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#121 Silk

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 05:38 AM

Autek, on Apr 22 2011, 12:20 AM, said:

Sandy, on Apr 21 2011, 05:15 PM, said:

All I have to say in regards to the whole "Pking" bit, How many of you on here who are "Crying" about getting pked, play a different game where you pk people outside of NM?
Frankly, this game would suck if it was Nopk. What would be the point in training if u can't show ur sexy self off?
I like having six stam as a cleric. It's fun to duel people and watch them die from my weak damage. :P

I can honestly say I don't PvP on any game, unless you consider team deathmatch on halo or call of duty PvP lol. . .

And you can duel just as easily and "show ur sexy self off" in the no XP loss arenas or moshes. Doing it deliberately outside of town is knowingly destroying what someone has put their had hard work and time into gaining.

The reason being is this for myself anyway, i pk and fight out of town simply because of xp loss, yours or mine is a wager im willing to place on day to day fights, if i win go me yeah it feels good, see i dont run around on my 34 thief clickin lvl 24's if i see an adept or pert in say LF i log an adept or pert, its 1v1 to the death to the victor go the spoils, i know when i say this ppl are gonna flame, but i pk with morals, yeah ill shade you, if i know i have to but lets be honest if im lvl 34 and ur lvl 39 if i start the fight i have no choice but to shade. and trust me as the underdog i'll start fights with every intent of finishing them to the death...dont believe me /who Aasmo_Kragg 1a server
i PK for the pride of it, if you dont wanna pvp thats fine with me but if im headed somewhere and ur out in the open and i got time, ima start sumthin

That being said there used to be PT and JRPT and triple-X that was a way to determine also the pride thing, however 3,2,1 ready set go will never be all of what pking or PvP entails

#122 Sandy

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 02:43 PM

I will have to agree with both Piddy and Kit. Sure, those nubs may have gotten pked while not in clan. I once watched kits screen when he went to pk some nubs. The second time that he saw them, he didn't pk them. He just said the words "click." He doesn't kill them repeatedly untill they quit the game. And NO nubs don't join clan b/c they are afeared of getting pked. We are an active clan. We BS all the time, do boss runs, run swamps for the nubs etc, etc. It's Fun in this clan b/c the higher lvl people arent out for themselves unlike most every other clan.

#123 Amy

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 04:44 PM

Oh Goodness, where to start. First of all... <3 sent out to all.. Take a deep breath. This game is meant to be played for fun! Not to add stress to your life.

I am not going to get into the technical aspect of this discussion other than to say perhaps a smaller level gap for pking purposes and availabilty may help. If it doesn't, change it back. Alot of times we do not know what will actually work until we try it. Nothing is set in stone and sometimes answers are found within the throes of trial and error.

The big thing that seems to be the problem here, after reading this thread and staying silent for a few days (yeah ... amazing that i kept my big mouth shut huh lol) - the problem lies in people not agreeing that the game can be played any other way than the way they play it. The bottom line is that everyone is not the same.

My personal suggestion is: get to know people! There are some AWESOME people in this game. If in an enemy clan, even in your own clan. If they pk, even if they don't pk. I personally dont pk, but i can't gripe if i get pked, is a part of the game as it stands now. If they RP, or if they think we are nuts to do so lol. If they like thieves, even if they like a class different than you do. People that think their crits are awesome, even though you think they stink to high heaven. Some play main, some play 1 alt (and some play both - yep yep!) Some like to train all day in gnolls (yes, you can often find me there if you want to pk me come on along). Some only like to go to big bosses! Some like to buy and sell crits constantly, some like to roll and level crits and keep em forever. Some like to point fingers at how the game is ruined by every other person but them (remember, when we point a finger at someone there are at least 3 pointing back at ourselves lol.. try it). The whole point in having a game with this many classes, areas, races, etc... is so that people who have a variety of likes and dislikes can play the game and still enjoy it.

