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School Of Sorcery And Tactic

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#1 ice_cold

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 08:40 AM

Will post as i continue to revise---

A sign is posted in the ground:

Now open to the public, the School of Sorcery and Tactics is now accepting gifted minds who would like to learn about the workings of the inner mind and how to survive in the wild.

"Have you heard of this new school," Pandilex asked a stranger.
Slighty off guard, the stranger replies, "It's the best around, I've Heard."

Unfitted to the area, the building stands 4 stories tall, is made of a yellowish concrete, and is covered in water stains as though it has been around for decades. Small barred windows fill the empty face of the building, surrounded by script of a foreign language, possibly spells and wards to protect the compound. Two statues watch the premises on either side of the door, which is made of a strong oak wood and has no handle. Slowly walking to the door, Pandilex notices a small sign on the door.

Only the true of heart may enter the school.

Pandilex pushes slightly on the door, cautious of what may happen. "Welcome welcome, you are Pandilex a presume. We have been waiting for you, not many people are as highly gifted as you in the arts of the mind. Please come sign in, we have a lot to talk about, you must have many questions about us and what we teach here."

"That's why we decided it was finally show ourselves the the community, hopefully we'll be strong enough to put an end to the treachury. I must go now, the stranger you were talking to should be due anytime, he isn't as brave as you in venturing into the new," and with a flash, the desciple dissapears.

You can only page people who are inside of the school.

You are standing in a meeting room. One large table sits in the middle of the room, covered in mystical books and glowing scrolls.

You are standing in a giant circular room. Carved from the most beautiful of woods and marble, the room seems to empower you with the thoughts of people who have walked through the room recently. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.


West is the library
East is the reception hall
Up the stairs is the golden hall

Pandilex Pages You from Meeting Room (School of Sorcery and Tactics): hello

You are standing in a large library. Shelves filled with books stand side-by-side as far as you can see, defying the physics of the building. A small door is to the East.

You are standing in a large library filled with shelves of books. Defying the physics of the building, the shelves reach farther then your eyes can see in all directions, and skinny wooden ladders reach higher then most buildings. On the end of each shelf is a a gold plate with with numbers encrusted of rare jewels. You can see a small door to the East.



Pandilex Pages You from Library (School of Sorcery and Tactics): hello

You are standing inbetween two shelves of books. Small and large books alike fill the shelves in an orderly fashion. You can go Up a ladder to examine more books or exit the aisle by going East and West.

You are standing inbetween two oak shelves which are lined with small and large books. In the middle of the aisle is a large, cedar ladder that reaches upwards to the immeasurably high vaulted ceiling. You can venture Up the ladder to look at more books or leave the Aisle by either going East or West.


Learn how to use Bolt

Many sorcerers and wizards have passed the spell down through their kin, but after I learned of it, I decided it was time to let the masses know of this powerful incantation. Centuries ago a wizard by the name Olclha delved into the depths of spells to learn their true natures and how they worked. Decades older and vastly more intelligent, he decided to attempt to vary the makeup of minor spells to make them simpler to cast or more potent. Although he was thought of as one of the innovators behind the spell commonly known as "shock", he actually devised a powerful derivative: Bolt. For reasons unknown at the time, Olclha decided to abandon the use of the spell and refused to tell all who wanted to know of it, but after years of persuasion, a trusted friend relieved Olchla of his burden. Olclha taught the spell to his fellow wizard but warned him that while the spell had the potential to deal devastating damage to a foe, that same power could be his undoing. Two months later, his friend's charred corpse was found beneath a large tree. Olclha, feeling as though he was responsible for the death, was never heard from again. After he left

You turn the page to read further, but the rest of the book is blank.

Pandilex Pages You from Library (School of Sorcery and Tactics): hello

You are standing on a sturdy ladder that is leaning against a bookshelf. You go higher Up the ladder or descend Down to the floor.

You are standing on a sturdy ladder which is leaning against a large oak bookshelf. Small and large books fill the shelf in alphabetical order. A vast selection of books lay even further up. You can climb a couple feet down to the floor.


Disposing of Your Foes: A guide to defensive spellcasting

Many mages have found it growingly harder to avoid injury from enemies; this guide should help you learn ways to avoid or even eliminate your enemies; although some strategies in here may be questionable or unethical, they will keep you alive if mastered. Before we start out, there are a few things you should keep in mind: not all strategies will work in every situation, it will take practice to learn these effectively enough to protect you, and when using the strategies against someone who knows of them may end up

The rest of the page is ripped off along with the next few pages.


You pick up a small book which seems out of place.

The Secret incantations of worldly wizards (to get story you must equip the book [would go in weapon spot], the browser then fills with story)

Most beginning wizards, mages, and sorcerers learn the weak spell "shock" when they begin their studies of magic, but few ever attain enough knowledge and experience to alter it. A gifted few, however, have managed to craft new spells based on the incantations of old. From the efforts of these pioneering mages, we have learned to augment our existing knowledge. Of this elite group, a few masters stand out: Olclha, Adith Elendar, and Mariss Belmer. Although masters of magic, each of these wizards mysteriously dissapeared after teaching their abilities to others. Today new mages are learning the spells pioneered by these masters without even knowing they ever existed; taking the past for granted, possibly following the same path as their ancestors. Mages can commonly be seen discharging electricity from their hands, and even more skilled mages have been witnessed throwing fireballs at rabbits and deer. Few know of spells that the almost godly mages used just a few centuries ago. Olclha used a deadly spell, considered the most powerful incantation by the people who have studied it: tagged bolt. With the aid of that powerful spell, Olclha was rumored to have been the fourth survivor of a small village that suffered a catastrophic flood, and was then ransacked by an army of marauding orcs. Few facts are known of the powerful wizard, but when his name is mentioned imacculate rumors surface. Adith Elendar was an alchemist originally, but after years of creating potions, she developed a small potion that attuned her body to a higher plane of existence. On that plane she met a clever race of changelings who called themselves 'fairies'. Through the potion, She was able to interact with these intelligent creatures who had an innate understanding of magical forces, and through her contact with them she found that there were ways to manipulate magic that no one had ever guessed. Through spells that warped the flow of time and her uncanny ability to become nearly invulnerable to physical attacks, Adith became one of the most renowned wizards of her time. Mariss Belmer worked outside of the public eye. After expending vast amounts of effort practicing and refining arcane rituals, she was able to perform superhuman feats such as catching arrows in mid flight, creating illusions that glimmered with false life, pulling objects from empty space, and even resurrecting the dead.

Pandilex Pages You from Library (School of Sorcery and Tactics): hello

Edited by ice_cold, 08 June 2004 - 08:44 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#2 Zatra

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 04:09 PM

whats the point of this area?... im confused

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