on the ready.
He slides past the covenant patrol but they follow his trail towards the surface of the planet. As they are blasting with their plasma cannons he encounter some slight turbulence in the air. The pelican takes a little air and a plasma beam nails the side of the pelican leaving a smoldering hole and taking the pelican down with it. Luckily he happened to have a Warthog in the pelican storage area. He speeds away peeling out as the covenant start unloading from the dropship. Master Chief readys his shotgun and blows away the first grunt he sees, but he wasnt paying too much attention to driving now was he???? As he pulls into to the cargo bay of the marine HQ he notices the bloody walls and the fact that many of the marine's heads are impaled upon wooden stakes. This is definetly not covenant work or even flood for that matter it has to have a strange origin. We're in for one helluva ride.

{[Please be creative in your posts for it is an OPEN topic so anyone can continue the story or even write side events for that matter][Please no useless, dumb, complaining or retarded topics][Please stay in the Halo frame of mind but feel free to adjust the story as u see fit, Just have fun and remember this M.C. is the most badass video game character ever.]{Halo dictionary {Pelican-a flying airship that can hold troops as well as 2 pilots.
Covenant- a race of aliens that have ranks based on stage of life
Jackal-weakest covenant usually uses a shield
Grunt-2nd weakest and most common of the covenant.
Elite- another common covenant many varietys and also some use laser swords Hunter- The biggest covenant heavily armored and uses a type of charge up blast.]}Ingame as Darkreaper{though he is banned}{please add to the dictionary after ur post.

#2 Bean

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Posted 05 June 2004 - 07:18 AM

((This seems like a really awesome idea for a roleplay topic. I may even join in myself, AFTER I research the HALO universe a tad. Just a couple comments on your roleplaying If I may. Only problem I really see right now (I'm tired I could have missed something else) Is that its a little lacking in background, or description. Work that up a bit, and you'll have some awesome material. Keep it up ))
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#3 Squee



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Posted 05 June 2004 - 04:24 PM

((I lurve Halo! I'll join as soon as I figure out a way.

Can I ask a few question though? (Preferably answered in RP form)

What kind of environment is this planet? Can humans breath here? If so, how easy/difficult is it? Do you mind if I modify the Halo story-line? Nothing too drastic but something that was never mentioned in the game.

Anyways, I'll add to your dictionary:

MA5B Assault Rifle: Gas operator weapon, standard issue to all infantry units. Magazine fed, it fires 7.62mm armour-piercing rounds. Rate of fire is based on operator's ability to aim, fire and change magazines. Short, controlled bursts are more effective than fully automatic fire. Complete with a digital display of rounds left and a compass.

M6D Assault Pistol: Recoil operated, magazine fed handgun. Also standard issue, it is capable of 2x magnification. It fires 12.7mm semi-explosive, semi-armour piercing bullets. Capable of semi-automatic or automatic fire. Most effective when fired roughly at the centre of the head, above a horizontal line passing through both ears.

M9 Grenade: High-explosive, multi-purpose grenade. Can be used to flip vehicles and tanks. Can be rolled, richochted or thrown. Caution: Do not throw too close to your own location.

M19 SSM Rocket Launcher: Man-operated rocket launcher, positioned on the shoulder. Magazines contain two 102mm shaped-charge, high-explosive rockets. Desinged for fast easy detachment from the Launcher. Actually rocket launcher is capable of 2x magnification.

M90 Shotgun: Pump-action magazine-fed (dual tubular, non-detachable type [shells are loaded in one at a time and cannot be removed]). Fires 8 gauge (3.5") rounds. Effective in close range. Can be used to engage several targets a medium to long range.

S2 AM Sniper Rifle: Gas operated, magazine-fed weapon. Two levels of magnification (2x, 10x). While zoomed in, light-amplification (night-vision) can be turned on. Fires 14.5mm armour-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding-sabot rounds.
Caution: The 14.5x144mm APFSDS round is an anti-materiel munition. It is capable of "over-penetrating" a soldier. Be sure to know what is on the other side of your target before firing.