Now I am not degrading or knocking down any opinion that has been presented in this discussion. I will say this, a gripe without a solution is just a gripe. Lets work together and try to find a solution that benefits the game itself. Yes, we will see things according to how we play and yes things will not always work for the common good of all depending on your thought process.

Let's make a real effort to keep this game going. If you hate everything about Nightmist, go play something else. If you are gonna play, then take into consideration that others play how they want to but you should play the game the way you want to play. Go on boss trips and gold and xp all day long if you want.

But enjoy the game! Play! Have fun! Be good.

Safe journeys everyone. Just my two cents.
<3 ~Shella

p.s. you don't know how hard it was for me not to put this in rp form lol. xox
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#124 Heart

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 07:08 PM

Aahhh, all this drama makes me want to train again :P


#125 Autek

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 11:41 PM

Yeah that got way side tracked. I guess it is what it is - if people want to be pricks they will be pricks, there's nothing we can do. I tried though. :P

More on topic though, the whole point of shrinking the pk range is to promote fair fights. I think 5 levels is actually best the more I think about it, two below, equal, and two above.

And Shella, I can't imagine you'll find even one person, let alone three that would point their fingers at me and say that I'm ruining the game by sticking to myself minding my own business and on occasion helping my fellow clan members take down bosses. :)
Autek in game.

#126 Trendkill

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:00 AM

Amen to that.
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#127 Amy

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:31 AM

Autek, on Apr 22 2011, 04:41 PM, said:

Yeah that got way side tracked. I guess it is what it is - if people want to be pricks they will be pricks, there's nothing we can do. I tried though. :P

More on topic though, the whole point of shrinking the pk range is to promote fair fights. I think 5 levels is actually best the more I think about it, two below, equal, and two above.

And Shella, I can't imagine you'll find even one person, let alone three that would point their fingers at me and say that I'm ruining the game by sticking to myself minding my own business and on occasion helping my fellow clan members take down bosses. :)

definately not Alan <3 You are always making game fun :wub:
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#128 Prototype

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:41 AM

Di reeks of wasted potential..oh yea I went there, and decided it smelled (romania go figure) and departed again. Beat teh system hell yea...
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#129 Shera

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:48 AM

Autek, on Apr 22 2011, 04:41 PM, said:

Yeah that got way side tracked. I guess it is what it is - if people want to be pricks they will be pricks, there's nothing we can do. I tried though. :P

More on topic though, the whole point of shrinking the pk range is to promote fair fights. I think 5 levels is actually best the more I think about it, two below, equal, and two above.

And Shella, I can't imagine you'll find even one person, let alone three that would point their fingers at me and say that I'm ruining the game by sticking to myself minding my own business and on occasion helping my fellow clan members take down bosses. :)

Actually I think you are very much so trying to ruin the game...for some people. For the people that dont play the game exactly like you do, the ones that pk. You have repeatedly on this thread made statements that are untrue about said pkers. You said ppl only join OD because they are afraid, and btw if I were the ppl that you were talking about I'd be offended that you would think that pking would "make" them join our clan. Yes Piddy and I did log on 2 lvl 25 druids and go down to Natura, did we pk them, nope. Yes we did see them there yep but we didnt even log on the 25 druids to go pking...sorry to disappoint but we really do not spend all our time pking. Is slandering another clan because you do not like that clan a way to try and ruin the game for them......I would say a big H E L L ya.

*RANT ALERT* I am actually ashamed of some of you people right now. When Piddy was in Pande HE led clan trips a LOT, even clericing many of them because most other ppl didnt want to do it. He helped both Jay and Autek level and yet they both now seem to just want to bash him now that he's no longer in their clan, well shame on you both of being hypocrits (yes I MEAN hypocrits). The sad part is if either one of you asked him tomorrow to take you to level because no one else knew the way he'd do it it! He did it for Ed when no one in that clan would run his TTK trip cuz they didnt know the way. *end rant* I like that ppl play the game differently, it makes things more interesting!

