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#1 Gaddy

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 09:59 PM

What the hell is the deal with people who play this game?
I have played for over two years now. I know just about every person who has played for a while, at least a little; most of you I know quite a bit, as for attitude and Nightmist account stuff.

(This is not what the topic is about, but I thought I'd edit it in here)-
Now, for anyone looking to get away from the idiocricy- I suggest trying to join one of the clans that isn't known for being big on PKing or talking a lot or making a clan of your own, maybe even clanless for a little while (I always have gotten tired of that quickly though).
Not that they are perfect, but the egos are simply not like other clans. You don't have people talking about being better than this or that, and that keeps drama away. People don't really realize it, but when you're in a clan that's not put in the spot light of PKing, everything in Nightmist mellows down and stuff. I liked it a lot. I also like owning my clan where I can control how the player base acts, to an extent.

(Back to what I was posting mainly about)

We are turning into more and more of a cesspool every day. Bitching and moaning about Crane locking a war post is the latest thing I've seen. Why should all of Nightmist need to know about a fight you had? There is no reason.
Nightmist players might like to hear about a new clan around or an up comming event, but a post about a fight or a 3v3 you had doesn't concern anyone except for you, the person you were dueling, and your friends.

We complain about new items, areas, classes, and races never being added, yet look at how much we complain about all of them. Yet JLH still puts the game up for free and all of the staff members and forum mods do their jobs for free. Half of us never thank them, the rest cannot thank them enough.
Sitting on a damn game for hours a day is kind of pathetic; I think we all agree. However, there isn't a lot better to do most days. At least Nightmist is inside and not some place where someone is getting in any real trouble or having to deal with people in real life, an escape type of thing. So I allow myself to continue playing because I don't really care to deal with people very often, especially after school when I have been around dozens of idiots all day.

Now, our lack of grammar doesn't matter. Our annoying abusive attitudes is crap. I hate it, but it still slides. I think it's about time to let everyone realize something though-

Nightmist is a game. A text based game even. If you are playing for some ego trip or feeling of being the best, have fun. It, in my opinion, isn't a very effective reason for playing a game, but if that is your thing, at least don't allow yourself to become an ass to other people in the process. I am sure 'You don't care,' but honestly- I do. I know it doesn't matter much, but I'd like to see Nightmist stay around a while, and it seems like it is going to be taken away. Never really see anything spoken about JLH that suggests anything is happening with NM anymore.
I honestly think he's grown tired of us and is going to scrap it, possibly replacing it with this, apperently pay to play, NM2.

I can't blame him, but I also can't say I would be able to or be willing to send money to Europe to play a text based game that I was just starting. Current Nightmist would be worth it, I've got stuff to do and people I know, but starting over...I don't really know if I could be hassled to---I'd play a game like D2 or whatever, or maybe not having Nightmist, which has always overshadowed those other games by a ton for me, would make me stop playing video games almost entirely...

I know some people love and play for the drama and the trash, but I wish we'd simmer down a bit, or at least keep it down to not bringing all of Nightmist into it. I don't mean people shouldn't brag--that would take a lot of the entertainment out of doing things and such, just simmer it down or keep it civil. People do not have to read every post--they can skip certain ones that they know are just drama, but they can't and shouldn't be expected to leave the game or a place to get away from it. A clan yes, but not the game.
That is just my two cents off the head after seeing the flamming that went on and being tired of a lot of the ego trips people seem to be after.

-Sorry this is so hard to read. I know I am long winded. I tried to separate things by color and make important comments stand out in bold, italic, or underline, but it looks sloppy to me. I know it's not easy to read and don't really think anyone is going to read all of it. :-\
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#2 Sneaky

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:06 PM

Very well said. Can't even think of what to say, I'm just so impressed that you stood up and said what we were all thinking. To clear something up... TA isn't a clan big on pking, we don't go around sitting south of nightmist (not me or other founders, at least). We're a big clan but we just mess around with each other. Just letting the general public know that we do NOT fall under this 'big clan' stereotype.
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deimos the noob said no

#3 alone

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:08 PM

Well, I for one read it all.

Good post, but don't go spoiling our clan secrets :unsure:

Sneaky, great advertising....

Edited by alone, 29 November 2004 - 10:10 PM.

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- AfterAll


#4 Thunderja


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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:19 PM

I understand where you are coming from, but really what else is there to do?

Go explore? Explore what I've been everywhere on this game many many times.

Train? I think 25 or so Archmasters is quite enough.

Save up gold for new items? There are no new items.

This is no excuse for people running around being arseholes but I can understand how peoples views have gone from beating the game, to beating each other. I mean we hear of all these old quests and new rare items in the past, and yet most of us are yet to see one.

Boredom leads to ignorance, sure some people are just plain cocks but hey thats life. I don't really see an end to the BS until other problems are sorted. Until then I am quite happy in my own little world and away from most of it.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#5 Nocturnal

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:26 PM

Sneaky, great advertising....

Agreed. lol

Back on topic.