M12 LRV Warthog: Standard, light-weight recon. vehicle of the UEG armed forces. Fast, manueverable but prone to rollovers when hard-turns are made. A three barreled machine gun (12.7mm) is mounted on to the rear of the vehicle. Can hold 1 passenger (armed or un-armed), one rear gun-man and one driver.

MM08B Scorpian Main Battle Tank: Primarily an anti-vehicle weapon, it can also be used as an effective anti-infantry device. It's ceramic-titanium plating makes it impervious to small-arms fire but it's huge dead zone (the area where the tank's weapons cannot reach) makes it vulnerable to enemy infantry. Up to 4 soldiers may ride (and fire from) the Scorpian's track pods. However, this is also dangerous and should only be done when the benefits outweigh the risks. The main gun fires 90mm, high-velocity, explosive rounds. Its secondary weapon fires 7.62mm Armor Piercing, Tracer rounds.

Source: http://www.microsoft...ery_weapons.asp

Edit: I read your first post over again and realized that this all takes place on earth. ^^; But...I think my original questions still stand. I'd like to know what earth looks like now. ^^;; ))

Edited by Squee, 05 June 2004 - 11:55 PM.

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#4 Dante

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Posted 06 June 2004 - 07:21 AM

Halo PT.2 Rise of The One

{Ok, since alot of people havent seen concepts for Halo 2 i will provide some!}
Halo 2 Concepts

Master Chief heads down one of the metallic hallways that is smeared with marine's blood.But the passage deadends into a huge pile of rubble[the wall pretty much caved in]. He turns around to walk down the hallway, but as soon as he does the wall next to him explodes in a most fiery way. Thw covenant have access to the marine HQ!!!NOT!!!!!! Master Chief blows away three grunts with his shotgun. An elite tosses a plasma grenade in MC's direction but misses and blows the wall behind him away[Strange, the walls were never this weak before]. MC backs down the hall way into the cargo bay.The cargo bay is empty!!!Where did that pelican go??? "Chief this is Cortana we have an......well emergency here, head to The Valley of The ONE"[ The One is a covenant god who has only one eye. He stands for Violence, Killing, and Evil]. As the covenant storm down the hallway MC throws a frag grenade down the hall, sending covenant bodies sailing over chief's head. As chief exits the HQ building he notices the sky is turning a dark purple blackish color. This can't be good the sun is not even able to shine past the darkness. He is looking past all the skyscrapers and notices something that cheers him up a pelican!!! The pelican flys over head launching PLASMA cannons!!!!WTF!!!An Elite swordsman hops out the back of the pelican signaling to his crew to follow[his crew consists of 6 huge Hunters].The first Hunter gets out of the pelican and starts charging up a blast.Oh Crap!!!! I forgot to reload! As MC is reloading the shotgun[which takes a couple of secs] the hunter launches the blast at MC. The blast knocks him back a couple of meters and he slowly falls into unconsiciousness.
The covenant carry the unaware MC unto the pelican. The pelican takes off as the comm station in the pilot seat of the pelican are covenant saying "You are clear to land at the Valley of the One docking bay." As soon as they land the take MC to the meds to try to replicate the human technology at work with the spartan race. But, the bad news is about to end as..............A Marine starship appears on the covenant radar about 30 miles away from the Valley. The covenant have finally realized the secrets to the spartan race. The cyborg aspect of the spartan race could easily be put to work in a covenant elite instead of a human. Within 5 min. they have a working version of a covenant Spartan already!!!![The reason they make a covenant spartan so fast is that covenant technology is far more advanced than human and they have many more scientists than the humans did when constructing master chief. They are about to execute MC when the marine starship pulls into the docking bay. Sgt. Johnson commands the marines to attack the covenant onsight and try to find the wounded MC. Private Jenkins rushes down the hallway to the experimental lab. He slams his assault rifle into the door knocking it down only to find MC dying in a covenant cryotube.He pulls him out of the tube and hands him a medkit. MC barely finds the strength to apply the medkit to his wounds. But, after that he speaks to Cortana"Uhh, will u be mad if I told you the covenant have their own version of the spartan race?"