I like the new areas and being able to craft a weapon is just awesome. I hope to see more crafting and more new areas dont hurt ;-) It was fun trying to find the area! I hope that people will focus more on the good things that are happening on nm, good things ARE happening ppl. Random Easter bunny woot! I cant wait for crafting to be better implimented into nm, I love crafting woot!
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#130 Autek

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 01:16 AM

Autek, on Apr 21 2011, 07:07 PM, said:

And those 4 out of 5 noobs you speak of. . . They probably joined because they know they cannot be killed by your members any longer rather than your amazing generosity. I remember tipping off Shadowgenesis and her friend that you guys had logged on alts to hunt them in Natura when they could no longer train in normal areas in fear of being pked. I can't imagine why they would then join you for any other reason than fear. I know I can never see myself working with those who went out of their way to erase my hard work and ruin my day. Call me crazy. . .

Shera, on Apr 22 2011, 05:48 PM, said:

Autek, on Apr 22 2011, 04:41 PM, said:

Yeah that got way side tracked. I guess it is what it is - if people want to be pricks they will be pricks, there's nothing we can do. I tried though. :)

More on topic though, the whole point of shrinking the pk range is to promote fair fights. I think 5 levels is actually best the more I think about it, two below, equal, and two above.

And Shella, I can't imagine you'll find even one person, let alone three that would point their fingers at me and say that I'm ruining the game by sticking to myself minding my own business and on occasion helping my fellow clan members take down bosses. :wub:

Actually I think you are very much so trying to ruin the game...for some people. For the people that dont play the game exactly like you do, the ones that pk. You have repeatedly on this thread made statements that are untrue about said pkers. You said ppl only join OD because they are afraid, and btw if I were the ppl that you were talking about I'd be offended that you would think that pking would "make" them join our clan. Yes Piddy and I did log on 2 lvl 25 druids and go down to Natura, did we pk them, nope. Yes we did see them there yep but we didnt even log on the 25 druids to go pking...sorry to disappoint but we really do not spend all our time pking. Is slandering another clan because you do not like that clan a way to try and ruin the game for them......I would say a big H E L L ya.

*RANT ALERT* I am actually ashamed of some of you people right now. When Piddy was in Pande HE led clan trips a LOT, even clericing many of them because most other ppl didnt want to do it. He helped both Jay and Autek level and yet they both now seem to just want to bash him now that he's no longer in their clan, well shame on you both of being hypocrits (yes I MEAN hypocrits). The sad part is if either one of you asked him tomorrow to take you to level because no one else knew the way he'd do it it! He did it for Ed when no one in that clan would run his TTK trip cuz they didnt know the way. *end rant* I like that ppl play the game differently, it makes things more interesting!

I like the new areas and being able to craft a weapon is just awesome. I hope to see more crafting and more new areas dont hurt ;-) It was fun trying to find the area! I hope that people will focus more on the good things that are happening on nm, good things ARE happening ppl. Random Easter bunny woot! I cant wait for crafting to be better implimented into nm, I love crafting woot!

What have I said that is untrue? Aside from saying you were hunting Shadowgenesis and her friend, when in fact you guys just logged on druids to go run around Natura on a whim for a minute. . . :P

I said they PROBABLY joined you guys out of fear because I couldn't see any other reason why someone would want to join sides with someone who wasted their hard earned experience for no reason. I don't even know who Piddy is, I'm sure I would if he did in fact spend time helping me level. Since I've been back on 1-Alt I've farmed or bought all of my leveling items. I haven't needed tokens or anything of the sort. If he was one who sold them to me, I wouldn't call that going out of his way to help me. Regardless though, what has happened since then has burnt bridges and I want nothing to do with those people.

And I never once slammed your clan itself, I'm sorry if you took it that way, it was not intentional. There are some decent people in there and internally you guys might be the greatest co-op, help each other out clan of all time. This whole time what I've said has been aimed towards those who pk for no reason, which happen to for the most part be the people in charge of the clan. And everything I've said isn't necessarily aimed just at you guys. The same go for all the douchebags in Ring of Steel that only log on to sweep the server for pks, and even some people in Pandemonium and elsewhere.

