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Member Since 06 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2004 03:56 AM

Topics I've Started

Hades Chamber

21 June 2004 - 03:38 AM


^^ That's the map of the chamber. I made it in photoshop 7.0 so don't be hating about how bad it is. (kinda sloppy)

I'll just do this step by step, as if I were walking through the level. It's probablly easier that way.

You go Down.

You are in what seems to be a darkened part of the sewers. You see torchs on the side of the walls, giving off a very dim light. Bodies of warriors and civilians lay here, with missing limbs, and several other disfigurations. You may go back Up to the sewers or continue to on into the dim light West.

You go West.

You still continue to lurk around.. going step by step you hear your feet make contact with the swamp like substance below you. You also see a door to the north with deathly looking fumes seeping through. You may go North through the door, or continue to the West.

You Go North.

You walk through the door, and walk a few steps. The door is instantly shut behind you. Suddenly you are suffocated from the toxic fumes, killing you.
(That's one option.)

You continue West.

You suddenly see yourself trapped in a chamber with the Demon. The demon gives you a glare, and begins to yell, with spit and flem flying from his mouth.

You try to go back east, but can't since the door behind you is slammed closed.


Name : Demon
Type: Mini-Boss
HP: 600/600
MP: 0/0
Stamina: 2/2
Armor: 0
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 10
Charisma: 5
Wisdom: 0
Intellegence: 0

The Demon attacked with with its bair hands, causing 23 points of damage.

The Demon gave off an acid from his mouth, causing 32 points of damage.

The Demon beserks at you with his bair hands, causing 41 points of damage.
The Demon beserks at you with his bair hands, causing 30 points of damage.

You killed the Demon.

The Demon dropped an Elixer.


The door suddenly opens infront of you.. as you can only continue to the west.

You go West.

You're standing in the dismal corridor of the god Hades. You look to the north of you and see a door. The door is unlocked and you can proceed through it, North.

You go North.

As you run into the chamber, being chased by only your fear you suddenly see a creature emerge from the ground. You must defeat the monster to proceed.

Name: Demonic Ninja
HP: 1000/1000
Stamina: 1/1
Armor: 4
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 21
Charisma: 20
Wisdom: 5
Weak Against: healing spells.
Intellegence: 16

The Demonic Ninja threw a dagger at you, causing 19 points of damage.

The Demonic Ninja rapidly through daggers at you for 35 points of damage.

The Demonic Ninja attacked you with his Sacred Katana causing 42 points of damage.

The Demonic Ninja halted his turn, gathering strength for his next attack.

The Demonic Ninja beserked at you with his Sacred Katana causing 60 points of damage.

You killed the Demonic Ninja.

The Demonic Ninja dropped a Sacred Katana. (20% chance)

Name: Sacred Katana
Description: This blade is practically the same a normal Katana. The only actual difference is the black aura surrounding it, and there is a nice golden hilt to it.
Base Damage: 20
Level Need to Equip it: 25

You killed The Demonic Ninja, and now you can proceed to the North.

You go North.

You see another dark room, with a door infront of you. The door seems to be freezing, you can proceed to the North.

You go North.

You have entered the room of Shivu. Shivu seems to be frozen solid, a female. She looks at you with her light blue eyes, giggling insanley. There seems to be a weakness to this creature.

Name: Shivu
HP: 950
MP: 200/200
Stamina: 3/3
Armor: 0
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 21
Charisma: 20
Wisdom: 0
Weak Against: Fire (torchs, and flame spells.)
Intellegence: 21

Shivu attacked you with her Blizzard Blade causing 40 points of damage.

Shivu summoned a storm of ice, inflicting 50 points of damage on you.

Shivu casted Blizzard on herself, gaining 34 hp.

Shivu beserked at you with her Blizzard Blade causing 23 points of damage.
Shivu beserked at you with her Blizzard Blade causing 24 points of damage.
Shivu beserked at you with her Blizzard Blade causing 31 points of damage.

You killed Shivu.
You got 10946 gold pieces.
Shivu dropped a Blizzard Blade. ( 30% chance )

Name: Blizzard Blade
Description: This blade is completly frozen solid, it looks to cold to weild, but it's still weildable by mainly Paladins.
Used by: Paladins
Base Damage: 21
Level need to equip it: 25

The door before you opens up into another room. You may go North.

You go North.

You seem to be lacking energy after the past battles. The beast infront of you can careless about your pain and sorrow. The human that stands before you looks of that of natural quality. He laughs at the marks on your body. The Knight stands before you, but has something surreal about him.

