Autek, on Apr 21 2011, 07:07 PM, said:
And those 4 out of 5 noobs you speak of. . . They probably joined because they know they cannot be killed by your members any longer rather than your amazing generosity. I remember tipping off Shadowgenesis and her friend that you guys had logged on alts to hunt them in Natura when they could no longer train in normal areas in fear of being pked. I can't imagine why they would then join you for any other reason than fear. I know I can never see myself working with those who went out of their way to erase my hard work and ruin my day. Call me crazy. . .
Shera, on Apr 22 2011, 05:48 PM, said:
Autek, on Apr 22 2011, 04:41 PM, said:
Yeah that got way side tracked. I guess it is what it is - if people want to be pricks they will be pricks, there's nothing we can do. I tried though.
More on topic though, the whole point of shrinking the pk range is to promote fair fights. I think 5 levels is actually best the more I think about it, two below, equal, and two above.
And Shella, I can't imagine you'll find even one person, let alone three that would point their fingers at me and say that I'm ruining the game by sticking to myself minding my own business and on occasion helping my fellow clan members take down bosses. 
Actually I think you are very much so trying to ruin the game...for some people. For the people that dont play the game exactly like you do, the ones that pk. You have repeatedly on this thread made statements that are untrue about said pkers. You said ppl only join OD because they are afraid, and btw if I were the ppl that you were talking about I'd be offended that you would think that pking would "make" them join our clan. Yes Piddy and I did log on 2 lvl 25 druids and go down to Natura, did we pk them, nope. Yes we did see them there yep but we didnt even log on the 25 druids to go pking...sorry to disappoint but we really do not spend all our time pking. Is slandering another clan because you do not like that clan a way to try and ruin the game for them......I would say a big H E L L ya.
*RANT ALERT* I am actually ashamed of some of you people right now. When Piddy was in Pande HE led clan trips a LOT, even clericing many of them because most other ppl didnt want to do it. He helped both Jay and Autek level and yet they both now seem to just want to bash him now that he's no longer in their clan, well shame on you both of being hypocrits (yes I MEAN hypocrits). The sad part is if either one of you asked him tomorrow to take you to level because no one else knew the way he'd do it it! He did it for Ed when no one in that clan would run his TTK trip cuz they didnt know the way. *end rant* I like that ppl play the game differently, it makes things more interesting!
I like the new areas and being able to craft a weapon is just awesome. I hope to see more crafting and more new areas dont hurt ;-) It was fun trying to find the area! I hope that people will focus more on the good things that are happening on nm, good things ARE happening ppl. Random Easter bunny woot! I cant wait for crafting to be better implimented into nm, I love crafting woot!
What have I said that is untrue? Aside from saying you were hunting Shadowgenesis and her friend, when in fact you guys just logged on druids to go run around Natura on a whim for a minute. . .
I said they PROBABLY joined you guys out of fear because I couldn't see any other reason why someone would want to join sides with someone who wasted their hard earned experience for no reason. I don't even know who Piddy is, I'm sure I would if he did in fact spend time helping me level. Since I've been back on 1-Alt I've farmed or bought all of my leveling items. I haven't needed tokens or anything of the sort. If he was one who sold them to me, I wouldn't call that going out of his way to help me. Regardless though, what has happened since then has burnt bridges and I want nothing to do with those people.
And I never once slammed your clan itself, I'm sorry if you took it that way, it was not intentional. There are some decent people in there and internally you guys might be the greatest co-op, help each other out clan of all time. This whole time what I've said has been aimed towards those who pk for no reason, which happen to for the most part be the people in charge of the clan. And everything I've said isn't necessarily aimed just at you guys. The same go for all the douchebags in Ring of Steel that only log on to sweep the server for pks, and even some people in Pandemonium and elsewhere.
If you think I'm ruining the game by condemning people for killing those who have done nothing to deserve it, I guess you have the right to think that. If you think I'm ruining the game by trying to promote evenly matched PvP fights, I guess you have the right to think that too. I vehemently disagree with you on both counts however.