If you think I'm ruining the game by condemning people for killing those who have done nothing to deserve it, I guess you have the right to think that. If you think I'm ruining the game by trying to promote evenly matched PvP fights, I guess you have the right to think that too. I vehemently disagree with you on both counts however.
Autek in game.

#131 Autek

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 01:46 AM

Characters closer together in level fighting is more fair than it is currently any way you look at it. Of course someone cowardly enough to get spelled ahead of time, slip in in hiding and attack someone unexpectedly will always have the advantage. At least the person will have a greater chance at having the opportunity to either fight back or flee rather than being clicked because they have an insignificant amount of HP being several levels below their attacker. If that isn't making things more fair than they already are, I don't know what would.

The best we can do is better balance the game and it's terms itself, and I agree, shoddy tactics will always give someone an advantage, but it shouldn't be absolute.
Autek in game.

#132 Shera

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 01:59 AM

I really wish you would reread what I said. I never said that you were trying to ruin the game by the things you said that I said. I said exactly what I meant and I said it to make a point, that by making certain ppl out to be villians and calling them names on the forums you are being no better then how you see them.

Shella made the point that ppl play the game differently, well she is correct (shocking I know ;-) ) and you are only thinking about it from your point of view. Yes you want the game to be one way, but the game was designed to be played NUMEROUS ways! I dont think that changing that would make anything better, I like the diversity and I think it's why a lot of ppl play it. You like to rp, well what if they are just rping an evil pker but are in fact very nice people? Cant have good without evil right? Well you see pkers are being evil so what balance would nm have if there were no pkers?

You obviously feel very passionate about how you feel about pkers, but there are always two-sides to every story and you only chose to hear one side.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#133 Amy

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 02:26 AM

Shera, on Apr 22 2011, 06:59 PM, said:

I really wish you would reread what I said. I never said that you were trying to ruin the game by the things you said that I said. I said exactly what I meant and I said it to make a point, that by making certain ppl out to be villians and calling them names on the forums you are being no better then how you see them.

Shella made the point that ppl play the game differently, well she is correct (shocking I know ;-) ) and you are only thinking about it from your point of view. Yes you want the game to be one way, but the game was designed to be played NUMEROUS ways! I dont think that changing that would make anything better, I like the diversity and I think it's why a lot of ppl play it. You like to rp, well what if they are just rping an evil pker but are in fact very nice people? Cant have good without evil right? Well you see pkers are being evil so what balance would nm have if there were no pkers?

You obviously feel very passionate about how you feel about pkers, but there are always two-sides to every story and you only chose to hear one side.

Honestly Shera, great point. although I don't pk, doesnt mean there shouldn't be "evil" characters that do.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#134 Autek

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 02:29 AM

Whether people are pricks or saints in real life doesn't matter in the world of Nightmist. Their actions paint them as cabbage scumbags in my book whether it's who they really are or they are simply role playing.

(I'd actually think it would be cool if it were, but true, good role playing wouldn't have the player attacking random pacifists for no reason, it would be someone constantly hunting their sworn enemies who had done them wrong. True role playing was never fully entrenched in Nightmist, only briefly by a select few people which were almost exclusively a part of Draco Honoris.)

Think about what the game needs. Sure areas and new items etc. would be nice for those of us already here, but to keep the game going realistically it's going to need some more players. These chronic pkers need to realize that for new people who are unhooked by this game and simply giving it a shot seeing an environment filled with these kind of people is unappealing. (And I guess I should say that maybe not all new people would be opposed to it, but I'm confident that 9 out of 10 would feel that way). Most people when they sign up for a multiplayer RPG are looking to join up with fellow adventurers and conquer whatever the realm has in store for it, not to attack each other repeatedly whenever the opportunity might come about.

I'd bet there are some other veteran players out there aside from just me who are looking at the game understanding that the bossing and adventuring that we play for is largely a thing of the past. We keep our fingers crossed that something will change and we'll have fun again, training and preparing in the meantime, but the constant unwarranted pking just keeps snipping at the last threads of what keeps us tied us to this game.
Autek in game.