Almost everywhere you look on the web, there is always someone complaining about the game/site/whatever they are reading/using/playing. While it has gotten quite bad recently on Nightmist, There are at least 100 sites just off the top of my head I could mention that suffer from people even more annoying than the worst people on here.

Getting to the point: While it is bad on here and people should shut up and play the game, It could be considerably worse and the playerbase should thank the stars or whatever that JLH hasn't decided to pull the plug on the game like many other people running games for free have in the past. Also, No one gives a damn about War/3 vs 3 Log posts. You truely have to be bored out of your skull to sit down and actually read every single part of one of those logs.

(Heh, I seemed to repeat most of the things that Gaddy said. Ah well. Better than a short "I agree" post.)

Edited by Nocturnal, 29 November 2004 - 10:27 PM.


#6 deadman

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:49 PM

I read it all as well, good post Gaddy very nice. I agree with everything you said, and things definitely have to cool down some an be more civil.
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#7 Raylen


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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:50 PM

Heh, wanted to post after JLH locked that thread

the topic in question was a slagging match, so locking was appropriate
this topic is now locked, if you have a problem with my staff, you talk to me...

Noob (to JLH): omg j00r staff sux
JLH: /dayban


Also, enough with the colour gaddy, dang, i have a headache :unsure:

However, i agree with what you said, but i also do things pretty much the same as jared (thunderja) - i skim-read all the "war" posts, and then i just go away and forget it B)

I guess there's similarities to people saying "if you don't like zerkers then don't use them gg" - but in this case the problem DOES affect people, and perhaps things should be changed. In the case of people posting crap on the forums, just ignore it, doesn't affect you or how you play the game B)

Make sense? no? :)
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#8 Sneaky

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:57 PM

It's not advertising... I'd like to see someone from TR, DH, and MT post as well to make sure people don't assume that because they are a big clan, they suck. It was a simple comment, dont nuts in your chair about it.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#9 Cule

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 10:58 PM


#10 Gaddy

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:24 PM

As a note- I don't think quests would solve the problem. They'd toss something into the mix to make things more entertaining sometimes, but mostly people would just whine more often.
I'd like to see some good quest items like the old ones, but I don't think we will--if many people have them, they become too powerful. Think of a 3v3 with a person who has a 4 Ruby Rings on a druid or mage, or something like that- simply too much to handle (which some people could probably buy a dozen if there are 30 in game--which would happen if quests were ran often---though I'm sure items would be different, this is just an example.)

As another note- I began to list clans- DH, MT, TA, TR--that I have been in, have a crit to talk in, or just know. Those 4 would be at the top of my list for long standing clans that don't seem dramatic.
--TR used to be, but most of that's long over.

--DH, I don't want infected with people, but it's probably the best clan I was in.

--TA I've had a crit on to talk with for months; they never seem to have problems going on, and I see them at bosses, especially CG, really often.

--MT had it's problems because of the members' not wanting to share info about the stuff they found. Who can blame them though, honestly? The members there, that I know, are cool almost all of the time.

(Clans not listed in a particular order--I personally prefer my clan now, but it hasn't been around a long time. DH would be on the top of my personal list, but I haven't been in many of the clans that are around anymore. All of the past year or so I've been in only TR, DH, and my clan.)


Edited by Gaddy, 29 November 2004 - 11:25 PM.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#11 Shera

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:28 PM

It's not advertising... I'd like to see someone from TR, DH, and MT post as well to make sure people don't assume that because they are a big clan, they suck. It was a simple comment, dont nuts in your chair about it.

Very well said Gaddy and I did not think it was hard to read or overly long.

Sneaky I'm in TR and I really do not care if people think that we as a clan suck. I do not play the game to be "good." NM to me has never been about having more gold/crits/items/rares then other people or even being ranked anywhere in the top 10 or the bottom 10. These are not things that I care about or chose to worry about. That's why I dont care if people say we "suck." It's a non issue with me, always has been. I'd be in TR even if it was just me and Jen in it. Let people say what they want. There are always going to be people that say crap about others just because it's how they get their rocks off. Gaddy is not one of those people and I dont think he was being offensive by saying anything about the big clans.
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#12 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:32 PM

Personally I think Jlh should just give us our on
"War Forum" and let everything stay on there. if you like to duel and all that other drama look at it, if you don't don't.

just my 2 cents
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#13 Sneaky

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:33 PM

Some people read things differently, some players who are easily swayed by reading something may believe something. I personally do not like it when people say the clan I'm in sucks, lol, which again was reasoning for my post. Gaddy did not say it sucks, some may think from his post that because it's number 3 clan theres drama and it sucks.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#14 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:39 PM

Personally I think Jlh should just give us our on
"War Forum" and let everything stay on there. if you like to duel and all that other drama look at it, if you don't don't.

just my 2 cents

Just to add on to that.