{[Well how did u like it???I hope it was ok I was up late writing this so I was getting sort of tired.I would have wrote more but the sleep factor held me back. Long halo sessions tire me out know what I mean??? Oh by the way, thanks for the compliments and PLZ help me write more on this story. Oh bean I hope u have fun researching Halo.An that is all for tonight folks!!!!!!]}{sorry no dictionary entry might do them in the morning!}

#5 Dante

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Posted 06 June 2004 - 12:19 PM

{[Ok, now for dictionary entrys!!!!]}
Cortana-a computer chip that has a interactive human-like personality
Valley Of The One- A religious place for covenant, A lot of them make pilgrimages to the Valley to honor their god.
Spartan-The race of Master Chief, he is the last of the human spartans.
Sgt. Johnson-one of the surviors of 343 Guility Spark[aka the first flood encounter]
Flood- a virus let loose by 343 Guility Spark[aka The Monitor]There are different types of the Oringinal Flood[Not transformed humans or covenants]
Suicider-A bulky looking flood that rushes out and explodes near enemies damaging them and also releasing parasites.
Parasites- The larger version of what looks like a flea[but about the size of a rat]The original cause of the entire flood.
Transformed Humans/Covenant- While still alive they are able to use their human/covenant weapons but they can no longer stay in a sane frame of mind and has no control of their new deformed body.
Private Jenkins-a pretty much new marine he was one of the few survivors of The Two Betrayals.
Marine Starship- ships such as The Pillar of Autumn that can carry around 1,000 troops and have hyperspace capabilites, requires a crew of a least 150 to operate.
Pillar of Autumn- starship that the covenant boarded during MC's first mission. The ship crashed onto the ring of Halo[MC escaped in a escape pod].Later blowing up the ring of Halo thus destroying the Flood[but sadly not the Monitor].That is why MC went to Earth to follow the Monitor.
Halo 2- THe greatest game of all time due to release in November. Featuring MC and his trials on Earth.

#6 Dante

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 03:59 AM

Cortana speaks to chief "we're going to have to worry about that later head outside of this room and walk down the hallway head to the hangar they still have your ship there!". MC runs out of the room. An elite runs down the hallway towards MC. Jenkins throws MC a pistol. MC quickly fires at the elite's head twice killing him. He continues running down the hall. He looks around the corner of the hallway into the hangar. There is almost an entire covenant army in there!!!! He rushes out shooting 2 covenant grunts in the head. He runs toward the pelican but a Brute runs up to him with a rusted sword. The Brute is staring right at MC as if he were death himself.

{[sorry its been so long since writing i was on vacation so i hope its ok!][i know its not very long but im feeling sick(my stomach hurts :) so that means no dictonary)
so i might write more when im feeling better)
Brute- the biggest covenant there is uses a covenant carbine and a blade for melee attacking has no energy shield
{PLZ write!!!:) }

#7 archmaster

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Posted 17 June 2004 - 11:50 PM

{Wait, are you Master Chief in the Halo demo?im Deadlysnipe}
You betrayed Eagleseath.
You betrayed [jake].
Deadlysnipe: oh im sorry...

Edited by archmaster, 17 June 2004 - 11:54 PM.

You and me, We'll all go down in history, With a sad statue of liberty, and a generation that didn't agree

#8 Rahkaan Mahist

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Posted 19 May 2005 - 10:08 PM

ooc|| Wow. It's been ages since I've seen a decent Halo roleplay... O.o
Might I join in?

#9 Sean

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Posted 20 May 2005 - 04:34 PM

Im sure I made a post here saying about how old this was...

Yeah I did.....
Stadic Ingame...

#10 Rahkaan Mahist

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Posted 20 May 2005 - 10:46 PM

-shrugs- Sorry, then. I won't join next time. ^_^

#11 Lifeless Void

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 05:13 PM

-shrugs- Sorry, then. I won't join next time. ^_^

LoL everyone gets that but yes quit
How the hell would I know?

#12 Wind


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 10:29 AM

Im sure I made a post here saying about how old this was...

Yeah I did.....

no u didnt sean u chat alot of nuts!
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#13 Sean

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 05:32 PM

Stadic Ingame...

#14 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 26 June 2005 - 10:53 AM


^_^ What was the point of that smily lol
Disaster ingame.

#15 Crane


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Posted 02 August 2005 - 11:21 AM

(Stay in-character please.)
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

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