#135 Silk

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 03:54 AM

ok im not gonna quote anyone this time cause its just obvious banter between folks
what i will say is this, there isnt nopk til 15, however lvl 1-3 nm arena lvl 4-15 you can suicide in swamps with almost every class and get to 15 unscathed, ive never been part of nor have ever seen someone hold a noobs macro as he/she runs from fox inn to vines, dies and repeats. low level pks used to be rampant on this server now not so much there are crits abounding lvl 24 and under with pk totals in the low teens or less
for example my elf fighter on 1a Gen_tavare has minimal pks and is level 25, the only reason hes got pks is cause someone came at me and i kept going back for more

Edit: Lvl 24 and OVER*

To Shera tho <3 but you said before you like pking best in SDG because the fights are better theres more tactic involved etc. shrinking levels to within 5 Could inspire the same outcome at higher levels, the problem being is SDG is SDG, if you arent already there you arent gonna get there before its all over unless it becomes a royal rumble.
places like LF for instance ppl can get there near instantly and theres no real help for it

I also agree thats the 5 levels would be ok sure people would work within the new parameters to pk just as well but in 1 on 1s if ppl have the fijoles to stay till the end it would make some (not all) fights more fun
Example of 5 levels thing Silk is lvl 34, mage X was lvl 30 (dunno aop or not) i didnt click it, granted i am a ling.... but if silk was 36 buh bye mage 99% of the time.

There will be NO help for people gettin 3 way "Bang Bang Tang'd" (thats chinese for lollipop'd)- Kman 11/04/22 b.c
but 1 v 1 id like to see it play out :P

Edited by Silk, 23 April 2011 - 03:57 AM.

#136 Autek

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 04:18 AM

Terron, on Apr 22 2011, 08:58 PM, said:

heres a game u should play on weekends.....roll a crit(woot 4 stat perf) log on ...skip tutorial...JLH grants you 5,000,000,000 EXP....You have increased to level 40 and gained xx hps....DAMN 3 from top hps ever......delete the crit ...repeat next month.....<nm as pansies want it.

Autek in game.

#137 Peacemaker

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 12:01 PM

All i got to say about the pking nowadays is LOL. If you think you got pked bad now then you dont know what being pked is like. You wanna know what its like to get pked everytime you go outside of town? Then lets go back to the days of Pandemonium vs Manifest Destiny or vs Dark Alliance at one time. Try going out of town when Walt was on. Or try going out of town when Rafa and Rob were in Dark alliance. Or i can even bring myself in this. Try being in Pandemonium when i was one of the only two founders that played for DA and see if at any of those three times in nm if you would get to train for very long without a message coming up saying you were assassinated. If you are complaining about pking now, then you have no drive. Get over it and train where you cant be found. I have a zerk and havent been pked once yet. Yet every once in a while i log on my thief and kill someone if they are playing around in the obvious places. Quit complaing and just play.
Peacemaker both servers.

#138 Trendkill

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 03:39 PM

If I never played...my zerk would never get pk'd either....

Autek has a very valid point. Also "Then lets go back to the days of Pandemonium vs Manifest Destiny or vs Dark Alliance"
We dont live in the fk'n ice age anymore so that has nothing to do with the topic "What does Nightmist need."

I get pk'd by Piddy from time to time and you can ask him....do i ever page him bitchin about it? No, in fact I even page him sayin GG. All Autek was saying is that people getting pk'd for no reason FAR AWAY FROM TOWN is frustrating when you lose that much xp that you just spent 2 hours getting. All he's saying is some people go far out of their way to pk people who "keep to themselves."

Pk'ing is part of the game and we all know that. Maybe i should go to gnolls and fail at pk'ing more.....

Pk'ing Autek is almost like pk'ing Shella....he bothers no one and tbh I've never seen him pk anyone lol.