RPers get a forum for Rping

Duelers should get a forum for dueling.
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#15 ice_cold

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:43 PM

joe is a good worker

i thought at first 'rp'ing forum is supposed to be on a forum for roleplaying, duuuh' and then i was like, hmmm, a dueling forum would be nice.... supported

Edited by ice_cold, 30 November 2004 - 12:02 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#16 Bun

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:51 PM

Personally I think Jlh should just give us our on
"War Forum" and let everything stay on there. if you like to duel and all that other drama look at it, if you don't don't.

just my 2 cents

Just to add on to that.

RPers get a forum for Rping

Duelers should get a forum for dueling.

thats the most brightest thing you've ever said ronnie goldenstar next to his name

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#17 Thunderja


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Posted 29 November 2004 - 11:53 PM

I have no problem with a duelers thread, but some people duel for fun and don't want their n00bness posted on forums :unsure:
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#18 Crane


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Posted 30 November 2004 - 12:01 AM

Very well-written Gaddy, and so true. It does sadden me somewhat that the player base of Nightmist is currently the way it is.

Interesting proposal with the duellers... I would not have much of a problem with it personally, as long as there is a clear warning of the possible presence of foul language. Then again, this is meant to be a game for people of all ages and some people might say that the presence of such a forum is simply asking for trouble.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

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#19 Drac

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 01:36 AM

your problem with the player base is the type of people this game has attracted. This game has attracted the utter scum of the earth. The types of people who dont have jobs (or very poor ones) and sit at home and smoke weed in their basement on their computer during their spare time(when they arent out trying to get laid by someone they just met and/or committing misdemeanors). Most of them live in the middle-northeast, south florida.. and california.. in the types of towns where crime and pollution is high. They are the nerds of gangsta wannabe-ville.

but then there are people who just play for the game. those are the mellow ones. They live all over... but most are in europe. They are just plain nerds. :unsure:

#20 Gaddy

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 03:04 AM

...I want to say it is rude and ignorant to judge people you don't know and all of that good nonsense, but..honeslty NM is full of gangster wannabes and pot heads.
I don not feel that makes them any type of scum though; I know that much for damn sure.
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#21 Spill

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 03:23 AM

There is more than one problem to nm for one thing. Also you can not honestly sit there drac and say that pot heads make this game bad. One of the many things that makes the game atmosphere so horrible is people with big egos. Everyone thinks they are better. It's truely sad and disturbing that ANY people would come to a game of all things to look for security and to feel as if they are worth some thing yet i belive that is what people do. They sit on there computers and get nice crits kill a few people and it gets them through the day because on the other side of the computer they don't have anything. So they live and breath nm. There for they think that being the best on nm makes them a man. When in all reality not only are they worthless in their life but make themselfs look like foolish idiots on nm. You can not say its anyone group of people, except a group of people that consists of those that have nothing irl, so they resort to nm.

"Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand"

Sorry if its a little sloppy just typed it off the top of my head right quick.

Edited by Spill, 30 November 2004 - 03:24 AM.

(~¤~Ю. Gìgg£è§ åKå *Çôdy~¤~)

#22 Bishop

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 05:04 AM

Bows to Gaddy

#23 newb

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 05:43 AM

This has been covered numerous times. I thought it was common knowledge.

Well, I guess the info wasn't colorized before.


#24 Perfection

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 06:02 AM

your problem with the player base is the type of people this game has attracted. This game has attracted the utter scum of the earth. The types of people who dont have jobs (or very poor ones) and sit at home and smoke weed in their basement on their computer during their spare time(when they arent out trying to get laid by someone they just met and/or committing misdemeanors). Most of them live in the middle-northeast, south florida.. and california.. in the types of towns where crime and pollution is high. They are the nerds of gangsta wannabe-ville.

but then there are people who just play for the game. those are the mellow ones. They live all over... but most are in europe. They are just plain nerds. B)

Perfect example of the bad attitudes mentioned.
Poor sterotyping of people you have never met or even spoken to, yet they are scum, nerds or gangster wannabe's ? :unsure:

/t Gaddy well said.
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#25 newb

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 06:39 AM

Don't start that stereotyping crap. You stereotype everyone and there's no way to get around that fact. Stereotyping is not a valid argument to anything.


#26 Perfection

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 06:47 AM

Don't start that stereotyping crap. You stereotype everyone and there's no way to get around that fact. Stereotyping is not a valid argument to anything.

Again bad attitude, you don't know me how can you say I sterotype everyone.
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#27 newb

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 07:34 AM

You did it just now.

P.S. No bad attitude. There was no attitude involved. I almost always leave that up to the reader. Take my writing as you please, to the heart or to the breeze.

Edited by newb, 30 November 2004 - 07:37 AM.


#28 Git R Done

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 07:59 AM

I agree with Gaddy. Half the things you mentioned make me madder than a jugle pygmie getting hit in the head by a can of spaghettios during a food drop.


#29 Perfection

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 08:00 AM

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#30 Thunderja


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Posted 30 November 2004 - 08:08 AM

I agree with Gaddy. Half the things you mentioned make me madder than a jugle pygmie getting hit in the head by a can of spaghettios during a food drop.


I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

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