Name: Crazed Knight
Hp: 1200/1200
MP: 200/240
Stamina: 2/2
Armor: 30
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 10
Charisma: 20
Wisdom: 0
Weak Against: Magic
Intellegence: 4

The Crazed Knight attacked you with it's Halberd for 56 points of damage.

The Crazed Knight just used a Healing Potion.

You killed the Crazed Knight.
You got 30000 gold pieces.

The Crazed Knight dropped a Halberd. ( 5% chance )


The door infront of you opens, and you're bleeding from everywhere, as you're wounded badly from the past battles. The next beast that lies before you is going to be the toughest yet. You hear faint screams of warriors that are more upward, mostly getting devoured. You may go continue to the North.

You go North.

You arrive at which seems to be a large door. The large door infront of you stands about 10ft high. It seems to be that nothing is there.. nothing will come. But you suddenly see a Emerald Dragon infront of you.

Name: Emerald Dragon
HP: 1400/1400
MP: 400/400
Stamina: 3/3
Armor: 0
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 9
Charisma: 22
Wisdom: 20
Intellegence: 21
Weak Against: None.

The Emerald Dragon summons a beast which flies high in the sky.

The Beast in the sky then fires a blinding ray of light, for 62 points of damage.

The Emerald Dragon breaths fire on you, for 24 points of damage.

The Emerald Dragon heals itself for 10hp.

The Emerald Dragon stomps on you, for 20 points of damage.

The Emerald Dragon calls upon holy to inflict pain, causing 30 points of damage.

You killed the Emerald Dragon.
You got 700000 gold pieces.

The Emerald Dragon dropped the Book Of Holy.

Book Of Holy
Can be use by: Paladins, Clerics,
Description: Designed to provide protection for the Paladin and Cleric cause. This book seems to be anchient, and cannot be used by the weak.
Level Need To Equip It: 24


The door infront of you opens up slowly, making noises that echo throughout the corridor. You have the option to go back, or proceed to Hades. You can go North or back to the South.

You go North.

Before you is a throne, where the darkest creature ever seen sits. This creature is a dark god. As you look around you see corpses of devoured warriors that have tried to test Hades. Hades holds a Staff Of Hades and is in a healthy condition.

Name: Hades
HP: 1800
MP: 1000/1000
Stamina: 3/3
Armor: 20
Strength: 19
Dexterity: 6
Charisma: 10
Wisdom: 22
Weak Against: Healing Spells
Intellegence: 21

Hades attacked you with his Staff Of Hades for 57 points of damage.

Hades fired a fireball at you, causing 75 points of damage.

Hades casted Aid on himself.

Hades casted Enhance on himself, giving him extra strength.

Hades casted Blizzard on you, causing 30 points of damage.

Hades berserked at you for 96 points of damage.
Hades berserked at you for 75 points of damage.

Hades attacked you with his Staff Of Hades, but missed and inflicted poison on you.

You killed Hades.
You got 900000k.

Hades dropped an Elixer.
Hades dropped a Jaguar Potion.
Hades dropped a Staff Of Hades.

Staff Of Hades
Description: This is an elite staff, used by the one and only Hades. This staff has a black, transparent aura about it that conseals your whole arm. As it has a dark emerald on the top of the staff. The Emerald glares at you, giving you a shock, not strong enough to hurt, but enough to know what that is.
Base Damage: 23
Can be used by : Mages


Well.. hopefully this is enough. Hopefully this gets at least gives one of the staff members an idea of a place like this. I might have messed up on the monster HP and monster attack.. so if this is accepted you can lower it. It's more of an Archmaster place. So yeah. Enjoy.

Where Is The Elven Village?

20 June 2004 - 10:05 PM

Anyone know where it is?

Do Any Of These Get Taken?

20 June 2004 - 07:38 PM

Do any of these suggestions get taken?

New Weapon

20 June 2004 - 06:22 AM

Spiked Kunuckles

Base damage: 19, Can be used by: berserkers,

Description: ., Level needed to equip it: 15, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: +1, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, :

The reason for the dexterity plus is because the Bronze Knuckles are durable and easily equipped. Very similar to brass knuckles.

If the beserker were to make a fist and point it directly at you, you would have the spikes looking you right in the eye. The spikes are made of a strong metal that is somewhat heavy, but not heavy enough to slow down the beserker.

It's a two pair so there are Spiked Knuckles on both hands.

This is just an idea. Don't hate.

<^^> :) <^^>


12 June 2004 - 07:55 AM

Where do I go to level a pally to level 11?