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Stat Mod Rings

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Poll: Stat Mod Rings

what do you think, ideas, comments?

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#1 Perfection

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Posted 31 December 2016 - 03:46 AM

isn't it about time we can get or make stat mod rings?


it could not devalue anything that exists because they are untraded.


str rings with -armour?

int rings with higher -armour?

dex rings, not sure about these maybe not to exist?

con rings with -dex?

wisdom rings with -everything?

charisma rings, 0ac so can be used by berserks?

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#2 Gaddy

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 06:54 PM

I would like to see a variety of these and stat-mod bracelets, but I think it would take sacrifice of gear similar to the Platinum Coin and Gold Sovereign systems.
​Basically, it keeps a point to playing even though tons of new bosses are not added. Keep hitting the stuff that is in-place, and you can get the best gear by selling off stockpiles. It is a good system for Nightmist's specific setup.

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#3 Terron

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 08:10 PM

i like the idea!


but there is a problem with using items, the ol' "you can buy items from players" that is always mentioned by mods gets even harder.  ofc even if leveling items arent being used then the problem lies you are using complete junk to craft godlike items.  and if the craft system requires god items like balt/har'oloth velve etc in the first place u might aswell just make them shop buy for 50m gold cuz its catering the game to the same 4-5 people it always does.


 Your choice i guess. but imo seems like a waste of time with a playerbase of 6, id prefer additions to atleast attempt to draw a returning/new player. 

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#4 Gaddy

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 08:59 PM

i like the idea!


but there is a problem with using items, the ol' "you can buy items from players" that is always mentioned by mods gets even harder.  ofc even if leveling items arent being used then the problem lies you are using complete junk to craft godlike items.  and if the craft system requires god items like balt/har'oloth velve etc in the first place u might aswell just make them shop buy for 50m gold cuz its catering the game to the same 4-5 people it always does.


 Your choice i guess. but imo seems like a waste of time with a playerbase of 6, id prefer additions to atleast attempt to draw a returning/new player. 


That makes a lot of sense.
Is there any route that doesn't involve tons of gold? Because that seems like it would be the same people that have a bunch of drops and items.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#5 Terron

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 11:30 PM

precisely, the game itself shouldn't expect you to farm 50m gold per ring, or 10000s of hours for a decent party or 10s-100s of hours to find spawn(s)/get drops but it does.


 its the whole principle of it all, no-one plays a game cuz it could be fun a year from now(with serious dedication).... that's why no-one is playing. 


anyway, the gold may have seemed like a snide joke but let me explain it deeper. Anyone can farm gold and dedicate their time to gather it up because every monster in-game drops coins...items on the other hand....nope(some people just cant dedicate the full attention)


id point out that lately i have had more time playing multi but even the dedication of the few hours i have it's annoying, but its farm more of a dent than playing 1a for 1-2 hrs. sorry staff but that crate system sucks, it takes years to farm 1 level worth of crates playng nm the game opposed to playing nm as a job.  the game itself is built for millionaires with copious amounts of time and the jobless lol.  hence you have 2 players online.  


anyway id find it easier to grind 50m gold than dozens of crazy items that come along 1x a year.  and if u craft the rings from complete junk like halberds rose blades and sand wurm hides with a few shards...its a bogus addition.  so as i said it's whatever.

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#6 Terron

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 06:08 PM

library info for stat ring:


-5 ac +1 stat   


cost; 2 gold sovereign, 2 platinum coin 1 level 36-39 character sent to staff for deletion 



library info for epic stat ring;


0 ac +1 stat 

cost 3 gold sovereign , 3 platinum coin , 1 mil , 1 level 40 given to staff for deletion 



lets clean up the server +1

"Wake Up!!" 

#7 Gaddy

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 12:21 AM

I have an idea of how to make it more accessible and ready for players who don't want to chase down the uber bosses and grind out tons of gold. It also would avoid making the rings so strong that they get horded (and also make it near impossible to 'horde' them or dominate the bosses.




Sorry, this turned into a bit of a ramble.

To sum up - highly accessible bosses that small mid-tier or very small strong parties could kill. Make them fairly quick-spawn, but also to where players have to complete a path that doesn't make it too easy for simply sitting and camping; Rel-Thon's chest or Giant Chameleon style pathways for example. (party basically has to leave after accomplishing the goal)

Regular drops so it isn't a rare item, and then crafted with various levels of rings so people can customize their character based on race, class, and purpose at various levels.




I thought perhaps making several mid-tier bosses that spawn frequently.

Then combine their drop(s) with rings for a reasonable balance mod-rings that customize characters.


In my opinion, reasonable balance is that it adds and reduces - so players can customize or optimize based on the character's race, class, and focus -
​e.g. - Could grant extra armor but reduce strength, +char but -armor and/or wisdom, +wisdom but -dex.



I think making the items rather common would be ideal. That way it's not just big players with access, but everyone can get them and get enough to make multiple different stat mod rings. Crystal Rings are pretty easily accessible, but perhaps also allow it to be done with the various +4ac rings.

High customization from levels 25+ is what that would provide.

Perhaps multiple uses where people could use any kind of ring - Ring of Apollo, Gold Ring, etc. as well, and those with lower AC but also lesser debuffs to enable training of new characters.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#8 Terron

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 01:37 AM




In my opinion, reasonable balance is that it adds and reduces - so players can customize or optimize based on the character's race, class, and focus -
​e.g. - Could grant extra armor but reduce strength, +char but -armor and/or wisdom, +wisdom but -dex.




sounds like 1a questies which is depressing


but aslong as its a long craft system that nets a decent 0 ac ring with a mod thats pretty much accessible to everyone id agree with it.

"Wake Up!!" 

#9 Perfection

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 08:19 AM

tons of good ideas, i'd like to point out my thoughts on the "stats" of all types of rings or even bracelets of this kind would be balanced in a way that you would not want to use more then 2 on any 1 crit, wearing 4 on a mage for example would drop ac to 0 and dex reduction on to. wearing 1 would be however a gain, 2 a risk, 3 and 4 totally not worth it.


some exceptions could be made of course depending on the type of ring or bracelet, con and charisma for example would not need to be heavily penalized. 


initial thought was for items to be extremely rare drops from existing monsters that are easily accessed, cg, malok, sk, aet'thol for example.


If staff gave a ya or na, i could come up with hundreds of balanced ideas. No point putting to much effort into it right now though.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#10 Terron

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 09:47 PM

interesting but why penalize charisma? having it 0 ac makes it zerkable penalizing it with anything else makes it nearly worthless in the game aside from paci.  which isnt really a penalty at all unless its like -25 wisdom so they fizzle greater pact constantly.


constitution im tossed on, the veil of nyx already gives a bonus con which allows 2 str gloves and still movement a ring/bracelet would make lings the same no stam loss as dwarves which is fine imo cuz you all know what happenned to 1a when con got nerfed...0 thieves gain exp.



might i suggest through the craft that it just forms a key so u can go in and pick the reward you want. seems faster than coming up with multiple crafts.


i figure the 1a system of "legendary" could be applied to these, but at this point who cares if a mage gets 4 int rings etc cuz noone is playing anyway.

"Wake Up!!" 

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