Yea I pk from time to time but not often but when I get pk'd....do i complain about it? Its frustrating yes but no sense in bitching about it due to its part of the game. We dont live in the good ol' days where theres 10 active clans and many many players on more than 20 alts before they added the alt limit. Now we have what....2 active clans on each server and maybe average of 5-10 people on 1 alt and 2-3 people on Multi server? LMFAO!!!!!

Read Autek's posts with an open mind because im sure everyone understands his argument. Get pk'd on lvl 35+ character and see how much xp you lose and how long it will take you to get that xp back...especially if you keep to yourself. Frustrating but thats Autek's argument and is fully understandable.
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#139 Silk

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Posted 23 April 2011 - 05:39 PM

Maybe peple just pk because they are bored?
i know on nights we boss everyone is left alone unless we would happen to run in to someone at a boss

Maybe most of us are Bored because level 40 is just lvl 35 with a couple stam and some hp
truth is shrinking the pk range isnt gonna stop people from getting pked wether ur lvl 10 or lvl 40

This topic is about what we could to to this game to revive it, bring it back syatain it for years to come so we dont lose the game we love to play.

Manda is lvl 40 she logs on periodically to chat
Andy is lvl 39, yeah he'll probably be 40 but then what?

the problem is this regardless of pks, lack of bosses getting done, lack of cooperation, etc. After we all get to level 40 then what? do it again with a different class? theres really no point on 1a you only get to play one at a time.

what if the game was pk if we wanted to, but most of the time we chose not to pk.
(technically the game is this way now) give this a look and see if you think maybe it would bring server cooperation.


If the above happened would putting aside differences be worth it?

#140 Peacemaker

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Posted 24 April 2011 - 11:52 AM

All i can is laugh when i see the whole comment about going to gnolls to fail to pk more. I went on a lvl 33 zerk was low on pots and fought a lvl 30 zerk and lvl 30 ling druid, in which the zerk was my friend and started hitting me and i failed on the druid like 4 or 5 smites.On a side note i had a lvl 35 before you even actively played this server and i been pked on it plenty of times in my wars of when i was in DA vs Pandemonium. If you would like i can manage to get me another lvl 35 dwarf thief like i had then all decked out with my spyglass and covert running material and run around and click all your characters when they get in range. I myself am not an awesome zerk user, duh. Its a new class im trying out. I've done cleric, mage, druid, thief, paladin, and fighter. I say if you wanna get more people to play then stop changing the one alt server. Put it back to how it was in the beginning when it first came out and just leave the new areas. I dont see why things are even changed in the first place. It seems that changing and making lots and lots of log to locals on makes people play less and less cause its so much effort to get to some where you cant get to on your own. I think the idea behind it was to force people to be in a party everytime they went, but lets face it, some would just rather not waste the effort of asking others to go with them somewhere, instead just go to a place they can solo on their own. I mean this is considered one alt. Anywhere you can train a party on main it should be possible to train one alt on here within reason. I mean its the same concept. Its only one person whether 20 characters or one. Why not just put it back the way it was and let everyone do their own thing. Maybe tweak some stuff down a lil to give the playerbase more range so they dont have to worry about pks as much. Idk maybe throw in an event worth doing. Like triplex and all those other staff amulets that players just get to hold onto forever now since its never ran again. Make the playerbase happy. Instead of cutting off what everyone likes about the game.

Oh and one last thing. All you whiners whining about losing exp, man up and get over it. Get bigger get stronger fight back and get even or just quit if you dont got the sack to handle it. Thats the one thing that seperates most of us from the people that came on the game and tried it and quit. We got pked got mad and got bigger and better and got even or just strong enough that we werent messed with, or it just gave us drive to do more. Grow a pair, play the game, shut your pie holes, and lets work towards getting it back to how it was before.

Edited by Peacemaker, 24 April 2011 - 12:02 PM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#141 Silk

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Posted 24 April 2011 - 03:21 PM

During The server time (England, GMT) is 16:19:06 on 04-24-2011.
1 Alt server achieved serverwide cooperation in a golding trip

Online users: Beowulf, Gen_Tavare.


#142 Apocalypto

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Posted 24 April 2011 - 04:02 PM


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